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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2018

Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia: The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1931 by Dalmau, Pol
Revival: A History of Spanish Literature (1930) by Merimee, Ernest
Revival: Conquests and Discoveries of Henry the Navigator: Being the Chronicles of Azurara (1936): Being the Chronicles of Azurara by
ELENA SANZ Tú serás mi reina by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Beyond Sight: Engaging the Senses in Iberian Literatures and Cultures, 1200-1750 by
Las Memorias del Almirante Cervera (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raul Eduardo
The Modern Spain Sourcebook: A Cultural History from 1600 to the Present by
El Caín de Cataluña by de Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco
The History of Modern Spain: Chronologies, Themes, Individuals by
International Communism and the Spanish Civil War by Kirschenbaum, Lisa A.
Catholicism, War and the Foundation of Francoism: The Juventud de Accion Popular in Spain, 1931-1939 by Lowe, Sid
A New History of Iberian Feminisms by
Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography by Faber, Sebastiaan
Memory Battles of the Spanish Civil War: History, Fiction, Photography by Faber, Sebastiaan
Crónica negra de la Marina Española.: De perpetua a muerte: la represión franquista en Ferrol. by Suárez, Xosé Manuel
Spain's Explorers in the Age of Discovery: The Lives and Legacies of Christopher Columbus, Hernán Cortés, Francisco Pizarro and Ferdinand Magellan by Charles River
To Live Like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain by Constable, Olivia Remie
Dom Henrique, o Infante: Memoria Historica by Alves, Alfredo
Andean Cosmopolitans: Seeking Justice and Reward at the Spanish Royal Court by de la Puente Luna, José Carlos
Jewish Buenos Aires, 1890- 1939: In Search of an Identity by Mirelman, Victor A.
MIEDES DE ATIENZA la Tierra que el Cid Cabalgó by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Memories of the Spanish Civil War: Conflict and Community in Rural Spain by Sanz Sabido, Ruth
Inequality in the Portuguese-Speaking World: Global & Historical Perspectives by
HIENDELAENCINA y sus minas de plata: Crónicas para una Historia by Velasco, Tomas Gismera
US-Spanish Relations after Franco, 1975-1989: The Will of the Weak by Heiberg, Morten
Les Carlistes: Souvenirs de la frontière by de Remacle, Albert
Holland House and Portugal, 1793-1840: English Whiggery and the Constitutional Cause in Iberia by Sousa, Jose Baptista de
Contemporary Spanish Gothic by Davies, Ann
Par les terres de la maure enchantée: L'art islamique au Portugal by Gómez, Susana, Torres, Claudio, Macías, Santiago
L'art mudéjar: L'esthétique islamique dans l'art chrétien by Lavado Paradinas, Pedro, Mogollón Cano-Cortés, Maria Pilar, Borrás Gualís, Gonzalo M.
Reframing the Alhambra: Architecture, Poetry, Textiles and Court Ceremonial by Bush, Olga
Isabelle et Ferdinand by Perez-J
L'espoir guidait leurs pas by Skoutelsky-R
L'Espagne classique (1474-1814) by Carrasco
Les brigades de la mer by Herzog-G+grisoni-D
1492 - 2015: El Exilio y El Regreso a España by
Cosas que fueron: cuadros de costumbres by de Alarcon, Pedro Antonio
I Volontari Stranieri e le Brigate Internazionali in Spagna (1936-39) by Mugnai, Bruno
Voluntarios extranjeros y Brigadas Internacionales de la Guerra Civil (1936-39) by Mugnai, Bruno
El castillo de lindabridis by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Darlo todo y no dar nada by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Con quien vengo vengo by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Las cadenas del demonio by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Les Moeurs et la politique en Espagne by de Mazade, Charles
Entangled Empires: The Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 15-183 by
The Granny and the Heist / La Estanquera de Vallecas by
The Granny and the Heist / La Estanquera de Vallecas by
Emigrant Dreams, Immigrant Borders: Migrants, Transnational Encounters, and Identity in Spain by Vega-Durán, Raquel
The Rise of Euroskepticism: Europe and Its Critics in Spanish Culture by Martín-Estudillo, Luis
Saint James the Greater in History, Art and Culture by Farina, William
Apache Adaptation to Hispanic Rule by Babcock, Matthew
La rebeldía carlista. Memoria de una represión silenciada: Enfrentamientos, marginación y persecución durante la primera mitad del régimen franquista by Miralles Climent, Josep
Philippe II by Cloulas-I
António Vieira: Six Sermons by
A Spanish Prisoner in the Ruins of Napoleon's Empire: The Diary of Fernando Blanco White's Flight to Freedom by
History Brushstrokes by Landaluce, Jaime E.
Colonial Al-Andalus: Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture by Calderwood, Eric
7 de julio by Pérez Galdós, Benito
Guns, Culture and Moors: Racial Perceptions, Cultural Impact and the Moroccan Participation in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) by Al Tuma, Ali
Portuguese Studies 34: 1 (2018) by
The Fight for Status and Privilege in Late Medieval and Early Modern Castile, 1465-1598 by Crawford, Michael J.
F. Perez Lopez's El Mexicano by Lopez, Francisco Perez
El conquistador aleman Pedro Lisperguer Wittemberg: De cortesano de Carlos V y Felipe II a celebre precursor de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Bonfires of the Culture: Franciscans, Indigenous Leaders and the Inquisition in Early Mexico, 1524-1540 by Don, Patricia Lopes
The Alcázar of Seville: The History of Spain's Most Famous Royal Palace by Charles River
The Alcázar of Seville: The History of Spain's Most Famous Royal Palace by Charles River
The Alhambra and the Alcázar of Seville: The History of the Famous Fortresses Constructed by the Moors in Spain by Charles River
Power Struggles: Dignity, Value, and the Renewable Energy Frontier in Spain by Franquesa Bartolome, Jaume
Spain 1936: Year Zero by Rein, Raanan, Thomas, Joan Maria
The Alhambra and the Alcázar of Seville: The History of the Famous Fortresses Constructed by the Moors in Spain by Charles River
Greater Than a Tourist- Barcelona Catalunya Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Watkin, Tracy Carmen, Tourist, Greater Than a.
A Concise History of Portugal by Birmingham, David
A Concise History of Portugal by Birmingham, David
a la Luz de Una Tarde: Los Comienzos de Miguel de Cervantes by Boado Quijano, Vicente
War in the Iberian Peninsula, 700-1600 by
Creating Conversos: The Carvajal-Santa María Family in Early Modern Spain by Martínez-Dávila, Roger Louis
Jadraque. Crónicas de un siglo (1): El tren llega (1807-1898) by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Jadraque Crónicas de un siglo (2): Un castillo para un pueblo 1899-1936 by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Power Struggles: Dignity, Value, and the Renewable Energy Frontier in Spain by Franquesa, Jaume
Jadraque. Crónicas de un siglo (3): Jadraque y un poeta (1939-1973) by Velasco, Tomás Gismera
Kingdoms of Faith: A New History of Islamic Spain by Catlos, Brian A.
Greater Than a Tourist- Barcelona Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Callaghan, Harrison, Tourist, Greater Than a.
Gerona: Episodios Nacionales by Pérez Galdós, Benito
Spanish Civil War: A History From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
El Alcázar de Sevilla: La historia del más famoso palacio real de España by Charles River
El Alcázar de Sevilla: La historia del más famoso palacio real de España by Charles River
Los Lisperguer Wittemberg; una familia alemana en el corazon de la cultura chilena: Identidad y esplendor de la primera familia colonial de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Bernardo de Gálvez: Spanish Hero of the American Revolution by Quintero Saravia, Gonzalo M.
La Alhambra y el Alcázar de Sevilla: la historia de las famosas fortalezas construidas por los moros en España by Charles River
La Alhambra y el Alcázar de Sevilla: la historia de las famosas fortalezas construidas por los moros en España by Charles River
Jose Maria Gil-Robles: Leader of the Catholic Right During the Spanish Second Republic by Tardío, Manuel Álvarez
José Antonio, chef et martyr by Gilles Mauger
Antiauthoritarian Youth Culture in Francoist Spain: Clashing with Fascism by Valencia-García, Louie Dean
Jinetes en la niebla by Gómez García, Mariano
The Canary Islanders in Texas: The Story of the Founding of San Antonio by Curbelo Fuentes, Armando
Cognitive Disability Aesthetics: Visual Culture, Disability Representations, and the (In)Visibility of Cognitive Difference by Fraser, Benjamin
The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Greatest Holy Site in Spain by Charles River
The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Greatest Holy Site in Spain by Charles River
La historia de Florida por... Libre 4 Parte 1 (Espanol - Ingles): Mapas de rompecabezas de Cristobal Colon by Ashrafyan, Konstantin
The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Alpert, Michael
Anti-Jewish Riots in the Crown of Aragon and the Royal Response, 1391-1392 by Gampel, Benjamin R.
La historia de Florida por... Libre 4 Parte 2 (Espanol-Ingles)): El misterio de los mapas de Cristobal Colon by Ashrafyan, Konstantin
Cultures of the Fragment: Uses of the Iberian Manuscript, 1100-1600 by Bamford, Heather
Iberia: Alternativa, Misión y Destino de España y Portugal en el Siglo XXI by Mila, Ernesto
In Service of Two Masters: The Missionaries of Ocopa, Indigenous Resistance, and Spanish Governance in Bourbon Peru by Jones, Cameron D.
The Spanish Civil War: The History and Legacy of the Controversial Conflict that Established Francisco Franco's Dictatorship in Spain by Charles River
The Spanish Civil War: The History and Legacy of the Controversial Conflict that Established Francisco Franco's Dictatorship in Spain by Charles River
Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain: Exhuming the Past, Understanding the Present by
The Portuguese of Trinidad and Tobago: Portrait of an Ethnic Minority by Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.
Exposicion del libro de job by Leon, Fray Luis De
Miguel Servet en España (1506-1527). Edición ampliada. by Gonzalez Ancin, Miguel, Towns, Otis
Iberianism and Crisis: Spain and Portugal at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by Newcomb, Robert Patrick
Tras las huellas de una sombra by Usín, Carlos
Tratado de las Campañas y Otros Acontecimientos de los Ejércitos by Cerezeda, Martín García
Tratado de las Campañas y Otros Acontecimientos de los Ejércitos by Cerezeda, Martín García
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Papa la Historia de España by Salva, D. Miguel
El Escorial: The History and Legacy of Spain's Most Famous Royal Site by Charles River
El Escorial: The History and Legacy of Spain's Most Famous Royal Site by Charles River
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Papa la Historia de España by Rayon, Jose Sancho, De Zabalburu, Francisco
La Guerra Civil española: La historia y legado del controversial conflicto que estableció la dictadura de Francisco Franco en España by Charles River
La Guerra Civil española: La historia y legado del controversial conflicto que estableció la dictadura de Francisco Franco en España by Charles River
La Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba: La Historia y el Legado del Mayor Lugar Santo de los Moros en España by Charles River
La Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba: La Historia y el Legado del Mayor Lugar Santo de los Moros en España by Charles River
Chronica Del Famoso Cavallero Cid Ruydiez Campeador by Huber, Victor Aimé
Historia General De España, Desde Los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nuestros Dias. Por Don Modesto Lafuente; Volume 4 by Lafuente, Modesto
Historia General De España, Desde Los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nuestros Dias. Por Don Modesto Lafuente; Volume 2 by Lafuente, Modesto
Historia General De España, Desde Los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nuestros Dias. Por Don Modesto Lafuente; Volume 2 by Lafuente, Modesto
Historia De Avila, Su Provincia Y Obispado; Volume 3 by Carramolino, Juan Martín
De La Poesía Heroico-Popular Castellana: Estudio Precedido De Una Oracion Acerca De La Literatura Española by Fontanals, Manuel Milá Y.
Memorias Para La Historia Del Asalto Y Saqueo De Roma En 1527 Por El Ejército Imperial: Formadas Con Documentos Originales, Cifrados É Inéditos En Su by Villa, Antonio Rodríguez
Chronica Del Famoso Cavallero Cid Ruydiez Campeador by Huber, Victor Aimé
Historia General De España, Desde Los Tiempos Mas Remotos Hasta Nuestros Dias. Por Don Modesto Lafuente; Volume 4 by Lafuente, Modesto
Historia General De España by Zamalloa, Modesto Lafuente y.
Historia De Las Naciones Bascas De Una Y Otra Parte Del Pirineo Septentrional: Y Costas Del Mar Cantabrico, Desde Sus Primeros Pobladores Hasta Nuestr by Preciso, Don
Relacion Sumaria Sobre Los Códices Y Manuscritos Del Escorial by Rozanski, Félix
Las Libertades De Aragon: Ensayo Histórico, Jurídico Y Político by Collado, Manuel Danvila y.
Apuntes Arqueológicos: Armas Y Armaduras. Las Espadas De Toledo. Notas Para La Historia De La Escultura Movible En España by Valcázar, J. Bernadet Y.
Don Diego Hurtado De Mendoza Y Sandoval, Conde De La Corzana (1650-1720): Estudio Histórico by Villa, Antonio Rodríguez
Influencia De Los Aragoneses En El Descubrimiento De América by Mir, Miguel
Diccionario Universal De Historia Y De Geografía ...: (Obra Dada a Luz En España Por Una Sociadad De Literatos Distinguidos, Y Refundida Y Aumentada C by Alamán, Lucas, Berra, Manuel Orozco y.
La Abolición del Tormento: El Inédito Discurso Sobre La Injusticia del Apremio Judicial (C. 1795), de Pedro García del Cañuelo by Pereiro Otero, José Manuel
'Report on the Agrarian Law' (1795) and Other Writings by Melchor De Jovellanos, Gaspar
Marcello Caetano and the Portuguese New State: A Political Biography by Martinho, Francisco
Collectives in the Spanish Revolution by Leval, Gaston
Atlantic Africa and the Spanish Caribbean, 1570-1640 by Wheat, David
Obras completas y correspondencia científica. Ed. oficial ordenada por el gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, dirigida por Alfredo J. Torcelli: by Torcelli, Alfredo J., Ameghino, Florentino
Historia de Gibraltar y de su campo, etc. by Montero, Francisco Maria
Anales De La Inquisicion Desde Que Fué Instituido Aquel Tribunal Hasta Su Total Estincion En El Año 1834: Obra Ilustrada Con 200 Adornos Grabados Y 32 by Valle, Genaro Del
Historia de Avila, su provincia y obispado. TOMO TERCERO by Carramolino, Juan Martin
Historia de los judios en España, desde los tiempos de su establecimiento hasta principios del presente siglo, obra escrita e ilustrada con varios doc by Castro, Adolfo De
Amazonas en las Indias by De Molina, Tirso
Una Isla En La Bruma by Sola Quero, Alejandro
Se Fue Con Prisas a la Montaña: Los Hechos de Garabandal (1961-1965) by Garcia De Pesquera, Eusebio
Une Réconciliation: L'Espagne et l'Amérique latine by Ebray, Alcide
Historia General Del Reino De Mallorca, 1: Escrita Por Los Cronistas Juan Dameto, Vicente Mut Y Geronimo Alemany... by Dameto, Juan
Historia De La Santa A. M. Iglesia De Santiago De Compostela, Volume 7... by Ferreiro, Antonio López
La España Del Siglo Xix: Sus Hombres Y Acontecimientos Más Notables, Volume 4... by Escalera, Evaristo
Historia De La Santa A. M. Iglesia De Santiago De Compostela, Volume 1... by Ferreiro, Antonio López
Noticias Históricas De Las Tres Provincias Vascongadas En Que Se Procura Investigar El Estado Civil Antiguo De Álava, Guipúzcoa Y Vizcaya, Y El Origen by Llorente, Juan Antonio
Las Antigüedades De Las Ciudades De España Que Van Nombradas En La Corónica Con Las Averiguaciones De Sus Sitios Y Nombres Antiguos: Con Un Discurso G by Morales, Ambrosio De
Historia General De España Desde Los Tiempos Primitivos Hasta La Muerte De Fernando Vii: Continuada Desde Dicha Época Hasta Nuestros Dias, Volume 2... by Pirala, Antonio, Borrego, Andrés, Lafuente, Modesto
Noticias Historicas De Las Tres Provincias Vascongadas, En Que Se Procura Investigar El Estado Civil Antiguo De Alava, Guipuzeoa Y Vizcaya, Y El Orige by Llorente, Juan Antonio
Historia De Carlos Iv.... by Muriel, Andrés
In Defence of Women by
Le Portugal en 1845 by Durrieu, Xavier
The Story of the Moors in Spain: A History of the Moorish Empire in Europe; their Conquest, Book of Laws and Code of Rites by Lane-Poole, Stanley
The Story of the Moors in Spain: A History of the Moorish Empire in Europe; their Conquest, Book of Laws and Code of Rites (Hardcover) by Lane-Poole, Stanley
El marinero de Singapur by Martínez, Gabriel
Reconciliation After Civil Wars: Global Perspectives by
L'Espagne Et La Révolution de 1854 by de Mazade, Charles
The Last Survivor: Cultural and Social Projects Underlying Spanish Fascism, 1931-1975 by
Democracy, Deeds and Dilemmas: Support for the Spanish Republic Within British Civil Society, 1936-1939 by Mason, Emily
The Bombing of Gernika: A Short History by Irujo, Xabier
St Teresa of Ávila: Her Writings and Life by
The Mosque of Cristo de la Luz: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Famous Holy Site in Toledo, Spain by Charles River
The Mosque of Cristo de la Luz: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Famous Holy Site in Toledo, Spain by Charles River
The Medina Azahara: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Medieval Capital in Spain by Charles River
El Escorial: A história e o legado do local real mais famoso da Espanha by Charles River
El Escorial: A história e o legado do local real mais famoso da Espanha by Charles River
The Mezquita and Medina Azahara: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Most Famous Landmarks in Córdoba, Spain by Charles River
The Mezquita and Medina Azahara: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Most Famous Landmarks in Córdoba, Spain by Charles River
The Medina Azahara: The History and Legacy of the Moors' Medieval Capital in Spain by Charles River
The Two Cines Con Niño: Genre and the Child Protagonist in Over Fifty Years of Spanish Film (1955-2010) by Hogan, Erin K.
Ser de Agua: Tus batallas personales tejen la épica de un Reino by Rojas, Rosa Elena
The Canary Connection by Spolin, Phillip
Ser de Agua: Tus batallas personales conforman la épica de un Reino by Rojas, Rosa Elena
The Spanish Civil War: A Military History by Esdaile, Charles J.
The Mercenary Mediterranean: Sovereignty, Religion, and Violence in the Medieval Crown of Aragon by Fancy, Hussein
The Miracles and Translatio of Saint James: Books Two and Three of the Liber Sancti Jacobi by Dunn, Maryjane, Coffey, Thomas F.
Quesada Republicana, Primera Parte: La Segunda República En Quesada by Garcia, Vicente Ortiz
The Miracles and Translatio of Saint James: Books Two and Three of the Liber Sancti Jacobi by
The Spanish Civil War: A Military History by Esdaile, Charles J.
Cultures of Anyone: Studies on Cultural Democratization in the Spanish Neoliberal Crisis by Moreno-Caballud, Luis
The Rise and Decline of an Iberian Bourgeoisie by Fynn-Paul, Jeff
Barrier and Bridge: Spanish and Gibraltarian Perspectives on Their Border by
Rebuilding Islam in Contemporary Spain: The Politics of Mosque Establishment, 1976-2013 by Astor
The Anxiety of Sameness in Early Modern Spain by Lee, Christina H.
The Captive Sea: Slavery, Communication, and Commerce in Early Modern Spain and the Mediterranean by Hershenzon, Daniel
La Guerra Civil Española = The Spanish Civil War by Thomas, Hugh
Grande Y Felicísima Armada: Derribando La Leyenda Negra by Farinas Godoy, Aquilino
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