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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2017

The Basque Moment: Egalitarianism and Traditional Basque Society by
Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms: Identities & Cultures of Anti-Fascist Resistance in Spain by Marco
Al-Qaeda's Revenge: The 2004 Madrid Train Bombings by Reinares, Fernando
Setting the Table: Ceramics, Dining, and Cultural Exchange in Andalucía and La Florida by Ness, Kathryn L.
Warriors for a Living: The Experience of the Spanish Infantry During the Italian Wars, 1494-1559 by Sherer, Idan
The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1867-1918 by Mason, John W.
La gente de la sierra: Lucha sin cuartel contra las fuerzas franquistas by Baird, David
Luisa (Lucía) de Medrano.: La primer mujer Catedrático en Europa by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
Krausism and the Spanish Avant-Garde: The Impact of Philosophy on National Culture by Rubio, Christian
Friend or Foe?: Occupation, Collaboration and Selective Violence in the Spanish Civil War by Anderson
This Happened in My Presence: Moriscos, Old Christians, and the Spanish Inquisition in the Town of Deza, 1569-1611 by
The Early Modern Hispanic World by
La guerra de Granada hecha por el rey Felipe II contra los moriscos, sus rebelde by De Mendoza, Diego Hurtado
Expedicion de los catalanes y aragoneses contra turcos y griegos by De Moncada, Francisco
Metaphors of Spain: Representations of Spanish National Identity in the Twentieth Century by
At the First Table: Food and Social Identity in Early Modern Spain by Campbell, Jodi
Historia del reinado de Carlos III Vol 1 by Ferrer Del Rio, Antonio
Historia de los judios en espana by De Castro, Adolfo
Historia del reinado de Carlos III vol II by Ferrer Del Rio, Antonio
historia del reinado de carlos III en espana (vol III) by Ferrer Del Rio, Antonio
The Archaeology of Roman Surveillance in the Central Alentejo, Portugal by Williams, Joey
The Manueline: Portuguese Art during the Great Discoveries by Dias, Pedro, Rodrigues, Dalila, Grilo, Fernando
TIERZO El Crimen de La Malquerida by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
The Spanish Civil Wars: A Comparative History of the First Carlist War and the Conflict of the 1930s by Lawrence, Mark
The Spanish Civil Wars: A Comparative History of the First Carlist War and the Conflict of the 1930s by Lawrence, Mark
Historia del reinado de carlos III en Espana IV by Ferrer Del Rio, Antonio
Iberia Won: A Poem Descriptive of the Peninsular War by Hughes, Terence McMahon
A Guide to Seville: Five Walking Tours by Quick, P. S.
Enlightenment on Trial: Ordinary Litigants and Colonialism in the Spanish Empire by Premo, Bianca
Franco by Iribarren, Joaquín Arrarás
Alcala Zamora and the Failure of the Spanish Republic, 1931-1936 by Payne, Stanley G.
The Lusophone World: The Evolution of Portuguese National Narratives by Ashby, Sarah
Somoza de Lugo: Un apellido con raigambre by Somoza, Alberto, Somoza, Marcelino
From Dictatorship to Democracy in Twentieth-Century Portugal by Costa, Raphael
Genoa's Freedom: Entrepreneurship, Republicanism, and the Spanish Atlantic by Salonia, Matteo
The Spanish Inquisition by Smith Sj, Sydney F.
Aben Humeya: Rey de Granada by Cerrato, Rafael
Field and Anarchism in Spain: Of the I International to the Spanish Civil War by Motos, Eloy Andrés Gómez
Memory, War, and Dictatorship in Recent Spanish Fiction by Women by Leggott, Sarah
Adoption of a Pro-Us Foreign Policy by Spain and the United Kingdom: José Maria Aznar and Tony Blair's Personal Motivations and Their Global Impact by Jones, Nathan
Guadalajara 1937: La disfatta che non ci fu by Romeo Di Colloredo Mels, Pierluigi
With the Peasants of Aragon: Libertarian Communism In The Liberated Areas by Souchy, Augustin
Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Hochschild, Adam
Andrómeda y Perseo by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Cifuentes: El Crimen del Ermitaño by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
La vida cotidiana de una maestra en el franquismo by Hernández Sánchez, Rosa Elena
Gatherings From Spain by Ford, Richard
Transcultural Approaches to the Concept of Imperial Rule in the Middle Ages by
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror, Jaume I, 1257-1276. I: Society and Documentation in Crusa by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: The Registered Charters of Its Conqueror, Jaume I, 1257-1276. I: Society and Documentation in Crusa by Burns, Robert Ignatius
Moroccan Immigrant Women in Spain: Honor and Marriage by Pham, T. Thao
Laia Abril: Lobismuller by
Amar después de la muerte by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Hernando Cortez by Abbott, John S. C.
Genocidal Genealogy of Francoism: Violence, Memory and Impunity by Macho, Antonio Miguez
A Cross of Thorns: The Enslavement of California's Indians by the Spanish Missions by Castillo, Elias
Speaking of Spain: The Evolution of Race and Nation in the Hispanic World by Feros, Antonio
Jewish Volunteers, the International Brigades and the Spanish Civil War by Zaagsma, Gerben
Spanish Erotic Cinema by
Le Peuple espagnol by Fouillée, Alfred
Rivalry and Revenge by Balcells, Laia
Revolution and collectivities in the Spain of the civil war: The Collectivization Process in Eastern Andalusia by Motos, Eloy Andrés Gómez
Revolución y colectividades en la España de la guerra civil: El proceso colectivizador en Andalucía Oriental by Motos, Eloy Andrés Gómez
El Manuelino: El arte portugués en la época de los Descubrimientos by Dias, Pedro, Rodrigues, Dalila, Grilo, Fernando
The Meco & more legends of O Grove by Paz Framil, Alba Nelida
Spain's Civil War by Browne, Harry
Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History by Cavallar, Georg
L'Aragon pendant la guerre civile by D'Alaux, Gustave
The New Mediterranean Democracies: Regime Transition in Spain, Greece and Portugal by
The Moor's Last Stand: How Seven Centuries of Muslim Rule in Spain Came to an End by Drayson, Elizabeth
A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon by Ryan, Michael A.
Madrid et les Madrilènes by D'Alaux, Gustave
Le Pamphlet et les moeurs politiques en Espagne by D'Alaux, Gustave
The Last Days of the Spanish Republic by Preston, Paul
An Inquiry into the Sources of the History of the Jews in Spain by Jacobs, Joseph
El Anticristo by Ruiz de Alarcon y. Mendoza, Juan
The Village World of Early Medieval Northern Spain: Local Community and the Land Market by Portass, Robert
Confessional Cinema: Religion, Film, and Modernity in Spain's Development Years, 1960-1975 by Perez, Jorge
El conquistador aleman Pedro Lisperguer Wittemberg: De cortesano de Carlos V y Felipe II a celebre precursor de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Protagonistas de la Guerra Civil by Gonzalo, Julio a.
La Alhambra: Historia y legado del más famoso palacio de los Moros en España by Charles River
La Alhambra: Historia y legado del más famoso palacio de los Moros en España by Charles River
El Faetonte: Comedia Famosa by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Cada Cual con su Razón by Zorrilla, José
El Faetonte: Comedia Famosa by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Palabras y Plumas by Molina, Tirso De
Palabras y Plumas by Molina, Tirso De
El Provencio cumple 700 años by Moya Olivares, Julian
Edging Toward Iberia by Dangler, Jean
The Silver Way: China, Spanish America and the Birth of Globalisation, 1565-1815 by Gordon, Peter, Morales, Juan José
The Lost Island of Columbus: Solving the Mystery of Guanahani by Pickering, Keith A.
Spain and her colonies by Wilberforce, Archibald
Campo y anarquismo en España: de la I Internacional a la guerra civil española by Motos, Eloy Andrés Gómez
La mujer del porvenir by Arenal, Concepción
Egyptian Romany: The Essence of Hispania by Gadalla, Moustafa
Hiendelaencina: Crónicas para una Historia by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Los Lisperguer Wittemberg; una familia alemana en el corazon de la cultura chilena: Identidad y esplendor de la primera familia colonial de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Peripheral Visions / Global Sounds: From Galicia to the World by Colmeiro, José
Ao Sul de Guadarrama by Porto, Mario Sergio
Living with the Enemy by Ott, Sandra
Romancero Gitano by García Lorca, Federico
Living with the Enemy: German Occupation, Collaboration and Justice in the Western Pyrenees, 1940-1948 by Ott, Sandra
The Ghost in the Constitution: Historical Memory and Denial in Spanish Society by Resina, Joan Ramon
Conspiracy, Coup d'État and Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939: History and Myth in Francoist Spain by Serém, Rúben
A Balancing ACT: British Intelligence in Spain During the Second World War by Seoane, Emilio Grandio
The Christian Recovery of Spain: being the story of Spain from the Moorish conquest to the fall of Granada - 711-1492 a.d. by Watts, Henry Edward
Admiration and Awe: Morisco Buildings and Identity Negotiations in Early Modern Spanish Historiography by Urquizar-Herrera, Antonio
A Short History of Spain: Vol. 2 by Parmele, Mary Platt
The Politics and Rhetoric of Commemoration: How the Portuguese Parliament Celebrates the 1974 Revolution by Billig, Michael, Marinho, Cristina
History of the Moors in Spain by Florian, M.
Greater Than a Tourist - Tenerife Canary Islands Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Tourist, Greater Than a., Ionita, Ana M.
The Barcelona Reader: Cultural Readings of a City by
Philip II. of Spain by Hume, Martin a. S.
Historia eclesiástica indiana by De Mendieta, Jeronimo
La representación de las místicas: Sor María de Santo Domingo en su contexto europeo by Bastida, Rebeca Sanmartín
Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares: Reading their Lessons from His Time to Ours by Clamurro, William H.
Democracy, Deeds and Dilemmas: Support for the Spanish Republic Within British Civil Society, 1936-1939 by Mason, Emily
Who Should Rule?: Men of Arms, the Republic of Letters, and the Fall of the Spanish Empire by Ricketts, Mónica
Guerra Civil en Cantabria y pueblos de Castilla by Gutiérrez Flores, Jesus
Exposicion del Libro de job (Spanish Edition) by Leon, Fray Luis De
Rebuilding Islam in Contemporary Spain: The Politics of Mosque Establishment, 1976-2013 by Astor, Avi
Barcelona La Viajera En El Tiempo: Doce Cuentos by Gibbons, Wes
La vida y el tiempo de Inés de Castro: Una Historia "posible" de Inés de Castro by Masaguer, Juan F.
Spanish Cities: With glimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier by Stoddard, Charles Augustus
The Last Survivor: Cultural and Social Projects Underlying Spanish Fascism, 1931-1975 by
Antoni Gaudí: The Life and Legacy of the Architect of Catalan Modernism by Charles River
1741: L'assedio di Cartagena de Indias: La storia del più grande disastro navale della storia britannica by Borello, Nicola
Antoni Gaudí: The Life and Legacy of the Architect of Catalan Modernism by Charles River
The Struggle for Madrid: The Central Epic of the Spanish Conflict 1936-1937 by
Family, Work, and Household in Late Medieval Iberia: A Social History of Manresa at the Time of the Black Death by Fynn-Paul, Jeff
Bibliotheca Valenciana by Cortez, Jerónimo
The Immaterial Book of St. Cyprian by
Francisco Franco: A Life From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Rivalry and Revenge by Balcells, Laia
Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain) by Mira Rico, Juan Antonio
La Biblia en Espana by Borrow, George
Visitas a la Historia de Murcia by Ruiz Garcia, Juan
Crusade of the Left: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War by Rosenstone, Robert
La decima corrida de toros by De Valon, Alexis
Ja by D.
L'Espagne de l'Ancien Régime. Tome 2 by Desdevises Du Dézert, Georges
The Politics of Representation: Elections and Parliamentarism in Portugal and Spain, 1875-1926 by
The Politics of Representation: Elections and Parliamentarism in Portugal and Spain, 1875-1926 by
Spanish Modernism and the Poetics of Youth: From Miguel de Unamuno to 'la Joven Literatura' by Harkema, Leslie J.
Her Father's Daughter: Gender, Power, and Religion in the Early Spanish Kingdoms by Pick, Lucy K.
Writing Wrongdoing in Spain, 1800-1936: Realities, Representations, Reactions by
First Templar Nation: How Eleven Knights Created a New Country and a Refuge for the Grail by Silva, Freddy
La estirpe dominante: La saga de Tartessos by Sauces, Manuel R.
The Lusophone World: The Evolution of Portuguese National Narratives by Ashby, Sarah
Greater Than a Tourist- Palma De Mallorca Balearic Island Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Tourist, Greater Than a., Miklos, Izabella
Artículos de Costumbres: By Mariano José de Larra by
Antoni Gaudí: La vida y el legado del arquitecto del modernismo catalán by Charles River
Antoni Gaudí: La vida y el legado del arquitecto del modernismo catalán by Charles River
La leyenda negra by Juderias, Julian
Contesting Conquest: Indigenous Perspectives on the Spanish Occupation of Nueva Galicia, 1524-1545 by Altman, Ida
The Spanish Armada: The History and Legacy of Spain's Notorious Naval Debacle by Charles River
Modern Spain and the Sephardim: Legitimizing Identities by Ojeda-Mata, Maite
Historical Dictionary of Spain by Smith, Angel
Treason in the Northern Quarter: War, Terror, and the Rule of Law in the Dutch Revolt by Nierop, Henk Van