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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2014

Obras by Mariategui, José Carlos
Regional Archaeology in the Inca Heartland: The Hanan Cuzco Surveys Volume 55 by
Exile and the Politics of Exclusion in the Americas by Roinger, Luis
Notas biográficas by Güiraldes, Ricardo
Don Juan Facundo Quiroga by Anónimo
Major Problems in Latina/O History by Valerio-Jimenez, Omar, Whalen, Carmen
El cine politico militante en la Argentina (1966-1976) by Bracco, Roberto Daniel
Angola in the Black Cultural Expressions of Brazil by Kubik, Gerhard
Latin American Unification: A History of Political and Economic Integration Efforts by Rivera, Salvador
Arruda by Do Carmo, Evan
Joaquim Roriz by Do Carmo, Evan
Buying into the Regime: Grapes and Consumption in Cold War Chile and the United States by Tinsman, Heidi
Buying into the Regime: Grapes and Consumption in Cold War Chile and the United States by Tinsman, Heidi
Spanish King of the Incas: The Epic Life of Pedro Bohorques by Lorandi, Ana María
Cabo Patricio by Do Carmo, Evan
Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro by McCann, Bryan
Hard Times in the Marvelous City: From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro by McCann, Bryan
Son Nuestras: Una reivindicación pendiente y posible..... by Altomonte, Julio Carlos
Cheddi Jagan and the Politics of Power: British Guiana's Struggle for Independence by Palmer, Colin a.
Allende's Chile and the Inter-American Cold War by Harmer, Tanya
Fuego amigo: El ejército y el poder presidencial en Argentina (1880-1912) by Quinterno, Hugo
The Ideal of the Practical: Colombia's Struggle to Form a Technical Elite by Safford, Frank
Subordinarlos, someterlos y sujetarlos al orden: Rosas y los indios amigos de Buenos Aires entre 1829 y 1855 by Cutrera, María Laura
Cuzco: Eclipse of the Sun by Bernard, R. Scott
Arqueometalurgia de un naufragio del siglo XVIII: La corbeta de guerra HMS Swift (1770), Puerto Deseado provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia) by Ciarlo, Nicolás C.
The Economic Organization of Early Camelid Pastoralism in the Andean Highlands of Bolivia by Capriles, José M.
Native Brazil: Beyond the Convert and the Cannibal, 1500-1900 by
The Body of the Conquistador by Earle, Rebecca
Brazil in Twenty-First Century Popular Media: Culture, Politics, and Nationalism on the World Stage by
Art from a Fractured Past: Memory and Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru by
Art from a Fractured Past: Memory and Truth-Telling in Post-Shining Path Peru by
Becoming the Tupamaros: Solidarity and Transnational Revolutionaries in Uruguay and the United States by Churchill, Lindsey
The Rise of Post-Hegemonic Regionalism: The Case of Latin America by
Comandante: Hugo Chávez's Venezuela by Carroll, Rory
A Short History of the World by Wells, H. G.
Earth Politics: Religion, Decolonization, and Bolivia's Indigenous Intellectuals by Ari, Waskar
Earth Politics: Religion, Decolonization, and Bolivia's Indigenous Intellectuals by Ari, Waskar
Cities From Scratch: Poverty and Informality in Urban Latin America by
Cities From Scratch: Poverty and Informality in Urban Latin America by
Rights of Way to Brasília Teimosa: The Politics of Squatter Settlement by Fortin, Charles J.
A Short History of the World by Wells, H. G.
Women and Gender in Modern Latin America: Historical Sources and Interpretations by
Juan Gregorio Palechor: The Story of My Life by Jimeno, Myriam
People's History of Latin America by Horna, Hernn, Horna, Hernaan
Extensions of African Cultures in Brazil by Kubik, Gerhard
British Trade with Spanish America, 1763-1808 by Pearce, Adrian J.
Argentina's Partisan Past: Nationalism and the Politics of History by Goebel, Michael
The Future of South America by Babson, Roger W.
Argentina's Angel by Hackl, Erich
Islands in the Rainforest: Landscape Management in Pre-Columbian Amazonia by Rostain, Stéphen
Hunting Che: How a U.S. Special Forces Team Helped Capture the World's Most Famous Revolution ary by Maurer, Kevin, Weiss, Mitch
The Disappearing Mestizo: Configuring Difference in the Colonial New Kingdom of Granada by Rappaport, Joanne
The Disappearing Mestizo: Configuring Difference in the Colonial New Kingdom of Granada by Rappaport, Joanne
Bolivar: American Liberator by Arana, Marie
Die Neue Welt 1492-1992: Indianer Zwischen Unterdrückung Und Widerstand by Seiler, Baer, Hammacher
Peru and the United States, 1960-1975: How Their Ambassadors Managed Foreign Relations in a Turbulent Era by Walter, Richard J.
La Frontera: Forests and Ecological Conflict in Chile's Frontier Territory by Klubock, Thomas Miller
La Frontera: Forests and Ecological Conflict in Chile's Frontier Territory by Klubock, Thomas Miller
Indigenous Intellectuals: Knowledge, Power, and Colonial Culture in Mexico and the Andes by
Indigenous Intellectuals: Knowledge, Power, and Colonial Culture in Mexico and the Andes by
The Bishop's Utopia: Envisioning Improvement in Colonial Peru by Soule, Emily Berquist
Socio-Political Strategies among the Maya from the Classic Period to the Present by
Water Folk: Reconstructing an Ancient Aquatic Lifeway in Michoacán, Western Mexico by Williams, Eduardo
The Age of Youth in Argentina: Culture, Politics, and Sexuality from Perón to Videla by Manzano, Valeria
Peruvian Archaeology: A Critical History by Tantaleán, Henry
Origenes del Constitucionalismo Moderno En Hispanoamerica. Colecci'on Tratado de Derecho Constitucional, Tomo II by Brewer-Carias, Allan R.
The Militant Song Movement in Latin America: Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina by
The Robin Hood Guerrillas: The Epic Journey of Uruguay's Tupamaros by Brum, Pablo
From Development to Dictatorship by Field, Thomas C.
Historical Dictionary of South American Cinema by Rist, Peter H.
Queen for a Day: Transformistas, Beauty Queens, and the Performance of Femininity in Venezuela by Ochoa, Marcia
Walking in the Clouds - Colombia Through the Eyes of a Gringo by Kastre, Michael F.
The Argentine Silent Majority: Middle Classes, Politics, Violence, and Memory in the Seventies by Carassai, Sebastián
The Argentine Silent Majority: Middle Classes, Politics, Violence, and Memory in the Seventies by Carassai, Sebastián
Artefactos Líticos, Movilidad y Funcionalidad de Sitios: Problemas y Perspectivas. Lithic Artefacts, Mobility and Site Functionality: Problems and Per by
The Incas by D'Altroy, Terence N.
Sin and Confession in Colonial Peru: Spanish-Quechua Penitential Texts, 1560-1650 by Harrison, Regina
Brazil: The Fortunes of War: World War II and the Making of Modern Brazil by Lochery, Neill
Constructing Twenty-First Century Socialism in Latin America: The Role of Radical Education by Motta, S., Cole, M.
Constructing Twenty-First Century Socialism in Latin America: The Role of Radical Education by Cole, M., Motta, S.
The Cambridge History of Latin America: Volume 9, Brazil Since 1930 by
The Legacy of Dutch Brazil by
South America on the Eve of Emancipation: The Southern Spanish Colonies in the Last Half-Century of their Dependence by Moses, Bernard
The Guaraní and Their Missions: A Socioeconomic History by Sarreal, Julia J. S.
The Country of Football: Soccer and the Making of Modern Brazil Volume 2 by Kittleson, Roger
The Country of Football: Soccer and the Making of Modern Brazil Volume 2 by Kittleson, Roger
Colombia and World War I: The Experience of a Neutral Latin American Nation during the Great War and Its Aftermath, 1914-1921 by Rausch, Jane M.
Hunter-Gatherers from a High-Elevation Desert: People of the Salt Puna: Northwest Argentina by
Pit and Groove Work among the Olmec-style Monuments of the Gulf Coast Lowlands by Lambert, Arnaud F.
Amazonian Routes: Indigenous Mobility and Colonial Communities in Northern Brazil by Roller, Heather F.
The New Brazil: Regional Imperialism and the New Democracy by
Rivalry and Alliance Politics in Cold War Latin America by Darnton, Christopher
A Reference Grammar of Kotiria (Wanano) by Stenzel, Kristine
Rights of Way to Brasília Teimosa: The Politics of Squatter Settlement by Fortin, Charles J.
de Fidel Castro a la Integración Latinoamericana: Visión Íntegra de América Tomo 3 by Prieto, Alberto
América: Conformación Colonialista: Visión Íntegra de América Tomo 1 by Prieto, Alberto
de la Independencia Anticolonial a la Dominación Imperialista: Visión Íntegra de América Tomo 2 by Prieto, Alberto
Solución Política Y Proceso de Paz En Colombia: A Propósito de Los Diálogos Entre El Gobierno Y Las Farc-Ep by
Insurgencias, Diálogos Y Negociaciones: Centroamérica, Chiapas Y Colombia by
Traceology Today: Methodological Issues in the Old World and the Americas by
A Year In Brazil: With Notes On The Abolition Of Slavery, The Finances Of The Empire, Religion, Meteorology, Natural History, Etc. by Dent, Hastings Charles
The Civil Wars in Chile: (Or the Bourgeois Revolutions That Never Were) by Zeitlin, Maurice
Lukurmata: Household Archaeology in Prehispanic Bolivia by Bermann, Marc
The Middle East and Brazil: Perspectives on the New Global South by Haddad, Bassam, Bayoumi, Moustafa, Naber, Nadine
The Middle East and Brazil: Perspectives on the New Global South by Haddad, Bassam, Bayoumi, Moustafa, Naber, Nadine
The Extirpation of Idolatry in Peru by De Arriaga, Pablo Joseph
El síndrome de la Revolución Libertadora: La iglesia contra el justicialismo by Frigerio, José Oscar
Paises Guay: El Uruguay es el Paraguay atlántico y el Paraguay es el Uruguay de los trópicos by Pastorino, Hebert
U.S. Foreign Policy and Peru by Sharp, Daniel a.
Bantu Contribution in Brazilian Popular Music: Ethnomusicological Perspectives by Mukuna, Kazadi Wa
Minha História do Brasil: (versão não oficial) by Pinho, Paulo De Faria
Lessons from Latin America: Innovations in Politics, Culture, and Development by Arocena, Felipe, Bowman, Kirk
Yerba Mate: The Tea of South America (1916) by The Pan American Union
Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants: Or Civilization and Barbarism (1868) by Sarmiento, Domingo F.
The War in Paraguay: With a Historical Sketch of the Country and Its People and Notes Upon the Military Engineering of the War by Thompson, George
Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants: Or Civilization and Barbarism (1868) by Sarmiento, Domingo F.
A Concise History of Brazil by Fausto, Boris
A Concise History of Brazil by Fausto, Boris
The Work of Recognition: Caribbean Colombia and the Postemancipation Struggle for Citizenship by McGraw, Jason
The Origins of Bourbon Reform in Spanish South America, 1700-1763 by Pearce, A.
Rubble: The Afterlife of Destruction by Gordillo, Gastón R.
The Origins of Bourbon Reform in Spanish South America, 1700-1763 by Pearce, A.
Rubble: The Afterlife of Destruction by Gordillo, Gastón R.
Rhythms of the Pachakuti: Indigenous Uprising and State Power in Bolivia by Gutiérrez Aguilar, Raquel
Rhythms of the Pachakuti: Indigenous Uprising and State Power in Bolivia by Gutiérrez Aguilar, Raquel
Through the Brazilian Wilderness by Roosevelt, Theodore
A Short History of Brazil: From Pre-Colonial Peoples to Modern Economic Miracle by Kerr, Gordon
The British Government and the Falkland Islands, 1974-79 by Donaghy, A.
Rio de Janeiro: Urban Life Through the Eyes of the City by Jaguaribe, Beatriz
Upriver: The Turbulent Life and Times of an Amazonian People by Brown, Michael F.
A Damn Close-Run Thing (Large Print): A Brief History Of The Falklands Conflict (Large Print Edition) by Phillips, Russell
SOS Venezuela: El Desengaño del Chavismo by Mata Guzmán, Gabriel
Resource Extraction and Protest in Peru by Arce, Moisés
Misas herejes by Carriego, Evaristo
Recuerdos de un hacendado by Daireaux, Godofredo
Go home: Intervenciones de la CIA y los Marines en America Latina by Berenstein, Fabian
Historia de la República del Ecuador Tomo I by Gonzalez Suarez, Federico
The Vanguard of the Atlantic World: Creating Modernity, Nation, and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Latin America by Sanders, James E.
From Foraging to Farming in the Andes by
Black Saint of the Americas by Cussen, Celia
A History of Family Planning in Twentieth-Century Peru by Necochea López, Raúl
Journeys in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema: Road Films in a Global Era by Pinazza, Natalia
Journeys in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema: Road Films in a Global Era by Pinazza, Natalia
The Invention of the Brazilian Northeast by Albuquerque, Durval Muniz de, Jr.
The Invention of the Brazilian Northeast by Albuquerque, Durval Muniz de, Jr.
Behold the Black Caiman: A Chronicle of Ayoreo Life by Bessire, Lucas
Historias Marineras y Algo Más... by Lanz-Castellano, Julio Cesar
Expedición al Génesis by Cancino, Jorge
Fluent Selves: Autobiography, Person, and History in Lowland South America by
The Unfinished Song of Francisco Urondo: When Poetry is Not Enough by Fontanet, Hernan
Legacy of the Lash: Race and Corporal Punishment in the Brazilian Navy and the Atlantic World by Rediker, Marcus, Morgan, Zachary R.
To Belém & Back: Backroads Brazil with my Black Lab by Batchelder, Ben
South America by Butterworth, Hezekiah
Dictionary of Latin American Cultural Studies by
The Temple of the Andes by Inwards, Richard
Physical, Chemical and Biological Markers in Argentine Archaeology: Theory, Methods and Applications by
The History of Argentina by Lewis, Daniel K.
Porous City: A Cultural History of Rio de Janeiro by Carvalho, Bruno
Aurality: Listening and Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Colombia by Ochoa Gautier, Ana María
Upper Perené Arawak Narratives of History, Landscape, and Ritual by Mihas, Elena
Paulo Freire and the Cold War Politics of Literacy by KirKendall, Andrew J.
Aurality: Listening and Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Colombia by Ochoa Gautier, Ana María
Resistencia: The Peoples of Latin America, Los Pueblos de America Latina by
Memory and Transitional Justice in Argentina and Uruguay: Against Impunity by Lessa, Francesca
Impunity, Human Rights, and Democracy: Chile and Argentina, 1990-2005 by Wright, Thomas C.
With the Saraguros: The Blended Life in a Transnational World by Syring, David
Rocha's Treasure of Potosi by Staff, Fred
Guerra no Paraguai by Thompson, George
Chaupisawakasi y la formación del estado Pukara (400 a.C. - 350 d.C.) en la Cuenca norte del Titicaca, Perú by Zapata Benites, Carlos, Tantaleán, Henry
The Washington Dissensus: A Privileged Observer's Perspective on US-Brazil Relations by Barbosa, Rubens
The Washington Dissensus: A Privileged Observer's Perspective on US-Brazil Relations by Barbosa, Rubens
Spiritual Currency in Northeast Brazil by King, Lindsey
Glimpses of a Global Life by Ramphal, Shridath
The Fortress of Salvador: in Colonial Brazil by Coelho Filho, Luiz Walter
Royal Commentaries of the Incas and General History of Peru, Part Two by Garcilaso de la Vega
The Getulio Vargas Era: 1930-1945 by Bendig, Ana Paula
La rebelion criolla de Oruro fue juzgada en Buenos Aires: (1781-1801) by Frigerio, José Oscar
Armies, Politics and Revolution: Chile, 1808-1826 by Cruz, Juan Luis Ossa Santa