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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2021

The Business of Leisure: Tourism History in Latin America and the Caribbean by
The Business of Leisure: Tourism History in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Martin Alonso Pomare Howard: Clamor of the Islands: Saint Andrew and Old Providence Under Colombian Rule by
Martin Alonso Pomare Howard: El Clamor de Las Islas: San Andres Y Providencia Bajo El Gobierno Colombiano by
Andean Truths: Transitional Justice, Ethnicity, and Cultural Production in Post-Shining Path Peru by Lambright, Anne
Workers' Self-Management in Argentina: Contesting Neo-Liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión by Vieta, Marcelo
Inferno Em Verdes Folhas: Amazônia by Balthazar, Paulo Cesar
The Argentine Economy: An Economic History of Argentina by Ferrer, Aldo
Pinochet's Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country by Force by
La Paz's Colonial Specters: Urbanization, Migration, and Indigenous Political Participation, 1900-52 by Sierra, Luis
The CIA in Ecuador by Becker, Marc
The CIA in Ecuador by Becker, Marc
Destrucción de un país II by Sifontes, Olivia
Destrucción de un país I by Sifontes, Olivia
Entangled Coercion: African and Indigenous Labour in Charcas (16th-17th Century) by Revilla Orías, Paola A.
BIOGRAFÍA DEL GENERAL RAFAEL CAPÓ. Un héroe conservador en las guerras federales de Venezuela 1859-1863 by Carías Capó, Rafael
Bolivar: The Liberator of Latin America by Harvey, Robert
Brute New World: The Rediscovery of Latin America in the Early 19th Century by Gregory, Desmond
A War Betwixt Englishmen: Brazil Against Argentina on the River Plate by Vale, Brian
Identities in Flux: Race, Migration, and Citizenship in Brazil by Afolabi, Niyi
Armies, Politics and Revolution: Chile, 1808-1826 by Cruz, Juan Luis Ossa Santa
Dos temas de la inmigración. Testimonio: Eduardo Devrient, Setenta Años: Cuadernos del Archivo Año IV (2020), #8 by Yujnovsky, Inés, Morello, Juan, Rohland De Langbehn, Regula
Nuestra América: My Family in the Vertigo of Translation by Lomnitz, Claudio
Form and Feeling: The Making of Concretism in Brazil by
Form and Feeling: The Making of Concretism in Brazil by
Fire, Screams, and Ashes in the Middle of the Cenepa's Jungle by Chaparro Beraún, Julio
Deviant and Useful Citizens: The Cultural Production of the Female Body in Eighteenth-Century Peru by Melendez, Mariselle
Mesianismo, Reformismo, Rebelión: Los Andes en el Siglo de la Ilustración by Thomson, Sinclair, Serulnikov, Sergio, Walker, Charles
Bolivia at the Crossroads: Politics, Economy, and Environment in a Time of Crisis by
The Charismatic Gymnasium: Breath, Media, and Religious Revivalism in Contemporary Brazil by de Abreu, Maria José
The Charismatic Gymnasium: Breath, Media, and Religious Revivalism in Contemporary Brazil by de Abreu, Maria José
Haunted Objects: Spectral Testimony in the Southern Cone Post-Dictatorship by Corbin, Megan
Dirty Gold: The Rise and Fall of an International Smuggling Ring by Nehamas, Nicholas, Weaver, Jay, Wyss, Jim
The Struggle for the Past: How We Construct Social Memories by Jelin, Elizabeth
Lucky One: A Memoir of my Life and Times by LeMenager, Charles R.
The Surrendered: Reflections by a Son of Shining Path by Agüero, José Carlos
The Surrendered: Reflections by a Son of Shining Path by Agüero, José Carlos
Ancient Advanced Technology in South America by Romney, Norah
Animals and Society in Brazil, from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries by Camphora, Ana Lucia
Exemplary Violence: Rewriting History in Colonial Colombia by Villate-Isaza, Alberto
Exemplary Violence: Rewriting History in Colonial Colombia by Villate-Isaza, Alberto
The Malvinas Question by Erlich, Uriel
Potosi: The Silver City That Changed the World Volume 27 by Lane, Kris
Contested Community: Indigenous Land Rights and Identity Politics in Eastern Bolivia by Groke, Veronika
Me leve a Pernambuco: Ambição e Dificuldades by Camara, Edmar
Spain and Argentina in the First World War: Transnational Neutralities by Fuentes Codera, Maximiliano
Negotiating Autonomy: Mapuche Territorial Demands and Chilean Land Policy by Bauer, Kelly
Caza Al Hombre: Cómo Atrapamos a Pablo Escobar by Peña, Javier F., Murphy, Steve
Amazonian Caboclo Society: An Essay on Invisibility and Peasant Economy by Nugent, Stephen
Latin American Dictatorships in the Era of Fascism: The Corporatist Wave by Costa Pinto, António
The Dictionary of Contemporary Politics of South America by Gunson, Phil
The Dictionary of Contemporary Politics of Southern Africa by Gunson, Phil
Isaac Aboab Da Fonseca: Jewish Leadership in the New World by Orfali, Moises
Confederate Exodus: Social and Environmental Forces in the Migration of U.S. Southerners to Brazil by Marcus, Alan P.
The Other/Argentina: Jews, Gender, and Sexuality in the Making of a Modern Nation by Kaminsky, Amy K.
God's Lessons: At The 2010 Chilean Mine Rescue by Walton, Peter
Toward a Global History of Latin America's Revolutionary Left by
The Living Inca Town: Tourist Encounters in the Peruvian Andes by Guelke, Karoline
Historias de santidad en Chile by Arteaga, Rodolfo, Bustamante, Bárbara, Deleazar, Rodrigo
The First New Chronicle and Good Government: On the History of the World and the Incas Up to 1615 by Guaman Poma De Ayala, Felipe
Fighting Unemployment in Twentieth-Century Chile by Vergara, Ángela
Historia de la Argentina by Adamovsky, Ezequiel
Fields of Revolution: Agrarian Reform and Rural State Formation in Bolivia, 1935-1964 by Soliz, Carmen
Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women, the Law, and the Making of a White Argentine Republic by Edwards, Erika Denise
The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program That Shaped Our World by Bevins, Vincent
The Battle for Peace: The Long Road to Ending a War with the World's Oldest Guerrilla Army by Santos, Juan Manuel
Preserving Whose City?: Memory, Place, and Identity in Rio de Janeiro by Godfrey, Brian J.
The Colombian Peace Agreement: A Multidisciplinary Assessment by
Press, Power, and Culture in Imperial Brazil by
Preserving Whose City?: Memory, Place, and Identity in Rio de Janeiro by Godfrey, Brian J.
The Classics in South America: Five Case Studies by Muñoz, Germán Campos
An Account Of The Conquest Of Peru by Sancho, Pedro
Profecias brasileiras católicas, espíritas e indígenas históricas: doenças, guerra, sol escuro, três dias de trevas e a grande inundação by de Araujo, Fabio Ribeiro
Spanish American Independence Movements: A History in Documents: (From the Broadview Sources Series) by
Routine Crisis: An Ethnography of Disillusion by Muir, Sarah
Branding Brazil: Transforming Citizenship on Screen by Marsh, Leslie L.
Routine Crisis: An Ethnography of Disillusion by Muir, Sarah
¿Quién se rinde?: Bolivia: 14 años de autoritarismo by Garrido Gómez, Oscar
Card-Carrying Christians: Debt and the Making of Free Market Spirituality in Colombia by Bartel, Rebecca C.
Card-Carrying Christians: Debt and the Making of Free Market Spirituality in Colombia by Bartel, Rebecca C.
Una grieta de doscientos años: Debates y conflictos constituyentes en la Argentina (1816-1827) by Saguir, Julio
The Fishmeal Revolution: The Industrialization of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem by Wintersteen, Kristin A.
The Fishmeal Revolution: The Industrialization of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem by Wintersteen, Kristin A.
Reflections by Singh, Paris
Latin America in the 1940s: War and Postwar Transitions by
Latin America in the 1940s: War and Postwar Transitions by
King of the Night: Juan José Flores and Ecuador, 1824-1864 by Van Aken, Mark J.
King of the Night: Juan José Flores and Ecuador, 1824-1864 by Van Aken, Mark J.
LA CONSTITUCIÓN DE LA REPÚBLICA DE COLOMBIA DE 30 DE AGOSTO DE 1821. Producto de la unión de los pueblos de Venezuela y de la Nueva Granada propuesta by Brewer-Carias, Allan R.
Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Brazil: Five Centuries of Change by Green, James, E. Skidmore, Thomas
Beef, Bible and Bullets: Brazil in the Age of Bolsonaro by Lapper, Richard
Historia Argentina: Realidades y relatos by Tacchini, Jorge
Modern Paraguay: Uncovering South America's Best Kept Secret by Mandl, Tomás
Sorting Out the Mixed Economy: The Rise and Fall of Welfare and Developmental States in the Americas by Offner, Amy C.
Rómulo Betancourt: His Historical Personality and the Genesis of Modern Democracy in Venezuela by Carrera Damas, Germán
NEGOCIOS 2121-2221 Un Estado Mental: ¡Liberación! by Marín Charris, Diego
¿El Ejército de quién? by Tamayo, John
Paraguay bajo la sombra de sus guerras: Historia, memoria y construcción política, siglos XIX/XXI by Capdevila, Luc
No es cuento, es Historia Volumen II by Quintero, Inés
Oxford Handbook of the Incas by Alconini, Sonia
Hungry for Revolution: The Politics of Food and the Making of Modern Chile by Frens-String, Joshua
Hungry for Revolution: The Politics of Food and the Making of Modern Chile by Frens-String, Joshua
After the Long Silence: The Theater of Brazil's Post-Dictatorship Generation by Tatinge Nascimento, Claudia
The First Americans Were Africans: Expanded and Revised by Imhotep, David
The First Americans Were Africans: Expanded and Revised by Imhotep, David
Portuguese Studies 37: 1 (2021): Brazil in the Midst of Neoliberal Turmoil: Devastation and Resistance by
The Brazilian Revolution of 1930: The Legacy of Getúlio Vargas Revisited by
The Left Hand of Capital: Neoliberalism and the Left in Chile by Leiva, Fernando Ignacio
Identities in Flux: Race, Migration, and Citizenship in Brazil by Afolabi, Niyi
Eldorado and the Quest for Fortune and Glory in South America by Koch, Peter O.
The history of slavery, uncovering its global dimensions by Schoen, Sonya
A través de la República: Corresponsales viajeros en la prensa porteña de entre siglos XIX-XX by Servelli, Martín
Secrets To The Authentic Relationship: How To Navigate The Complex World Of Relationships: Steps For Building Relationship In The Community by Cantarano, Lavenia
Civilian-Driven Violence and the Genocide of Indigenous Peoples in Settler Societies by
La empresa Domingo Barthe: Extractivismo yerbatero-maderero en la frontera Alto Paranaense 1870-1930 by Alcaráz, Alberto Daniel
Adaptación y resistencia: Estructura interna, tributo y movilidad poblacional en los pueblos de indios de Córdoba en las últimas décadas coloniales by Ferrero, Paula Verónica
La República de las Instituciones: Proyecto, desarrollo y crisis del régimen político liberal en la Argentina en tiempos de la organización nacional ( by Lettieri, Alberto
Catacumbas: Historia económica del terror en Argentina by O'Donnell, Guillermo
From Revolution to Power in Brazil: How Radical Leftists Embraced Capitalism and Struggled with Leadership by Serbin, Kenneth P.
La ley es tela de araña: Ley, justicia y sociedad rural en Buenos Aires, 1780-1830 by Fradkin, Raúl O.
Twentieth Century Guerrilla Movements in Latin America: A Primary Source History by Calderón, Fernando Herrera
Twentieth Century Guerrilla Movements in Latin America: A Primary Source History by Calderón, Fernando Herrera
Extraordinary Threat: The U.S. Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela by Emersberger, Joe, Podur, Justin
Extraordinary Threat: The U.S. Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela by Podur, Justin, Emersberger, Joe
Contact Strategies: Histories of Native Autonomy in Brazil by Roller, Heather F.
Contact Strategies: Histories of Native Autonomy in Brazil by Roller, Heather F.
Bolivia by Rohan, Rebecca
Revolution and the Rebirth of Inequality: A Theory Applied to the National Revolution in Bolivia by Klein, Herbert S., Kelley, Jonathan
Revolution and the Rebirth of Inequality: A Theory Applied to the National Revolution in Bolivia by Klein, Herbert S., Kelley, Jonathan
The Missionary's Wife: A Memoir of Mrs. M. A. Henderson of Demerara by Henderson, Thomas
Historias gorilas: Represión en la Argentina durante los años 1943-1955 by Cutillo, Irene
Saberes de la conversión. Jesuitas, indígenas e imperios coloniales en las fronteras de la cristiandad by Giudicelli, Christophe, Fabre, Pierre Antoine
Indians, Blacks, and Morochos: Trajectories, Intersectionalities, and Class Frictions in a Neighborhood of Buenos Aires by Guizardi, Menara, Merenson, Silvina
Between the Bocas: A Literary Geography of Western Trinidad by Peake, Jak
Clase Obrera Y Dictadura Militar En Argentina (1976-1983): Nuevos Estudios Sobre Conflictividad Y Cambios Estructurales by
¡Vamos a Avanzar!: The Chaco War and Bolivia's Political Transformation, 1899-1952 by Niebuhr, Robert
Metamorfosis del gaucho: Círculos criollos, tradicionalistas y política en la provincia de Buenos Aires 1930-1960 by Casas, Matías Emiliano
Juan Carlos Coral: El último socialista by de Titto, Ricardo J.
Los expedientes secretos de Belgrano. Tomo I: Aventuras y desventuras de Domingo Belgrano Pérez. Con un Apéndice sobre su joven hijo Manuel en España by Pesaresi, Guillermo Mario
Los años 70 a fondo: Guerrilleros, militares y familiares: Reportajes inéditos a los protagonistas de la Argentina violenta by Anzaldi, Pablo Antonio
JFK & RFK Made Me Do It: 1960-1968 by William, Sweet
Rio de Janeiro in the Global Meat Market, C. 1850 to C. 1930: How Fresh and Salted Meat Arrived at the Carioca Table by Lopes, Maria-Aparecida
Memories Before the State: Postwar Peru and the Place of Memory, Tolerance, and Social Inclusion by Feldman, Joseph P.
Memories Before the State: Postwar Peru and the Place of Memory, Tolerance, and Social Inclusion by Feldman, Joseph P.
Desde abajo, desde arriba: De la resistencia a los gobiernos populares: escenarios y horizontes del cambio de época en América Latina by Klachko, Paula, Arkonada, Katu
Los nombres de lo indecible: Populismo y Violencia(s) como objetos en disputa by Magrini, Ana Lucía
Rumbo sur: Un boleto al desafío by Parra Ramos, Orlando
Quilcapampa: A Wari Enclave in Southern Peru by
Marble, Grass, and Glass by Moteelall, B. Sham
Marble, Grass, and Glass by Moteelall, B. Sham
The United States and Venezuela during the First World War: Cordial Relations of Suspicious Cooperation by Tarver, H. Micheal
Silver River, Platinum Sky: An Argentine Memoir by Bahmann, Marianne
Eln: A Profile of Ejército de Liberación Nacional by Wetherholt, K. J.
Juan Bautista Alberdi: obras completas 4 by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Juan Bautista Alberdi: obras completas 5 by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Juan Bautista Alberdi: obras completas 1 by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
The Life and Knife of the Argentine Gaucho by Vargas, Fernan, Loriega, James
Soviets en Buenos Aires: La izquierda de la Argentina ante la revolución en Rusia by Pittaluga, Roberto
Traditional Brazilian Black Magic: The Secrets of the Kimbanda Magicians by de Oxóssi, Diego
Decadent Modernity: Civilization and 'Latinidad' in Spanish America, 1880-1920 by Coletta, Michela
Alton's Paradox: Foreign Film Workers and the Emergence of Industrial Cinema in Latin America by Poppe, Nicolas
Construir y disputar el poder: Red familiar y conflictos políticos en la Villa de Luján: 1780-1820 by Taranto, Roxana
Memorias de Una Industria Argentina: recordando con Enzo Rotania by Mosso, Eduardo D.
Paisanos itinerantes: Orden estatal y experiencia subalterna en Buenos Aires durante la era de Rosas by Salvatore, Ricardo D.
La centenaria apuesta de la Argentina democrática: (1916-2016) by Ollier, María Matilde
Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent During the Years 1799-1804 by Alexander De Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland: W by Humboldt, Alexander Von 1769-1859, Bonpland, Aimé 1773-1858, William, Helen Maria 1762-1827
A Residence in the West Indies and America With a Narrative of the Expedition to the Island of Walcheren; 1 by
The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili.; 2 by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio 1740-1829
Travels in Parts of South America, During the Years 1801, 1802, 1803 & 1804; Containing a Description of the Captain-generalship of Carraccas, With an by
The North-west Amazons: Notes of Some Months Spent Among Cannibal Tribes by Whiffen, Thomas
The Land of the Incas and the City of the Sun: the Story of Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru by
Numerical Table of Cases Reported in the American Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports: With References to Monographic Notes by Martin, George J.
Travels Through the Canadas [microform]: Containing a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on Some of the Rivers and Lakes: With an Account of the P by Heriot, George 1766-1844
Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, Consisting of Twenty-four Views: Accompanied With Descriptions of the Scenery and of the Co by Vidal, Emeric Essex 1791-1861
South American Archaeology: an Introduction to the Archaeology of the South American Continent, With Special Reference to the Early History of Per by Joyce, Thomas Athol 1878-1942
An Early Jewish Colony in Western Guiana, 1658-1666: and Its Relation to the Jews in Surinam, Cayenne and Tobago by Oppenheim, Samuel 1859-
The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili.; Vol 2 copy 1 by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio 1740-1829
Catalogue of the Fresh-water Fishes of Tropical and South Temperate America; 3, pt.4 by
Notes on the Lingoa Geral or Modern Tupí of the Amazonas [microform] by Hartt, Charles Frederick 1840-1878
Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the Years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824: With Original Instructions by Waterton, Charles 1782-1865
Deductions Suggested by the Geographical Distribution of Some Post-Columbian Words Used by the Indians of S. America by Nordenskiöld, Erland 1877-1932
Brazil, the Home for Southerners: or, A Practical Account of What the Author, and Others, Who Visited That Country, for the Same Objects, Saw and Did by
The Conquest of the River Plate (1535-1555.) I. Voyage of Ulrich Schmidt to the Rivers La Plata and Paraguai. From the Original German Ed., 1567. II. by Dominguez, Luis L.
Travels Through the Canadas [microform]: Containing a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on Some of the Rivers and Lakes: With an Account of the P by Heriot, George 1766-1844
Travels in Brazil, in the Years 1817-1820: Undertaken by Command of His Majesty the King of Bavaria; v.1 (1824) by Lloyd, Hannibal Evans 1771-1847
Travels in Brazil, in the Years 1817-1820: Undertaken by Command of His Majesty the King of Bavaria; v.2 (1824) by Lloyd, Hannibal Evans 1771-1847
Antiquarian, Ethnological, and Other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chili With Observations on the PreIncarial, Incarial and Other Monum by Bollaert, William
The Present State of Peru: Comprising Its Geography, Topography, Natural History, Mineralogy, Commerce, the Customs and Manners of Its Inhabitant by Skinner, Joseph
A Diary of the Wreck of His Majesty's Ship Challenger, on the Western Coast of South America, in May, 1835: With an Account of the Subsequent Encampme by
The History of Brazil, From the Period of the Arrival of the Braganza Family in 1808, to the Abdication of Don Pedro the First in 1831; 1 by Armitage, John 1807-1865
The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili.; Vol 1 copy 1 by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio 1740-1829
The Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili.; Vol 2 copy 1 by Molina, Giovanni Ignazio 1740-1829
Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Days of the Tyrants; Or, Civilization and Barbarism From the Spanish of Domingo F. Sarmiento, LL.D. by
Numerical Table of Cases Reported in the American Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports: With References to Monographic Notes by Martin, George J.
South American Archaeology: an Introduction to the Archaeology of the South American Continent, With Special Reference to the Early History of Per by Joyce, Thomas Athol 1878-1942
Mollusks From Ilha Grande, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; Fieldiana Zoology v.34, no.20 by Haas, Fritz 1886-1969
Inland Mollusks From Venezuela, Southern Brazil, and Peru; Fieldiana Zoology v.39, no.31 by Haas, Fritz 1886-
Simón Bolívar (the Liberator) Patriot, Warrior, Statesman, Father of Five Nations, a Sketch of His Life and His Work by
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