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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Southeast Asian History in 2019

Việt-Nam và Công Cuộc Duy-Tân by Ngo, Quy Linh Thi
Beyond Political Skin: Colonial to National Economies in Indonesia and Vietnam (1910s-1960s) by Thuỷ, Phạm Văn
Anthropogenic Rivers: The Production of Uncertainty in Lao Hydropower by Whitington, Jerome
The Nature of Revolution: Art and Politics Under the Khmer Rouge by Tyner, James A.
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam by Small, Ivan V.
Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam by Small, Ivan V.
Anthropogenic Rivers: The Production of Uncertainty in Lao Hydropower by Whitington, Jerome
Making Two Vietnams by Dror, Olga
The Englishized Subject: Postcolonial Writings in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia by Tam, Kwok-Kan
Vietnam Ironclads: A Pictorial History of U.S. Navy River Assault Craft, 1966-1970 by Carrico, John M.
Everyday Economic Survival in Myanmar by Thawnghmung, Ardeth Maung
Under the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Invasion - Occupation - Liberation by Baier-Manousakis, L. J. H., Hernandez, Jose M.
The International People's Tribunal for 1965 and the Indonesian Genocide by
Writing Southeast Asian Security: Regional Security and the War on Terror After 9/11 by Mustapha, Jennifer
The Dutch East Indies Red Cross, 1870-1950: On Humanitarianism and Colonialism by Bergen, Leo Van
Journey Through Indonesia: An Unforgettable Journey from Sumatra to Papua by Hannigan, Tim
The Girl Who Said Goodbye: A Memoir of a Khmer Rouge Survivor by Allen, Heather
Southeast Asia: A Glimpse into its Past and Present: 東南亞的今昔 by Wu, Dan, 丹梧
Selected Topics on Archaeology, History and Culture in the Malay World by
Siamese State Ceremonies: With Supplementary Notes by Wales, H. G. Quaritch
Revival: Cambodia: Change and Continuity in Contemporary Politics (2001): Change and Continuity in Contemporary Politics by
The Greek Experience of India: From Alexander to the Indo-Greeks by Stoneman, Richard
Burma, Kipling and Western Music: The Riff from Mandalay by Selth, Andrew
Bells of Shangri-La: Scholars, Spies, Invaders in Tibet by Bhattacharya, Parimal
Semionauts of Tradition: Music, Culture and Identity in Contemporary Singapore by Lizeray, Juliette Yu-Ming, Lum, Chee-Hoo
Brothers in Arms: Chinese Aid to the Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979 by Mertha, Andrew
A History of the Philippines by Barrows, David P.
Dark Days of Authoritarianism: To Be in History by Maggay, Melba Padilla
Illiberal Transitional Justice and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia by Gidley, Rebecca
Garrison Tales from Tonquin: An American's Stories of the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam in the 1890s by O'Neill, James
A Reckoning: Philippine Trials of Japanese War Criminals by Chamberlain, Sharon W.
Somewhere in the Middle: A Journey to the Philippines in Search of Roots, Belonging, and Identity by Francisco Douglas, Deborah
Scandal and Democracy: Media Politics in Indonesia by McCoy, Mary E.
Scandal and Democracy: Media Politics in Indonesia by McCoy, Mary E.
Objects and Frontiers in Modern Asia: Between the Mekong and the Indus by
The Last Wild Men of Borneo: A True Story of Death and Treasure by Hoffman, Carl
Objects and Frontiers in Modern Asia: Between the Mekong and the Indus by
History of Burma: From the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824 The Beginning of the English Conquest by Harvey, G. E.
The Conservative Movement and the Vietnam War: The Other Side of Vietnam by Offenbach, Seth
Japan and the Shaping of Post-Vietnam War Southeast Asia: Japanese Diplomacy and the Cambodian Conflict, 1978-1993 by Pressello, Andrea
Mapping Chinese Rangoon: Place and Nation Among the Sino-Burmese by Roberts, Jayde Lin
Viet Nam: A History from Earliest Times to the Present by Kiernan, Ben
Singapore, Singapura: From Miracle to Complacency by Walton, Nicholas
Democracy for Sale: Elections, Clientelism, and the State in Indonesia by Berenschot, Ward, Aspinall, Edward
Democracy for Sale: Elections, Clientelism, and the State in Indonesia by Aspinall, Edward, Berenschot, Ward
When Violence Works: Postconflict Violence and Peace in Indonesia by Barron, Patrick
Beyond the Asylum: Mental Illness in French Colonial Vietnam by Edington, Claire E.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (Icofa) 2017 - Volume 1: Business and Social Sciences by
The Modern Malay by Wheeler, L. Richmond
Bali: Portraits of Life, Culture and Ritual by Novak-Clifford, Tony
Vorvong and Saurivong: A Cambodian Tale by
American Experience in Vietnam: A Reader by Sevy, Grace
Armed Forces and Insurgents in Modern Asia by Roy, Kaushik
"I Made Mistakes" by Basha I. Novosejt, Aurélie
ASEAN's Half Century: A Political History of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations by Weatherbee, Donald E.
ASEAN's Half Century: A Political History of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations by Weatherbee, Donald E.
Southeast Asian History: Essential Readings by SarDesai, D. R.
Pacific Century: The Emergence of Modern Pacific Asia by Borthwick, Mark
Empress of the Taj: In Search of Mumtaz Mahal by Murari, Timeri N.
Counterinsurgency Intelligence and the Emergency in Malaya by Arditti, Roger C.
Arc of Containment: Britain, the United States, and Anticommunism in Southeast Asia by Ngoei, Wen-Qing
Vietnam Today: A Photographic Tour of Its Peoples & Landscapes by Powers, John E.
Notes and Memories of Cambodia by Marrot, Bernard Raoul
An Illustrated History of the Philippines by Canoy, Ray
Việt Sử Đại Cương Tập 1 by
Das Pol Pot-Regime in Kambodscha. Untersuchung des Genozid-Begriffes und dessen Übertragbarkeit auf die Gewalttaten der Roten Khmer by Kauruff, Cornelia
Country Jumper in Azerbaijan by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
From Indus to Independence - A Trek Through Indian History: Medieval Deccan Kingdoms by Kainikara, Sanu
Photographic Subjects: Monarchy and Visual Culture in Colonial Indonesia by Protschky, Susie
The Macedonian Slavs in the Greek Civil War, 1944-1949 by Horncastle, James
Counterinsurgency Intelligence and the Emergency in Malaya by Arditti, Roger C.
A Brief History of Vietnam by Hoang, Dinh Co
The United States, Southeast Asia, and Historical Memory by
A History of Cambodia by Chandler, David
The Philippines: A Singular And A Plural Place, Fourth Edition by Steinberg, David Joel
The Communist Road To Power In Vietnam: Second Edition by Duiker, William J.
Fields, Forest, And Family: Women's Work And Power In Rural Laos by Ireson, Carol
Speaking Out in Vietnam: Public Political Criticism in a Communist Party-Ruled Nation by Kerkvliet, Benedict J. Tria
First Heroes: The POWs Left Behind in Vietnam by Colvin, Rod
The Spice Islands in Prehistory: Archaeology in the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia by
Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948 by Lintner, Bertil
Tea and Solidarity: Tamil Women and Work in Postwar Sri Lanka by Jegathesan, Mythri
Tea and Solidarity: Tamil Women and Work in Postwar Sri Lanka by Jegathesan, Mythri
The Making of Hmong America: Forty Years after the Secret War by Yang, Kou
Singapore - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by Culture Smart!, Milligan, Angela, Voute, Tricia
Their War: The Perspectives of the South Vietnamese Military in the Words of Veteran-Émigrés by Pham Phd, Julie
Politics in Pakistan: The Struggle for Legitimacy by Hayes, Louis D.
Planting Empire, Cultivating Subjects by Lees, Lynn Hollen
The Special Operations Executive in Malaya: World War II and the Path to Independence by Kenneison, Rebecca
Poetry and Terror: Politics and Poetics in Coming to Jakarta by Scott, Peter Dale
Feeding Manila in Peace and War, 1850-1945 by Doeppers, Daniel F.
In Plain Sight: Impunity and Human Rights in Thailand by Haberkorn, Tyrell
Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History by
Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History by
Anthony Eden, Anglo-American Relations and the 1954 Indochina Crisis by Ruane, Kevin, Jones, Matthew
Prisoners of the Sumatra Railway: Narratives of History and Memory by Oliver, Lizzie
Bomb Children: Life in the Former Battlefields of Laos by Zani, Leah
The Making of a Periphery: How Island Southeast Asia Became a Mass Exporter of Labor by Bosma, Ulbe
Historia de Corea después de 1945: Corea, el país dividido después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial by Carderas, Antonia
Borneo in the Cold War, 1950-1990 by Ooi, Keat Gin
Colonialism, China and the Chinese: Amidst Empires by
Indo-Burma Frontier and the Making of the Chin Hills: Empire and Resistance by Pau, Pum Khan
Poh-Dèng: Scènes de la vie siamoise by Rivière, Paul Louis
The Malays: Their Problems and Future by Ali, Syed Husin
The Vietnam Whore: How Asian Prostitutes defeated the United States of America by Moe, Mekong
Voices of the Vietnam War by Nau, Terry L.
Amboina, 1623: Fear and Conspiracy on the Edge of Empire by Clulow, Adam
Philippine Politics and the Marcos Technocrats: The Emergence and Evolution of a Power Elite by Tadem, Teresa S. Encarnacion
On the Road to Mandalay: Tales of Ordinary People by Than Tint, Mya
The Battle of Hamburger Hill: The History and Legacy of One of the Vietnam War's Most Controversial Battles by Charles River
The Battle of Hamburger Hill: The History and Legacy of One of the Vietnam War's Most Controversial Battles by Charles River
Changing Constellations of Southeast Asia: From Northeast Asia to China by
Waging Peace in Vietnam: Us Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War by
Waging Peace in Vietnam: US Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War by
The Dynamics Of Defeat: The Vietnam War In Hau Nghia Province by Bergerud, Eric M.
Perils and Pearls: In World War II, a Family's Story of Survival and Freedom from Japanese Jungle Prison Camps by Bachman-Neeb, Hulda
The Postcolonial Moment in South and Southeast Asia by
How They Survived and Why We Lost: Central Intelligence Agency Analysis, 1966: The Vietnamese Communists' Will to Persist by
Elbridge Durbrow's War in Vietnam: The Ambassador's Influence on American Involvement, 1957-1961 by Frankum, Ronald Bruce
Viral Economies: Bird Flu Experiments in Vietnam by Porter, Natalie
Vietnam: Past and Present by SarDesai, D. R.
Southeast Asia: Past and Present by SarDesai, D. R.
Southeast Asia: Tradition And Modernity In The Contemporary World, Second Edition by McCloud, Donald G.
The Fall of Saigon: The History of the Battle for South Vietnam's Capital and the End of the Vietnam War by Charles River
The Philippine-American War: A Captivating Guide to the Philippine Insurrection That Started When the United States of America Claimed Possession o by History, Captivating
Histoire Du Vietnam Contemporain by Brocheux-P
The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66 by Robinson, Geoffrey B.
Pirates of Empire: Colonisation and Maritime Violence in Southeast Asia by Amirell, Stefan Eklöf
Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality: New Approaches by
The Philippines: What Everyone Needs to Know(R) by Rood
Village at War: An Account of Conflict in Vietnam by Trullinger, Jim, H. H. the Dalai Lama (Special Foreword)
Ring of Freedom: The saga of a Vietnamese family to escape the communists with only the clothes on their back, Thai pirates, stuck in r by Kesterson, Don
Indonesia Journal: April 2019 by
Rituals of Care: Karmic Politics in an Aging Thailand by Aulino, Felicity
Indonesia Journal: October 2019 by
Migration in the Time of Revolution: China, Indonesia, and the Cold War by Zhou, Taomo
Rebel Politics: A Political Sociology of Armed Struggle in Myanmar's Borderlands by Brenner, David
Rebel Politics: A Political Sociology of Armed Struggle in Myanmar's Borderlands by Brenner, David
Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1975 by Hastings, Max
Rituals of Care: Karmic Politics in an Aging Thailand by Aulino, Felicity
East and South East Asian History by Kucer Msa, Peter Samuel
The Last Whalers: Three Years in the Far Pacific with a Courageous Tribe and a Vanishing Way of Life by Clark, Doug Bock
The Nanyang Revolution: The Comintern and Chinese Networks in Southeast Asia, 1890-1957 by Belogurova, Anna
History, Memory, and Territorial Cults in the Highlands of Laos: The Past Inside the Present by Petit, Pierre
Power and Knowledge in Southeast Asia: State and Scholars in Indonesia and the Philippines by Curaming, Rommel
Sieu Quoc Gia Viet Nam by Pham, Duong Cao
Rampage: Macarthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila by Scott, James M.
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand by
Aperçu de l'Histoire Du Vietnam by Hoang, Dinh Co
East Timor: a New Independent Country by Cofreros, Felipe
Thai Vocabulary: Use These Words to Break Through Thai Fluency in Just 90 Days (No More Dictionaries) by World, Languages
The Hidden History of Burma: Race, Capitalism, and the Crisis of Democracy in the 21st Century by Myint-U, Thant
The Foundations of the Modern Philippine State by Castañeda Anastacio, Leia
Of Merchants and Missions by Peh, Andrew
Of Merchants and Missions by Peh, Andrew
Between Boston and Bombay: Cultural and Commercial Encounters of Yankees and Parsis, 1771-1865 by Rose, Jenny
Ethnography #9 by Klima, Alan
The Crown and the Capitalists: The Ethnic Chinese and the Founding of the Thai Nation by Wongsurawat, Wasana
Dead in the Water: Global Lessons from the World Bank's Model Hydropower Project in Laos by
Extraordinary Justice: Law, Politics, and the Khmer Rouge Tribunals by Etcheson, Craig
Country Jumper in Cambodia by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
A View from the Highlands: Archaeology and Settlement History of West Sumatra, Indonesia by
Clothing the Colony: Nineteenth-Century Philippine Sartorial Culture, 1820-1896 by Coo, Stephanie
Siamese Sovereignty: Thailand's Strategy of Political Duality During World War II by Arcado, Wantakan Nicolete
The Philippine-American War: A Captivating Guide to the Philippine Insurrection That Started When the United States of America Claimed Possession o by History, Captivating
Singapore: The History and Culture, Information Tourism by Reynolds, Roman
To Live in Peace in Midst of the Vietnam War by Nelson, Marjorie E.
Borneo and Sulawesi: Indigenous Peoples, Empires and Area Studies by
The Unimagined Community: Imperialism and Culture in South Vietnam by Nguyen, Duy Lap
My 40-Year Vietnam War by Nguyen Nhu Kim
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Future of ASEAN (Icofa) 2017 - Volume 2: Science and Technology by
Chasing the Emerald Buddha: An Alternative Journey Through Thailand, Laos & Angkor by Lawrence, Ken
Neutrality in Southeast Asia: Concepts and Contexts by Tarling, Nicholas
Made in the Philippines by Tyner, James A.
The Thiri Rama: Finding Ramayana in Myanmar by
From the Land of Green Ghosts: A Burmese Odyssey by Thwe, Pascal Khoo
No Middle Ground: Anti-Imperialists and Ethical Witnessing during the Philippine-American War by Murphy, Erin L.
Idea of Singapore, The: Smallness Unconstrained by Tan, Tai Yong
Idea of Singapore, The: Smallness Unconstrained by Tan, Tai Yong
From the Fifty Jātaka: Selections from the Thai Paññāsa Jātaka by