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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

South American History in 2023

Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa by
Travel to Brazil by Layton, Christine
Travel to Brazil by Layton, Christine
Adrift on an Inland Sea: Misinformation and the Limits of Empire in the Brazilian Backlands by Langfur, Hal
Adrift on an Inland Sea: Misinformation and the Limits of Empire in the Brazilian Backlands by Langfur, Hal
Recognition Politics by Fontana, Lorenza B.
Civilian-Driven Violence and the Genocide of Indigenous Peoples in Settler Societies by
Sports in South America: A History by Brown, Matthew
The Rural State: Making Comunidades, Campesinos, and Conflict in Peru's Central Sierra by Puente, Javier
Masters of the Lost Land: The Untold Story of the Amazon and the Violent Fight for the World's Last Frontier by Araujo, Heriberto
Our Own Path to Socialism: Selected Speeches of Hugo Chávez by Chávez, Hugo
A History of Suriname by Buddingh, Hans
A History of Suriname by Buddingh, Hans
Yerba Mate: The Drink That Shaped a Nation Volume 79 by Sarreal, Julia J. S.
Yerba Mate: The Drink That Shaped a Nation Volume 79 by Sarreal, Julia J. S.
The Insubordination of Photography: Documentary Practices under Chile's Dictatorship by Donoso Macaya, Ángeles
Nutrition Education Initiative for Rural Adolescent Girls: a Quasi Experimental Study by Nithya, R. Beryl
José Martí by Ette, Ottmar
Until the Storm Passes: Politicians, Democracy, and the Demise of Brazil's Military Dictatorship by Pitts, Bryan
Lost Paititi and the Non-Human Remains of Nazca by Jamin, Thierry
The Secrets of Healthy Living: 60 Years of Graceful Life by Nwadike, Chinedum
Brazil and the Transnational Human Rights Movement, 1964-1985 by Grimaldi, Anna
Reform and Political Crisis in Brazil: Class Conflicts in Workers' Party Governments and the Rise of Bolsonaro Neo-Fascism by Boito, Armando
Mirrors of Whiteness: Media, Middle-Class Resentment, and the Rise of the Far Right in Brazil by Porto, Mauro P.
Identity Investments: Middle-Class Responses to Precarious Privilege in Neoliberal Chile by Stillerman, Joel
Identity Investments: Middle-Class Responses to Precarious Privilege in Neoliberal Chile by Stillerman, Joel
Liberationist Christianity in Argentina (1930-1983): Faith and Revolution by Bradbury, Pablo
Memory and History in Argentine Popular Music by Fuentes Korban, Delia Pamela
The Entangled Labor Histories of Brazil and the United States by
What One Man Saw, being the Personal Impressions of a War Correspondent in Cuba by Hancock, Harrie Irving
The Nazi Party and the German Communities Abroad: The Latin American Case by Bertonha, João Fábio, Athaides, Rafael
Las cenizas del Ejército Libertador by Rodulfo, Juan
"Uncool and Incorrect" in Chile: The Nixon Administration and the Downfall of Salvador Allende by Streeter, Stephen M.
The Heart of the Andes: Exploring the Rich Culture and History of Peru by Winston, Debbie
Lucio Costa - Encontros by Costa, Lucio
Fuentes históricas y genealógicas de Tucumán del siglo XIX Catálogo de informaciones matrimoniales de Leales by Flores Ivaldi, Gerardo Luciano
Cooperation and Hierarchy in Ancient Bolivia: Building Community with the Body by Juengst, Sara L.
The Sequence of Late Formative Ceremonial Structures at Salango, Coastal Ecuador: A Reconstruction and Interpretation by Lunniss, Richard
Colombia: Fidel Castro on the Debate Around Revolutionary Strategy and Lessons of the Cuban Revolution, from the Pages of the Militant by
The Conquistadors by Descola, Jean
Notes on the History of Argentine Independence by W. Whittemore, Charles
Contested Community: Indigenous Land Rights and Identity Politics in Eastern Bolivia by Groke, Veronika
Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World, 1880-1940: Liberal and Anti-Liberal Political Thought in Comparative Perspective by Losada, Leandro
Politics, Propaganda and the Press: International Reactions to the Falklands/Malvinas Conflict by Clare, Louise A.
The Cambridge Companion to Latin American Independence by
The Cambridge Companion to Latin American Independence by
Decolonial Metal Music in Latin America by Varas-Díaz, Nelson
Throwing Stones at the Moon: Narratives from Colombians Displaced by Violence by
Revolutions in Cuba and Venezuela: One Hope, Two Realities by Pedraza, Silvia, Romero, Carlos A.
Revolutions in Cuba and Venezuela: One Hope, Two Realities by Romero, Carlos A., Pedraza, Silvia
Throwing Stones at the Moon: Narratives from Colombians Displaced by Violence by
GuíaBurros: Historia de Chile: Desde la independencia de España hasta la República Liberal by Quitral, Máximo
Tatameo: 201.520.162.017 peos y rumores by Chacín G., Ángel J.
The Combatant: A Che Guevara Enigma by Aguirre Rojas, Carlos Antonio
The Age of Dissent: Revolution and the Power of Communication in Chile, 1780-1833 by Bowen, Martín
The Age of Dissent: Revolution and the Power of Communication in Chile, 1780-1833 by Bowen, Martín
Inca Apocalypse: The Spanish Conquest and the Transformation of the Andean World by Covey, R. Alan
Watchful Lives in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands by Dürr, Eveline, Alderman, Jonathan, Whittaker, Catherine
The Paraguayan War: A Captivating Guide to a South American War Called the War of the Triple Alliance between Paraguay and the Allied Coun by History, Captivating
Becoming Heritage by Escallón, Maria Fernanda
Los soldados judíos de Malvinas by Dobry, Hernán
Una colonia francesa en Paraguay: Nueva Burdeos by Rodríguez Alcalá, Guido, Capdevila, Luc
Protesting Poverty: Protestants, Social Ethics, and the Poor in Brazil by Barreto, Raimundo C.
Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan by Thomas, Hugh
Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan by Thomas, Hugh
Capitalist Outsiders: Oil's Legacies in Mexico and Venezuela by Gates, Leslie
Emotions and Migration in Argentina at the Turn of the 20th Century by Bjerg, María
Techos rojos, abismo rojo: La Historia by Crovato, Marcelo
The Inca Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the Incas, Their Civilization in Ancient Peru, and the Spanish Conquest by Wellman, Billy
Diez años de El Marino by Grez Cañete, Diego
The Road to the Land of the Mother of God: A History of the Interoceanic Highway in Peru by Castillo Hurtado, Jorge Luis, Perz, Stephen G.
Press, Power, and Culture in Imperial Brazil by
Dictators and the Disappeared: Democracy Lost and Restored by
Emancipatory Narratives & Enslaved Motherhood: Bahia, Brazil, 1830-1888 by Collins, Jane-Marie
Brazilian Histories by
Representing the Barrios: Culture, Politics, and Urban Poverty in Twentieth-Century Caracas by Jarman, Rebecca
Concrete Inferno: Terror and Torture under Brazil's Military Regime, 1964-1985 by Vardy, C. William
Peru since Independence: A Concise Illustrated History by Sherman, John W.
Peru since Independence: A Concise Illustrated History by Sherman, John W.
Into the Amazon: The Life of Cândido Rondon, Trailblazing Explorer, Scientist, Statesman, and Conservationist by Rohter, Larry
Into the Amazon: The Life of Cândido Rondon, Trailblazing Explorer, Scientist, Statesman, and Conservationist by Rohter, Larry
Stories from Jonestown by Fondakowski, Leigh
Building Power to Shape Labor Policy: Unions, Employer Associations, and Reform in Neoliberal Chile by Perez Ahumada, Pablo
The Paradox of Violence in Venezuela: Revolution, Crime, and Policing During Chavismo by
Into the Amazon: The Life of Cândido Rondon, Trailblazing Explorer, Scientist, Statesman, and Conservationist by Rohter, Larry
Rio de Janeiro in the Global Meat Market, c. 1850 to c. 1930: How Fresh and Salted Meat Arrived at the Carioca Table by Lopes, Maria-Aparecida
The Colombian Peace Agreement: A Multidisciplinary Assessment by
An Authoritarian Third Way in the Era of Fascism: Diffusion, Models and Interactions in Europe and Latin America by
Dictatorship in the Nineteenth Century: Conceptualisations, Experiences, Transfers by
Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America by
The Falklands Guns: The Story of the Captured Argentine Artillery That Became Part of the RAF Regiment by Fonfé, Mike
Transimperial Anxieties: The Making and Unmaking of Arab Ottomans in São Paulo, Brazil, 1850-1940 by Najar, José D.
Unsettling Agribusiness: Indigenous Protests and Land Conflict in Brazil by Sullivan, Lashandra
Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Indigenous America in the Spanish Language Classroom by Fountain, Anne
Now We Are in Power: The Politics of Passive Revolution in Twenty-First-Century Bolivia by McNelly, Angus
Neither Hee Nor Any of His Companie Did Return Againe: Failed Colonies in the Caribbean and Latin America, 1492-1865 by Waters, Raine, MacDonald, David
Demons in the Golden Empire: Gonzalo Pizarro during the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire by Hernandez, Marcos Antonio
Populism: Latin American Perspectives by
Reading the Walls of Bogotá: Graffiti, Street Art, and the Urban Imaginary of Violence by Griffin, Alba
Montalban Origenes Genealogicos: Sus familias fundadoras y los Manzo by Manzo, Ricardo
Moving Memory: Remembering Palestine in Postdictatorship Chile by Schwabe, Siri
Moving Memory: Remembering Palestine in Postdictatorship Chile by Schwabe, Siri
Caraïben: Wereldgeschiedenis in een Notendop by Smit, Hendrik Jason
Costa Rica: Wereldgeschiedenis in een Notendop by Smit, Hendrik Jason
Salvador of the Twentieth Century by Martin, Percy F.
Of Light and Struggle: Social Justice, Human Rights, and Accountability in Uruguay by Sharnak, Debbie
The History of Brazil: From Colonization to Carnival by Lynn-Silva, Gabriel, Hansen, Einar Felix
Modernity at the Movies: Cinema-Going in Buenos Aires and Santiago, 1915-1945 by Gatica Mizala, Camila
The Way Around: Finding My Mother and Myself Among the Yanomami by Good, David
Anarchist Popular Power: Dissident Labor and Armed Struggle in Uruguay, 1956-76 by Araiza Kokinis, Troy Andreas
The Disappeared: Remnants of a Dirty War by Ferguson, Sam
An International History of South America in the Era of Military Rule: Geared for War by Hurtado-Torres, Sebastián, Fermandois, Joaquín
A Batalha by de Barros, Affonso
Peruvian Foreign Policy in the Modern Era by St John, Ronald Bruce
La Corrupción en el Socialismo del Siglo XXI: Tomo I by Gonzalez, Rodulfo
Samurai in the Land of the Gaucho: Transpacific Modernity and Nikkei Literature in Argentina by Hagimoto, Koichi
Samurai in the Land of the Gaucho: Transpacific Modernity and Nikkei Literature in Argentina by Hagimoto, Koichi
Bahian Recôncavo Plantations: Spaces of Power and Resistance by Meyer, Doriane Andrade
Folk Medicine And Heritage: European Healing in Buenos Aires (1870-1940) by Dahhur, Astrid
Relatorio Sobre A Instrucção Pública Da Provincia Da Bahia, Apresentado Ao Illmo. E. Exmo. Snr. Presidente Commendador Alvaro Tiberio De Moncorvo E Li by
Anales Del Cuzco, 1600 Á 1750 by
Croquis Y Siluetas Militares: Escenas Contemporáneas De Nuestros Campamentos by Gutiérrez, Eduardo
Obsebvaciones [Sic] Sobre Las Memorias Póstumas Del Brigadier General D. Josè M. Paz, Por G. Araoz De Lamadrid Y Otros Gefes Contemporaneos by de la Madrid, Gregorio Aráoz
Historia General De Las Indias, Volume 2... by
El Ecuador Y El Vaticano: O, La Revolución Religiosa En El Ecuador... by Coral, Luciano
La Libertad De Los Esclavos En Venezuela: Publicación Hecha De Orden De La Junta Directiva Del Centenario Del General José Gregorio Monagas... by Rosales, Manuel Landaeta
La Mineria En San Juan... by Ramirez, P. P.
Historia General De La Independencia De Chile; Volume 2 by Arana, Diego Barros
Ensaio Sobre As Construcçoes Navaes Indigenas Do Brasil by Câmara, Antônio Alves
Monografía Completa De La Región Del Colla: Ó Sea Rosario Del Colla, Colonia Suiza, Nueva Helvecia, Colonia Vadense Ó Piamontesa, La Paz, Colonia Cosm by Olesa, J. Barcón
Ecuador: Its Ancient and Modern History, Topography and Natural Resources, Industries and Social Development by Enock, C. Reginald 1868-1970
La Guerra Hispano-americana Ant El Derecho Interacional for Don Ernesto Amadory Carrandi by Isern, D. Damián
Documentos Para la Historia Argentina by Anonymous
World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago: The United States of Venezuela in 1893 by
Chile And Her People Of Today: An Account Of The Customs, Characteristics, Amusements, History And Advancement Of The Chileans, And The Development A by Winter, Nevin Otto
Misiones Del Paraguay... by Cardiel, José
Documentos Relativos a Mem de Sá, Governador Geral do Brasil by (Brazil), Biblioteca Nacional
Memoria De Guerra Presenta Al Congreso Nacional / Chile. Ministerio De Guerra by Anonymous
Puna De Atacama by Varela, Luis Vicente
Historia General De La República Del Ecuador; Volume 5 by Suárez, Federico González
History of the Conquest of Peru by Prescott, William Hickling
The Antiquities Of Manabi, Ecuador; A Preliminary Report by
Recuerdos de un Hacendado by Daireaux, Godofredo
Peru Before The Conquest: Territories, Institutions, Industries, Religion, Customs, And Characteristics Of The Peruvians Prior To The Spanish In by Benham, George B.
Der Staat Santa Catharina in Südbrasilien ... by Ballod, Karl
Lóndres Y Catamarca: Cartas Á La Nación, 1883, 84 Y 85: Con Apéndices Y Un Mapa Histórico... by
Tradiciones Y Recuerdos: Montevideo Antiguo by De-María, Isidoro
Documentos Para La Historia De La Vida Pública Del Libertador De Colombia, Perú Y Bolivia [S. Bolívar] Puestos Par Orden Cronológico, Y Con Adiciones by Bolívar, Simón
A History of South America, 1854-1904 by Akers, Charles Edmond
Chile and Spain: The Whole Question Officially Stated by Spain, Chile
Los Constituyentes Chilenos De 1870 by Alemparte, Justo Arteaga y., Alemparte, Domingo Arteaga y.
... Partes Oficiales Y Documentos Relativos Á La Guerra De La Independencia Argentina; Volume 2 by de la Nación, Archivo General
Mémoires D'un Déporté À La Guyane Française by Lamothe, Alexandre
Relacion Documentada ... Del Trastorno De Las Provincias De Venezuela... by
Historia de los diez años de la administracion de Don Manuel Montt; Volume 2 by Vicuña MacKenna, Benjamín
Histoire Du Pérou by De Balboa, Miguel Cabello
Memorias Da Vida De José Liberato Freire De Carvalho [Written by Himself]. by de Carvalho, José Liberato Freire
La Libertad De Los Esclavos En Venezuela: Publicación Hecha De Orden De La Junta Directiva Del Centenario Del General José Gregorio Monagas... by Rosales, Manuel Landaeta
A History of the Missions in Paraguay by Caddell, Cecilia Mary
O Tupí Na Geographia Nacional: Memoria Lida No Instituto Historico E Geographico De S. Paulo by Sampaio, Teodoro
Las campañas de Chiloé by
Reise in Brasilien. by
The Temple of the Andes by Inwards, Richard
Balmaceda: Su Gobierno Y La Revolución De 1891; Volume 2 by Espinosa, Julio Bañados
Cuando Bolívar y Napoleón se hablaron- by Moncayo, Abelardo
Desengaño Y Reparo De La Guerra Del Reino De Chile: Donde Se Manifiestan Las Principales Ventajas Que En Ella Tienen Los Indios Á Nuestros Españoles, by
El Ecuador Y El Vaticano: O, La Revolución Religiosa En El Ecuador... by Coral, Luciano
Geschiedenis von Suriname .. by Wolbers, Julien
Ten Months in Brazil: With Incidents of Voyages and Travels, Descriptions of Scenery and Character, Notices of Commerce and Productions, Etc by Codman, John
Vireinato Del Rio De La Plata, 1776-1810: Apuntamientos Critico-Históricos by Quesada, Vicente Gregorio
Chronologia Histórica do Estado do Piauí by Da Costa, Francisco Augusto Pereira
Colección De Documentos Inéditos, Relativos Al Descubrimiento, Conquista Y Organización De Las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas De América Y Oceanía; Vol by Pacheco, Joaquín Francisco
Letters Written From Colombia During a Journey From Caracas to Bogotá and Thence to Santa Martha, in 1823 by Hall, Francis
La Invasion Inglesa En El Rio De La Plata by Pereira, Antonio N.
La Diplomacia De Los Tratados: Paraguay Y Bolivia by Gondra, César
A revolução no Brasil e o opusculo do visconde de S. Boaventura by Corrêa, José Augusto
La Revolucion Argentina: Su Origen, Sus Guerras, Y Su Desarrollo Político Hasta 1830; Volume 1 by Lopez, Vicente Fidel
Mercurio Peruano De Historia, Literatura, Y Noticias Públicas Que Da Á Luz La Sociedad Academica De Amantes De Lima, Y En Su Nombre J. Calero Y Moreir by
Brazil: The Gold-Fields of Brazil: Their History, Production and Future Importance by MacKie, Charles Paul
La Vía Central Del Perú; Volume 2 by Capelo, Joaquín
Evolución Social Del Obrero En Guayaquil [1849-1920] by Navas, José Buenaventura
Paginas D'historia Constitucional Do Brasil, 1840-1848 by Anonymous
Solucion De La Cuestion De Límites Entre Chile I Bolivia by Torres, José Antonio
Noticia Histórico-Geográfica De Algunos Ríos De Nuestro Oriente by Correa, Carlos Larrabure y.
Anales De La Prensa Boliviana: Matanzas De Yáñez, 1861-1862 by Moreno, Gabriel René
Memoria Histórica Sobre La Revolución De Chile: Desde El Cautiverio De Fernando Vii, Hasta 1814 by Martínez, Melchor
Relaciones De Los Virreyes Y Audiencias Que Han Gobernado El Peru; Volume 2 by
A Five Years' Residence in Buenos Ayres, by an Englishman [G.T. Love?] by Love, George Thomas
En Defensa De La Causa Liberal by Blanco, Antonio Guzmán
Coleccíon De Historiadores De Chile Y Documentos Relativos a La Historia Nacional; Volume 31 by
La obra de España en América by Pereyra, Carlos
Escritos Póstumos De J. B. Alberdi, Volumes 2-3 by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Anales De La Defensa De Montevideo, 1842-1851 by Anonymous
Fuga De Escravos Em Campinas: Discursos Pronunciados No Senado by Cotegipe, João Maurício Wanderley
The Amazing Argentine a New Land of Enterprise by Fraser, John Foster
Les origines vénézuéliennes; essai sur la colonisation espagnole au Vénézuéla (ouvrage accompagné d'une gravure et d'une carte géographique) .. by 1867-1935, Humbert Jules
Descubrimiento Y Conquista De Chile by Carrasco, Adolfo
Resumen De La Historia Del Ecuador Desde Su Orijen Hasta 1845, Volumes 3-4 by Cevallos, Pedro Fermin
Commendador E Barão, Documentos Para a Historia Dos Consulados Portuguezes No Imperio Do Brazil, Collegidos E Commentados for D.a. Gomes Percheiro by Percheiro, Domingos Antonio Gomes
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