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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2011

Hillforts of the Ancient Andes: Colla Warfare, Society, and Landscape by Arkush, Elizabeth N.
Political Parties and Generations in Paraguay's Liberal Era, 1869-1940 by Lewis, Paul H.
Across the Pacific: From Ancient Asia to Precolombian America by Lemoy, Christian
Peruvian Rebel: The World of Magda Portal, with a Selection of Her Poems by Weaver, Kathleen
Violent Democratization: Social Movements, Elites, and Politics in Colombia's Rural War Zones, 1984-2008 by Carroll, Leah
The Fate of the Forest: Developers, Destroyers, and Defenders of the Amazon by Hecht, Susanna B., Cockburn, Alexander
Electoral Mobilization and Public Opinion: The Venezuela Campaign of 1973 by Martz, John D., Baloyra, Enrique a.
The Devil and Mr. Casement: One Man's Battle for Human Rights in South America's Heart of Darkness by Goodman, Jordan
Vivos bajo tierra (Buried Alive): La historia verdadera de los 33 mineros chilenos (The True Story of the 33 Chile an Miners) by Pino Toro, Manuel
From Foraging to Farming in the Andes by
Argentina's Radical Party and Popular Mobilization, 1916-1930 by Horowitz, Joel
Chile in Transition: The Poetics and Politics of Memory by Lazzara, Michael J.
Land, Protest, and Politics: The Landless Movement and the Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Brazil by Ondetti, Gabriel
Land and Dignity in Paraguay by Duckworth, Cheryl Lynn
South American Independence: Gender, Politics, Text by Davies, Catherine, Brewster, Claire, Owen, Hilary
Law of the Jungle: The Hunt for Colombian Guerrillas, American Hostages, and Buried Treasure by Otis, John
Please God, Be with Us by McAfee, Steven D.
The Ruins of the New Argentina: Peronism and the Remaking of San Juan after the 1944 Earthquake by Healey, Mark A.
B'aakal: Arqueología de la Región de Palenque, Chiapas, México: Temporadas 1996-2006 by
The Other West: Latin America from Invasion to Globalization Volume 14 by Carmagnani, Marcello
Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship by
The Other West: Latin America from Invasion to Globalization Volume 14 by Carmagnani, Marcello
Missionary Scientists: Jesuit Science in Spanish South America, 1570-1810 by Prieto, Andres I.
Brasil 2011-2014: DOS Proyectos En Conflicto by Aurélio Garcia, Marco, Sader, Emir
The Vigorous Core of Our Nationality: Race and Regional Identity in Northeastern Brazil by Blake, Stanley
The Nitrate King: A Biography of "colonel" John Thomas North by Edmundson, W.
The Nitrate King: A Biography of "colonel" John Thomas North by Edmundson, W.
Ancient Andean Political Economy by Stanish, Charles
From the Mines to the Streets: A Bolivian Activist's Life by Muruchi, Félix, Kohl, Benjamin H., Farthing, Linda C.
A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture, Revised and Updated with a New Epilogue by Feitlowitz, Marguerite
Ethnopolitics and Power Sharing in Guyana: History and Discourse by Hinds, David
From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of Evo Morales by Webber, Jeffery R.
The Allure of Labor: Workers, Race, and the Making of the Peruvian State by Drinot, Paulo
Culture and Customs of Bolivia by Galvàn, Javier
Brazilian Foreign Policy After the Cold War by Burges, Sean William
Enduring Conquests: Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas by
An Account of the Conquest of Peru by Sancho, Pedro
Terms of Inclusion: Black Intellectuals in Twentieth-Century Brazil by Alberto, Paulina L.
Voice and Vote: Decentralization and Participation in Post-Fujimori Peru by McNulty, Stephanie
Voice and Vote: Decentralization and Participation in Post-Fujimori Peru by McNulty, Stephanie
Workshop of Revolution: Plebeian Buenos Aires and the Atlantic World, 1776-1810 by Johnson, Lyman L.
Venus Oceanica: The Sexual Life Of South Sea Natives by Basedow, H., Roth, W. E.
The Generalas Slow Retreat: Chile After Pinochet by Spooner, Mary Helen
The General's Slow Retreat: Chile After Pinochet by Spooner, Mary Helen
The Farc: The Longest Insurgency by Leech, Garry
Laws of Chance: Brazil's Clandestine Lottery and the Making of Urban Public Life by Chazkel, Amy
Ulysses, Cannibals And Freemasons: A. D., V2, No. 3, Autumn, 1951 by Joyce, James, Albert, Leonard
Obsidians in the Valley of the Volcanoes, Peru by Wasilewski, Michal
Arqueología durante la Transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en Uruguay: Componentes Paleoindios, Organización de la Tecnología Lítica y Movilidad de los Pr by Suárez, Rafael
The Military and 'Democratisation' in the Gambia by Ceesay, Ebrima
Cape Horn by Riesenberg, Felix
San Martin: The Liberator by Metford, J. C. J.
Precarious Democracies: Understanding Regime Stability and Change in Colombia and Venezuela by Bejarano, Ana Maria
The Society of Equality: Popular Republicanism and Democracy in Santiago de Chile, 1818-1851 by Wood, James A.
The New Brazil by Roett, Riordan
The Epic Of The Chaco: Marshal Estigarribia's Memoirs Of The Chaco War, 1932-1935 by Estigarribia, Jose Felix
Between the Guerrillas and the State: The Cocalero Movement, Citizenship, and Identity in the Colombian Amazon by Ramírez, María Clemencia
A Brief History of Argentina by Brown, Jonathan C.
Citizens and Sportsmen: Fútbol and Politics in Twentieth-Century Chile by Elsey, Brenda
Historia Documentada del Descubrimiento de las Cuevas de los Tayos: Parte 1 by Peña Matheus, Gerardo
Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution by Gott, Richard
Cradle of Gold: The Story of Hiram Bingham, a Real-Life Indiana Jones, and the Search for Machu Picchu by Heaney, Christopher
Afghanistan: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture by Wilber, Donald N.
Post-Transitional Justice: Human Rights Trials in Chile and El Salvador by Collins, Cath
Un Estilo Y Su Epoca: El Caso de la Ceramica Famabalasto Negro Grabado del Noroeste Argentino by Palamarczuk, Valeria
Tying Headbands or Venus Appearing: New Translations of k'al, the Dresden Codex Venus Pages and Classic Period Royal 'Binding' Rituals by Aldana y. Villalobos, Gerardo
La producción de instrumental lítico en Tiwanaku / Stone Tool Production in the Tiwanaku Heartland: El impacto del surgimiento y expansión del estado by Giesso, Martín
Archaeological Evidence Of Pre-Spanish Visits To The Galapagos Islands: American Antiquity, V22, No. 2, Part 3, October, 1956 by Heyerdahl, Thor, Skjolsvold, Arne
The Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture in Buenos Aires, 1870-1950 by Armus, Diego
Travels in South America, During the Years, 1819-20-21 2 Volume Paperback Set: Containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and by Caldcleugh, Alexander
Travels in South America, During the Years, 1819 20 21: Containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chile by Caldcleugh, Alexander
Accounting for Violence: Marketing Memory in Latin America by
Natives Making Nation: Gender, Indigeneity, and the State in the Andes by
Argentina Ilustrada by Duviols, Jean Paul
A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies by de Las Casas, Bartolome, Gordons, Sara
A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies by de Las Casas, Bartolome
Variación Geográfica en la Morfología del Esqueleto Postcraneal de las Poblaciones Humanas de Pampa y Patagonia durante el Holoceno Tardío: Una Aproxi by Béguelin, Marien
La Mosca Azul: Reflexión Sobre El Poder En Brasil by Betto, Frei
Slavery, Freedom, and Abolition in Latin America and the Atlantic World by Schmidt-Nowara, Christopher
(Re)Considering Blackness in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian (Con)Texts by
A Socialist Empire: The Incas of Peru by Baudin, Louis
The Entry of Man Into the West Indies: Yale University Publications in Anthropology, No. 61 by Rouse, Irving
Rose Of The Andes: A Biography Of A Servant Of God, Laura Vicuna by Aronica, Paul
Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, Citizenship, and Mass Consumption by Elena, Eduardo
Primitive Modernities: Tango, Samba, and Nation by Garramuno, Florencia
A Voyage to South America 2 Volume Set: Describing at Large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, Etc. on That Extensive Continent by Ulloa, Antonio De
Max Uhle, 1856-1944: A Memoir Of The Father Of Peruvian Archaeology by Rowe, John Howland
America's First Marines: Gooch's American Regiment, 1740- 1742 by Offen, Lee G.
Deviant and Useful Citizens: The Cultural Production of the Female Body in Eighteenth-Century Peru by Melendez, Mariselle
Gods of the Andes: An Early Jesuit Account of Inca Religion and Andean Christianity by Hyland, Sabine
History of Colombia by Henao, Jesús María, Arrubla, Gerardo
The Lost Woodlands of Ancient Nasca: A Case-Study in Ecological and Cultural Collapse by Beresford-Jones, David
Remapping Bolivia: Resources, Territory, and Indigeneity in a Plurinational State by
Latinamericanism after 9/11 by Beverley, John
The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili: With Notes from the Spanish and French Versions and Appendix, Containig Copious Extracts from th by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio
Movilidad y uso del espacio de cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno tardío: Estudio de la variabilidad del registro tecnológico en distintos ambientes by Cassiodoro, Gisela
O Brazil Político: A História Contada No Senado, No Pão de Assucar E No Corcovado by Claro, Antonio
Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Neoliberal Paraguay by Hetherington, Kregg
An Arab's Journey to Colonial Spanish America: The Travels of Elias Al-Mûsili in the Seventeenth Century by
Versionen Montezumas: Lateinamerika in Der Historischen Imagination Des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit Dem Vollständigen Manuskript Von Oswald Spengl by Birkenmaier, Anke
Between Conformity and Resistance: Essays on Politics, Culture, and the State by Chauí, M.
Between Conformity and Resistance: Essays on Politics, Culture, and the State by Chauí, M.
A History of Argentina by Levene, Ricardo
The History of Brazil Under the Governorship of Count Johan Maurits of Nassau, 1636?1644 by Van Baerle, Caspar
Luz Arce and Pinochet's Chile: Testimony in the Aftermath of State Violence by
Campaña En El Ejercito Grande Aliado De Sud America Del Teniente Coronel D.f. Sarmiento: Primera Entrega... by Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
33 Men: Inside the Miraculous Survival and Dramatic Rescue of the Chilean Miners by Franklin, Jonathan
Frayer la route d'un monde inversé by Goepfert, Nicolas
People of Faith: Slavery and African Catholics in Eighteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro by Soares, Mariza De Carvalho
Cervantes Y La Crítica... by Urdaneta, Amenodoro
Latin American Studies: Critiques of Contemporary Cinema, Literatures, Politics and Revolution by Gallagher, David
Archaeological Evidence Of Pre-Spanish Visits To The Galapagos Islands: American Antiquity, V22, No. 2, Part 3, October, 1956 by Heyerdahl, Thor, Skjolsvold, Arne
Severo Sarduy and the Neo-Baroque Image of Thought in the Visual Arts by Pérez, Rolando
Good Neighbors: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Seventeen Other Countries by Herring, Hubert Clinton
The Women's Suffrage Movement and Feminism in Argentina from Roca to Perón by Hammond, Gregory
Otavalan Women, Ethnicity, and Globalization by D'Amico, Linda
The Wrath of God: Lope de Aguirre, Revolutionary of the Americas by Balkan, Evan L.
The Political Thought of Bolivar: Selected Writings by
Österreicher in den SS-Einsatzgruppen und SS-Brigaden: Die Tötungsaktionen in der Sowjetunion 1941-1942 by Fiala, Josef
Spiritual Turning Points of South American History by Morelli, Luigi
Revolution Before Breakfast: Argentina, 1941-1946 by Greenup, Ruth, Greenup, Leonard
Cocaine, Death Squads, and the War on Terror: U.S. Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia by Cottle, Drew, Villar, Oliver
Cocaine, Death Squads, and the War on Terror: U.S. Imperialism and Class Struggle in Colombia by Villar, Oliver, Cottle, Drew
Migration, Mining, and the African Diaspora: Guyana in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Josiah, B.
Migration, Mining, and the African Diaspora: Guyana in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Josiah, B.
City at the Center of the World: Space, History, and Modernity in Quito by Capello, Ernesto
The River Sea: The Amazon in History, Myth, and Legend by de Bruhl, Marshall
The South American Expeditions, 1540-1545 by Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar
Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador by
The Lettered Mountain: A Peruvian Village's Way with Writing by Salomon, Frank L.
El viento de las circunstancias: Materiales sobre literatura y otras expresiones culturales argentinas en el Buenos Aires de 1926 by Gasió, Guillermo
Sidonia's Thread: The Secrets of a Mother and Daughter Sewing a New Life in America by Marcus, Hanna Perlstein
La Cerámica Arqueológica en la Materialización de la Sociedad: Transformaciones, Metáforas y Reproducción Social by
A Vanished Arcadia: Being Some Accounts of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607-1767 by Graham, R. B. Cunningham
Arqueología ambiental del Holoceno Temprano y Medio en la Puna Seca argentina: Modelos paleoambientales multi-escalas y sus implicancias para la arque by Morales, Marcelo R.
Arqueología de la Puna Argentina: Perspectivas actuales en el estudio de la diversidad y el cambio cultural by
New Argentine Cinema by Andermann, Jens
La organización tecnológica en grupos cazadores recolectores desde las ocupaciones del Pleistoceno final al Holoceno tardío, en la Meseta Central de S by Skarbun, Fabiana
From State to Empire in the Prehistoric Jequetepeque Valley, Peru by
Forests and Fires: A Paleoethnobotanical Assessment of Craft Production Sustainability on the Peruvian North Coast (950-1050 C.E.) by Goldstein, David John