• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2004

Restos óseos de necrópolis tardorromanas del Puerto de Mazarrón, Murcia by Zapata, Josefina
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico 1517-1521 by Diaz del Castillo, Bernal
A New International History of the Spanish Civil War by Alpert, M.
Souls in Dispute: Converso Identities in Iberia and the Jewish Diaspora, 158-17 by Graizbord, David L.
Spain and the Independence of the United States: An Intrinsic Gift: An Intrinsic Gift by Chávez, Thomas E.
Shifting Landmarks: Property, Proof, and Dispute in Catalonia Around the Year 1000 by Bowman, Jeffrey A.
Among the Pilgrims: Journeys to Santiago De Compostela by Wallis, Mary Victoria
Engaging Africa: Washington and the Fall of Portugal's Colonial Empire by Schneidman, Witney W.
From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castilian Society, 1150-1350 by Ruiz, Teofilo F.
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Empire: How Spain Became a World Power, 1492-1763 by Kamen, Henry
British Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War: The British Battalion in the International Brigades, 1936-1939 by Baxell, Richard
Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain by O'Callaghan, Joseph F.
Religious Authority in the Spanish Renaissance by Homza, Lu Ann
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada; Legends of the Conquest of Spain by Irving, Washington
El teatro y el anfiteatro de Augusta Emerita: Contribución al conocimiento histórico de la capital de Lusitania by Durán Cabello, Rosalía-María
Visigothic Spain 409 - 711 by Collins, Roger
Revolutionary Peace by Hernandez Alverez
England And Spain Or Valour And Patriotism by Hemans, Felicia Dorothea Browne
Pizarro by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Castilian Days by Hay, John
The Spanish Curate by Beaumont, Francis, Fletcher, John
History Of The Conquest Of Peru by Prescott, William H.
The Life And Voyages Of Christopher Columbus Vol. 2 by Irving, Washington
Victorious Counterrevolution: The Nationalist Effort in the Spanish Civil War by Seidman, Michael
Spain and Her Colonies by
The Victors and the Vanquished: Christians and Muslims of Catalonia and Aragon, 1050 1300 by Catlos, Brian
Spanish Civil War / La Guerre d'Espagne: République et révolution en Catalogne (1936-1939) by Godicheau, François
Gardens of New Spain: How Mediterranean Plants and Foods Changed America by Dunmire, William W.
A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion 1400-1668 by Newitt, Malyn
A Question of Identity: Iberian Conversos in Historical Perspective by Melammed, Rene Levine, Melammed, Renee Levine
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico 1517-1521 by Castillo, Bernal Diaz del
St Josemaria Escriva and the Origins of Opus Dei: The Day the Bells Rang Out by Keenan, William
The Reign of Charles V by Maltby, William
Portugal: A Traveller's History by Livermore, Harold
A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion 1400-1668 by Newitt, Malyn
History of the Reign of Philip the Second King of Spain Part Three by Prescott, William H.
History of the Reign of Philip the Second King of Spain Part Three by Prescott, William H.
History of the Reign of Philip the Second King of Spain Part One by Prescott, William H.
History of the Reign of Philip the Second King of Spain Part Two by Prescott, William H.
The Zincali Or An Account Of The Gypsies Of Spain by Borrow, George
Territory and Terror: Conflicting Nationalisms in the Basque Country by Mansvelt Beck, Jan
Antifascism and Memory in East Germany: Remembering the International Brigades 1945-1989 by McLellan, Josie
Intervenciones arqueológicas en Mas Gusó (Gerona): Del asentamiento precolonial a la villa romana by Soler Fusté, Victoria, Casas Genover, Josep
Southern Iberia in the Early Iron Age by Morgenroth, Ulrich