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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spainish & Portuguese History in 2021

Nationalism on the Iberian Peninsula During the Early 20th Century by
Terre d'Espagne by Bazin, René
Lost in Transition: Constructing Memory in Contemporary Spain by Song, H. Rosi
Breviário dos Anais da Ilha Terceira de Ferreira Drummond: Primeiro volume-Janeiro-1497-1583 by Sousa, Dionísio
Featuring Post-National Spain. Film Essays. by Zamora, Andrés
Annals Of The Artists Of Spain. A New Ed., Incorporating The Author'S Own Notes, Additions And Emendations (Volume Iv) by Stirling Maxwell, William
A Laboratory of Her Own: Women and Science in Spanish Culture by
A Laboratory of Her Own: Women and Science in Spanish Culture by
Spanish Fascist Writing by
If You Stand Here: A Pilgrim's Tour of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela by Born, Anne
The Jews and Moors in Spain by Krauskopf, Joseph
Los vascos: Una guía fascinante de la historia del País Vasco, desde la prehistoria, pasando por la dominación romana y la Edad Me by History, Captivating
Los vascos: Una guía fascinante de la historia del País Vasco, desde la prehistoria, pasando por la dominación romana y la Edad Me by History, Captivating
Museum Revista Mensual De Arte Espanol Antiguo Y Moderno Y De La Vida Artistica Contemporanea (Volume Ii) by Unknown
Museum Revista Mensual De Arte Espanol Antiguo Y Moderno Y De La Vida Artistica Contemporanea (Volume I) by Unknown
Museum Revista Mensual De Arte Espanol Antiguo Y Moderno Y De La Vida Artistica Contemporanea (Volume V) by Unknown
Historia de España: Una guía fascinante de la historia española, desde la Hispania romana, los visigodos, el Imperio español, los Borbones by History, Captivating
Affective Geographies: Cervantes, Emotion, and the Literary Mediterranean by Johnson, Paul Michael
Historia de España: Una guía fascinante sobre la historia de España y el pueblo vasco by History, Captivating
The Criminal Baroque: Lawbreaking, Peacekeeping, and Theatricality in Early Modern Spain by Bergman, Ted L. L.
The Spanish Baroque and Latin American Literary Modernity: Writing in Constellation by Crystal Chemris, Crystal
Historia de España: Una guía fascinante de la historia española, desde la Hispania romana, los visigodos, el Imperio español, los Borbones by History, Captivating
Historia de España: Una guía fascinante sobre la historia de España y el pueblo vasco by History, Captivating
The Spanish Brothers: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century by Alcock, Deborah
Select Passages From The Diary And Letters Of The Late John Blackader, Esq by Newton, John
Amnesia Road: Landscape, violence and memory by Stegemann, Luke
The Inquisitor's Handbook (Copilacion Instructiones Sancta Inquisicion) by Fisher, Tyler
The Inquisitor's Handbook (Copilacion Instructiones Sancta Inquisicion) by Fisher, Tyler
Out of Prison: ETA Life Stories Become History by Buckley, Nicolas
Homage to Catalonia by Orwell, George
La guerra cristera: historia y legado del gran levantamiento religioso en México by Charles River
Lwów or L'viv?: Two Uprisings in 1918 by Markowski, Damian
La guerra cristera: historia y legado del gran levantamiento religioso en México by Charles River
War of the Spanish Succession: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Salvador Puig Antich: Autonomous Workers and Anticapitalist Guerrillas in Francoist Spain by
Spanish New Orleans: An Imperial City on the American Periphery, 1766-1803 by Rodriguez, John Eugene
The Fighter Fell in Love: A Spanish Civil War Memoir by Jump, James R.
History Of The Reign Of Ferdinand And Isabella, The Catholic (Volume I) by H. Prescott, William
History Of The Reign Of Ferdinand And Isabella, The Catholic (Volume Iii) by H. Prescott, William
History Of The Reign Of Ferdinand And Isabella, The Catholic (Volume Ii) by H. Prescott, William
The Spanish Fantastic: Contemporary Filmmaking in Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi by Rowan-Legg, Shelagh
The Battle of Tours: The History and Legacy of the Decisive Battle Between the Moors and Franks in France by Charles River
The Battle of Tours: The History and Legacy of the Decisive Battle Between the Moors and Franks in France by Charles River
The European Rescue of the Franco Regime, 1950-1975 by Guirao, Fernando
Global Constitutional Narratives of Autonomous Regions: The Constitutional History of Macau by Buhi, Jason
Villagers of the Sierra de Gredos: Transhumant Cattle-raisers in Central Spain by Kavanagh, William
Narratives of Political Violence: Life Stories of Former Militants by Da Silva, Raquel
Nineteenth Century Spain: A New History by Lawrence, Mark
Transatlantic Trade and Global Cultural Transfers Since 1492: More Than Commodities by
The Revolution Before the Revolution: Late Authoritarianism and Student Protest in Portugal by Accornero, Guya
Money, Politics and Corruption in Modern Spain by
The First World Empire: Portugal, War and Military Revolution by
The Life Of Prince Henry Of Portugal, Surnamed The Navigator, And Its Results: Comprising The Discovery, Within One Century, Of Half The World -- With by Henry Major, Richard
Staging Violence: Gender and Social Control in Jácaras and Entremeses by De Miguel Magro, Tania
Jews and Converts in Late Medieval Castile: Breaking with the Past by Reid, Cecil
The Unheard Voice of Law in Bartolomé de Las Casas's Brevísima Relación de la Destruición de Las Indias by Orique, David T.
Exhuming Franco: Spain's Second Transition by Faber, Sebastiaan
Tiwanaku y Puma Punku: La historia y legado del lugar sagrado antiguo más famoso de América del Sur by Charles River
Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World: A Gendered Perspective by
Fascist Italy in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Rodrigo, Javier
The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century: An Introduction by
Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest: Updated Edition by Restall, Matthew
Carlists! A Message for Our Times: The Eyewitness Account of a Twelvemonth Spent with the Carlist Army of Zumalacarregui, 1834-5 by Henningsen, C. F., Von Blumenthal, Henry
The Spanish History Reader by Donovan, Mike
Buying Into Change: Mass Consumption, Dictatorship, and Democratization in Franco's Spain, 1939-1982 by Gómez del Moral, Alejandro J.
Los Pre-Textos de la Florida del Inca: Edición Crítica, Estudio Preliminar Y Notas de José Miguel Martínez Torrejón by De La Vega, Inca Garcilaso
What Was the Islamic Conquest of Iberia?: Understanding the New Debate by
Women in the Peninsular War by Esdaile, Charles J.
Metaphors of Spain: Representations of Spanish National Identity in the Twentieth Century by
El Obispado de Cartagena. Origen y desarrollo by Gall, Ando-Enmanuel
The Good Comrade: Memoirs of an International Brigader by Kurzke, Jan
Portuguese Cinema (1960-2010): Consumption, Circulation and Commerce by Graça, André Rui
Spanish National Identity, Colonial Power, and the Portrayal of Muslims and Jews During the Rif War (1909-27) by Bolorinos Allard, Elisabeth
Salazar and His Work: Essays on Political Philosophy by
GuíaBurros: La España del siglo XVIII: Luces y sombras del reinado de los Borbones by Montagut, Eduardo
The Conquest of Santarém and Goswin's Song of the Conquest of Alcácer do Sal: Editions and Translations of De expugnatione Scalabis and Gosuini de exp by Wilson, Jonathan
Jews in the Notarial Culture: Latinate Wills in Mediterranean Spain, 1250-1350 by Burns, Robert I.
Jews in the Notarial Culture: Latinate Wills in Mediterranean Spain, 1250-1350 by Burns, Robert I.
Iberian Moorings: Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the Tropes of Exceptionalism by Brann, Ross
The Lay of the Cid: An Epic of the Spanish Reconquista by
The Life and Death of the Spanish Republic: A Witness to the Spanish Civil War by Buckley, Henry
Rethinking Atlantic Empire: Christopher Schmidt-Nowara's Histories of Nineteenth-Century Spain and the Antilles by
Sword of Empire: The Spanish Conquest of the Americas from Columbus to Cortés, 1492-1529 by Chipman, Donald E.
Sites of the Dictators: Memories of Authoritarian Europe, 1945-2020 by Núñez Seixas, Xosé M.
Sites of the Dictators: Memories of Authoritarian Europe, 1945-2020 by Núñez Seixas, Xosé M.
Hierarchy, Commerce, and Fraud in Bourbon Spanish America: A Postal Inspector's Expose by Hill, Ruth
Women, Mysticism, and Hysteria in Fin-De-Siècle Spain by Smith, Jennifer
Women, Mysticism, and Hysteria in Fin-De-Siècle Spain by Smith, Jennifer
Las revoluciones hispánicas y la historiografía contemporánea: Historia de las ideas, liberalismo e Ilustración en el mundo hispánico durante la Era d by Breña, Roberto
Malitia temporis?: Personas, gobierno y entorno de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalén en Navarra medieval by Dulska, Anna K.
Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean: 1550-1810 by
Politics of Recuperation: Repair and Recovery in Post-Crisis Portugal by
The School of Salamanca in the Affairs of the Indies: Barbarism and Political Order by Matsumori, Natsuko
Barcelona, the Left and the Independence Movement in Catalonia by Gillespie, Richard
US-Spanish Relations after Franco, 1975-1989: The Will of the Weak by Heiberg, Morten
Castilian Days by Hay, John
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: American Trailblazer by Varnum, Robin
Walking the Camino de Santiago: Essays on Pilgrimage in the Twenty-First Century by
To Embody the Marvelous: The Making of Illusions in Early Modern Spain by Fernández, Esther
Fragmented Catalonia: Divisive Legacies of a Push for Secession by Tobeña, Adolf
To Embody the Marvelous: The Making of Illusions in Early Modern Spain by Fernández, Esther
Al-Andalus in Motion: Travelling Concepts and Cross-Cultural Contexts by
Quim Monzó and Contemporary Catalan Culture (1975-2018): Cultural Normalization, Postmodernism and National Politics by Colom-Montero, Guillem
The Franco Regime and Its Historiography: Spanish Historians Confronting Propaganda and Censorship by Van Muilekom, Jan
Procesos represivos y actitudes sociales: Entre la España franquista y las dictaduras del Cono Sur by Águila, Gabriela, Alonso, Luciano
Die kaiserliche Botschaft in Venedig zur Zeit Maria Theresias (1740-1780) by Märker, Juliane
The July Revolution: Barcelona 1909 by Bonafulla, Leopoldo
GuíaBurros: Historia del socialismo español: De 1879 a 1914 by Montagut, Eduardo
The Ghost in the Constitution: Historical Memory and Denial in Spanish Society by Resina, Joan Ramon
Peripheral Visions / Global Sounds: From Galicia to the World by Colmeiro, José
American Baroque: Pearls and the Nature of Empire, 1492-1700 by Warsh, Molly A.
Diálogo Sobre La Forja de España: Ensayo Bárbaro by Eguiagaray, Jose
Counter-Terror by Proxy: The Spanish State's Illicit War with Eta by Guittet, Emmanuel Pierre
Fuero Real de Valladolid by Rodríguez Peña, Mario
In Place of Splendour: The Autobiography of a Spanish Woman by de la Mora, Constancia
La Independencia de Retiendas by Martin Macias, Francisco
The Road to Anarchy: The Cnt Under the Spanish Second Republic (1931-1936) by Herrerin
Putting it About: Social Rights and Wrongs in Spain in the Long Nineteenth Century by Sinclair, Alison
Women and Nationhood in Restoration Spain 1874-1931: The State as Family by Rødtjer, Rocío
Form and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Spain: Utopian Narratives and Socio-Political Debate by Almanza-Gálvez, Carla
From Doubt to Unbelief: Forms of Scepticism in the Iberian World by
Raised to Rule: Educating Royalty at the Court of the Spanish Habsburgs, 1601-1634 by Hoffman, Martha K.
The Constitution of the State of Arkansas: Framed and Adopted by the Convention Which Assembled at Little Rock, January 7th, 1868, and Ratified by the by Pomeroy, James M.
The Attache in Madrid: Or, Sketches of the Court of Isabella II by
Madeira: a Guide Book of Useful and Varying Information by Reid, Alfred, Reid, William
A Handbook for Travellers in Portugal. A Complete Guide for Lisbon, Cintra, Mafra, the British Battle-fields, Alcobaça, Batalha, Oporto, &c by
The Treaty of Peace, Union, Friendship and Mutual Defence Between the Crowns of Great Britain, France and Spain: Concluded at Seville on the 9th of No by Anonymous
Observations on the Papers Relative to the Rupture With Spain [microform]: Laid Before Both Houses of Parliament, on Friday the Twenty-ninth Day of Ja by Wilkes, John 1727-1797
The Constitution of the State of Arkansas: Framed and Adopted by the Convention Which Assembled at Little Rock, January 7th, 1868, and Ratified by the by Pomeroy, James M.
Biography of the Bar of Orleans County, Vermont by
Personal Memoirs of Major Richardson, (author of "Movements of the British Legion," &c. &c. &c.) as Connected With the Singular Oppression of That Off by Richardson, John 1796-1852
The Spanish Tragedy, 1930-1936; Dictatorship, Republic, Chaos by
Franco of Spain; a Full-length Biography by
Bismarck and the Hohenzollern Candidature for the Spanish Throne: the Documents in the German Diplomatic Archives by
The Spanish Tragedy, 1930-1936; Dictatorship, Republic, Chaos by
Portuguese Contribution to Cultural Anthropology by Dias, Antonio Jorge
Bismarck and the Hohenzollern Candidature for the Spanish Throne: the Documents in the German Diplomatic Archives by
The World and Its Peoples: Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar by Anonymous
Adventures in Spain; by Dumas, Alexandre
The Perils and Fortune of the Duke of Osuna by Marichalar, Antonio 1893-
The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands: Tr. From a Spanish Manuscript Lately Found in the Island of Palma. With an Enquiry In by
My House in Málaga by
The Road to Santiago: Pilgrims of St. James by Starkie, Walter 1894-1976
The Mystics of Spain by
Silk Hats and No Breakfast; Notes on a Spanish Journey by Tracy, Honor 1915-
Adventures in Spain; by Dumas, Alexandre
Chopin and George Sand in Majorca by
Man of Spain: Francis Suarez by Fichter, Joseph Henry 1908-1994
Segovia by
Antonio Perez, "Spanish Traitor." by
Pombal, Os Jesuítas E O Brasil by
The Selective Traveller in Portugal by Bridge, Ann 1889-1974
Freedom Was Flesh and Blood by
The Spanish Royal House by Petrie, Charles 1895-1977
The Magic of Spain by
The Alhambra Court in the Crystal Palace by Jones, Owen 1809-1874
Spain, a Land Blighted by Religion by Lewis, Joseph 1889-1968
The Story of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion: Written in the Trenches of Spain by
Decorated Wooden Ceilings in Spain / by Arthur Byne and Mildred Stapley by Byne, Mildred Stapley 1875-1941, Byne, Arthur 1883-1935
Life in Europe: Spain by Maiques, Gines M.
The Practical Book of Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Furniture by Eberlein, Harold Donaldson
The Spanish Story; Franco and the Nations at War by Feis, Herbert 1893-1972
The Perils and Fortune of the Duke of Osuna by Marichalar, Antonio 1893-
The Spanish Story; Franco and the Nations at War by Feis, Herbert 1893-1972
Correspondent in Spain by
Luis of Spain by Buckley, Peter
In Place of Splendour: the Autobiography of a Spanish Woman by
The Spanish Conflict by Grimley, Bernard
Profile of Salazar, Material for the History of His Life and Times by Teixeira, Luiz
The Yoke and the Arrows; a Report on Spain by Matthews, Herbert Lionel 1900-1977
The Practical Book of Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Furniture by Eberlein, Harold Donaldson
A Declaration of the Cavses, Which Mooved the Chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of Her Most Excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in Their Voyage and by
The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands: Tr. From a Spanish Manuscript Lately Found in the Island of Palma. With an Enquiry In by
Francisco Franco by
Spain and Defense of the West: Ally and Liability. -- by Whitaker, Arthur Preston 1895-
The Way Of Saint James, Volume 1 by King, Georgiana Goddard 1871-1939
The Siege of Alcazar, a History of the Siege of the Toledo Alcazar, 1936 by Moss, Geoffrey 1885-1954
Life in Europe: Spain by Maiques, Gines M.
The Tercentenary of England's Great Victory Over Spain and the Armada, 1588-1888 [microform] by Little, James
The Iberians of Spain and Their Relations With the Aegean World by Dixon, Pierson
St. Elizabeth of Portugal by McNabb, Vincent 1868-1943
Wine, Women & Toros! The Fiesta De Toros in the Culture of Spain by
Catholics Speak for Spain by
The Conquest of New Spain by
Cathedral Cities of Spain by Collins, William Wiehe 1862-
The Heart of the Spanish Matter by
Luis of Spain by Buckley, Peter
Charles the Third of Spain: the Stanhope Essay, 1900 by Addison, Joseph
Index of Spanish Folktales, Classified According to Antti Aarne's "Types of the Folktale"; by Boggs, Ralph Steele 1901-
Chopin and George Sand in Majorca by
History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic; I by Prescott, William Hickling 1796-1859
Portuguese Contribution to Cultural Anthropology by Dias, Antonio Jorge
St. Elizabeth of Portugal by McNabb, Vincent 1868-1943
The Yoke and the Arrows; a Report on Spain by Matthews, Herbert Lionel 1900-1977
The Mystics of Spain by
Image of Spain by Cleugh, James
A Queen of Queens, and the Making of Spain by Hare, Christopher
Doctor Goes West; Journey to Brazil by Mair, George Brown
Spanish Renaissance Furniture, Wrought Iron, Potteries, Sculptures and Textiles; Spanish Collection by
Gazpacho [microform]: or, Summer Months in Spain by Clark, William George 1821-1878
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