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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2020

Una guerra total: Paraguay, 1864-1870: Ensayo de historia del tiempo presente by Capdevila, Luc
Portuguese Studies 35: 2 (2019) by
The Sacred Cause: The Abolitionist Movement, Afro-Brazilian Mobilization, and Imperial Politics in Rio de Janeiro by Needell, Jeffrey
Conflicted Memory: Military Cultural Interventions and the Human Rights Era in Peru by Milton, Cynthia E.
The Wars inside Chile's Barracks: Remembering Military Service under Pinochet by Passmore, Leith
A Miscarriage of Justice: Women's Reproductive Lives and the Law in Early Twentieth-Century Brazil by Roth, Cassia
La Joven Moderna in Interwar Argentina: Gender, Nation, and Popular Culture by Tossounian, Cecilia
The Insubordination of Photography: Documentary Practices under Chile's Dictatorship by Donoso Macaya, Ángeles
A Miscarriage of Justice: Women's Reproductive Lives and the Law in Early Twentieth-Century Brazil by Roth, Cassia
Ramón Paolini: Caracas: Double Take by
New World Soundings: Culture and Ideology in the Americas by Morse, Richard M.
El Precursor by Bermúdez, Jairo Girón
The Seventh Heaven: Travels Through Jewish Latin America by Stavans, Ilan
Latin America: The Allure and Power of an Idea by Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio
Crónicas Aragüeñas by Acevedo Torrealba, J. Israel
Brazil and Latin America: Between the Separation and Integration Paths by Briceño-Ruiz, José, Puntigliano, Andrés Rivarola
Argentina: The History and Legacy of the Nation from the Colonial Era to Today by Charles River
Argentina: The History and Legacy of the Nation from the Colonial Era to Today by Charles River
Reporting on Colombia: Essays on Colombia's History, Culture, Peoples, and Armed Conflict by Torres López, Julián Esteban
Digitalized Finance: Financial Capitalism and Informational Revolution by Paraná, Edemilson
Rock Art, Water, and Ancestors: The semiotic construction of a sacred landscape in the central Andes (1800 BCE - CE 1820) by Ambrosino, Gordon
Le patrimoine subaquatique du lac Titicaca, Bolivie: Utilisation et perception de l'espace lacustre durant la période Tiwanaku (500-1150 PCN) by Delaere, Christophe
Don Juan O'Brien: An Irish Adventurer in Nineteenth-Century South America by Fanning, Tim
Argentine Cinema: From Noir to Neo-Noir by Meneses, Gizella, George, David
Neruda by Eisner, Mark
Colombia: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Mahoney, Richard D.
Migrant Conversions: Transforming Connections Between Peru and South Korea Volume 3 by Vogel, Erica
Intellectuals in the Latin Space During the Era of Fascism: Crossing Borders by
Direct Action in Montevideo: Uruguayan Anarchism, 1927-1937 by O'Neill Cuesta, Fernando
América. Descubrimiento y Conquista. Islas Antillas. Mar Caribe. Océano Pacífico.: Guerra de tierra arrasada. 1469 - 1524. Cristóbal Colón. Vasco Núñe by Otero Victoria, Oscar
The Gathering Storm: Eduardo Frei's Revolution in Liberty and Chile's Cold War by Hurtado-Torres, Sebastián
The Frontier Effect: State Formation and Violence in Colombia by Ballvé, Teo
The Frontier Effect: State Formation and Violence in Colombia by Ballvé, Teo
Inquitude: An account of Missionaries in teh Earthquake on May 31, 1970, in Ancash Peru by Smith, Leo Jay
Making Market Women: Gender, Religion, and Work in Ecuador by DeTemple, Jill
Defiant Geographies: Race and Urban Space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro by Leu, Lorraine
Desaparecidos: Os Anos 70 na Argentina by Ferrer, Florencia
Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean by Browne, Randy M.
Brazil: A Biography by Schwarcz, Lilia M.
Landscape of Migration: Mobility and Environmental Change on Bolivia's Tropical Frontier, 1952 to the Present by Nobbs-Thiessen, Ben
Beatriz Allende: A Revolutionary Life in Cold War Latin America by Harmer, Tanya
Landscape of Migration: Mobility and Environmental Change on Bolivia's Tropical Frontier, 1952 to the Present by Nobbs-Thiessen, Ben
A History of Indigenous Latin America: Aymara to Zapatistas by Harder Horst, René
Latin America in the World: An Introduction by
Latin America in the World: An Introduction by
Modern Brazil: A Social History by Klein, Herbert S., Luna, Francisco Vidal
Modern Brazil: A Social History by Luna, Francisco Vidal, Klein, Herbert S.
Latin American Culture and the Limits of the Human by
Pablo Escobar and Colombian Narcoculture by Pobutsky, Aldona Bialowas
Pluriversal Politics: The Real and the Possible by Escobar, Arturo
OS Militares No DIVÃ: 1889-1985 by A. M. Flora, Fernando
Fashioning Brazil: Globalization and the Representation of Brazilian Dress in National Geographic by Kutesko, Elizabeth
From the Galleons to the Highlands: Slave Trade Routes in the Spanish Americas by
Prizefighting and Civilization: A Cultural History of Boxing, Race, and Masculinity in Mexico and Cuba, 1840-1940 by Lafevor, David C.
From the Galleons to the Highlands: Slave Trade Routes in the Spanish Americas by
Bread, Justice, and Liberty: Grassroots Activism and Human Rights in Pinochet's Chile by Bruey, Alison
The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops by Hetherington, Kregg
Listen to the Ancestors: Wisdom of Ebomi Cici by de Souza, Nancy
Conscript Nation: Coercion and Citizenship in the Bolivian Barracks by Shesko, Elizabeth
The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops by Hetherington, Kregg
La guerra sin nombre: Estragos del narcoterrorismo en América by Bustillos Rávago, Rubén Darío
Brazil's Revolution in Commerce: Creating Consumer Capitalism in the American Century by Woodard, James P.
Brazil's Revolution in Commerce: Creating Consumer Capitalism in the American Century by Woodard, James P.
Latin America and the Global Cold War by
Paisajes mineros y modos de vida en el norte de Mendoza, Argentina (S. XIX-XX) by Sironi, Osvaldo H.
Rosas, Despouy y la inmigración francesa: en los informes diplomáticos y militares de la época by Scala, José Nicolás, Berraondo, Germán Winox
Rosas, Urquiza y el Bloqueo anglo-francés: en los informes diplomáticos de la época by
Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society: Suriname in the Atlantic World, 1651-1825 by Ben-Ur, Aviva
Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso: (Edición compacta y revisada) by Tucídides
Demerara Sugar by Walters, Pam
Civil Obedience: Complicity and Complacency in Chile since Pinochet by Lazzara, Michael
Entre Crónicas Viaje a La Venezuela Histórica by Padua, Luis Alberto Perozo
Entre Crónicas Viaje a La Venezuela Histórica by Padua, Luis Alberto Perozo
With Masses and Arms: Peru's Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement by La Serna, Miguel
With Masses and Arms: Peru's Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement by La Serna, Miguel
Argentina in the Global Middle East by Balloffet, Lily Pearl
Argentina in the Global Middle East by Balloffet, Lily Pearl
The New Brazilian Mediascape: Television Production in the Digital Streaming Age by Carter, Eli Lee
Epidemias, Pestes Y Plagas de Chile by Ducci, Miguel Angel
The Complete History of South America: Covering Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Machu Picchu, The Inca Empire, Peru, Venezuela, Simon Bolivar, and by Robbins, David
The Conquest of New Spain by Diaz del Castillo, Bernal
Politics of Temporalization: Medievalism and Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century South America by Altschul, Nadia R.
Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances by
de la Pequeña Venecia a la Disolución de Las Certezas by Aguiar, Asdrúbal
Crónicas de Facundo. Bajo La Usurpación de Nicolás Maduro by Aguiar, Asdrúbal
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies by de Las Casas, Bartolome
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies by de Las Casas, Bartolome
Routledge Handbook of Latin American Security by
Shifting Livelihoods: Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia by Tubb, Daniel
Landscapes of Inequity: Environmental Justice in the Andes-Amazon Region by
Inca Apocalypse: The Spanish Conquest and the Transformation of the Andean World by Covey, R. Alan
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: Fascismo Boliviano. El "Socialismo Militar" y la Falange Socialista Boliviana by Milá, Ernesto
Archaeological Interpretations: Symbolic Meaning within Andes Prehistory by
Movimiento estudiantil universitario en el Perú de los 60 by Yarasca Tataje, Ricardo
Governing Delinquency Through Freedom: Control, Rehabilitation and Desistance by Bugnon, Géraldine
Identity and Nationalism in Modern Argentina: Defending the True Nation by Delaney, Jeane
Identity and Nationalism in Modern Argentina: Defending the True Nation by Delaney, Jeane
The Secret of Paratoari: Paititi Discovered by Yabar Calderon, Virgilio
The Galapagos Murder: The Murder Mystery That Rocked the Equator by Mason, Fergus
Visiones del Viejo Puerto: Volumen II by Sabatino Pizzolante, José Alfredo
Convivial Constellations in Latin America: From Colonial to Contemporary Times by
Art Effects: Image, Agency, and Ritual in Amazonia by Fausto, Carlos
Colombia by Golkar, Golriz
Falklands War: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador by Riofrancos, Thea
Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador by Riofrancos, Thea
Blood on the River: A Chronicle of Mutiny and Freedom on the Wild Coast by Kars, Marjoleine
Vivir Bien as an Alternative to Neoliberal Globalization: Can Indigenous Terminologies Decolonize the State? by Ranta, Eija
Las Aventuras de Juanito en las Islas Galápagos by Publishing, Galápagos, Publishing, Queso Frito
Revolt & Chaos: 30 pesos and 30 years of progress destroyed in 30 days. A personal view of the social crisis in Chile from behind house bars. by Hauger, Isabel
Epidemias, Pestes Y Plagas de Chile by Ducci, M. a.
Solitude & Company: The Life of Gabriel García Márquez Told with Help from His Friends, Family, Fans, Arguers, Fellow Pranksters, Drunks, by Paternostro, Silvana
Los Cibils del siglo XIX en el Río de la Plata by Cibils, Daniel M.
Lope de Aguirre, Hugo Chávez, and the Latin American Left: The Wrath of Liberation by Poggi, Alfredo Ignacio
The Nameless War: History of the Havoc of Narcoterrorism in the Americas by Bustillos Rávago, Rubén Darío
A História do Brasil para quem tem pressa by Costa, Marcos
The Argentine Economy: An Economic History of Argentina by Ferrer, Aldo
Youth Power in Precarious Times: Reimagining Civic Participation by Brough, Melissa
Anthology of Spanish American Thought and Culture by
Cabalgar La Zoopolítica: Aproximaciones a Una Posible Revolución Indoamericana Pospandemia by Salinas Granda, Carlos
El Fin de la Idiotez Y La Muerte del Hombre Nuevo (Large Print Edition) by Ribas, Armando P.
Bolivia in the Age of Gas by Gustafson, Bret
Detrás de la Guerra En Colombia by Ávila, Ariel
Ch'ixinakax Utxiwa: On Decolonising Practices and Discourses by Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia
Antiracist Discourse in Brazil: From Abolition to Affirmative Action by Van Dijk, Teun a.
Ch'ixinakax Utxiwa: On Decolonising Practices and Discourses by Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia
Preservación Ósea Diferencial en un Ambiente Subtropical del Centro-Este de Argentina: Tafonomía Regional en Perspectiva Arqueológica by Galligani, Paula E.
A Different Manifest Destiny: U.S. Southern Identity and Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century South America by Wolnisty, Claire M.
Testimonios. Alemanas en la Patagonia: narraciones de Bertha Koessler-Ilg y Christel Koerte: Cuadernos del Archivo Año I (2017), #2 by Brunswig, Ella
Operação Araguaia by Morais, Taís
Golpe de Estado by Dória, Palmério
Unjust Conditions by Patricia Cookson, Tara
Unjust Conditions by Patricia Cookson, Tara
Lula and His Politics of Cunning: From Metalworker to President of Brazil by French, John D.
Garibaldi in South America: An Exploration by Bourne, Richard
Republics of Knowledge: Nations of the Future in Latin America by Miller, Nicola
Frontier Intimacies: Ayoreo Women and the Sexual Economy of the Paraguayan Chaco by Canova, Paola
Inmigrantes alemanas en la Argentina. Siete historias de mujeres: Cuadernos del Archivo Año III (2019), #4 by Phillippi de Kammerath, Alwina
Dos temas de colonización y Dossier: Propaganda peronista en alemán: Cuadernos del Archivo Año II (2018), #3 by Knoll, Hans, Lobo, Natalia
Temas de la Inmigración de habla alemana en la Argentina: Cuadernos del Archivo - Año I (2017) #1 by Bujaldon de Esteves, Lila, Rohland De Langbehn, Regula, Saint Saveur-Henn, Anne
Asociaciones e instituciones de la minoría de habla alemana en Argentina, casos e historias: Cuadernos del Archivo Año III (2019), #5/6 by Ortea, Adriana, Olivera, Gaston Alejandro
Venezuela, the Present as Struggle: Voices from the Bolivarian Revolution by Gilbert, Chris, Marquina, Cira Pascual
Venezuela, the Present as Struggle: Voices from the Bolivarian Revolution by Marquina, Cira Pascual, Gilbert, Chris
Ninguém me contou, eu vi by Nery, Sebastião
A Vila que descobriu o Brasil by Viveiros, Ricardo
Salvador Of The Twentieth Century by F. Martin, Percy
The Politics of Public Debt: Financialization, Class, and Democracy in Neoliberal Brazil by Bin, Daniel
Los indios cantores del Paraguay: Prácticas musicales y dinámicas de movilidad en Asunción colonial (siglos XVI-XVIII) by Fahrenkrog Cianelli, Laura
Peru by Alba, Victor
Weihnachten Schneiden und Kleben: Weihnachtsgeschenk für Kleinkinder zwischen 2 und 5 Jahren, die schneiden, kleben und malen möchten by Designs, Mezzyart
Politics of Latin America: The Power Game by Prevost, Gary, Vanden, Harry
El Chaco en los años 1920. Testimonios: Cissy von Scheele-Willich e Ilse von Rentzel: Cuadernos del Archivo Año IV (2020), #7 by Rohland, Regula, Knoll, Hans, Von Scheele-Willich, Cissy
A Decolonial Philosophy of Indigenous Colombia: Time, Beauty, and Spirit in Kamëntsá Culture by Chindoy Chindoy, Juan Alejandro
Impressions of Lucia Richard; Literature, Art and Society in the Chile of the Fifties by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Fearful Vassals: Urban Elite Loyalty in the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata, 1776-1810 by Blanchard, Peter
The Conquest of the Desert: Argentina's Indigenous Peoples and the Battle for History by
Impressions of Lucia Richard; Literature, Art and Society in the Chile of the Fifties by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Colombia: Democracy Under Assault, Second Edition by Kline, Harvey F.
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: El Fascismo del Siglo XXI (Primera Parte). El Fascismo que fue y el Fascismo que podría volver a ser. by Milá, Ernesto
RHF - Revista de Historia del Fascismo: El Fascismo del Siglo XXI (Segunda Parte). Transfascismo Hijo de la Crisis by Milá, Ernesto
Indigenous Struggle and the Bolivian National Revolution: Land and Liberty! by Kohl, James
Indigenous Struggle and the Bolivian National Revolution: Land and Liberty! by Kohl, James
Peru In The Guano Age by Duffield, Alexander James
Urgencias del Latinoamericanismo En Tiempos de Globalizacion Conflictiva: Tributo a John Beverley by
Lelé: dialogues with neutra and prouvé by Marques, André
Power and Impotence: A History of South America Under Progressivism (1998-2016) by Dos Santos, Fabio Luis Barbosa
Modern Brazil: A Very Short Introduction by Pereira, Anthony W.
Colombia a comedy of errors by Kellaway, Victoria, Lievano, Sergio J., Lievano, Kellaway And
Sudoku 16 x 16 Level 5: Extremely Hard! Vol. 35: Play 16x16 Grid Sudoku Extremely Hard Level Volume 1-40 Solve Number Puzzles Become A Sudoku by Numerik, Sophia
The Inca Empire: An Illustrated History by Jones, David M.
Navigating Life and Work in Old Republic São Paulo by Ball, Molly C.
Navigating Life and Work in Old Republic São Paulo by Ball, Molly C.
Large Print Adult Coloring Book Of Delicious Food: Calming Coloring Sheets With Word Search Puzzles, Appetizing Illustrations To Color For Relaxation by Edge, Bear
Francisco de Paula Brito: A Black Publisher in Imperial Brazil by Godoi, Rodrigo Camargo de
Francisco de Paula Brito: A Black Publisher in Imperial Brazil by Godoi, Rodrigo Camargo de
Colonial Kinship: Guaraní, Spaniards, and Africans in Paraguay by Austin, Shawn Michael
History Of The Conquest Of Peru (Volume Ii) by H. Prescott, William
The Conquest of the Desert: Argentina's Indigenous Peoples and the Battle for History by
Principles in Power: Latin America and the Politics of U.S. Human Rights Diplomacy by Walker, Vanessa
Argentina colonial: la historia de la colonización argentina y la lucha por la independencia by Charles River
Argentina y el peronismo: historia y legado de la transición argentina de Juan Perón a la democracia by Charles River, Moros, Areani
Argentina y el peronismo: historia y legado de la transición argentina de Juan Perón a la democracia by Charles River
3000 Sudoku Puzzles Easy to Hard: 1000 Easy, 1000 Medium and 1000 Hard Sudoku Puzzles for Adults with Answer to Boost Your Brainpower by Bowers, Figueroa
Ditadura E Democracia No Brasil by Reis, Daniel Aarão
La democracia en Venezuela: Un proyecto inconcluso by Arráiz Lucca, Rafael
3000 Sudoku Puzzles Easy to Hard: 1000 Easy, 1000 Medium and 1000 Hard Sudoku Puzzles for Adults with Answer to Boost Your Brainpower, VOL.2 by Bowers, Figueroa
The Mini Book Of Logic Puzzles 2020-2021. Battleships 10x10 - 240 Easy To Master Puzzles. #10 by Krylov, Mykola
DIY Deodorant: Homemade Recipes For Making Natural Deodorants & Body Sprays: Handmade Deodorant Book by Allport, Peggy
MUJERES DEL MUNDO. Una Mirada al Siglo XIX. Libro de Colorear para Adultos. by Roses, Riana