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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2017

Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music by Karush, Matthew B.
Musicians in Transit: Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music by Karush, Matthew B.
An Aqueous Territory: Sailor Geographies and New Granada's Transimperial Greater Caribbean World by Bassi Arevalo, Ernesto
An Aqueous Territory: Sailor Geographies and New Granada's Transimperial Greater Caribbean World by Bassi Arevalo, Ernesto
Mexicas e Incas: Estudio comparado de los gobernantes de Mesoamérica y los Andes (Black & White Version) by Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo, Millones, Luis
Walking Patagonia: The Way by Ray, Caspian
Walking Patagonia: The Way by Ray, Caspian
O Familismo Politico no interior de Sao Paulo nos tempos Colonial e Imperial: As dimensoes deste sistema em Campinas. Volume I: 1730-1797 by Contador, Vicente
Sergio Larrain: Valparaíso by
Interesting History of Rio de Janeiro by Stehr, Emily
Grito de gloria by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
José Artigas and the Federal League in Uruguay's War of Independence (1810-1820) by Katra, William H.
Vie de Sainte Rose de Lima by Hansen, Léonard
The Poetic and Real Worlds of César Vallejo (1892-1938): A Struggle Between Art and Politics by Britton, R. K.
Brevisima relacion de la destruccion de las Indias De las antiguas gentes del Peru by de Las Casas, Bartolome
Más allá de la guerra: Venezuela en tiempos de la Independencia by Almarza, Angel Rafael, Bifano, Jose, Munoz, Lionel
Nativa by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Blood of the Earth: Resource Nationalism, Revolution, and Empire in Bolivia by Young, Kevin A.
DK Argentina by Dk Travel
The Oligarchy and the Old Regime in Latin America, 1880-1970 by Gilbert, Dennis
Vertiginous Life: Bilingual Edition by
The Pottery Figurines of Pre-Columbian Peru: Volume II: The Figurines of the Central Coast by Morgan, Alexandra
The Oligarchy and the Old Regime in Latin America, 1880-1970 by Gilbert, Dennis
Anthology of Spanish American Thought and Culture by
Grito de Gloria by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
South America: A Popular Illustrated History of the Struggle for Liberty in the Andean Republics and Cuba by Butterworth, Hezekiah
El Dorado: Reise- und Kulturbilder aus dem südamerikanischen Columbien by Röthlisberger, Ernst
Interesting History of Buenos Aires by Stehr, Emily
Woman: Power and Prestige in Andean Societies: (Black & White Edition) by Millones, Luis
Wanderings in Patagonia by Beerbohm, Julius
Guiana and the Shadows of Empire: Colonial and Cultural Negotiations at the Edge of the World by Hyles, Joshua R.
Forgotten Peace: Reform, Violence, and the Making of Contemporary Colombia Volume 3 by Karl, Robert A.
Forgotten Peace: Reform, Violence, and the Making of Contemporary Colombia Volume 3 by Karl, Robert A.
Les Incas, Ou La Destruction de l'Empire Du Pérou. Tome 2 by Marmontel, Jean-François
Territories of Conflict: Traversing Colombia Through Cultural Studies by
Bolivia and the United States: A Limited Partnership by Lehman, Kenneth D.
Liberals, Politics, and Power: State Formation in Nineteenth-Century Latin America by
Account of the Martyrs in the Provinces of La Florida by Jerónimo de Oré, Luis
Breve Historia de América Latina by Silva Aristeguieta, Alberto Luis
The End of Iberian Rule on the American Continent, 1770-1830 by Hamnett, Brian R.
La República de Las Letras En La Babel Étnica de la Orinoquia by del Rey Fajardo, José
The End of Iberian Rule on the American Continent, 1770-1830 by Hamnett, Brian R.
Oral History in Latin America: Unlocking the Spoken Archive by Carey, David, Jr.
Black Saint of the Americas by Cussen, Celia
Oral History in Latin America: Unlocking the Spoken Archive by Carey, David, Jr.
Llamas, Weavings, and Organic Chocolate: Multicultural Grassroots Development in the Andes and Amazon of Bolivia by Healy, Kevin
Brazil and the River Plate in 1868 by Hadfield, William
Cuba's Revolutionary World by Brown, Jonathan C.
Las cruces sobre el agua by
Making Citizens in Argentina by
The Lima Reader: History, Culture, Politics by
Prensa Tradicional Y Liderazgos Populares En Brasil by Goldstein, Ariel
The Anthropology of Marriage in Lowland South America: Bending and Breaking the Rules by
Spectacular Modernity: Dictatorship, Space, and Visuality in Venezuela, 1948-1958 by Blackmore, Lisa
The Establishment of Spanish Rule in America: An Introduction to the History and Politics of Spanish America by Moses, Bernard
Psychedelic Chile: Youth, Counterculture, and Politics on the Road to Socialism and Dictatorship by Barr-Melej, Patrick
Psychedelic Chile: Youth, Counterculture, and Politics on the Road to Socialism and Dictatorship by Barr-Melej, Patrick
The Linked Self in Psychoanalysis: The Pioneering Work of Enrique Pichon Riviere by S. de Setton, Lea
The Establishment of Spanish Rule in America: An Introduction to the History and Politics of Spanish America by Moses, Bernard
A Hero's Curse: The Perpetual Liberation of Venezuela by Norman, Kajsa
Leprosy and Colonialism: Suriname Under Dutch Rule, 1750-1950 by Snelders, Stephen
El conquistador aleman Pedro Lisperguer Wittemberg: De cortesano de Carlos V y Felipe II a celebre precursor de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
La bataille de la Tablada by Lacordaire, Théodore
Gay Indians in Brazil: Untold Stories of the Colonization of Indigenous Sexualities by Fernandes, Estevão Rafael, Arisi, Barbara M.
Interesting (but Incomplete) History of Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Region by Stehr, Emily
The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment Under Military Rule by
Colombia: A Concise Contemporary History by LaRosa, Michael J., Mejía, Germán R.
Public Spectacles of Violence: Sensational Cinema and Journalism in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico and Brazil by Navitski, Rielle
Public Spectacles of Violence: Sensational Cinema and Journalism in Early Twentieth-Century Mexico and Brazil by Navitski, Rielle
Confronting Affirmative Action in Brazil: University Quota Students and the Quest for Racial Justice by Penha-Lopes, Vânia
The City as Spectacle. Lima: Peru's Festive Place: : (Black&White Edition) by Millones, Luis
Nativa by Acevedo Diaz, Eduardo
Los Lisperguer Wittemberg; una familia alemana en el corazon de la cultura chilena: Identidad y esplendor de la primera familia colonial de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
La Cuestión Social y sus -itinerarios de difusión a través de las publicaciones periódicas argentinas by Gonzalez Leandri, Ricardo
Organized Violence after Civil War by Daly, Sarah Zukerman
Ten Months in Brazil: With Incidents of Voyages and Travels, Descriptions of Scenery and .... by Codman, John
The Lima Inquisition: The Plight of Crypto-Jews in Seventeenth-Century Peru by Schaposchnik, Ana E.
Grito de Gloria by Acevedo Diaz, Eduardo
Nativa by Acevedo Diaz, Eduardo
Indian Removal by Foreman, Grant
Ten months in Brazil: With incidents of voyages and travels by Codman, John
Exquisite Slaves by Walker, Tamara J.
Latin America and the Caribbean by Clawson, David L., Tillman, Benjamin F.
Memory, Truth, and Justice in Contemporary Latin America by
Memory, Truth, and Justice in Contemporary Latin America by
Mi País Inventado / My Invented Country: A Memoir: Spanish-Language Edition of My Invented Country: A Memoir by Allende, Isabel
The Moral Electricity of Print: Transatlantic Education and the Lima Women's Circuit, 1876-1910 by Briggs, Ronald
Between the Bocas: A Literary Geography of Western Trinidad by Peake, Jak
Favela Media Activism: Counterpublics for Human Rights in Brazil by Custódio, Leonardo
Becoming Brazilians: Race and National Identity in Twentieth-Century Brazil by Eakin, Marshall C.
Becoming Brazilians by Eakin, Marshall C.
Interesting (but Incomplete) History of Indigenous Peoples of Albania by Stehr, Emily
El último marqués: Francisco Rodríguez del Toro 1761-1851 by Quintero, Ines
El bolivarianismo-militarismo, una ideología de reemplazo by Carrera Damas, German
Una nación llamada Venezuela by Carrera Damas, German
El culto a Bolívar by Carrera Damas, German
La independencia cuestionada by Carrera Damas, German
Needs of the Heart: A Social and Cultural History of Brazil's Clergy and Seminaries by Serbin, Kenneth P.
La Revolución Sentimental: Viaje Periodístico Por La Venezuela de Chávez by Lecumberri, Beatriz
Brazil by Gitlin, Marty
Mourning Remains: State Atrocity, Exhumations, and Governing the Disappeared in Peru's Postwar Andes by Rojas-Perez, Isaias
Mourning Remains: State Atrocity, Exhumations, and Governing the Disappeared in Peru's Postwar Andes by Rojas-Perez, Isaias
A New History of Modern Latin America by Conniff, Michael L., Gauss, Susan M., Clayton, Lawrence A.
El lado oscuro de una epopeya: Los legionarios británicos en Venezuela by Mondolfi Gudat, Edgardo
Temporada de golpes: Las insurrecciones militares contra Rómulo Betancourt by Mondolfi Gudat, Edgardo
Saamaka Dreaming by Price, Richard
Saamaka Dreaming by Price, Richard
La república alucinada by Mondolfi Gudat, Edgardo, Pino Iturrieta, Elias, Quintero, Ines
Indian and Slave Royalists in the Age of Revolution by Echeverri, Marcela
Interesting (but Incomplete) History of Indigenous Peoples of Argentina by Stehr, Emily
Ventaneras y castas, diabólicas y honestas by Pino Iturrieta, Elias
Positivismo y gomecismo by Pino Iturrieta, Elias
Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean by Browne, Randy M.
O Familismo Politico no interior de Sao Paulo nos tempos Colonial, Imperial e no limiar da Republica: As dimensoes deste sistema em Campinas - Volume by Contador, Vicente
La pasión criolla por el fashion: Una historia de la moda en la Venezuela del siglo XIX by de Abreu Xavier, Antonio
Contra lujuria, castidad: Historias de pecado en el siglo XVIII venezolano by Pino Iturrieta, Elias
People and Issues in Latin American History Vol II: From Independence to the Present by
Interesting (but Incomplete) History of Indigenous Peoples of the South American by Stehr, Emily
The Chaco War: Environment, Ethnicity, and Nationalism by
The FBI in Latin America: The Ecuador Files by Becker, Marc
Ambassadors of the Working Class: Argentina's International Labor Activists and Cold War Democracy in the Americas by Semán, Ernesto
Ambassadors of the Working Class: Argentina's International Labor Activists and Cold War Democracy in the Americas by Semán, Ernesto
The FBI in Latin America: The Ecuador Files by Becker, Marc
Brazil and Latin America: Between the Separation and Integration Paths by Puntigliano, Andrés Rivarola, Briceño-Ruiz, José
Mémoire Sur Le Brésil, Pour Servir de Guide À Ceux Qui Désirent s'y Établir by Von Langsdorff, Georg-Heinrich
Laborers and Enslaved Workers: Experiences in Common in the Making of Rio de Janeiro's Working Class, 1850-1920 by Mattos, Marcelo Badaró
The English in South America by Mulhall, Michael George
Narrative, of a Five Years' Expedition,: against the revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America; from the year 1772 to by Stedman, John Gabriel
Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil by Buckley, Eve E.
Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil by Buckley, Eve E.
Preso Sin Nombre, Celda Sin Numero = Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number by Timerman, Jacobo
New Approaches to Latin American Studies: Culture and Power by
Building Power from Below: Chilean Workers Take on Walmart by Bank Muñoz, Carolina
Building Power from Below: Chilean Workers Take on Walmart by Bank Muñoz, Carolina
A History of Anthropology as a Holistic Science by Custred, Glynn
Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat by Diniz, Debora
Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat by Diniz, Debora
New Approaches to Latin American Studies: Culture and Power by
Die mennonitischen Privilegien: Gipfelpunkt in Paraguay by Ratzlaff, Gerhard
The Latin Americans: Their Love-Hate Relationship with the United States by Rangel, Carlos J.
Historical Dictionary of Peru by Klarén, Peter F.
Cronología de una Pasión Caracas-Magallanes 1895-1994 by Delgado Alfonzo, Alexis
El Gran Arquitecto de la Liberacion Americana: (Francisco de Miranda De-colonizador) by Reveron, Eloy
Chile: The Divine Coup by Bastien, Ovide
Chili: le coup divin by Bastien, Ovide
Most Scandalous Woman: Magda Portal and the Dream of Revolution in Peru by Wallace Fuentes, Myrna Ivonne
Street Occupations: Urban Vending in Rio de Janeiro, 1850-1925 by Acerbi, Patricia
Political Communication and Leadership: Mimetisation, Hugo Chavez and the Construction of Power and Identity by Block, Elena
El divino Bolívar by Pino Iturrieta, Elias
Sin Descansar, En Mi Memoria: La lucha por la Creación de sitios de memoria en Chile desde la transición a la democracia by Read, Peter, Wyndham, Marivic
The Other Roots: Wandering Origins in Roots of Brazil and the Impasses of Modernity in Ibero-America by Meira Monteiro, Pedro
The Other Roots: Wandering Origins in Roots of Brazil and the Impasses of Modernity in Ibero-America by Monteiro, Pedro Meira
Jews and Jewish Identities in Latin America: Historical, Cultural, and Literary Perspectives by
Neoliberal Reform in Machu Picchu: Protecting a Community, Heritage Site, and Tourism Destination in Peru by Luciano, Pellegrino A.
Rethinking Global Democracy in Brazil by Fraundorfer, Markus
More Argentine Than You: Arabic-Speaking Immigrants in Argentina by Hyland Jr, Steven
Sklavenhändler, Negreros und Atlantikkreolen by Zeuske, Michael
Simon Bolivar: Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon by
Rethinking Global Democracy in Brazil by Fraundorfer, Markus
Stitching Truth: Women's Protest Art in Pinochet's Chile by Facing History and Ourselves
The Political Boundaries of South America Explained by Franco, Justin Henry
Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies by Gago, Verónica
La épica del desencanto: Bolivarianismo, historiografía y política en Venezuela by Straka, Tomas
¡Viva la arepa!: Sabor, memoria e imaginario social en Venezuela by Dorta Vargas, Miguel F.
Resumen de la historia de Venezuela by Bello, Andrés
Neoliberalism from Below: Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies by Gago, Verónica
The Wars inside Chile's Barracks: Remembering Military Service under Pinochet by Passmore, Leith
American Intervention and Modern Art in South America by Herrera, Olga U.
The Independent Republic of Arequipa: Making Regional Culture in the Andes by Love, Thomas F.
Imagining Histories of Colonial Latin America: Synoptic Methods and Practices by
Historical Dictionary of Venezuela by Cáceres, Alejandro E., Straka, Tomás, Mirabal, Guillermo Guzmán
At the Mountains' Altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community by Salomon, Frank
At the Mountains' Altar: Anthropology of Religion in an Andean Community by Salomon, Frank
Framing a Lost City: Science, Photography, and the Making of Machu Picchu by Cox Hall, Amy
La insurrección anhelada: Guerrilla y violencia en la Venezuela de los sesenta by Mondolfi Gudat, Edgardo
The Road to Armageddon: Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-70 by Whigham, Thomas L.
The Road to Armageddon: Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-70 by Whigham, Thomas L.
Words and Worlds Turned Around: Indigenous Christianities in Colonial Latin America by
The Chankas and the Priest: A Tale of Murder and Exile in Highland Peru by Hyland, Sabine
The Fate of Freedom Elsewhere: Human Rights and U.S. Cold War Policy Toward Argentina by Schmidli, William Michael
Democracy and Displacement in Colombia's Civil War by Steele, Abbey
OS Mapas Do Espírito Santo Colonial by Paiva Reis, Fabio
Huayrapampa by Heyduk, Daniel
País archipiélago: Venezuela 1830-1858 by Pino Iturrieta, Elias
Embodying the Sacred: Women Mystics in Seventeenth-Century Lima by Van Deusen, Nancy E.
Embodying the Sacred: Women Mystics in Seventeenth-Century Lima by Van Deusen, Nancy E.
Argentine Cinema: From Noir to Neo-Noir by Meneses, Gizella, George, David
Television, Democracy, and the Mediatization of Chilean Politics by Simón Salazar, Harry L.
Géoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine), Volume I: Révision historique, stratigraphiqu by Toledo, Marcelo Javier
Géoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine), Volume II: Révision historique, stratigraphiq by Toledo, Marcelo Javier