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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2016

Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms: Identities and Cultures of Anti-Fascist Resistance in Spain by Marco, Jorge
El Proceso de Formación Textual En Las Crónicas Franciscanas de Nueva España (Siglo XVI) by Carrasco M., Rolando
Living Anarchism: José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Ealham, Chris
Amazonas de la República by Casas, José Luis
Music Theater and Popular Nationalism in Spain, 1880-1930 by Young, Clinton D.
Ecuadorians in Madrid: Migrants' Place in Urban History by Masterson-Algar, Araceli
Ecuadorians in Madrid: Migrants' Place in Urban History by Masterson-Algar, Araceli
Saint and Nation: Santiago, Teresa of Avila, and Plural Identities in Early Modern Spain by Rowe, Erin Kathleen
Crescent Remembered: Islam and Nationalism on the Iberian Peninsula by Hertel
Espana negra by Verhaeren, Emile
Guadalajara en los tiempos del colera (1834-1885): La provincia bajo la epidemia by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Guerras Olvidadas: Las Guerras de Prestigio (1858-1866) by Alcazar Segura, Agustin
Mercurino di Gattinara and the Creation of the Spanish Empire by Boone, Rebecca Ard
Sex, Identity and Hermaphrodites in Iberia, 1500-1800 by Garcia, Francisco Vazquez
The Musical Iconography of Power in Seventeenth-Century Spain and Her Territories by Gonzalez, Sara
Narrillos del Álamo (Ávila).: Páginas de su historia by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
A Visao (Luso-)Americana da Revolta da Madeira: O conflito visto a luz do The New York Times e do Diario de Noticias de New Bedford by Barcelos Mendonca, Duarte Miguel
Spain's Martyred Cities: From the Battle of Madrid to Picasso's Guernica by Minchom
La Virgen de los Dolores, Patrona de Atienza by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Elena Sanz.: La Perla de París by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Atienza paso a paso.: Guía de andar y ver by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
La inquisición en la provincia de Zorita by Benito de la Torre, Luis Mariano
A Concise History of Spain by Phillips, William D., Jr., Rahn Phillips, Carla
Abril sobre rojo inmolado by Infantes de Bubulca, Antonio Manuel
Por que fui lanzado de Ministerio de la Guerra?: Diez meses de actuacion ministerial by Alvarez Junco, Jose, Hidalgo, Diego
Muslim Spain and Portugal: A Political History of al-Andalus by Kennedy, Hugh
Romans by Anonimo
Spanish-Israeli Relations, 1956-1992: Ghosts of the Past and Contemporary Challenges in the Middle East by Setton, Guy
La Caballada de Atienza: Una Tradici by Velasco, Tom
Historia de los movimientos, separación y guerra de Cataluña en tiempo de Felipe IV by Mello, Francisco Manuel De
Mendoza el Trovador by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Las Guerras de Carlos III by Alcazar Segura, Agustin
An Historical Review of the Spanish Revolution by Blaquiere, Edward
A Concise History of Spain by Rahn Phillips, Carla, Phillips, William D., Jr.
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews Under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Fernandez-Morera, Dario
Hell and Good Company: The Spanish Civil War and the World It Made by Rhodes, Richard
Romancero Gitano by Garcia Lorca, Federico
Mexico and the Spanish Civil War: Domestic Politics and the Republican Cause by Revah
Spain Bleeds: The Development of Battlefield Blood Transfusion During the Civil War by Palfreeman
El Centro Alcarreño de Madrid (1903-1908) by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
María de Molina, Queen and Regent: Life and Rule in Castile-León, 1259-1321 by Pepin, Paulette Lynn
Cifuentes: El crimen del ermitaño by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Food Matters: Alonso Quijano's Diet and the Discourse of Food in Early Modern Spain by Nadeau, Carolyn A.
Tierzo: El crimen de la Malquerida by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Mazarete: El error judicial by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
From Body to Community: Venereal Disease and Society in Baroque Spain by Berco, Cristian
Ejercicios Espirituales by de Loyola, Ignacio
Bloc de Notas by Rojas, Ruben
Prostitution: Eine Begleiterin der Menschheit / A Companion of Mankind by
Empire's End: Transnational Connections in the Hispanic World by
Empire's End: Transnational Connections in the Hispanic World by
Los Alfares Medievales de la Calle Hospital Viejo de Logroño (La Rioja, España): Sistematización de sus Producciones (siglos XIII-XV) by Martínez González, Milagros
The Revolution before the Revolution: Late Authoritarianism and Student Protest in Portugal by Accornero, Guya
Contemporary Spain by Ross, Christopher, Richardson, Bill, Sangrador-Vegas, Begoña
Contemporary Spain by Ross, Christopher, Richardson, Bill, Sangrador-Vegas, Begoña
Madrid's Forgotten Avant-Garde: Between Essentialism and Modernity by Gesser, Silvina Schammah
The Child in Spanish Cinema by Wright, Sarah
Las Guerras del Emperador: Carlos I de España y V de Alemania (1517-1556) by Alcazar Segura, Agustin
Spanish Legacies: The Coming of Age of the Second Generation by Aparicio Gomez, Rosa, Haller, William, Portes, Alejandro
Spanish Legacies: The Coming of Age of the Second Generation by Portes, Alejandro, Aparicio Gomez, Rosa, Haller, William
Italian Intervention in the Spanish Civil War by Coverdale, John F.
Economic History of Spain by Vives, Jaime Vicens
The Basque Phase of Spain's First Carlist War by Coverdale, John F.
If Not, Not: The Oathe of the Aragonese and the Legendary Laws of Sobrarbe by Giesey, Ralph E.
The Revolution Within the Revolution: Workers' Control in Rural Portugal by Bermeo, Nancy G.
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror Jaume I, 1257-1276. Volume II, Foundations of Crusader Val by Burns, Robert Ignatius
The Worlds of Alfonso the Learned and James the Conqueror: Intellect and Force in the Middle Ages by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Spain of Fernando de Rojas: The Intellectual and Social Landscape of La Celestina by Gilman, Stephen
The Eighteenth-Century Revolution in Spain by Herr, Richard
Islam Under the Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Valencia by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Blue Division: Spanish Blood in Russia, 1941-1945 by Julia, Xavier Moreno
Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920-1945 by Khoury, Philip Shukry
La Iglesia Museo de la Santísima Trinidad, en Atienza by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
La Iglesia Museo de San Gil, en Atienza by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
La Iglesia Museo de San Bartolomé y la Capilla del Santo Cristo, en Atienza by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
The Book of Horsemanship by Duarte I of Portugal by
Crónica Do Condestabre de Portugal Nuno Álvares Pereira by Machado, Jose Barbosa
Los Conflictos entre Cartago y Roma: Los Escipiones by Alcazar Segura, Agustin
Viaje al Alto Rey de Guadalajara by Lopez, Juan Catalina Garcia
The Letters of Sisebut by Sisebut, King Of Visigoths
The Zincali, an Account of the Gypsies of Spai by Borrow, George
An Economic History of Portugal, 1143-2010 by Lains, Pedro, Münch Miranda, Susana, Freire Costa, Leonor
Modernizing the Nation: Spain During the Reign of Alfonso XIII, 1902-1931 by Moreno-Luzon, Javier
Intersecting Diaspora Boundaries: Portuguese Contexts by
Lost in Transition: Constructing Memory in Contemporary Spain by Song, H. Rosi
Featuring Post-National Spain. Film Essays. by Zamora, Andrés
Martires de la Alpujarra: En la Rebelion de los Moriscos by Hitos, Francisco Antolin
Numantia: A Tragedy by Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel De, Gibson, James Young
The Disinherited: Exile and the Making of Spanish Culture, 1492-1975 by Kamen, Henry
A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada: From the Mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida: To Which Is Added Legends of the Conquest of Spain by Irving, Washington
Gibraltar and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39: Local, National and International Perspectives by Ponce Alberca, Julio
Annals of the Queens of Spain: From the Period of the Conquest of the Goths Down to the Reign of Her Present Majesty Isabel Ii., With the Remarkable by George, Anita
The Alhambra: Or the New Sketch Book by Irving, Washington
Maleantes: En la Sevilla capital del mundo by Delgado, Alfonso Otero
Personal Narrative of Adventures in the Peninsula During the War in 1812-1813, by an Officer [E.W. Buckham] by Buckham, E. W.
Galicia Ancestral: Historia de la Galicia prerromana by Somoza Sanchez, Marcelino
Conflictos Entre España Y Portugal by Alcazar Segura, Agustin
Friend or Foe?: Occupation, Collaboration and Selective Violence in the Spanish Civil War by Anderson, Peter
Como y por que cayo Granada by De Palencia, Alonso
The Basques by Allières, Jacques
Forbidden Passages: Muslims and Moriscos in Colonial Spanish America by Cook, Karoline P.
Contested Treasure: Jews and Authority in the Crown of Aragon by Barton, Thomas W.
Narratives in Motion: Journalism and Modernist Events in 1920s Portugal by Trindade, Luís
La Histórica Cofradía de La Caballada de Atienza by Serrano, Francisco Layna
La Iglesia Museo de San Gil, en Atienza by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
La Iglesia Museo de la Santísima Trinidad, de Atienza by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Pasos perdidos de Bom Jesus by Gómez Anuarbe, Manuel
El Castillo de Atienza: De Fortaleza a Torre by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
La Caballada de Atienza: Historia Y Tradición Castellana by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Atienza paso a paso: Guía de andar y ver by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Atienza. Breve Historia de la Villa by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
La Iglesia Museo de San Bartolomé y el Santo Cristo de Atienza by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
De l'autre côté des nuages: De Caldetas à Poitiers: sur les pas de Mercedes by Cervantès, Magali
Josep Renau and the Politics of Culture in Republican Spain, 1931-1939: Re-Imagining the Nation by Bjerström, Carl-Henrik
The Railway from Foz-Tua to Braganca by Pereira, Hugo Silveira
Centinela contra franceses: Gritos de Madrid cautivo a los pueblos de Espana by Capmany, Antonio
Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History by
Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History by
La Migaña o Mingaña: Jerga o Jerigonza de tratantes, muleteros y esquiladores de Milmarcos y Fuentelsaz, en Guadalajara by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Urban Indians in a Silver City: Zacatecas, Mexico, 1546-1810 by Velasco Murillo, Dana
Historia de las Salinas de Tierra de Atienza: Imón, La Olmeda, Almallá, Saelices, Medinaceli y Guadalajara by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Le Portugal au XIXe siècle by de Carné, Louis
L'Espagne au XIXe siècle by de Carné, Louis
The First Circumnavigators: Unsung Heroes of the Age of Discovery by Kelsey, Harry
Cadiz (Spanish Edition) by Galdós, Benito Pérez, Winter, Erick
Poema del Cante Jondo by García Lorca, Federico
Singular and Plural: Ideologies Linguistic Auth in 21st C. Catalonia by Woolard, Kathryn A.
The Spanish-American War: A Documentary History with Commentaries by
Jews and Christians in Medieval Castile: Tradition, Coexistence, and Change by Irish, Maya Soifer
Memories of the Spanish Civil War: Conflict and Community in Rural Spain by Sanz Sabido, Ruth
Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain: Exhuming the Past, Understanding the Present by
From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castilian Society, 1150-1350 by Ruiz, Teofilo F.
The Rise of the Legal Professions in Bilbao by Macalevey, William F.
Spanish-Israeli Relations, 1956-1992: Ghosts of the Past and Contemporary Challenges in the Middle East by Setton, Guy
Las DOS Españas: Terror and Crisis in Contemporary Spain by Manganas, Nicholas
Los crímenes de Zaorejas: Las maderadas y los gancheros del Tajo by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
The Triumph of Democracy in Spain by Preston, Paul
Botarga la larga: Carnaval en Guadalajara. Botargas y Enmascarados Alcarreños by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Arrieros, muleteros y mercaderes; ferias y mercados, en la Serranía de Atienza by Velaso, Tomás Gismera
Compendio de historia moderna by Barbati, Pascual
Dos tratados históricos tocantes al Cardenal Ximénez de Cisneros by Porreño, Baltasar
Interrogating Francoism: History and Dictatorship in Twentieth-Century Spain by
Interrogating Francoism: History and Dictatorship in Twentieth-Century Spain by
España bajo Carlos II de Austria: (estudios históricos) by Mendoza, Carlos
Masonería by Franco, Francisco
Memory and Spatiality in Post-Millennial Spanish Narrative by Ryan, Lorraine
New Approaches to Lusophone Culture by
Liminal Fiction at the Edge of the Millennium: The Ends of Spanish Identity by Folkart, Jessica A.
La Iglesia Museo de San Gil, en Atienza by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Ramiro de Maeztu and England: Imaginaries, Realities and Repercussions of a Cultural Encounter by Torres, David Jiménez
El Cantonalismo: Preludio de las Autonomias by Jarabo, Cesareo
Spanish American War: A History From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Cartas de Juan Sintierra by Blanco White, Jos
LUISA DE MEDRANO. La primer Catedrático: Apuntes biográficos by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Sofronia by Zorrilla, Jose
Apache Adaptation to Hispanic Rule by Babcock, Matthew
Portuguese Studies 32: 2 (2016): Authoritarian States and Corporatism in Portugal and Brazil by
Emigrant Dreams, Immigrant Borders: Migrants, Transnational Encounters, and Identity in Spain by Vega-Durán, Raquel
Anti-Jewish Riots in the Crown of Aragon and the Royal Response, 1391-1392 by Gampel, Benjamin R.
The Empirical Empire: Spanish Colonial Rule and the Politics of Knowledge by Brendecke, Arndt
Love and Authority in the Work of Paula Rego: Narrating the Family Romance by Rosengarten, Ruth
Contemporary Spanish Gothic by Davies, Ann
This Gulf of Fire: The Great Lisbon Earthquake, or Apocalypse in the Age of Science and Reason by Molesky, Mark
LA CABALLADA DE ATIENZA, Una Tradición Castellana by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Women, Dowries and Agency: Marriage in Fifteenthâ "century Valencia by Lightfoot, Dana Wessell
A inauguracao da linha da Beira Alta em 1882: Narrativa de viagem de B. Wolowski by Wolowski, Bronislaw
'Paracuellos': The Elimination of the 'Fifth Column' in Republican Madrid During the Spanish Civil War by Ruiz, Julius
'Paracuellos': The Elimination of the 'Fifth Column' in Republican Madrid During the Spanish Civil War by Ruiz
The Spanish Fantastic: Contemporary Filmmaking in Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi by Rowan-Legg, Shelagh
A Historian in Exile: Solomon Ibn Verga, Shevet Yehudah, and the Jewish-Christian Encounter by Cohen, Jeremy
Christopher Columbus: A Life From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
O Meco: E outras Lendas de O Grove by Paz Framil, Alba Nelida
Ejercicios Espirituales by de Loyola, Ignacio
La tradición hispánica: Costumbres y creencias en Aragón by
Spain: The Centre of the World 1519-1682 by Goodwin, Robert
Historia natural y moral de las Indias by De Acosta, Jose
The Civil Law in Spain and Spanish-America: Including Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippine Islands, and the Spanish Civil Code in force, Annotated and wit by Walton, Clifford Stevens
Lettres à un gentilhomme russe sur l'Inquisition espagnole by Joseph de Maistre
Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt, Taxes, and Default in the Age of Philip II by Drelichman, Mauricio, Voth, Hans-Joachim
Archives of Flesh: African America, Spain, and Post-Humanist Critique by Reid-Pharr, Robert F.
Archives of Flesh: African America, Spain, and Post-Humanist Critique by Reid-Pharr, Robert F.
Modernity and Epistemology in Nineteenth-Century Spain: Fringe Discourses by
Encyclopedia of Lisbon by Corfield, Justin
Jorge Semprún: The Spaniard Who Survived the Nazis and Conquered Paris by Maura, Soledad Fox
Jorge Semprún: The Spaniard Who Survived the Nazis and Conquered Paris by Fox Maura
La conquista de México by Lopez De Gomara, Francisco
The Incas of Cieza de Leon by Cieza De Leon, Pedro
O percurso madeirense da Veneravel Irma Wilson segundo a imprensa regional: (1881 - 1916) by Mendonca, Duarte M. B.
Ejercicios espirituales by de Loyola, Ignacio
El Crimen del Cura Galeote: El asesinato del primer Obispo de Madrid, D. Narciso Martínez Izquierdo by Velasco, Tomás Gismera