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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2019

Hercules and the King of Portugal: Icons of Masculinity and Nation in Calderón's Spain by Fox-Hindley, Dian
Paradoxes of Stasis: Literature, Politics, and Thought in Francoist Spain by Gajic, Tatjana
Spain 1936: Year Zero by Rein, Raanan, Thomas, Joan Maria
Etxe Roxenia by Petitte, Michelle
Texeda: El Municipio de Tejeda Su Historia Y Sus Leyendas by Baselga Calvo, Luis
Romaníes Egipcios: La Esencia de Hispania by Gadalla, Moustafa
The Deepest Border: The Strait of Gibraltar and the Making of the Modern Hispano-African Borderland by Pack, Sasha D.
Romaníes Egipcios: La Esencia de Hispania by Gadalla, Moustafa
Mudéjar Art: Islamic Aesthetics in Christian Art by Pleguezuelo Hernández, Alfonso, Borrás Gualís, Gonzalo M., Lavado Paradinas, Pedro
Les Cagots et leurs congénères by Louis-Lande, Lucien
Charting Memory: Recalling Medieval Spain by
Political Theory and Law in Medieval Spain (1930) by Madden, Marie R.
Aben Humeya: Rey de Granada by Cerrato, Rafael
Revival: A History of Spanish Literature (1930) by Merimee, Ernest
Revival: Conquests and Discoveries of Henry the Navigator: Being the Chronicles of Azurara (1936): Being the Chronicles of Azur by
Boadilla by Romilly, Esmond, Cornford, John, Nichols, George
A People's History of the Portuguese Revolution by Varela, Raquel
A People's History of the Portuguese Revolution by Varela, Raquel
Surrogate Narratives: Portugal 1914-1918: Iconographic Coverage of World War I by Sousa, Jorge Pedro
The Politics and Rhetoric of Commemoration: How the Portuguese Parliament Celebrates the 1974 Revolution by Marinho, Cristina, Billig, Michael
Historia de Gibraltar y de su campo, etc. by Montero, Francisco Maria
Historia de Avila, su provincia y obispado. TOMO TERCERO by Carramolino, Juan Martin
Condicion Social De Los Moriscos De Espana: Causas De Su Explosion... by Janer, Florencio
Cataluña Juzgada por Escritores Españoles no Catalanes by Gracia, Julio De
The First Portuguese Republic: Between Liberalism and Democracy (1910-1926) by Pereira, Miriam
Obras Completas Do Cardeal Saraiva, Tomo VII by Luiz, Francisco De S.
Obras Completas do Cardeal Saraiva by Luiz, Francisco De S.
An Economic History of Portugal, 1143-2010 by Lains, Pedro, Münch Miranda, Susana, Freire Costa, Leonor
Exámen Histórico de la Reforma Constitucional, Tomo II by Argüelles, Agustin de
Historia de los Amantes de Teruel by Gabarda, Estéban
Novedad e Ilegitimidad del Carlismo by Sánchez, Miguel
Pero da Covilhan by Brandao, Zephyrino
Form and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Spain: Utopian Narratives and Socio-Political Debate by Almanza-Gálvez, Carla
An inquiry into the sources of the history of the Jews in Spain by Jacobs, Joseph
Spanish Cities by Stoddard, Charles Augustus
Les ordonnances de l'hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne: Volume 3: Marie de Bourgogne, Maximilien d'Autriche et Philippe le Beau 1477-1506 by
Carolingian Catalonia by Chandler, Cullen J.
Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia: The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1931 by Dalmau, Pol
Image of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Spain by
Las Cosas de Aragon: Discursos Leídos en la Real Academia de la Historia by Ortiz, Antonio Romero
Epitome da Vida do Illustris. Excellentis. Senhor D. Luiz Carlos Ignacio Xavier de Menezes by Barbosa, José
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Papa la Historia de España by Salva, Miguel, Saiz, Pedro
Supplemento á Collecção dos Tratados, Convenções, Contratos e Actos Publicos by Biker, Julio Firmino Judice
Supplemento á Collecção dos Tratados, Convenções, Contratos e Actos Publicos by Biker, Julio Firmino Judice
España y Francia en el siglo 18 by Macanaz, Joaquín Maldonado
Nazi Juggernaut by
Gibraltar: The Greatest Siege in British History by Adkins, Roy, Adkins, Lesley
The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, His Son, and the Quest to Build the World's Greatest Library by Wilson-Lee, Edward
Italia Desde la Batala De Pavia by Villa, Antonio Rodríguez
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Para la Historia de España by Salva, D. Miguel
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Para la Historia de España by Salva, D. Miguel
Anglomanía: La Imagen de Inglaterra En La Prensa Española del Siglo XVIII by González, Leticia Villamediana
The Spanish Inquisition and Portuguese Inquisition: The History and Legacy of the Roman Catholic Church's Most Infamous Institutions by Charles River
L'Espagne de Philippe II by Perez-J
Romances Nueuamente Sacados De Historias Antiguas Dela Cronica De España Compuestos... by Sepúlveda, Lorenzo de
Historia Razonada De Los Principales Sucesos De La Gloriosa Revolucion De España, Volume 1... by Carnicero, José Clemente
Historia Razonada De Los Principales Sucesos De La Gloriosa Revolucion De España, Volume 1... by Carnicero, José Clemente
Summario De Varia Historia: Narrativas, Lendas, Biographias, Descripcões De Templos E Monumentos, Estadisticas, Costumes, Civis, Politicos E Relig by Guimarães, José Ribeiro
Anales Del Reinado De Isabel Ii, 5: Obra Póstuma... by Burgos, Javier De
Taking The Bastile by Dumas, Alexandre
Taking The Bastile by Dumas, Alexandre
Kidnapped: The Saga of Juan Sebastian DeCruz by Paschal, Meikle
The Soviet Space Program: The Lunar Mission Years: 1959-1976 by Reichl, Eugen
New Perspectives in Transnational History of Communism in East Central Europe by
Romanticism, Reaction and Revolution: British Views on Spain, 1814-1823 by
Gernika: Genealogy of a Lie by Irujo, Xabier
Foreign volunteers and International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) by Mugnai, Bruno
The British and French in the Atlantic 1650-1800: Comparisons and Contrasts by Rushton, Peter, Morgan, Gwenda
A Death In Zamora by Barayón, Ramón Sender
The Faith and the Fury: Popular Anticlerical Violence and Iconoclasm in Spain, 1931-1936 by Thomas, Maria
Women and Nationhood in Restoration Spain 1874-1931: The State as Family by Rødtjer, Rocío
The British and French in the Atlantic 1650-1800: Comparisons and Contrasts by Morgan, Gwenda, Rushton, Peter
Uncommonly Savage: Civil War and Remembrance in Spain and the United States by Escott, Paul D.
The viceroy of New Spain by Smith, Donald E.
Documentos Para A Historia Das Cortes Geraes Da Nação Portugueza: Coordenação Auctorisada Pela Camara Dos Senhores Deputados ...... by Cortes, Portugal
El Arte Mudéjar: La estética islámica en el arte cristiano by Lavado Pradinas, Pedro, Mogollón Cano-Cortés, Pilar, Borrás Gualís, Gonzalo M.
Latin American Constitutions by Mirow, M. C.
Étude Sur Les Actes Des Rois Asturiens (718-910)... by Barrau-Dihigo, Louis
Historia De Portugal Desde O Começo Da Monarchia Até O Fim Do Reinado De Affonso Iii, Volume 4... by Herculano, Alexandre
The Locusts: British Critics of Portugal Before the First World War by Thorn, Gary
Galicia: The Switzerland of Spain by Meakin, Annette M. B.
Staging Habla de Negros: Radical Performances of the African Diaspora in Early Modern Spain by Jones, Nicholas R.
Language Attitudes, National Identity and Migration in Catalonia: What the Women Have to Say by Iveson, Mandie
José Antonio Primo de Rivera: The Reality and Myth of a Spanish Fascist Leader by Thomàs, Joan Maria
Spanish Language Lessons: Level 1 Beginners Guide To Learning And Speaking The Spanish Language (1000 Most Popular Words, Basic Conversation, Sp by Languages, Love New
Damnatio Memoriae - VOLUME I: Victory Without Peace: They Shall Not Be Forgotten by Jaen, Magdalena Gorrell
Damnatio Memoriae - VOLUME I: Victory Without Peace: They Shall Not Be Forgotten by Jaen, Magdalena Gorrell
Spanish Language Lessons: Level 2 Beginners Guide To Learning And Speaking The Spanish Language For Everyday Conversation And Better Vocabulary by Languages, Love New
At the Edge of Reformation: Iberia Before the Black Death by Linehan, Peter
Cartographies of Madrid: Contesting Urban Space at the Crossroads of the Global South and Global North by
Cartographies of Madrid: Contesting Urban Space at the Crossroads of the Global South and Global North by
The Portuguese at War: From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day by Teixeira, Nuno Severiano
Historians at War: Cold War Influences on Anglo-American Representations of the Spanish Civil War by Burrowes, Darryl
The Spanish Caribbean and the Atlantic World in the Long Sixteenth Century by
Memoria de una tierra dormida by Bueno Tabernero, Antonio
From Doubt to Unbelief: Forms of Scepticism in the Iberian World by
The Configuration of the Spanish Public Sphere: From the Enlightenment to the Indignados by
Some Still Live by Tinker, F. G., Jr.
Por tierras de la mora encantada: El arte islámico en Portugal by Gómez, Susana, Torres, Cláudio, Macias, Santiago
Flamenco Nation: The Construction of Spanish National Identity by Holguín, Sandie
Women Warriors in Early Modern Spain: A Tribute to Barbara Mujica by
Women Warriors in Early Modern Spain: A Tribute to Barbara Mujica by
The Spanish Frustration: How a Ruinous Empire Thwarted the Nation-State by Colomer, Josep M.
Spain's Revolution Against Franco: The Great Betrayal by Woods, Alan
The Supernatural Sublime: The Wondrous Ineffability of the Everyday in Films from Mexico and Spain by Schaefer, Claudia, Rodríguez-Hernández, Raúl
Jar of Severed Hands: Spanish Deportation of Apache Prisoners of War, 1770-1810 by Santiago, Mark
Anarchism and Political Change in Spain: Schism, Polarisation and Reconstruction of the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo, 1939-1979 by Torres, Maggie
The Gijon International Chess Tournaments, 1944-1965: A History with Biographies and 213 Games by Castedo, Luis Méndez, Méndez Castedo, Pedro
Democracia, ESA Frágil Conquista de la Civilización: Una Visión Diferente de Las Alternativas Políticas by Chacon Marin, Francisco J.
The history of the reign of Philip the Second, king of Spain (Volume I) by Hickling Prescott, William
The Indian policy of Spain by Charles Lea, Henry
The Road to Madrid: Diary of Donald Gallie, Member of the Scottish Medical Aid Unit, Serving in the Spanish Civil War, September-December by
Huitzilopochtli: The History of the Aztec God of War and Human Sacrifice by Novato, Ernesto, Charles River
Huitzilopochtli: The History of the Aztec God of War and Human Sacrifice by Charles River, Novato, Ernesto
Crusade in Spain by O'Duffy, Eoin
O Padre Valente da Boaventura by Vieira, Aires Dos Passos
Una Historia de España / A History of Spain by Perez-Reverte, Arturo
A Taste of Barcelona: The History of Catalan Cooking and Eating by Riera, Anna, Song, H. Rosi
The beginning of Spanish settlement in the El Paso district by E. Hughes, Anne
Prisons and Exiles: Poems by Sarrionandia, Joseba
De ciuitas Igaeditanorum a Laŷdāniyya. Paisajes urbanos de Idanha-a-Velha (Portugal) en épocas tardoantigua y medieval by
Havana: The History and Legacy of Cuba's Capital by Charles River
Havana: The History and Legacy of Cuba's Capital by Charles River
Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492: More Than Commodities by
Sites of Memory in Spain and Latin America: Trauma, Politics, and Resistance by
Damnatio Memoriae - VOLUME II: Crushing the Vanquished: They Shall Not Be Forgotten by Jaen, Magdalena Gorrell, Gomez, Francisco Moreno
Damnatio Memoriae - VOLUME II: Crushing the Vanquished: They Shall Not Be Forgotten by Jaen, Magdalena Gorrell, Gomez, Francisco Moreno
Lessons of the Spanish Revolution: 1936-1939 by Richards, Vernon
Passing to América: Antonio (Née María) Yta's Transgressive, Transatlantic Life in the Twilight of the Spanish Empire by Abercrombie, Thomas A.
Immaculate Conceptions: The Power of the Religious Imagination in Early Modern Spain by Hernández, Rosilie
Putting it About: Social Rights and Wrongs in Spain in the Long Nineteenth Century by Sinclair, Alison
Spain: Democracy Regained, Second Edition by Arango, E. Ramon
The Illusion of Statehood: Perceptions of Catalan Independence Up to the End of the Spanish Civil War by
Juan Negrín: Physiologist, Socialist, and Spanish Republican War Leader by Jackson, Gabriel
Damnatio Memoriae - VOLUME III: Descent Into The Blue Hell: They Shall Not Be Forgotten by Gomez, Francisco Moreno, Gorrell, Magdalena Jaen
The History of Spain by Pierson, Peter
António Vieira: Six Sermons by
The War of the Spanish Succession: The History of the Conflict Between the Bourbons and Habsburgs that Engulfed Europe by Charles River
Print Culture and the Formation of the Anarchist Movement in Spain, 1890-1915 by Yeoman, James Michael
History of the Conquest of Peru: with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas - Vol. 1 by Prescott, William H.
History of the Conquest of Peru: with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas - Vol. 1 by Prescott, William H.
My Mother, That Stranger: Letters from the Spanish Civil War by Alborg, Concha
Trolleybuses in Portugal by Harvey, David
Andalus and Sefarad: On Philosophy and Its History in Islamic Spain by Stroumsa, Sarah
Spanish Golden Age Texts in the Twenty-First Century: Teaching the Old Through the New by
Consuls and Captives: Dutch-North African Diplomacy in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Heinsen-Roach, Erica
The First Voyage Around the World, 1519-1522: An Account of Magellan's Expedition by Pigafetta, Antonio
La guerra di Sardegna e di Sicilia 1717-1720 vol. 3/1: Gli eserciti contrapposti: Savoia, Spagna, Austria. Parte 3 L'esercito austriaco nel 1717-1720 by Boeri, Giancarlo, Giacomone Piana, Paolo, Aimaretti, Guglielmo
La guerra di Sardegna e di Sicilia 1717-1720 vol. 3/2: Gli eserciti contrapposti: Savoia, Spagna, Austria. Parte 3 L'esercito austriaco nel 1717-1720 by Boeri, Giancarlo, Giacomone Piana, Paolo
Barcelona, the Left and the Independence Movement in Catalonia by Gillespie, Richard
Franco's Internationalists: Social Experts and Spain's Search for Legitimacy by Brydan, David
The Illusion of Statehood: Perceptions of Catalan Independence Up to the End of the Spanish Civil War by Ucelay-Da Cal, Enric, Vilalta, Arnau Gonzalez
Linger in Lisbon: From Belém Tower to the Tagus River by Cunningham, Laine
Damnatio Memoriae - VOLUME III: Descent Into The Blue Hell: They Shall Not Be Forgotten by Jaen, Magdalena Gorrell, Gomez, Francisco Moreno
Studies on Spanish Poetry in Honour of Trevor J. Dadson: Entre Los Siglos de Oro Y El Siglo XXI by
The Splendors of Sintra: Natural Luxury in the Portuguese Riviera by Cunningham, Laine
Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters: Katherine of Aragon Story, Book 1 by Dunn, Wendy J.
Polemical Encounters: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond by
History Of The Reign Of Ferdinand And Isabella, The Catholic (Complete): Complete Edition Of Three Volumes by Prescott, William Hickling
Vikingos y 'normandos' en la península Ibérica. by Regueiro Robaina, Manuel D.
Greater Than a Tourist - Tenerife Canary Islands Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Ionita, Ana M., Tourist, Greater Than a.
Greater Than a Tourist- Palma de Mallorca Balearic Island Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Tourist, Greater Than a., Miklos, Izabella
Greater Than a Tourist - Madrid Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Alonso, Ana, Tourist, Greater Than a.
Greater Than a Tourist- Sevilla Andalusia Spain: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Garzon, Gabi, Tourist, Greater Than a.
La Conspiración del Castellano: La verdad sin censura sobre el más extendido de todos los idiomas españoles by Tépper, Allan
The Escorial: Art and Power in the Renaissance by Kamen, Henry
The Soviet Space Program: The N1, the Soviet Moon Rocket by Reichl, Eugen
Spanish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars 1797-1808 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Antiauthoritarian Youth Culture in Francoist Spain: Clashing with Fascism by Valencia-García, Louie Dean
Opuscula Cypriani: Variations on the Book of Saint Cyprian and Related Literature by Leitão, José
Students and Society in Early Modern Spain by Kagan, Richard L.
The Catalan Nation and Identity Throughout History by
Ibiza Island Travel Guide, Spain: Formentera Environment, Ibiza Tourism by Mills, David
The Archaeology of Bronze Age Iberia: Argaric Societies by Romero, Margarita, Jimenez, Gonzalo, Subías, Sandra
The Prehistory of Iberia: Debating Early Social Stratification and the State by
'Black But Human': Slavery and Visual Arts in Hapsburg Spain, 1480-1700 by Fracchia, Carmen
Christian Spain and Portugal in the Early Middle Ages: Texts and Societies by Davies, Wendy
War!: The Memoir of a Spanish Soldier Wounded in the Philippines by Burguete, Ricardo
Ruptura: The Impact of Nationalism and Extremism on Daily Life in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) by Burgos, Claudio Hernandez
Y Caín mató a Abel by C. Milton, Paul
La poesía de la guerra civil española: una perspectiva comparatista by
No Barrier Can Contain It: Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War by Lambe, Ariel Mae
No Barrier Can Contain It: Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War by Lambe, Ariel Mae