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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2012

Foreign Enterprise in Colombia: Laws and Policies by Wurfel, Seymour W.
The Return of Hans Staden: A Go-Between in the Atlantic World by Metcalf, Alida C., Duffy, Eve M.
The Rise of Post-Hegemonic Regionalism: The Case of Latin America by
Cleansing Honor with Blood: Masculinity, Violence, and Power in the Backlands of Northeast Brazil, 1845a 1889 by Santos, Martha
Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America ...... by Stedman, John Gabriel
The Hierarchies of Slavery in Santos, Brazil, 1822a 1888 by Read, Ian
Salt and the Colombian State: Local Society and Regional Monopoly in Boyaca, 1821-1900 by Rosenthal, Joshua
Tristes Tropiques by Levi-Strauss, Claude
The Ancient Andean Village: Marcaya in Prehispanic Nasca by Vaughn, Kevin J.
Bolivia's Radical Tradition: Permanent Revolution in the Andes by John, S. Sándor
The Incas by Morris, Craig, Von Hagen, Adriana
History of the conquest of Peru: with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. Volume 2 of 2 by Prescott, William Hickling
History of the conquest of Peru: with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. Volume 1 of 2 by Prescott, William Hickling
The History of Ecuador by Lauderbaugh, George
Brazil on the Rise by Rohter, Larry
Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times: The Quest for Autonomy from Sarney to Lula by Cepaluni, Gabriel, Vigevani, Tullo
The History Of Paraguay, Volume 1... by Washburn, Charles Ames
Latin America's Cold War by Brands, Hal
The Corner of the Living: Ayacucho on the Eve of the Shining Path Insurgency by La Serna, Miguel
The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili: With Notes from the Spanish and French Versions and Appendix, Containig Copious Extracts from th by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio
Exile and the Politics of Exclusion in the Americas by Roinger, Luis
Apostle of Brazil: The Biography of Padre Jose de Anchieta, 1534-1597 by Dominian, Helen G.
Caribbean Studies: A Symposium by
Historia De La Confederación Argentina: Rozas Y Su Época, Volume 4... by Saldías, Adolfo
Amanecer en La Higuera: Los secretos tras la muerte del Che Guevara by Cerrato, Rafael
Government And Politics Of Uruguay, V7: Tulane Studies In Political Science by Taylor, Philip Bates, Jr.
Culture Works: Space, Value, and Mobility Across the Neoliberal Americas by Dávila, Arlene
Culture Works: Space, Value, and Mobility Across the Neoliberal Americas by Dávila, Arlene
Bolivia: Refounding the Nation by Artaraz, Kepa
The Body of the Conquistador: Food, Race and the Colonial Experience in Spanish America, 1492 1700 by Earle, Rebecca
Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time by Adams, Mark
Les Incas, Ou La Destruction de l'Empire Du Pérou, (Éd.1851) by Marmontel, Jean-François
Mémoire Historique Sur La Décadence Et La Ruine Des Missions Des Jésuites (Éd.1864) by Arnaud, Jean-Baptiste-Édouard
Documents Pour l'Histoire d'Haïti. Révolutions de 1888-1889. Actes Des Trois Départements (Éd.1890) by Sans Auteur
L'Occulte Chez Les Aborigènes de l'Amérique Du Sud (Éd.1897) by Girgois, Henri
Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique, (Éd.1558) by Thevet, André
Le Brésil, Ou Histoire, Moeurs, Usages Et Coutumes Des Habitans de CE Royaume. Tome 1 (Éd.1822) by Taunay, Hippolyte
Histoire Du Nicaragua: Inédite (Éd.1840) by Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo
The Churches and Democracy in Brazil by Von Sinner, Rudolf
Patients of the State: The Politics of Waiting in Argentina by Auyero, Javier
The Churches and Democracy in Brazil: Towards a Public Theology Focused on Citizenship by Von Sinner, Rudolf
Long Live Atahualpa: Indigenous Politics, Justice, and Democracy in the Northern Andes by Cervone, Emma
And I, in My Turn, Will Pass It on: Knowledge Transmission Among the Kayapo by Murphy, Isabel I.
Culture of Class: Radio and Cinema in the Making of a Divided Argentina, 1920-1946 by Karush, Matthew B.
Bound Lives: Africans, Indians, and the Making of Race in Colonial Peru by O'Toole, Rachel Sarah
The Revolt of the Whip by Love, Joseph
The Revolt of the Whip by Love, Joseph
The Struggle for Power in Post-Independence Colombia and Venezuela by Brown, M.
Die koloniale Karibik by Müller, Gesine
Transition Cinema: Political Filmmaking and the Argentine Left since 1968 by Stites Mor, Jessica
St. Martin De Porres by Cushing, Richard
The Political Economy of Brazil: Public Policies in an Era of Transition by
Manuscrit Pictographique Américain: Notice Sur l'Idéographie Des Peaux-Rouges (Éd.1860) by Domenech, Emmanuel
Immigrants on the Land: Coffee and Society in São Paulo, 1886-1934 by Holloway, Thomas H.
Historical Dictionary of Colombia by Kline, Harvey F.
Power, Institutions, and Leadership in War and Peace: Lessons from Peru and Ecuador, 1995-1998 by Mares, David R., Palmer, David Scott
Le Brésil, Ou Histoire, Moeurs, Usages Et Coutumes Des Habitans de CE Royaume. Tome 3 (Éd.1822) by Taunay, Hippolyte
Étude Géographique, Statistique, Descriptive Et Historique Des États-Unis Mexicains (Éd.1889) by García Cubas, Antonio
Les Incas, Ou La Destruction de l'Empire Du Pérou (Éd.1777) by Marmontel, Jean-François
Expédition Du Mexique, 1861-1867: Récit Politique & Militaire (Éd.1874) by Niox, Gustave Léon
Un Peuple Noir Devant Les Peuples Blancs, Étude de Politique Et de Sociologie Comparées (Éd.1883) by Janvier, Louis-Joseph
Chez Nos Indiens, Quatre Années Dans La Guyane Française (1887-1891).(Éd.1893) by Coudreau, Henri
Voyage Historique de l'Amérique Méridionale Fait (Éd.1752) by Juan Y. Santacilia, Jorge
Voyage Historique de l'Amérique Méridionale Fait (Éd.1752) by Juan Y. Santacilia, Jorge
L'Empire du Brésil, monographie complète de l'Empire sud-américain (Éd.1862) by Baril, V. -L
Le Brésil (Éd.1856) by Reybaud, Charles
Le Brésil Contemporain: Races, Moeurs, Institutions, Paysages (Éd.1867) by Assier, Adolphe D'
The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili - Volume 1 by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio
The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili - Volume 2 by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio
The Post-Dictatorship Generation in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay: Collective Memory and Cultural Production by Ros, A.
The Post-Dictatorship Generation in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay: Collective Memory and Cultural Production by Ros, A.
Los Hombres de Matasiete: Fondo Editorial Rosauro Rosa Acosta by Rosa Acosta, Rosauro
Pedro de Valdivia: Conquistador of Chile by Vernon, Ida Stevenson Weldon
Los Hombres del 4 de Mayo by Rosa Acosta, Rosauro
Heroínas Margariteñas by Rosa Acosta, Rosauro
Maya and Castil Ntravels in the Lands of the Maya by Crosfield, Richard
Mutis: El sabio de Cadiz by Cerrato, Rafael
Like Moonlight on Snow: The Life of Simon Iturri Patino by Hewlett, John
México 2010: Kultur in Bewegung - Mythen Auf Dem Prüfstand by
Amácio Mazzaropi in the Film and Culture of Brazil: After Cinema Novo by Bueno, E.
Mining for the Nation: The Politics of Chile's Coal Communities from the Popular Front to the Cold War by Pavilack, Jody
History's Peru: The Poetics of Colonial and Postcolonial Historiography by Thurner, Mark
In the Name of Reason: Technocrats and Politics in Chile by Silva, Patricio
Shadows of Empire: The Indian Nobility of Cusco, 1750 1825 by Garrett, David T.
Beauty and the Beast by Taussig, Michael
Power, Culture, and Violence in the Andes by
Head Hunters of the Amazon (Annotated edition) by Up De Graff, Fritz W.
Mussolini's National Project in Argentina by Aliano, David
Ferrocarriles Argentinos: Crónica del Saqueo Y La Resistencia by Vecchi, Roberto Manuel
Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina by Sitrin, Marina A.
Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina by Sitrin, Marina A.
Copper Workers, International Business, and Domestic Politics in Cold War Chile by Vergara, Angela
A Short History Of Cambodia From The Days Of Angkor To The Present by Herz, Martin Florian
Neoliberalism's Fractured Showcase: Another Chile Is Possible by
Food, Power, and Resistance in the Andes: Exploring Quechua Verbal and Visual Narratives by Krögel, Alison
Andean Archaeology I: Variations in Sociopolitical Organization by
Transformations and Crisis of Liberalism in Argentina, 1930-1955 by Nállim, Jorge A.
Formation of Souls: Imagery of the Republic in Brazil by Carvalho, José Murilo de
Pachakutik: Indigenous Movements and Electoral Politics in Ecuador by Becker, Marc
Monuments, Empires, and Resistance: The Araucanian Polity and Ritual Narratives by Dillehay, Tom D.
George Kiefer and the Necropolis of Ancon by Jacobs, Linda Jeanne
History of Brazil - Volume 1 by Southey, Robert
History of Brazil - Volume 2 by Southey, Robert
History of Brazil - Volume 3 by Southey, Robert
Roots of Brazil by Buarque de Holanda, Sérgio
Contemporary Latin America: 1970 to the Present by Holden, Robert H., Villars, Rina
Ancient Alterity in the Andes: A Recognition of Others by Lau, George F.
Ancient Alterity in the Andes: A Recognition of Others by Lau, George F.
Afterlives of Confinement: Spatial Transitions in Postdictatorship Latin America by Draper, Susana
War Without Borders: The Colombia-Ecuador Crisis of 2008 by Marcella, Gabriel
Faces of Latin America by Green, Duncan
Faces of Latin America by Green, Duncan
A Future for Amazonia: Randy Borman and Cofán Environmental Politics by Cepek, Michael L.
Vertical Empire: The General Resettlement of Indians in the Colonial Andes by Mumford, Jeremy Ravi
Neobaroque in the Americas: Alternative Modernities in Literature, Visual Art, and Film by Kaup, Monika
Neobaroque in the Americas: Alternative Modernities in Literature, Visual Art, and Film by Kaup, Monika
Coyame a History of the American Settler by Natera, Francisco Javier Morales
Coyame a History of the American Settler by Natera, Francisco Javier Morales
Coyame Es Mi Pueblo by Natera, Francisco Javier Morales
Coyame Es Mi Pueblo by Natera, Francisco Javier Morales
Mobilizing Bolivia's Displaced: Indigenous Politics and the Struggle over Land by Fabricant, Nicole
Islands in the Rainforest: Landscape Management in Pre-Columbian Amazonia by Rostain, Stéphen
Resistance, Rebellion Andean World by Stern, Steve J.
War in Paraguay by Thompson, George
Consent of the Damned: Ordinary Argentinians in the Dirty War by Sheinin, David M. K.
Americans All: Good Neighbor Cultural Diplomacy in World War II by Sadlier, Darlene J.
Los idealistas con entusiasmo: Una investigación sobre los miembros del GOU. Sus fojas de servicios en el Ejército Argentino by Gasió, Guillermo
La timba como rito de pasaje: La narrativa del juego en la construcción de la modernidad porteña (Buenos Aires, 1900-1935) by Cecchi, Ana
El vínculo de unión: Ejército, Policía y Pueblo en los orígenes del Peronismo by Gasió, Guillermo
Last of the Tribe by Reel, Monte
Chavez's Children: Ideology, Education, and Society in Latin America by Anselmi, Manuel
Painful Birth: How Chile Became a Free and Prosperous Society by Edwards, James Rolph
The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru: Volume III: The Figurines of the South Coast the Highlands and the Selva by Morgan, Alexandra
The Paraguay Reader: History, Culture, Politics by