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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2013

Chronicle of the Narvaez Expedition by Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez
Football and National Identities in Spain: The Strange Death of Don Quixote by Quiroga, A.
The Lead Books of Granada by Drayson, E.
The British Soldier in the Peninsular War: Encounters with Spain and Portugal, 1808-1814 by Daly, G.
A Short History of Spain by Parmele, Mary Platt
Memorias de Un Ni O de Pueblo by Lerga, Pablo Zapata
Anglo-Americans in Spanish Archives. Lists of Anglo-American Settlers in the Spanish Colonies of America: A Finding Aid by Feldman, Lawrence H.
Catalonia Since the Spanish Civil War: Reconstructing the Nation by Dowling, Andrew
Shoot the Messenger? by Espinosa-Maestre, Francisco
El Burlador de Sevilla by Molina, Tirso De
Spanish Liberals Speak On The Counter-Revolution In Spain by Lerroux, Alejandro, Maranon, Gregorio, Zamora, Niceto Alcala
Iberian Modalities: A Relational Approach to the Study of Culture in the Iberian Peninsula by
What's Up with Catalonia? by
The Jew in Medieval Iberia: 1100-1500 by
The Spanish Second Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to Civil War (1931-1936) by Tardío, Manuel Álvarez, Reguillo, Fernando
Franco's International Brigade: Adventurers, Fascists, and Christian Crusaders in the Spanish Civil War (Revised) by Othen, Christopher
Revisiting Jewish Spain in the Modern Era by
Vos y Yo Aqui Muramos by Lorenzo Roch, Adolfo Javier
Carlos II el Hechizado by Gil y. Zarate, Antonio
Descripcion é historia del castillo de la aljafería sito extramuros de la ciudad de Zaragoza by Nougués Secall, Mariano
Descripcion é historia del castillo de la aljafería sito extramuros de la ciudad de Zaragoza by Nougués Secall, Mariano
A Project in the Reception of Cultural Shortwave Broadcasts from Spanish America by Hendrix, William Samuel
Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Civil War by Romero Salvadó, Francisco J.
The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico 1517-1521 by Castillo, Bernal Diaz del
The Triangular Struggle For Spanish Pensacola, 1689-1739 by Ford, Lawrence Carroll
The Triangular Struggle For Spanish Pensacola, 1689-1739 by Ford, Lawrence Carroll
Disability Studies and Spanish Culture: Films, Novels, the Comic and the Public Exhibition by Fraser, Benjamin
Defining Boundaries in al-Andalus by Safran, Janina M.
The Origins of Modern Spain by Trend, J. B.
Spain Since 1815 by Marques de Lema, Lema, Salvador Bermdez de Castro Y.
Modern Spain 1815 1898 by Clarke, Henry Butler, Butler Clarke, Henry
Contemporary Spanish Cinema and Genre by
Muslim Struggle for Civil Rights in Spain: Promoting Democracy Through Migrant Engagement, 1985-2010 by Guia, Aitana
El padre de Paquito by Espin, Manuel
Una copa de tristeza con hielo by Mendez, Montserrat Rubiales
Das Begrenzte Papsttum: Spielräume Päpstlichen Handelns. Legaten - Delegierte Richter - Grenzen by
The Orient in Spain: Converted Muslims, the Forged Lead Books of Granada, and the Rise of Orientalism by Rodríguez Mediano, Fernando, Garcia-Arenal Rodriquez, Mercedes
Étude Sur Les Actes Des Rois Asturiens, (718-910) by Barrau-Dihigo, Louis
Les Âges Préhistoriques de l'Espagne Et Du Portugal: Résultats d'Une Mission Scientifique: Du Ministère de l'Instruction Publique by Cartailhac, Émile
L'Espagne de l'Ancien Régime by Desdevises Du Dézert, Georges
History as Prelude: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean by
Negotiating Spain and Catalonia: Competing Narratives of National Identity by León-Solís, Fernando
An Account of the War in Portugal Between Don Pedro and Don Miguel by Napier, Charles
An Account of the War in Portugal Between Don Pedro and Don Miguel by Napier, Charles
An Account of the War in Portugal Between Don Pedro and Don Miguel 2 Volume Set by Napier, Charles
The Lincoln Brigade by Crawford, Marc, Katz, William Loren
The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936 1939 by Alpert, Michael
Rivalité de François Ier Et de Charles-Quint. T. 1 by Mignet, François-Auguste Alexis
Slavery and Antislavery in Spain's Atlantic Empire by
Passages of Eastern Travel by Prime, William Cowpur
Alphonse XII Et Son Règne by Gardin Du Boisdulier, A.
Lettres À Un Gentillhome Russe Sur l'Inquisition Espagnole by de Maistre-J
Rivalité de François Ier Et de Charles-Quint. T. 2 by Mignet, Francois Auguste Marie Alexis
Conquête de l'Andalousie, Campagne de 1810 Et 1811 Dans Le MIDI de l'Espagne by Lapène, Édouard
La Andalucía rural vista por viajeros extranjeros: Campos, posadas y tabernas by
Spain: A Country Study by Army, Department Of the
Maines in the Spanish-American War 1895-1899 by Shulimson, Jack
Spain, a Land Blighted by Religion by Lewis, Joseph
Spain: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Chislett, William
Anarchism and Workers' Self-Management in Revolutionary Spain by Mintz, Frank
Histoire de la Guerre d'Espagne Et de Portugal de 1807 À 1814 by Sarrazin, Jean
L'Espagne de l'Ancien Régime. Les Institutions by Desdevises Du Dézert, Georges
The Musical Iconography of Power in Seventeenth-Century Spain and Her Territories by Gonzalez, Sara
The Forgetting River: A Modern Tale of Survival, Identity, and the Inquisition by Carvajal, Doreen
The Basques by Caro Baroja, Julio
Sebastian King of Portugal: Four Essays by Johnson, Harold B.
Cooking Up the Nation: Spanish Culinary Texts and Culinary Nationalization in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century by Anderson, Lara
Trade and Trust in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World: Spanish Merchants and Their Overseas Networks by Lamikiz, Xabier
Creating Christian Granada: Society and Religious Culture in an Old-World Frontier City, 1492-1600 by Coleman, David
Spanish Dancing by Meri, La, Hughes, Russell Meriwether
Spanish Dancing by Meri, La, Hughes, Russell Meriwether
The Spanish Flu: Narrative and Cultural Identity in Spain, 1918 by Davis, R.
The Spanish Flu: Narrative and Cultural Identity in Spain, 1918 by Davis, R.
After the Civil War by Richards, Michael
The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain by Preston, Paul
1808: The Flight of the Emperor: How a Weak Prince, a Mad Queen, and the British Navy Tricked Napoleon and Changed the New World by Gomes, Laurentino
Valle-Inclan: The Captain's Daughter and the Dead Man's Finery by
The Spanish Armada by Rea, Lorna
After the Civil War by Richards, Michael
¿Qué le pasa a Cataluña? by
What's Up with Catalonia / Que Le Pasa a Cataluna? by
The Queens Regnant of Navarre: Succession, Politics, and Partnership, 1274-1512 by Woodacre, Elena
The Queens Regnant of Navarre: Succession, Politics, and Partnership, 1274-1512 by Woodacre, Elena
Colleccao DOS Tratados, Convencoes, Contratos E Actos Publicos Celebrados Entre a Coroa de Portugal E as Mais Potencias Desde 1640 Ate Ao Presente, Co by
Portuguese Studies 29: 2 2013 by
Barcelonan Okupas: Squatter Power! by Vilaseca, Stephen Luis
Belwin Spanish Guitar Course, Book 1 by Sweetland, Elliot
Rafael, Cardinal Merry del Val by Buehrle, Marie Cecilia
The Spanish Socialist Party and the Modernisation of Spain by Kennedy, Paul
Últimos dias de Jaime Partagás by Reyes, Miguel Sabater
Archeologia forense e segunda Republica: Esumazione delle fosse comuni delle vittime del franchismo by Peres, Marcello
George Orwell S Commander in Spain: The Enigma of Georges Kopp by Wildermeersch, Marc, Wildemeersch, Marc
Genua und die paepstliche Kurie in Avignon (1305-1378): Politische und diplomatische Beziehungen im 14. Jahrhundert by Leonhard, Julius
Football and National Identities in Spain: The Strange Death of Don Quixote by Quiroga, A.
Within These Borders: Spanish Speaking Peoples in the U.S.A. by Scotford, John R.
Spanish Dollars by Kauffman, Reginald Wright
Bolivar and the Independence of Spanish America by Trend, J. B.
Dan Sickles: Hero of Gettysburg and Yankee King of Spain by Pinchon, Edgcumb
The Spanish Inquisition by Roth, Cecil
Cortina's Spanish in Twenty Lessons by De La Cortina, R. Diez
Wind in the Olive Trees: Spain from the Inside by Plenn, Abel
Pablo de Segovia: The Spanish Sharper by De Quevedo-Villagas, Francisco, Watts, Henry Edward
The Little Spanish Dancer by Brandeis, Madeline
Ignatius Loyola: An Attempt at an Impartial Biography by Sedgwick, Henry Dwight
The Ingenious Hidalgo: Miguel Cervantes by Ryner, Hans, Lewis, J. H.
The Heart of India by Campbell, Alexander
The Spanish Inquisition by Roth, Cecil
St. John of the Cross by Bruno, Friar, Zimmerman, Benedict
Francisco Franco: The Times and the Man by Arraras, Joaquin
The Works of George Borrow, V2: The Bible in Spain, V2, or the Journeys Adventures and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate the S by Shorter, Clement, Borrow, George
The Horrors of the Inquisition: Little Blue Book, No. 1134 by McCabe, Joseph
Paul Albar of Cordoba: Studies on His Life and Writings by Sage, Carleton M.
St. Teresa of Avila: A Biography by Walsh, William Thomas
Transforming the Enemy in Spanish Culture: The Conquest Through the Lens of Textual and Visual Multiplicity by Beck, Lauren
The Child in Spanish Cinema by Wright, Sarah
Sex, Identity and Hermaphrodites in Iberia, 1500-1800 by Garcia, Francisco Vazquez
Aristocrats, Adventurers and Ambulances: British Medical Units in the Spanish Civil War by Palfreeman, Linda
City Indians in Spain's American Empire: Urban Indigenous Society in Colonial Mesoamerica and Andean South America, 1530-1810 by
No Settlement, No Conquest: A History of the Coronado Entrada by Flint, Richard
The Spanish Origin of International Law by Scott, James Brown
The Lead Books of Granada by Drayson, E.
The Lead Books of Granada by Drayson, E.
A Memorandum for the President of the Royal Audiencia and Chancery Court of the City and Kingdom of Granada by Muley, Francisco Núñez
Toward a Cultural Archive of la Movida: Back to the Future by
Women, Dowries and Agency: Marriage in Fifteenth-Century Valencia by Lightfoot, Dana Wessell
Valley of the Fallen: The (N)ever Changing Face of General Franco's Monument by Stockey, Gareth
Ilusión Áulica E Imaginación Caballeresca En El Cortesano de Luis Milán by López Alemany, Ignacio
Aristocrats, Adventurers and Ambulances: British Medical Units in the Spanish Civil War by Palfreeman, Linda
Gibraltar: A Dagger in the Spine of Spain? by Stockey, Gareth
Moroccan Immigrant Women in Spain: Honor and Marriage by Pham, T. Thao
Chronicle of The Conquest of Granada by Irving, Washington
Parallel Histories: Muslims and Jews in Inquisitorial Spain by Amelang, James S.
Memory and Trauma in the Postwar Spanish Novel: Revisiting the Past by
The Story of the Cid: For Young People by Wilson, Calvin Dill
Mujeres libres by Larusso, Isabella