• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Southeast Asian History in 1993

A History of Modern Indonesia Since C. 1300 by Ricklefs, M. C.
Japanese in Colonial Southeast Asia by
Fields from the Sea: Chinese Junk Trade with Siam During the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century by Cushman, Jennifer
Fair Land Sarawak: Some Recollections of an Expatriate Officer by Morrison, Alastair
The Political Legacy of Aung San by
The American War in Vietnam by
Postwar Vietnam by
The Voice of Young Burma by Kyaw, Aye
Javanese Literature in Surakarta Manuscripts: Introduction and Manuscripts of the Karaton Surakarta by Florida, Nancy K.
Javanese Literature in Surakarta Manuscripts: Introduction and Manuscripts of the Karaton Surakarta by Florida, Nancy K.
Zoe: The God-Kind of Life by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Working-Class War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam by Appy, Christian G.
Four Hours in My Lai by Sim, Kevin, Bilton, Michael
American Rhetoric and the Vietnam War by Gustainis, J. Justin
The Vietnam War: Handbook of the Literature and Research by Olson, James Stuart
Shadow on the White House: Presidents and the Vietnam War by
Sugar and the Origins of Modern Philippine Society by Larkin, John A.
Two Worlds of Islam: Interaction Between Southeast Asia and the Middle East by Von Der Mehden, Fred R.
Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era: Female Characters, Male Playwrights, and the Modern Stage by
Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era: Female Characters, Male Playwrights, and the Modern Stage by
Looking Back on the Vietnam War: A 1990s Perspective on the Decisions, Combat, and Legacies by
Two Worlds of Islam by Von Der Mehden, Fred R.
Looking Back on the Vietnam War: A 1990s Perspective on the Decisions, Combat, and Legacies by Ali, Omar
Dynamics of Defeat: The Vietnam War in Hau Nghia Province by Bergerud, Eric M.
The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War, and Revolution Since 1945 by Chandler, David P.
The Vietnam War: Vietnamese and American Perspectives: Vietnamese and American Perspectives by Huynh, Luu Doan, Werner, Jayne
The Lost Battalion: Controversy and Casualties in the Battle of Hue by Krohn, Charles
Asian Loot: Unearthing the Secrets of Marcos, Yamashita and the Gold by McDougald, Charles C.
Courage Under Fire: Testing Epictetus's Doctrines in a Laboratory of Human Behavior by Stockdale, James B.