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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2012

¡Salud!: British Volunteers in the Republican Medical Service During the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Palfreeman, Linda
Expelled from the Motherland: The Government of President Jose Antonio Agirre in Exile, 1937-1960 by Irujo Ametzaga, Xabier
Infrastructure and the Political Economy of Nation Building in Spain, 1720-2010 by Bel, Germa
Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power, and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800 by Grafe, Regina
Magellan by Zweig, Stefan
Preaching Spanish Nationalism Across the Hispanic Atlantic, 1759-1823 by Eastman, Scott
Hughes's Natural History Readers, by J.G. and T. Wood. Standard 4-6/7... by Wood, John George
Infrastructure and the Political Economy of Nation Building in Spain, 1720-2010 by Bel, Germa
The Plague Files: Crisis Management in Sixteenth-Century Seville by Cook, Noble David, Cook, Alexandra Parma
White Gypsies: Race and Stardom in Spanish Musicals by Woods Peiró, Eva
The Conquistadors by Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe, Restall, Matthew
Portugal: The Impossible Revolution? by Mailer, Phil
Diccionario Geografico-Estadistico-Historico de Espana y Sus Posesiones de Ultramar: A-Al. Tomo 2, Al-Arz. Tomo 3, Arr-Bar. Tomo 4 Bar-Buz. Tomo 5, Ca by Madoz, Pascual
Memoria Historica Sobre Qual Ha Sido La Opinion Nacional de Espana Acerca del Tribunal de La Inquisicion: Leida En La Real Academia de La Historia En by Llorente, Juan Antonio
¡Salud!: British Volunteers in the Republican Medical Service During the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Palfreeman, Linda
France Divided: The French and the Civil War in Spain by Wingeate Pike, David
Historia De Aragón... by Foz, Braulio
Le Parfait Ambassadeur... by
Historia General Del Reino De Mallorca, 3: Escrita Por Los Cronistas Juan Dameto, Vicente Mut Y Geronimo Alemany... by Dameto, Juan
El poblamiento en la periferia de la cuenca del Duero: El nordeste de la provincia de Segovia España (XVII cal.A.C.-V d.C.) by López Ambite, Fernando
Las cecas ibéricas meridionales de la Hispania Ulterior y su circulación monetaria: Acuñaciones y dispersión monetal de las ciudades ibéricas del sur by López, Ildefonso David Ruiz
The Breaking Point: Hemingway, Dos Passos, and the Murder of Jose Robles by Koch, Stephen
Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espanã: que en doce libros y dos volumenes. Volume 3 of 3 by Sahagun, Bernardino de
Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espanã: que en doce libros y dos volumenes. Volume 2 of 3 by Sahagun, Bernardino de
Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espanã: que en doce libros y dos volumenes. Volume 1 of 3 by Sahagun, Bernardino de
Historia de Yucathan. by
Love and Revolutionary Greetings by Levinger, Laurie E.
Love and Revolutionary Greetings by Levinger, Laurie E.
Skeletons in the Closet, Skeletons in the Ground: Repression, Victimization and Humiliation in a Small Andalusian Town -- The Human Consequences of th by Barker, Richard
A Most Opulent Iliad: Expansion, Confrontation and Cooperation on the Southern Moroccan Frontier (1505-1542) by Racine, Matthew T.
Collecção Dos Tratados, Convenções, Contratos E Actos Publicos Celebrados Entre A Coroa De Portugal E As Mais Potencias Desde 1640 Até Ao Presente, Co by
Gremios Y Cofradias De La Antigua Corona De Aragon... by
Chronique: Suivie De Conspiration De Jean Prochyta, Volume 6... by Muntaner, Ramón
Barcelona and Madrid: Social Networks of the Avant-Garde by Ascunce Arenas, Aránzazu
The Future Is Ours by Orozgoiti, Koldo
When the Sun Danced: Myth, Miracles, and Modernity in Early Twentieth-Century Portugal by Bennett, Jeffrey S.
Henry Morse Stephens Collection: Daudevard De Ferussac, J. Diario Histórico De Los Sitios De Zaragoza. 1908... by Anonymous
Wartime Mission in Spain, 1942-1945 by Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley
Cnt in the Spanish Revolution Volume 2 by Peirats, José
Cnt in the Spanish Revolution Volume 3 by Peirats, José
Spanish Name People in the Southwest and West by Talbert, Robert Harris
Tales of Seduction: The Figure of Don Juan in Spanish Culture by Wright, Sarah
Vicente Espinel and Marcos de Obregon: A Life and Its Literary Representation by Haley, George
Divine Presence in Spain and Western Europe 1500-1960: Visions, Religious Images and Photographs by Christian, William A., Jr.
Mémoires d'Un Apothicaire Sur La Guerre d'Espagne, Pendant Les Années 1808 À 1814. Tome 1 (Éd.1828) by Blaze de Bury, Henri
Opérations Des Troupes Allemandes En Espagne, de 1808 À 1813 (Éd.1874) by Costa de Serda, Émile
Miners Against Fascism: Wales and the Spanish Civil War by Francis, Hywel
Histoire de la Domination Des Arabes Et Des Maures En Espagne Et En Portugal. Tome 1 (Éd.1825) by Conde, José Antonio
Espagnols Au Maroc (Éd.1889) by Germond de LaVigne, Alfred-Léopold-Gabriel
España Sagrada. Theatro Geographico-Historico de la Iglesia de España (2a Ed.) (Éd.1799) by Flórez, Henrique
L'Univers., Histoire Et Description Des Iles Baléares Et Pithyuses (Éd.1849) by LaCroix, Frédéric
The Spanish Literary Generation of 1968: José María Guelbenzu, Lourdes Ortiz, and Ana María Moix by Sherzer, William M.
Man Of Spain: Francis Suarez by Fichter, Joseph Henry
Caliphs and Kings: Spain, 796-1031 by Collins, Roger
The Zincali or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain, Volume 1 by Borrow, George
The War and Its Shadow: Spain's Civil War in Europe's Long Twentieth Century by Graham, Helen
The War and Its Shadow: Spain's Civil War in Europe's Long Twentieth Century by Graham, Helen
The Eternal City: Rome of the Popes by Holisher, Desider
Transcending Conquest: Nahua Views of Spanish Colonial Mexico by Wood, Stephanie
Au Pays de Saint Augustin Et Aux Rives Du Tage (10 Août 1898.) (Éd.1898) by Condamin, James
Charles Quint, Son Abdication, Son Séjour Et Sa Mort Au Monastère de Yuste (6e Éd.) (Éd.1863) by Mignet, François-Auguste Alexis
Le Miroir de la Cruelle Et Horrible Tyrannie Espagnole Perpétrée Au Pays-Bas (Éd.1620) by Cloppenburg, Johannes
Indian Alliances and the Spanish in the Southwest, 750-1750 by Carter, William B.
The Spanish Bride by O'Meara, Walter
Revolution & Counter-Revolution in Spain by Morrow, Felix
Michael Servetus: Humanist And Martyr by Fulton, John F.
Saramago's Labyrinths: A Journey Through Form and Content in Blindness and All the Names by Atkin, Rhian
L'Espagne en flammes by de Echeverria, Frederico
The Mediterranean World of Alfonso II and Peter II of Aragon (1162-1213) by Jenkins, E.
Expelled from the Motherland: The Government of President Jose Antonio Agirre in Exile, 1937-1960 by Irujo Ametzaga, Xabier
The Mediterranean World of Alfonso II and Peter II of Aragon (1162-1213) by Jenkins, E.
Tirso de Molina: Marta the Divine by Erdman, Harley
The Spanish Civil War by Payne, Stanley G.
The Spanish Civil War by Payne, Stanley G.
Contextos cerámicos de la Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media, siglos IV-VIII d. C., en los asentamientos rurales de la Lusitania Septentrional (Provi by Dahí Elena, Sarah
Amazons of South America: Spanish Adventurers and the People of the Great River of South America, 15th to the 19th Centuries by Stevens, C. M.
Amazons of South America: Spanish Adventurers and the People of the Great River of South America, 15th to the 19th Centuries by Stevens, C. M.
Polycentric Monarchies by
The Last Crusade: The Epic Voyages of Vasco Da Gama by Cliff, Nigel
The Portuguese Revolution: State and Class in the Transition to Democracy by Chilcote, Ronald H.
The Debate on the Decline of Spain by Rawlings, Helen
Issues in Historiography by Rawlings, Helen
Invisible Scars by Boyar, Burt, Boyar, Jane
Interferon: The Science and Selling of a Miracle Drug by Pieters, Toine
Tirso de Molina: Marta the Divine by Erdman, Harley
Right-Wing Spain in the Civil War Era: Soldiers of God and Apostles of the Fatherland, 1914-45 by
Right-Wing Spain in the Civil War Era: Soldiers of God and Apostles of the Fatherland, 1914-45 by
Modernizing the Nation: Spain During the Reign of Alfonso XIII, 1902-1931 by Moreno-Luzon, Javier
Faith and the Fury by Thomas, Maria
Chronicle Of The Conquest Of Granada by Irving, Washington
Gunpowder and Incense: The Catholic Church and the Spanish Civil War by Raguer, Hilari
Thinking Barcelona: Ideologies of a Global City by Illas, Edgar
Captain Anson and the Treasure of Spain: The True Story of a Great Adventure by Knight, Frank
Indian Conquistadors: Indigenous Allies in the Conquest of Mesoamerica by
On the Introduction of the Arts by Irvin Jr, Jeffery L., Macedo, Duarte Ribeiro De
Lisbon: War in the Shadows of the City of Light, 1939-1945 by Lochery, Neill
Courtly Encounters by Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Al-Andalus Rediscovered: Iberia's New Muslims by Howe, Marvine
A Basketful of Snowflakes: One Mallorcan Spring by Kerr, Peter
Vertical Empire: The General Resettlement of Indians in the Colonial Andes by Mumford, Jeremy Ravi
The Battle over Spanish between 1800 and 2000: Language & Ideologies and Hispanic Intellectuals by
Cultural Capital, Language and National Identity in Imperial Spain by Binotti, Lucia
Whose Spain?: Negotiating "Spanish Music" in Paris, 1908-1929 by Llano, Samuel
Outpost of Empire: The Napoleonic Occupation of Andalucia, 1810-1812 by Esdaile, Charles J.
The Lingering Conflict: Israel, The Arabs, and the Middle East 1948-2012 by Rabinovich, Itamar
The Prehistory of Iberia: Debating Early Social Stratification and the State by
A Short History of Spain by Parmele, Mary Platt
Mallorca: The Making of the Landscape by Buswell, Richard
Caminos: La Odisea de Una Familia Espanola En America Despues de la Guerra Civil Espanola. (Spanish) by Vega, Carlos B.