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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2007

Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights in Colombia by
A Five Years' Residence In Buenos Ayres: During The Years 1820 To 1825 by Love, George Thomas
Garcia Moreno, President Of Ecuador 1821-1875 by Berthe, P. A.
Childhood In The Moslem World by Zwemer, Samuel M.
Five Years In Trinidad And St. Vincent V1: A View Of The Social Condition Of The White, Colored Population Of The West Indies by Carmichael, A. C.
Politics In Chile: Socialism, Authoritarianism, and Market Democracy by Oppenheim, Lois Hecht
Chile: The Making of a Republic, 1830 1865: Politics and Ideas by Collier, Simon, Simon, Collier
Cazadores-recolectores de altura en los Andes meridionales: El alto valle del río Atuel, Argentina by Neme, Gustavo
Olmec Archaeology Early Mesoamerica by Pool, Christopher
Olmec Archaeology and Early Mesoamerica by Pool, Christopher
Bolivar: The Life Of An Idealist by Ludwig, Emil
Simon Bolivar by Masur, Gerhard
Simon Bolivar: A Story Of Courage by Waugh, Elizabeth
The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave Trade by Horne, Gerald
Francisco Pizarro And The Conquest Of Peru by Smyth, Clifford
The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia by Dangl, Benjamin
Captain of the Andes: The Life of Jose de San Martin, Liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru by Harrison, Margaret H.
The Deepest South: The United States, Brazil, and the African Slave Trade by Horne, Gerald
Taphonomy and Zooarchaeology in Argentina by
Zooarqueología del sur de los valles Calchaquíes (Provincias de Catamarca y Tucumán, República Argentina) by Izeta, Adres D.
With Our Labor and Sweat: Indigenous Women and the Formation of Colonial Society in Peru, 1550-1700 by Graubart, Karen B.
The Accidental President of Brazil: A Memoir by Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
The Incas by Davies, Nigel
Punta del Este: Proyecto Alternativo de Desarrollo Para América Latina by Guevara, Ernesto Che
The Mexican War And Its Heroes: Being A Complete History Of The Mexican War, Embracing All The Operations Under Generals Taylor And Scott by Elliot Grigg & Co
The Marxism of Che Guevara: Philosophy, Economics, Revolutionary Warfare by Löwy, Michael
Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina: The Gray Zone of State Power by Auyero, Javier
Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina by Auyero, Javier
The Marxism of Che Guevara: Philosophy, Economics, Revolutionary Warfare by Löwy, Michael
Monuments, Empires, and Resistance by Dillehay, Tom D.
Blacks of the Rosary: Memory and History in Minas Gerais, Brazil by Kiddy, Elizabeth W.
Sin Patrón: Stories from Argentina's Worker-Run Factories by Lavaca Collective
Brazil - An Interpretation by Freyre, Gilberto
From Frontier Town to Metropolis: A History of Villavicencio, Colombia, since 1842 by Rausch, Jane M.
From Frontier Town to Metropolis: A History of Villavicencio, Colombia, since 1842 by Rausch, Jane M.
Legislative Institutions and Ideology in Chile by Londregan, John Benedict
Five Acres and Independence by Arancibia Clavel, Roberto, Kains, Maurice G.
Worcester In The Spanish War: Being The Stories During The War For The Liberation Of Cuba, May-November, 1898 by Roe, Alfred S.
The Flowing Road: Adventuring On The Great Rivers Of South America by Whitney, Caspar
New Granada: Twenty Months In The Andes by Holton, Isaac Farwell
The Ethnobotany of Pre-Columbian Peru by Towle, Margaret
People of the Volcano: Andean Counterpoint in the Colca Valley of Peru by Cook, Alexandra Parma, Cook, Noble David
The Mystery of the Long Heads: The Return of the Long Heads by Daniel, Al
Spanish and Empire by
South America: Past And Present by Bollo, Luis Cincinato
The Missionary Martyr Of Tierra Del Fuego: Being The Memoir Of Mr. J. Garland Phillips by Phillips, G. W.
Spain's Declining Power in South America, 1730-1806 by Moses, Bernard
Priest-Indian Conflict in Upper Peru: The Generation of Rebellion, 1750-1780 by Robins, Nicholas a.
Priest-Indian Conflict in Upper Peru: The Generation of Rebellion, 1750-1780 by Robins, Nicholas a.
The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States by Bergad, Laird W.
Comp Hist Slavery Brazil, Cuba & US by Bergad, Laird
The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 2: War and Diplomacy by Freedman, Lawrence
The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 1: The Origins of the Falklands War by Freedman, Lawrence
Making the Americas: The United States and Latin America from the Age of Revolutions to the Era of Globalization by O'Brien, Thomas F.
Domesticación del bosque en el Cauca medio colombiano entre el Pleistoceno final y el Holoceno medio by Aceituno, Francisco Javier, Loaiza, Nicolás
New Granada: Twenty Months In The Andes by Holton, Isaac Farwell
The Future Of South America by Babson, Roger W.
Salt in the Sand: Memory, Violence, and the Nation-State in Chile, 1890 to the Present by Frazier, Lessie Jo
Myths of Harmony: Race and Republicanism During the Age of Revolution, Colombia, 1795-1831 by Lasso, Marixa
Hugo Chávez by Kozloff, Nikolas
Tecnología y Sociedad - Biografía e Historia social de las Palas del Oasis de Tebenquiche Chico, Puna de Atacama, Primer Milenio d.C. by Gastaldi, Marcos Román
Paraguay and the United States: Distant Allies by Cooney, Jerry W., Mora, Frank O.
Brazil: A Global Studies Handbook by Edwards, Todd
I Foresee My Life: The Ritual Performance of Autobiography in an Amazonian Community by Oakdale, Oakdale, Suzanne
The Many Meanings of Poverty: Colonialism, Social Compacts, and Assistance in Eighteenth-Century Ecuador by Milton, Cynthia E.
Argentine Diary: The Inside Story of the Coming of Fascism by Josephs, Ray
Fantastic South America: Continent of the Future by Williams, Henry Lionel
A World on the Wane by Levi-Strauss, C.
Politics in Brazil 1930-1964: An Experiment in Democracy by Skidmore, Thomas E.
Resisting Brazil's Military Regime: An Account of the Battles of Sobral Pinto by Dulles, John W. F.
Revolutionary Horizons: Past and Present in Bolivian Politics by Thomson, Sinclair, Hylton, Forrest
Native Lords of Quito in the Age of the Incas: The Political Economy of North Andean Chiefdoms by Salomon, Frank
A Discontented Diaspora: Japanese Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960-1980 by Lesser, Jeffrey
Counting the Dead: The Culture and Politics of Human Rights Activism in Colombia Volume 18 by Tate, Winifred
Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina by Robben, Antonius C. G. M.
An Archaeology of the Oasis: Domesticity, Interaction, and Identity in Antofalla, Puna de Atacama, Argentina by Fabio Haber, Alejandro
Lines in the Sand: Nationalism and Identity on the Peruvian-Chilean Frontier by Skuban, William E.
Prehistoric Bronze In South America (1915) by Mead, Charles W.
Von Alterität, Anthropophagie und Missionierung. Der Einfluss der Jesuiten auf die kulturelle Identität Brasiliens in der Kolonialzeit (1549-1711). by Jaeckel, Volker
History Of The Anglo-Saxons by Palgrave, Francis
The Optic of the State: Visuality and Power in Argentina and Brazil by Andermann, Jens
Bush Versus Chávez: Washington's War on Venezuela by Golinger, Eva
History of the Incas and the Execution of the Inca Tupac Amaru by Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro
History of the Conquest of Peru by Prescott, William H.
History of the Incas and the Execution of the Inca Tupac Amaru by Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro
Bush Versus Chávez: Washington's War on Venezuela by Golinger, Eva
A Short History of the World by Wells, H. G.
Ecuador and the United States: Useful Strangers by Pineo, Ronn
Geschichte Altamerikas by Prem, Hanns J.
A Wandering Jew In Brazil: An Autobiography Of Solomon L. Ginsburg (1922) by Ginsburg, Solomon L.
Life In The Argentine Republic In The Days Of The Tyrants: Or Civilization And Barbarism (1868) by Sarmiento, Domingo F.
Around And About South America: Twenty Months Of Quest And Query (1897) by Vincent, Frank
Activist Faith: Grassroots Women in Democratic Brazil and Chile by Stewart-Gambino, Hannah, Drogus, Carol Ann
Y Pensbamos Que Ramos Los MS Arrechos!: Como Hacernos Ricos O Ahogarnos En El Petrleo by Vsquez, Nstor Ignacio
The Technical Imagination: Argentine Culture's Modern Dreams by Sarlo, Beatriz
Territories of History: Humanism, Rhetoric, and the Historical Imagination in the Early Chronicles of Spanish America by Beckjord, Sarah H.
The Impossible Dream by Moore, Stanley E.
Producción tecnológica y cambio social en sociedades agrícolas prehispánicas (Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina) by Fabra, Mariana