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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2015

Kourou and the Struggle for a French America by Godfroy, M.
Garcia Moreno: Le Héros Martyr by Berthe, Augustine
A History of the Argentine Republic by Kirkpatrick, F. A.
For a Proper Home: Housing Rights in the Margins of Urban Chile, 1960-2010 by Murphy, Edward
Negotiated Settlements: Andean Communities and Landscapes Under Inka and Spanish Colonialism by Wernke, Steven A.
La siniestra Triple A: Antesala del infierno en la Argentina by Glasman, Gabriel
Cinema, Slavery, and Brazilian Nationalism by Gordon, Richard A.
Comentarios Reales by Garcilaso de La Vega, Inca
Rio: The Story of the Marvelous City by Morton, Orde
Rio: The Story of the Marvelous City by Morton, Orde
Social Urbanism and the Politics of Violence: The Medellín Miracle by MacLean, K.
Seeking John Campbell: Finding pioneers and patriots in the pampas by Daffurn, John
Return to Sender: The Moral Economy of Peru's Migrant Remittances by Paerregaard, Karsten
Return to Sender: The Moral Economy of Peru's Migrant Remittances by Paerregaard, Karsten
Reagan and Pinochet by Morley, Morris, McGillion, Chris
Indians of the Andes: Aymaras and Quechuas by Osborne, Harold
The True History of His Captivity 1557: Hans Staden by Staden, Hans
Reagan and Pinochet by Morley, Morris, McGillion, Chris
An Account of the Conquest of Peru by Sancho, Pedro
The Women of Colonial Latin America by Socolow, Susan Migden
The Discovery of Guiana by Raleigh, Sir Walter
The Ongoing Columbian Exchange: Stories of Biological and Economic Transfer in World History by Cumo, Christopher
Funerary Practices and Models in the Ancient Andes by
Carib Indian by Magers, Rick
The Color of Modernity: São Paulo and the Making of Race and Nation in Brazil by Weinstein, Barbara
The Color of Modernity: São Paulo and the Making of Race and Nation in Brazil by Weinstein, Barbara
Tradiciones Peruanas by Palma, Ricardo
Recuerdos de Un Hacendado by Daireaux, Godofredo
Plebeian Power: Collective Action and Indigenous, Working-Class and Popular Identities in Bolivia by Linera, Álvaro García
El fruto del árbol envenenado: La constituyente como excusa para matar al estado democrático by Ramírez López, Carlos
El fruto del árbol envenenado: La constituyente como excusa para matar al estado democrático by Ramírez López, Carlos
Painful Birth: How Chile Became a Free and Prosperous Society by Edwards, James Rolph
Carta de Jamaica by Bolivar, Sim
Juan Larrea Holguín: La Amistad, La Universidad Y La Investigación by Riofrio, Juan Carlos
El Ejercito de la Libertad: Vida y asesinato de Cordova by Bahamon Dussan, Mario
Brazilian Theater, 1970-2010: Essays on History, Politics and Artistic Experimentation by
Chavez's Children: Ideology, Education, and Society in Latin America by Anselmi, Manuel
Agricultura regadío y molienda en una capital inkaica: Los sitios El Shincal y Los Colorados, Noroeste Argentino by Giovannetti, Marco Antonio
Variación Esqueletal Humana y Contexto Arqueológico: Evaluación de Marcadores de Edad y Sexo en Colecciones Osteológicas del Noroeste Argentino by Barboza, María Carolina
Elongated Skulls of Peru and Bolivia: The Path of Viracocha by Foerster, Brien
Kourou and the Struggle for a French America by Godfroy, M.
Fidel's Dauphin: The secret history of Hugo Chavez and the February 4th Coup d'état by Penaloza, Carlos
Dragon in the Tropics: Venezuela and the Legacy of Hugo Chavez by Corrales, Javier, Penfold, Michael
When Rains Became Floods: A Child Soldier's Story by Gavilán Sánchez, Lurgio
Risky Invasions: Decisions Made by the Argentine Junta Regarding Disputed Islands, 1978-1982 by Naval Postgraduate School
Punishment in Paradise: Race, Slavery, Human Rights, and a Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Penal Colony by Beattie, Peter M.
The Druids: A Study in Keltic Prehistory by Kendrick, T. D.
Punishment in Paradise: Race, Slavery, Human Rights, and a Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Penal Colony by Beattie, Peter M.
Unearthing Conflict: Corporate Mining, Activism, and Expertise in Peru by Li, Fabiana
Unearthing Conflict: Corporate Mining, Activism, and Expertise in Peru by Li, Fabiana
Bruno: Conversations with a Brazilian Drug Dealer by Gay, Robert
Bruno: Conversations with a Brazilian Drug Dealer by Gay, Robert
State Theory and Andean Politics: New Approaches to the Study of Rule by
The End of the Rainy Season: Discovering My Family's Hidden Past in Brazil by Lindberg, Marian
Rainforest Cowboys: The Rise of Ranching and Cattle Culture in Western Amazonia by Hoelle, Jeffrey
Memoria de la Venezuela Enferma 2013-2014 by Aguiar, Asdrúbal
Un estudio acerca del uso del espacio en arqueología de sitios históricos. 'Corrales de Indios' y Rastrilladas: un análisis interregional by Bognanni, Fabián Alejandro
Chilean New Song: The Political Power of Music, 1960s - 1973 by McSherry, J. Patrice
Venezuela: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Tinker Salas, Miguel
Venezuela: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Tinker Salas, Miguel
Vitcos: The Last Inca Capital by Bingham, Hiram
Modernismo no Rio de Janeiro by Velloso, Monica Pimenta
Challenging Social Inequality: The Landless Rural Workers Movement and Agrarian Reform in Brazil by
Roads: An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise by Harvey, Penny, Knox, Hannah
Roads: An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise by Harvey, Penny, Knox, Hannah
Families in War and Peace: Chile from Colony to Nation by Chambers, Sarah C.
Families in War and Peace: Chile from Colony to Nation by Chambers, Sarah C.
Art and Vision in the Inca Empire by Herring, Adam
Machado de Assis: A Literary Life by Jackson, K. David
Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México: Sylvanus G. Morley 1946 by
Virtual Orientalism in Brazilian Culture by King, E.
Patagonia in Photos by
Lula, the Workers' Party and the Governability Dilemma in Brazil by Gómez Bruera, Hernán F.
Revolt of the Saints: Memory and Redemption in the Twilight of Brazilian Racial Democracy by Collins, John F.
Revolt of the Saints: Memory and Redemption in the Twilight of Brazilian Racial Democracy by Collins, John F.
Global Pulls on the Korean Communities in Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires by Yoon, Won K.
The Truman Administration and Bolivia: Making the World Safe for Liberal Constitutional Oligarchy by Dorn, Glenn J.
Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse by
Historical Dictionary of Paraguay by Nickson, R. Andrew
The African Experience in Spanish America by Rout, Leslie B., Jr.
The Salt of the Earth: Ethnoarchaeology of Salt Production in Michoacán, Western Mexico by Williams, Eduardo
The Anatomy of National Revolution: Bolivia in the 20th Century by Kula, Marcin
Argentina: A Modern History by Hedges, Jill
Andean Waterways: Resource Politics in Highland Peru by Rasmussen, Mattias Borg
At Home with the Sapa Inca: Architecture, Space, and Legacy at Chinchero by Nair, Stella
Keen's Latin American Civilization, Volume 1: A Primary Source Reader, Volume One: The Colonial Era by Buffington, Robert M.
Keen's Latin American Civilization, Volume 2: A Primary Source Reader, Volume Two: The Modern Era by Buffington, Robert M.
Emergent Brazil: Key Perspectives on a New Global Power by
Nineteenth-Century Spanish America: A Cultural History by Conway, Christopher
MIRANDA Y BOLÍVAR. Dos visiones by Meza Dorta, Giovanni
Nineteenth-Century Spanish America: A Cultural History by Conway, Christopher
Kulturconfusão - On German-Brazilian Interculturalities by
Midair by Kubler Riera, Carlos
My 9/11 Awakening to America's Moral Crisis: Diary and Letters - Chile: 11 September 1973 Military Coup by Bastien, Ovide
Barrio Rising: Urban Popular Politics and the Making of Modern Venezuela by Velasco, Alejandro
Sex, Metaphor, and Ideology in Moche Pottery of Ancient Peru by Turner, Andrew
Bible Translation in Suriname: An Overview of its History, Translators, and Sources by Jabini, Franklin Steven
Pillaging the Empire: Global Piracy on the High Seas, 1500-1750 by Lane, Kris, Levine, Robert M., Lane, Kris E.
El Desempeño del Sistema Judicial Venezolano En El Marco Histórico de 1810 a 2010 by Sarmiento Sosa, Carlos J.
The Power of Staying Put: Nonviolent Resistance Against Armed Groups in Colombia by Masullo, Juan
Traveling with Che Guevara by Granado, Alberto
Frontier Life in Ancient Peru: The Archaeology of Cerro La Cruz by Vogel, Melissa A.
Political Communication and Leadership: Mimetisation, Hugo Chavez and the Construction of Power and Identity by Block, Elena
Women Presidents of Latin America: Beyond Family Ties? by Jalalzai, Farida
Pillaging the Empire: Global Piracy on the High Seas, 1500-1750 by Lane, Kris, Levine, Robert M., Lane, Kris E.
Sklavenhändler, Negreros Und Atlantikkreolen: Eine Weltgeschichte Des Sklavenhandels Im Atlantischen Raum by Zeuske, Michael
Historia del Mercado Central de Santiago de Chile by Rivera-Montealegre, Flavio, Galan, Emilio
The Archaeology of an Ancient Seaside Town: Performance and Community at Samanco, Nepeña Valley, Peru (ca. 500-1 BC) by Helmer, Matthew
A Year in Brazil by Dent, Hastings Charles
Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free by Tobar, Héctor
La república fragmentada: Claves para entender a Venezuela by Straka, Tomas
Las Malvinas: Héroes y caídos que no serán olvidados by Gastaldi, Ariel Marcelo
The Amazon Provinces of Peru As a Field for European Emigration: A Statistical and Geographical Review of the Country and Its Resources, Including the by Guillaume, Herbert
Huaorani of the Western Snippet by Wierucka, Aleksandra
Women Presidents of Latin America: Beyond Family Ties? by Jalalzai, Farida
El fragor de aquellos dias by Redoles, Rolando Rojo
De los Papas a Peron by
The Admirable Adventures and Strange Fortunes of Master Anthony Knivet by Knivet, Anthony
The Lanin: And Other Mapuche Legends by Tortora, Nathalia
The Adventures of Pizarro by Towle, George
The Admirable Adventures and Strange Fortunes of Master Anthony Knivet by Knivet, Anthony
The Poetic and Real Worlds of César Vallejo (1892-1938): A Struggle Between Art and Politics by Britton, R. K.
La otra Historia: Nuestra historia by Salas, Pedro Hernan Portilla
Brazil Through French Eyes: A Nineteenth-Century Artist in the Tropics by Araujo, Ana Lucia
Inglorious Revolution: Political Institutions, Sovereign Debt, and Financial Underdevelopment in Imperial Brazil by Summerhill, William R.
Conquistador Voices (vol II): The Spanish Conquest of the Americas as Recounted Largely by the Participants by Siepel, Kevin H.
Edge of Empire: Atlantic Networks and Revolution in Bourbon Río de la Plata by Prado, Fabrício
Edge of Empire: Atlantic Networks and Revolution in Bourbon Río de la Plata by Prado, Fabrício
33 by Tobar, Héctor
Earth Beings: Ecologies of Practice across Andean Worlds by De La Cadena, Marisol
Earth Beings: Ecologies of Practice across Andean Worlds by De La Cadena, Marisol
Simón Bolívar y la Francmasonería by Aguirre Gomez, Oscar
Legacies of State Violence and Transitional Justice in Latin America: A Janus-Faced Paradigm? by
San Vicente del Caguán LA VERDADERA HISTORIA by Rodriguez Cocoma, Genaro
The Complete Works Of William Hickling Prescott, Volume 1 by Prescott, William Hickling
Underdevelopment and the Development of Law: Corporations and Corporation Law in Nineteenth-Century Colombia by Means, Robert C.
From Shipmates to Soldiers: Emerging Black Identities in the Río de la Plata by Borucki, Alex
Latin America Since 1780 by Fowler, Will
History of the Conquest of Peru by Prescott, William Hickling
Guide to the Mammals of Salta Province, Argentina: Guia de Los Mamiferos de Las Provincia de Salta, Argentina by Mares, Michael A., Ojeda, Ricardo A., Barquez, Rubén M.
Atraco al banco Oddone: Justicia cómplice en Argentina by Oddone, Luis Alberto
The Militant Song Movement in Latin America: Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina by
Beyond Geopolitics: New Histories of Latin America at the League of Nations by
African-Brazilian Culture and Regional Identity in Bahia, Brazil by Ickes, Scott
The Dismantling of Brazil's Old Republic: Early Twentieth Century Cultural Change, Intergenerational Cleavages, and the October 1930 Revolution by Rachum, Ilan
El Reino del Terror: UN CASO INSOLITO vivido durante el reinado de Alfredo Stroessner, dictador de Paraguay 1954 - 1989 by Ekemar, Kim
Andean Truths: Transitional Justice, Ethnicity, and Cultural Production in Post-Shining Path Peru by Lambright, Anne
The Para-State: An Ethnography of Colombia's Death Squads by Civico, Aldo
The Para-State: An Ethnography of Colombia's Death Squads by Civico, Aldo
Negotiating Gendered Discourses: Michelle Bachelet and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner by Christie, Jane L.
Venezuela Heroica: Historical Vignettes by
Conjuring Property: Speculation and Environmental Futures in the Brazilian Amazon by Campbell, Jeremy M.
Of Love and Loathing: Marital Life, Strife, and Intimacy in the Colonial Andes, 1750-1825 by Robins, Nicholas a.
Memory, Subjectivities, and Representation: Approaches to Oral History in Latin America, Portugal, and Spain by
Bolivian Labor Immigrants' Experiences in Argentina by
Emergency Politics in the Third Wave of Democracy: A Study of Regimes of Exception in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru by Wright, Claire
Science Fiction and Digital Technologies in Argentine and Brazilian Culture by King, E.
Brazil by Coutinho, Eduardo, Tosta, Antonio
Los Intelectuales del Partido Comunista: Itinerario de Héctor Agosti (1930-1963) by Prado Acosta, Laura
La Expedición by More, Manuel Alejandro
Transatlantic Obligations: Creating the Bonds of Family in Conquest-Era Peru and Spain by Mangan, Jane E.