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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Southeast Asian History in 2016

Hating Empire Properly: The Two Indies and the Limits of Enlightenment Anticolonialism by Agnani, Sunil M.
Water and Light - A Travel Journal of the Cambodian Mekong by Groslier, George
Nation-Building and National Identity in Timor-Leste by Leach, Michael
Chiang Kai Shek and the Kuomintang Army: A Pictorial History of Taiwan in 1955 - 1956 by Joyce, Eileen
Military Economics, Culture and Logistics in the Burma Campaign, 1942-1945 by Dunlop, Graham
Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War: The End of the American Century by Schmitz, David F.
The Vietnam War: A Documentary Reader by Miller, Edward
Philippines Via Old Pics - 5 by Elizes Pub, Tatay Jobo
50 Years of the Chinese Community in Singapore by
Indonesian Sea Nomads: Money, Magic and Fear of the Orang Suku Laut by Chou, Cynthia
The Way Thais Lead: Face as Social Capital by Persons, Larry S.
Hanoi's War: An International History of the War for Peace in Vietnam by Nguyen, Lien-Hang T.
Batik, Traditional Textiles of Indonesia: From the Rudolf Smend & Donald Harper Collections by Harper, Donald, Smend, Rudolf
Indonesian Politics and Society: A Reader by
Indonesia Journal: October 2015 by
Economic Change in Modern Indonesia: Colonial and Post-Colonial Comparisons by Booth, Anne
Reporting Thailand's Southern Conflict: Mediating Political Dissent by Kularb, Phansasiri
The War Within: America's Battle Over Vietnam by Wells, Tom
Tanah Amanillah: Land Under The Protection of God by Fernandez, Hector M.
Political Change, Democratic Transitions and Security in Southeast Asia by
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago: Volume I by Rost, Reinhold
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago: Volume II by Rost, Reinhold
Thailand and the Southeast Asian Networks of the Vietnamese Revolution, 1885-1954 by Goscha, Christopher E.
King Norodom's Head: Phnom Penh Sights Beyond the Guidebooks by Boswell, Steven W.
Gay Sydney: A History by Wotherspoon, Garry
Third World Colonialism and Strategies of Liberation by Weldemichael, Awet Tewelde
Entrepreneurialism and Tourism in Contemporary Vietnam by Gillen, Jamie
Indonesian Notebook: A Sourcebook on Richard Wright and the Bandung Conference by
Customs of Cambodia - Zhou Daguan by
South Vietnamese Soldiers: Memories of the Vietnam War and After by Nguyen, Nathalie
Ming China and Vietnam by Baldanza, Kathlene
Forests Are Gold: Trees, People, and Environmental Rule in Vietnam by McElwee, Pamela D.
Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian History by
Armed Forces and Insurgents in Modern Asia by Roy, Kaushik
Indonesian Notebook: A Sourcebook on Richard Wright and the Bandung Conference by
Feeding Manila in Peace and War, 1850-1945 by Doeppers, Daniel F.
Economic Change in Modern Indonesia by Booth, Anne
Encounters: Packing and Unpacking Balikbayan Boxes by Aquino, Cora Balolong
Crisis in the Philippines: The Marcos Era and Beyond. Preface by David D. Newsom by
Burmese Administrative Cycles: Anarchy and Conquest, C. 1580-1760 by Lieberman, Victor B.
Fire Across the Sea: The Vietnam War and Japan 1965-1975 by Havens, Thomas R. H.
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part III: 1965-1966 by Gibbons, William Conrad
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part IV July 1965-January 1968 by Gibbons, William Conrad
The Blue-Eyed Enemy: Japan Against the West in Java and Luzon, 1942-1945 by Friend, Theodore
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part I: 1945-1960 by Gibbons, William Conrad
Soviet Strategies in Southeast Asia: An Exploration of Eastern Policy Under Lenin and Stalin by McLane, Charles B.
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part II: 1961-1964 by Gibbons, William Conrad
The Land of the Holy Rivers: An Academic Research in History, Geography and Legend by Ansari, Kamel
Cadet, Soldier, Guerrilla Fighter: Remembering Bataan and Corregidor by Nieva, Antonio a.
Filipino Studies: Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora by
Filipino Studies: Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora by
Rascals in Paradise by Michener, James A., Day, A. Grove
Victoria: with a Description of Its Principal Cities, Melbourne and Geelong by Stoney, Henry Butler
Public Lives, Private Virtues: Images of American Revolutionary War Heroes, 1782-1832 by Harris, Christopher
Indonesia Journal: April 2016 by
The Nine Dragons Drained Dry The East Sea In Turmoil by Ngo, Vinh the
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China: Volume I by Rost, Reinhold
The Palace Law of Ayutthaya and the Thammasat: Law and Kingship in Siam by
The Palace Law of Ayutthaya and the Thammasat: Law and Kingship in Siam by
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China: Reprinted for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society From Dalrymple's "Oriental Repertory," and by Rost, Reinhold
Activist Archives: Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia by Lee, Doreen
Activist Archives: Youth Culture and the Political Past in Indonesia by Lee, Doreen
Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts by
The Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (Cfe-Dmha): An Assessment of Roles and Missions by Thaler, David E., Grill, Beth, Pezard, Stephanie
China and Southeast Asia: Historical Interactions by
Hamka's Great Story: A Master Writer's Vision of Islam for Modern Indonesia by Rush, James R.
Singapore: Negotiating State and Society, 1965-2015 by
Ghostly Desires: Queer Sexuality and Vernacular Buddhism in Contemporary Thai Cinema by Fuhrmann, Arnika
Ghostly Desires: Queer Sexuality and Vernacular Buddhism in Contemporary Thai Cinema by Fuhrmann, Arnika
Contesting Indochina: French Remembrance Between Decolonization and Cold War Volume 8 by Edwards, M. Kathryn
Contesting Indochina: French Remembrance Between Decolonization and Cold War Volume 8 by Edwards, M. Kathryn
Singapore: Negotiating State and Society, 1965-2015 by
Intertidal History in Island Southeast Asia: Submerged Genealogy and the Legacy of Coastal Capture by Gaynor, Jennifer L.
Intertidal History in Island Southeast Asia: Submerged Genealogy and the Legacy of Coastal Capture by Gaynor, Jennifer L.
Aid Under Fire: Nation Building and the Vietnam War by Elkind, Jessica
The Site of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus in Singapore: Entwined Histories of a Colonial Convent and a Nation, 1854-2015 by Hudd, Sandra
From Harlem to Viet Nam and Back: Simply a Black Marine's Combat Experience in Southeast Asia by Buckery, Enoch
From Harlem to Viet Nam and Back: Simply a Black Marine's Combat Experience in Southeast Asia by Buckery, Enoch
Timor Runguranga: A photographic journey through Timor-Leste by Palazón, David
Midnight's Furies by Hajari, Nisid
Seventeenth-Century Events at Liliw by Potet, Jean-Paul G.
The Hybrid Tsinoys: Challenges of Hybridity and Homogeneity as Sociocultural Constructs Among the Chinese in the Philippines by Uytanlet, Juliet Lee
The Hybrid Tsinoys: Challenges of Hybridity and Homogeneity as Sociocultural Constructs Among the Chinese in the Philippines by Uytanlet, Juliet Lee
Understanding Reform in Myanmar: People and Society in the Wake of Military Rule by Lall, Marie
The Malayan Emergency: Essays on a Small, Distant War by Yao, Souchou
My Conscience: An Exile's Memoir of Burma by Win, U. Kyaw
My Conscience: An Exile's Memoir of Burma by Win, U. Kyaw
Early Voyages to Terra Australis by Major, Richard Henry
Forced Migration in the Spanish Pacific World: From Mexico to the Philippines, 1765-1811 by Mehl, Eva Maria
Mourning Headband for Hue: An Account of the Battle for Hue, Vietnam 1968 by Ca, Nha
Contemporary Vietnam: A Guide to Economic and Political Developments by Jeffries, Ian
Javanese Culture and the Meanings of Locality: Studies on the Arts, Urbanism, Polity, and Society by Wiryomartono, Bagoes
Taming Babel: Language in the Making of Malaysia by Leow, Rachel
Cities in Motion: Urban Life and Cosmopolitanism in Southeast Asia, 1920-1940 by Lewis, Su Lin
Kantelend leven: Verslag van de Aziatische Periode 1938 - 1945 by Den Ouden, Phil &. Matty, De Jongh, Lieske
Things I'll Never forget: Memories of a Marine in Viet Nam by Dixon, James M.
Majulah!: 50 Years of Malay/Muslim Community in Singapore by
Majulah!: 50 Years of Malay/Muslim Community in Singapore by
Chinese Nationalism and Politics in Indonesia 1900-1965 by Goodman, John Oxenham
The Komedi Bioscoop, Kintop 4: Early Cinema in Colonial Indonesia by Ruppin, Dafna
The Lawless Side of War: Making Millions on the Vietnam Black-Market - A Fictional Memoir by Reagan, Terrell
Behind The Teak Curtain: Authoritarianism, Agricultural Policies and Political Legitimacy in Rural Burma/Myanmar by Thawnghmung, Ardeth Maung
Sport and the American Occupation of the Philippines: Bats, Balls, and Bayonets by Gems, Gerald R.
Cambodia Past: Explaining the Present by Aymonier, Etienne F.
Viet Nam: Tradition and Change by Huu Ngoc
Viet Nam: Tradition and Change by Huu Ngoc
Balinese Painting and Sculpture: From the Krzysztof Musial Collection by Vickers, Adrian
The Foundations of the Modern Philippine State by Castañeda Anastacio, Leia
Le Tonkin et les relations commerciales by Plauchut, Edmond
Asia's Great Lineage: The Pioneers of Mac's Dynasty in Mekong Delta by (Quang, Mac Hồng) Quang Hong Mac
Singapore, My Country: Biography of M Bala Subramanion by SenGupta, Nilanjana
Singapore, My Country: Biography of M Bala Subramanion by SenGupta, Nilanjana
The Hermeneutics of African Philosophy: Horizon and Discourse by Serequeberhan, Tsenay
50 Years of Indian Community in Singapore by
50 Years of Indian Community in Singapore by
Enduring Violence: Everyday Life and Conflict in Eastern Sri Lanka by Walker, Rebecca
Neoliberalizing Spaces in the Philippines: Suburbanization, Transnational Migration, and Dispossession by Ortega, Arnisson Andre
The People between the Rivers: The Rise and Fall of a Bronze Drum Culture, 200-750 CE by Churchman, Catherine
Inquiry On Resolve: Legacies of the "American War" in Vietnam by Moore Phd, Paul James
Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Byzantine World, c.300-1500 AD: Selected Papers from the XVII International Graduate Conference of the Oxford Universit by
Comfort Woman: A Filipina's Story of Prostitution and Slavery under the Japanese Military by Henson, Maria Rosa
Comfort Woman: A Filipina's Story of Prostitution and Slavery under the Japanese Military by Henson, Maria Rosa
Race and British Colonialism in Southeast Asia, 1770-1870: John Crawfurd and the Politics of Equality by Knapman, Gareth
Salvage: Cultural Resilience Among the Jorai of Northeast Cambodia by Uk, Krisna
Phan Thanh: A Family History by Phan, Khanh
Salvage: Cultural Resilience Among the Jorai of Northeast Cambodia by Uk, Krisna
Beautiful Hero: How We Survived the Khmer Rouge by Lau, Jennifer H.
Historical Dictionary of the Peoples of the Southeast Asian Massif by Swain, Margaret Byrne, Barkataki-Ruscheweyh, Meenaxi, Michaud, Jean
A Brief History of Bali: Piracy, Slavery, Opium and Guns: The Story of an Island Paradise by Hanna, Willard A.
Such a Lovely Little War: Saigon 1961-63 by Truong, Marcelino
Ancient Southeast Asia by Miksic, John Norman, Yian, Goh Geok
Su Tinh Va Y Thuc by Nguyen, Liem Huu
Ancient Southeast Asia by Yian, Goh Geok, Miksic, John Norman
From Indus to Independence - A Trek Through Indian History: The Disintegration of Empires by Kainikara
From Indus to Independence: A Trek Through Indian History (Vol I Prehistory to the Fall of the Mauryas) by Kainikara, Sanu
Interesting History of Singapore by Stehr, Emily
Burma, Kipling and Western Music: The Riff from Mandalay by Selth, Andrew
Man or Monster?: The Trial of a Khmer Rouge Torturer by Hinton, Alexander Laban
Man or Monster?: The Trial of a Khmer Rouge Torturer by Hinton, Alexander Laban
The Making of South East Asia by Coedes, George
Childbirth, Maternity, and Medical Pluralism in French Colonial Vietnam, 1880-1945 by Nguyen, Thuy Linh
A History of Malaysia by Andaya, Leonard y., Andaya, Barbara Watson
State, Society, and Minorities in South and Southeast Asia by
Indonesia Journal: October 2016 by
Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a Globalising World: Diverging Identities in a Dynamic Region by Ismail, Rahil
Landscape, Memory, and Post-Violence in Cambodia by Tyner, James A.
Landscape, Memory, and Post-Violence in Cambodia by Tyner, James A.
Red Sky in the Morning by Blackard, Lily, Buhmann, Elizabeth
Tiger Hound 2: How We Won the War & Lost the Country by Welch, Ken
Early English Intercourse with Burma, 1587-1743 and the Tragedy of Negrais by Hall, Edward, George, David
The Killing of Cambodia: Geography, Genocide and the Unmaking of Space by Tyner, James A.
Promise Lost: Stephen Joyner, The Marine Corps, and the Vietnam War by Moore, Dan
Chinese Encounters in Southeast Asia: How People, Money, and Ideas from China Are Changing a Region by
Undervalued Dissent: Informal Workers' Politics in India by Nair, Manjusha
A Vietnamese Moses: Philiphe Binh and the Geographies of Early Modern Catholicism by Dutton, George E.
A Soldier's Story: Forever Changed: An Infantryman's Saga of Life and Death in Vietnam by Hogue, Richard
Historical Dictionary of Brunei Darussalam by Sidhu, Jatswan S.
Vietnam's Communist Revolution by Vu, Tuong
Vietnam's Communist Revolution by Vu, Tuong