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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2011

Judging Maria de Macedo: A Female Visionary and the Inquisition in Early Modern Portugal by Givens, Bryan
War, Exile, Justice, and Everyday Life, 1936-1946 by
The Making of the Basque Question: Experiencing Self-Government, 1793-1877 by Agirreazkuenaga, Joseba
Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-78 by Radcliff, P.
The Invention of Spain: Cultural Relations Between Britain and Spain, 1770-1870 by Howarth, David
Remaking Ibieca: Rural Life in Aragon Under Franco by Harding, Susan Friend
Spain: A Unique History by Payne, Stanley G.
Homage to Catalonia by Orwell, George
Iberia Before the Iberians by Straus, Lawrence Guy
Triumph at Midnight in the Century: A Critical Biography of Arturo Barea - Explaining the Roots of the Spanish Civil War by Eaude, Michael
The Zincali - Or, an Account of the Gypsies of Spain by Borrow, George
The Romanization of Central Spain: Complexity, Diversity and Change in a Provincial Hinterland by Curchin, Leonard a.
A Story in Stones: Portugal's Influence on Culture and Architecture in the Highlands of Ethiopia 1493-1634 (Updated & Revised 2nd Edition by Hespeler-Boultbee, John Jeremy, Hespeler-Boultbee, J. J.
A History of the Late Siege of Gibraltar: With a Description and Account of That Garrison, from the Earliest Periods by Drinkwater, John
The Story of Our War with Spain ... Illustrated. by Brooks, Elbridge Streeter
Jar of Severed Hands: Spanish Deportation of Apache Prisoners of War, 1770-1810 by Santiago, Mark
Spain's Centuries of Crisis: 1300-1474 by Ruiz, Teofilo F.
Early Islamic Spain: The History of Ibn al-Qutiyah by James, David
La Antigüedad Tardía en el Alto Valle del Duero by Dohijo, Eusebio
Our Fight by Bessie, Alvah Cecil
Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-78 by Radcliff, P.
The Conquest All Over Again: Nahuas and Zapotecs Thinking, Writing, and Painting Spanish Colonialism by
Dialogue with Death: The Journal of a Prisoner of the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War by Koestler, Arthur
Impressions And Private Memoirs Of Salvador Dali, January, 1920 by Morse, A. Reynolds
A Log Of The Spanish Main by Mora, Jo
The Splintering of Spain: Cultural History and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by
The Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union, and Communism by Payne, Stanley G.
Spain Betrayed by
Spain, 1157-1300: A Partible Inheritance by Linehan, Peter
Teresa of Avila: The Woman by Nevin, Winifred
Defining Nations: Immigrants and Citizens in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America by Herzog, Tamar
Lesbians in Early Modern Spain by Velasco, Sherry
Cardinal Quiroga Inquisitor General of Spain by Boyd, Maurice
Goya: A Biography by Ripley, Elizabeth
Guerrita: Novela Histórica by Ojembarrena, Enrique
Ashes and Granite: Destruction and Reconstruction in the Spanish Civil War and Its Aftermath by Munoz-Rojas, Olivia
The Portuguese: A Modern History by Hatton, Barry
The Alhambra by Irwin, Robert
Joan Miro by Erben, Walter
Despatches and Correspondence of the Marquess Wellesley, K. G.: During His Lordship's Mission to Spain as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Supreme Junt by Wellesley, Richard Colley
Democracy, Trade Unions and Political Violence in Spain: The Valencian Anarchist Movement, 1918-1936 by Purkiss, Richard
My Mission to Spain: Watching the Rehearsal for World War II by Bowers, Claude G.
Raised to Rule: Educating Royalty at the Court of the Spanish Habsburgs, 1601-1634 by Hoffman, Martha K.
Roosevelt, Franco, and the End of the Second World War by Thomàs, J.
Roosevelt, Franco, and the End of the Second World War by Thomàs, J.
The Siege Of Alcazar: A Warlog Of The Spanish Revolution by Knickerbocker, Hubert Renfro
The Inca Concept of Sovereignty and the Spanish Administration in Peru by Gibson, Charles
The Family Y Aguilar: A Story Of Jewish Heroism During The Spanish Inquisition by Lehmann, Marcus
Valencians contra la Fil-loxera by Martín, Joan C.
France and the Spanish Civil War: Cultural Representations of the War Next Door, 1936-1945 by Hurcombe, Martin
Blood and Faith: The Purging of Muslim Spain by Carr, Matthew
Great Minds: Encounters with Social Theory by Poggi, Gianfranco, Sciortino, Giuseppe
Portugal's Revolution: Ten Years on by Ferreira, Hugo Gil, Marshall, Michael W.
A History of Early Al-Andalus: The Akhbar Majmu'a by James, David
Foreign Legionaries in the Liberation of Spanish South America by Hasbrouck, Alfred
Juan de Ovando: Governing the Spanish Empire in the Reign of Philip II by Poole, Stafford
Cnt in the Spanish Revolution Volume 1 by Peirats, José
Zagreus in Ancient Basque Religion by Elderkin, George W.
Historia Geral de Portugal, E Suas Conquistas, Volume 4 by
Exotic Nation: Maurophilia and the Construction of Early Modern Spain by Fuchs, Barbara
Investigaciones Historicas De Las Antiguedades Del Reyno De Navarra by Moret, José de
Caracteres del poder publico en España y su influencia en el gobierno de las provincias americanas by Becker, Jeronimo
Apuntes Sobre El Arresto De Los Vocales De Cortes, Egecutado En Mayo De 1814 by Villanueva, Joaquín Lorenzo
Catálogo de los Códices Españoles de la Biblioteca del Escorial by Miguelez, Manuel F.
Conflicting Words: The Peace Treaty of Münster (1648) and the Political Culture of the Dutch Republic and the Spanish Monarchy by Baena, Laura Manzano
História Alegre de Portugal by Chagas, Manuel Pinheiro
Trade Unions in West Africa: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives by
Diario en que se prosigue la narracion de lo sucedido en Milan despues de la real entrada de la reyna nuestra señora doña Maria Anna de Austria by Cigona, Jose
War, Exile, Justice, and Everyday Life, 1936-1946 by
Sulayman: A Journey to Love and Truth: A Journey to Love and Truth by Gabori, Susan
The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account Of The Social And Political Background Of The Civil War by Brenan, Gerald
Sulayman: A Journey To Love and Truth: A Journey To Love and Truth by Gabori, Susan
Conquering Nature in Spain and Its Empire, 1750-1850 by Cowie, Helen
The Story of the Iron Column: Militant Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War by Paz, Abel
The Quality of Quiros by Raynolds, Robert
Études sur l'Espagne by Morel-Fatio, Alfred
A Kingdom of Stargazers by Ryan, Michael A.
The Spanish Second Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to Civil War (1931-1936) by Reguillo, Fernando, Tardío, Manuel Álvarez
Inquisitorial Inquiries: Brief Lives of Secret Jews and Other Heretics by
Études sur l'Espagne by Morel-Fatio, Alfred
Family and Empire: The Fernández de Córdoba and the Spanish Realm by Liang, Yuen-Gen
Recuerdos de un diplomático Volume 1 by 1823-, Conte Augusto
Felipe Ii Y La Liga De 1571 Contra El Turco by 1594-1674, Sanchez Miguel
Pluralism in the Middle Ages: Hybrid Identities, Conversion, and Mixed Marriages in Medieval Iberia by Johnsrud Zorgati, Ragnhild
Nun' Alvares, Heroe E Santo by
Andanças É Viajes De Pero Tafur Por Diversas Partes Del Mundo Avidos: (1435-1439.), Volume 1... by Tafur, Pero
Spanish Identity in the Age of Nations by Alvarez-Junco, Jose
Crónicas Generales De España... by Biblioteca, Spain Real
Film, Memory and the Legacy of the Spanish Civil War: Resistance and Guerrilla 1936-2010 by Camino, M.
Colleccao DOS Tratados, Convencoes, Contratos E Actos Publicos Celebrados Entre a Coroa de Portugal E as Mais Potencias Desde 1640 Ate Ao Presente, Co by
Collecção Dos Tratados, Convenções, Contratos E Actos Publicos Celebrados Entre A Coroa De Portugal E As Mais Potencias Desde 1640 Até Ao Presente, Co by
Legacies of War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Portugal and Spain by
The Spanish Revolution In Danger! by Trotsky, Leon
A Log Of The Spanish Main by Mora, Jo
Foreign Legionaries In The Liberation Of Spanish South America by Hasbrouck, Alfred
The Siege Of Alcazar: A Warlog Of The Spanish Revolution by Knickerbocker, Hubert Renfro
Spanish Simplified: The Playing Card Method of Learning Spanish by Knoflach, Augustin
The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account Of The Social And Political Background Of The Civil War by Brenan, Gerald
The Inca Concept Of Sovereignty And The Spanish Administration In Peru by Gibson, Charles
Isabella Of Spain: The Last Crusader by Walsh, William Thomas
Franco's Friends: How British Intelligence Helped Bring Franco to Power in Spain by Day, Peter
Modern Warfare in Spain: American Military Observations on the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by
Between Two Fires-Guerrilla war in the Spanish sierras by Baird, David
France Divided: The French and the Civil War in Spain by Wingeate Pike, David
Descripción General De Las Monedas Hispano-cristianas Desde La Invasión De Los Árabes: [láminas... by Heiss, Aloiss
Historia General Del Reino De Mallorca, 1: Escrita Por Los Cronistas Juan Dameto, Vicente Mut Y Geronimo Alemany... by Dameto, Juan
La Gran Conquista De Ultramar: Que Mandò Escribir El Rey Don Alfonso El Sabio... by Gayangos, Pascual De
Cacela (Algarbe-Portugal) en el siglo XIII: Sociedad y cultura material by Álvaro Sánchez, Rocío
The Selected Essays of Julio Caro Baroja by Caro Baroja, Julio
The Selected Essays of Julio Caro Baroja by Caro Baroja, Julio
Ethnische Identität im Entstehungsprozess des spanischen Westgotenreiches by Koch, Manuel
Milicianas: Women in Combat in the Spanish Civil War by Lines, Lisa
Civil War and World War in Europe: Spain, Yugoslavia, and Greece, 1936-1949 by Minehan, P.
The Jew in Medieval Iberia, 1100-1500 by
Pistoleros!: The Chronicles of Farquhar McHarg: I: 1918 by McHarg, Farquhar
General Emilio Mola: Memorias de Mi Paso Por La Direccion General de Seguridad, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por El Celebre Critico Liter by Mola Vidal, General Emilio, Bergua, Juan Bautista
General Emilio Mola: El Pasado, Azana y El Porvenir: Las Tragedias de Nuestras Instituciones Militares, Coleccion La Critica Literaria Por by Mola Vidal, General Emilio
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada: The Final War to Expel Muslim Rule from Spain During the 15th Century by Irving, Washington
The Rise of Middle-Class Culture in Nineteenth-Century Spain by Cruz, Jesus
Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada: The Final War to Expel Muslim Rule from Spain During the 15th Century by Irving, Washington
Philip of Spain, King of England: The Forgotten Sovereign by Kelsey, Harry
Writing Teresa: The Saint from Avila at the fin-de-siglo by DuPont, Denise
City Indians in Spain's American Empire: Urban Indigenous Society in Colonial Mesoamerica and Andean South America, 1530-1810 by
Everyday Reading: Print Culture and Collective Identity in the Rio de la Plata, 1780-1910 by Acree, William Garrett
Beyond the Lettered City: Indigenous Literacies in the Andes by Rappaport, Joanne