• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2003

The ETA: Spain's Basque Terrorists by Anderson, Wayne
The Empress, the Queen, and the Nun: Women and Power at the Court of Philip III of Spain by Sánchez, Magdalena S.
A Cultural History of Madrid: Modernism and the Urban Spectacle by Parsons, Deborah L.
Luis Bunuel: The Red Years, 1929-1939 by Gubern, Roman
Dirty War, Clean Hands: Eta, the Gal and Spanish Democracy, Second Edition by Woodworth, Paddy
Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition A History by Sabatini, Rafael
The Spanish Republic at War 1936 1939 by Graham, Helen
Contemporary Spanish Culture: Television, Fashion, Art and Film by Smith, Paul J.
The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain by Menocal, Maria Rosa
Doves of War: Four Women of Spain by Preston, Paul
Women and Spanish Fascism: The Women's Section of the Falange 1934-1959 by Richmond, Kathleen J. L.
A Cultural History of Madrid: Modernism and the Urban Spectacle by Parsons, Deborah L.
Early Modern Spain: A Documentary History by
Modern Spain: A Documentary History by
A Paleographic Guide to Spanish Abbreviations 1500-1700: Una Gu?a Paleogr?fica de Abbreviaturas Espa?olas 1500-1700 by Carlin, A. Roberta
Nationalism, Violence and Democracy: The Basque Clash of Identities by Mees, Ludger
Nationalism, Violence and Democracy: The Basque Clash of Identities by Mees, Ludger
Baetica Felix: People and Prosperity in Southern Spain from Caesar to Septimius Severus by Haley, Evan W.
History of the Origin and Establishment of the Inquisition in Portugal by Herculano, Alexandre
Soul of Spain by Ellis, Havelock
Issues in the Spanish-Speaking World by Randle, Janice W.
Inquisition of the Spanish Dependencies by Lea, Henry Charles
The French Revolution in San Domingo by Stoddard, T. Lothrop
There Is No Road: Proverbs by Antonio Machado by Machado, Antonio
The Long Journey of Gracia Mendes by Birnbaum, Marianna D.
The Romanization of Central Spain: Complexity, Diversity and Change in a Provincial Hinterland by Curchin, Leonard a.
Fire in the Placa: Catalan Festival Politics After Franco by Noyes, Dorothy
The Spanish Civil War: A History and Reference Guide by Anderson, James
Making Democracy in Spain: Grass-Roots Struggle in the South, 1955 1975 by Foweraker, Joe, Joe, Foweraker
Actividad Teatral En La Región de Madrid Según Los Protocolos de Juan García de Albertos, 1634-1660: II: Estudio Y Documentos: Documents 250-422, Appe by
Creating Christian Granada by Coleman, David
Silver, Trade, and War: Spain and America in the Making of Early Modern Europe by Stein, Barbara H., Stein, Stanley J.
Modern Basque History, Eighteenth Century to the Present by Watson, Cameron
The Myth of Civil Society: Social Capital and Democratic Consolidation in Spain and Brazil by Encarnación, O.
Spain, Europe and the Atlantic: Essays in Honour of John H. Elliott by
Spanish Naval Power 1589 - 1665 by David, Goodman, Goodman, David
Apogee of Empire: Spain and New Spain in the Age of Charles III, 1759-1789 by Stein, Stanley J., Stein, Barbara H.
The Court of Philip IV: Spain in Decadence by Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp
Isabel La Catolica, Queen of Castile: Critical Essays by Boruchoff, David A.