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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Southeast Asian History in 2002

Politics of the Possible: Essays on Gender, History, Narrative, Colonial English by Sangari, Kumkum
Politics of the Possible: Essays on Gender, History, Narratives, Colonial English by Sangari, Kumkum
Gender, Household, State: Doi Moi in Viet Nam by
Fear and Sanctuary: Burmese Refugees in Thailand by Lang, Hazel J.
The Myth of Inevitable US Defeat in Vietnam by Walton, Dale
The Myth of Inevitable US Defeat in Vietnam by Walton, Dale
The West New Guinea Debacle: Dutch Decolonisation and Indonesia, 1945-1962 by Penders, C. L. M.
Modern Dreams by Goh, Beng-Lan
Opusculum de Sectis Apud Sinenses Et Tunkinenses: A Small Treatise on the Sects Among the Chinese and Tonkinese by Di St Thecla, Father Adriano
American Tragedy: Kennedy, Johnson, and the Origins of the Vietnam War by Kaiser, David
Vietnam: An Illustrated History by Woods, Shelton
Long Time Passing: Vietnam and the Haunted Generation by MacPherson, Myra
Indochinese Experience of the French and the Americans: Nationalism and Communism in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam by Dommen, Arthur J.
Everyday Politics in the Philippines: Class and Status Relations in a Central Luzon Village by Kerkvliet, Benedict J. Tria
The Funeral Casino: Meditation, Massacre, and Exchange with the Dead in Thailand by Klima, Alan
Engineers of Happy Land: Technology and Nationalism in a Colony by Mrázek, Rudolf
Power and Prowess: The origins of Brooke kingship in Sarawak by Walker, J. H.
Aces and Aerial Victories: The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia 1965 - 1973 by Et Al, Futrell, R. Frank, Greenhalgh, William H.
Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien Bien Phu by Fall, Bernard
Everyday Politics in the Philippines: Class and Status Relations in a Central Luzon Village by Kerkvliet, Benedict J. Tria
Nixon, Ford and the Abandonment of South Vietnam by Haynsworth, H. C. Toby, Lee, J. Edward
Victory in Vietnam: The Official History of the People's Army of Vietnam, 1954-1975 by
Remembering Heaven's Face: A Story of Rescue in Wartime Vietnam by Balaban, John
Public Health in Papua New Guinea: Medical Possibility and Social Constraint, 1884 1984 by Denoon, Donald
Singapore Politics Under the People's Action Party by Milne, R. S., Mauzy, Diane K.
Singapore Politics Under the People's Action Party by Mauzy, Diane K., Milne, R. S.
Village on the Edge by Smith, Michael French
Cultures in Conflict--The Viet Nam War by Vadas, Robert
End of Sukarno: A Coup That Misfired: A Purge That Ran Wild by Huges, John
Collective Goods: Collective Futures in East and Southeast Asia by
The Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War by Anderson, David
Vietnam the Necessary War: A Reinterpretation of America's Most Disastrous Military Conflict by Lind, Michael
Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam by Fitzgerald, Frances
The Invention of Politics in Colonial Malaya: Contesting Nationalism and the Expansion of the Public Sphere by Milner, Anthony, Anthony, Milner
America at War: The Philippines, 1898-1913 by Feuer, A.
Lords of Things by Peleggi, Maurizio
Prehistoric Circular Earthworks of Cambodia by Dega, Michael F.
Sickness and the State: Health and Illness in Colonial Malaya, 1870 1940 by Manderson, Lenore
Asian States, Asian Bankers: Central Banking in Southeast Asia by Hamilton-Hart, Natasha
Paradise of the Blind by McPherson, Nina, Duong, Thu Huong
Why the North Won the Vietnam War by
The Vietnam War from the Other Side by Ang, Cheng Guan
A History of Brunei by Saunders, Graham
Fluid Iron: State Formation in Southeast Asia by Day, Tony
Antiwarriors: The Vietnam War and the Battle for America's Hearts and Minds by Small, Melvin
Antiwarriors: The Vietnam War and the Battle for America's Hearts and Minds by Small, Melvin
From Rebellion to Riots: Collective Violence on Indonesian Borneo by Davidson, Jamie S.
Leaving the House of Ghosts: Cambodian Refugees in the American Midwest by Streed, Sarah
Social Movements in Malaysia: From Moral Communities to NGOs by
The United Nations and the Indonesian Takeover of West Papua, 1962-1969: The Anatomy of Betrayal by Saltford, John
Cultures of Disaster: Society and Natural Hazard in the Philippines by Bankoff, Greg
Southeast Asia: A Testament by Kahin, George McT
ASEAN's Diplomatic and Security Culture: Origins, Development and Prospects by Haacke, Jurgen
Southeast Asia: A Testament by Kahin, George McT
National Identity and Its Defenders: Thailand Today by
The Rhetoric of War: Language, Argument, and Policy During the Vietnam War by Averch, Harvey
Mon Nationalism and Civil War in Burma: The Golden Sheldrake by South, Ashley
Democracy and National Identity in Thailand by Connors, Michael Kelly
Hong Kong in Transition: One Country, Two Systems by
Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife by Nagl, John A.
A Companion to the Vietnam War by
Indonesia's Small Entrepreneurs: Trading on the Margins by Turner, Sarah
Fighting Ships of the Far East (1): China and Southeast Asia 202 BC - AD 1419 by Turnbull, Stephen
Decent Interval: An Insider's Account of Saigon's Indecent End Told by the Cia's Chief Strategy Analyst in Vietnam by Snepp, Frank
The Modern Anthropology of South-East Asia: An Introduction by Wilder, William D., King, Victor
Window on a War: An Anthropologist in the Vietnam Conflict by Hickey, Gerald C.
The Modern Anthropology of South-East Asia: An Introduction by Wilder, William D., King, Victor
Islamic Nationhood and Colonial Indonesia: The Umma Below the Winds by Laffan, Michael Francis
A Bitter Peace: Washington, Hanoi, and the Making of the Paris Agreement by Asselin, Pierre
Postcolonial Vietnam: New Histories of the National Past by Pelley, Patricia M.
Classical Civilizations of South-East Asia by
Dogeaters: A Play about the Philippines by Hagedorn, Jessica
Cat from Hue: A Vietnam War Story by Laurence, John
The Power of Institutions: Political Architecture and Governance by Macintyre, Andrew
The Power of Institutions: Political Architecture and Governance by Macintyre, Andrew
Indonesia by Frost, Nicola
Vietnam by Woods, L. Shelton
Historical Dictionary of Cambodia by Summers, Laura, Corfield, Justin
The Political Economy of the Cambodian Transition by Hughes, Caroline