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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spanish in 2012

Continuemos! by Lebredo, Raquel, Mena-Ayllon, Francisco, Jarvis, Ana
Systemic Functional Grammar of Spanish: A Contrastive Study with English by Lavid, Julia, Arús, Jorge, Zamorano-Mansilla, Juan Rafael
Spanish in New York: Language Contact, Dialectal Leveling, and Structural Continuity by Otheguy, Ricardo, Zentella, Ana Celia
Die Lexik der Chicanos und ihre Anwendung in Texten by Rohloff, Antje
Morsamor: Peregrinaciones Heroicas y Lances de Amor y Fortuna de Miguel de Zuheros y Tiburcio de Simahonda... by Valera, Juan
Essential Spanish Phrasebook. Over 1500 Most Useful Spanish Words and Phrases for Everyday Use by Skelton, Adam, Garrido, Laura
Introduccion a la Ultima Cena Aeth: Introduction to the Last Supper Spanish Aeth by Association for Hispanic Theological Education
Trabajo de fin de ciclo: El tema de la mirada en Todas las almas de Javier Marías by Poncelet, Nancy
Una crisis de 'todas las sangres' peruanas: La problemática de la identidad en "Todas las sangres" de José María Arguedas by De Groot, Caroline
5 a Day = Fluent in a Year by Anderson, Sheldon
Foreign Language Spanish and English: Learning Spanish and English Through the Arts. Aprendiendo Espanol E Ingles a Traves de Canciones y Otras Artes by Franco- Talboy, Ruth N.
Spanish Lessons: Workbook 1 by Miller, Pascuala
Spanish Crossword Puzzles for Practice and Fun by Rojas-Otero, Palmira I.
Traducir la voz ficticia by Brumme, Jenny
Crash Course in Spanish: The Quickest Way to Learn Essential Spanish by Bookcaps
Spanish for Gay Men (Spanish that was never taught in the classroom!) by Charles, Jonathan L.
Vox Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary by Vox
¡Viva Ixtapan de la Sal! ¡Viva México! by Lemon, Christopher J.
Fundamentos Teoricos Y Prac de Historia by Núñez Méndez, Eva
500 Words To Know In Spanish by Geiger, Bradley C.
500 Words To Know In Spanish (Library Edition) by Geiger, Bradley C.
Bosley Sees the World: A Dual Language Book in Spanish and English by Johnson, Tim
Occupational Spanish For You - Law Enforcement by McCoy, Juanita
Locality Domains in the Spanish Determiner Phrase by Ticio, M. Emma
Lightning Fast Spanish Vocabulary Building Spanish Crossword Puzzles: 20 Fun Spanish Puzzles to Help You Learn Spanish Quickly, Speak Spanish More Flu by Woods, Carolyn
Speak Business Spanish Like an Executive: Avoiding the Common Mistakes that Hold Latinos Back by Nevaer, Louis
Pimsleur Spanish (Castilian) Conversational Course - Level 1 Lessons 1-16 CD: Learn to Speak and Understand Castilian Spanish with Pimsleur Language P by Pimsleur
Tackling Spanish The Easy Way by Jiang Mls, William
El Poder de la auto-sanacion by Mancini, Fabrizio
Speak Business Spanish Like an Executive Law & Legal Edition: Avoiding the Common Mistakes That Hold Latinos Back by Nevaer, Louis
Das Erste Spanische Lesebuch für Anfänger: Stufen A1 und A2 Zweisprachig mit Spanisch-deutscher Übersetzung by May, Lisa Katharina
Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile by Romey, Jared
The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics by
SBS Spanish&engl Gram 3e by Farrell
Learn Spanish with Wordsearch Puzzles by Solenky, David
La Familia Spanglo by Davie, Pete
Spanish Vocabulary for English Speakers - 3000 words by Taranov, Andrey
The Spanish Literary Generation of 1968: José María Guelbenzu, Lourdes Ortiz, and Ana María Moix by Sherzer, William M.
El gaucho vegetariano and Other Plays for Students of Spanish by Espinosa, Resurrección
Pharmacy Spanish with Complete Digital Audio Course: Based on the ACPE-Approved Pharmacy Spanish Online Course by Langston, Stephanie
Spanish Grammar for Dummies by Kraynak, Cecie
Russian for the Scientist by Turkevich, Ludmilla Buketoff, Turkevich, John
Talkin' Tico: A guide to Costa Rican slang by Green, Chuck
Vox Super-Mini Spanish and English Dictionary by Vox
Origins of a Creole: The History of Papiamentu and Its African Ties by Jacobs, Bart
Einführung in Die Morphologie Des Spanischen by Schpak-Dolt, Nikolaus
Spanisch / Portugiesisch kontrastiv by Schäfer-Prieß, Barbara, Schöntag, Roger
El español y su estructura: Segunda edición by Burunat, Silvia, Estévez, Ángel L., Ortega, Aleksín H.
Lightning-fast Spanish For Kids And Families Strikes Again!: More Fun Ways To Learn Spanish, Speak Spanish, And Teach Kids Spanish - Even If You Don't by Woods, Carolyn
Round Penning: First Steps to Starting a Horse: A Guide to Round Pen Training and Essential Ground Work for Horses Using the Methods of John Lyons by Hosman, Keith
Alphabet Alliteration Bilingual Spanish English by Crouch, Adele Marie
Animales en Rima/Animals in Rhyme by Mendoza, Elisa González
Fokus in den romanischen Sprachen im Vergleich zum Deutschen by Gogotishvili, Sofia
Habla Espanol YA!: Cuaderno de Trabajo Nivel Basico Para Extranjeros by Loya, Bertha Estela
Habla Espa Ol YA!: Cuaderno de Trabajo Nivel B Sico Para Extranjeros by Loya, Bertha Estela
A History of the Spanish Lexicon: A Linguistic Perspective by Dworkin, Steven N.
Caribbean Spanish in the Metropolis: Spanish Language Among Cubans, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans in the New York City Area by Lamboy, Edwin M.
Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Medical Dictionary by
Spanish vocabulary for English Speakers - 5000 words by Taranov, Andrey
Spanish vocabulary for English speakers - 9000 words by Taranov, Andrey
The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition: Diccionario Universidad de Chicago Inglés-Español, Sexta Edición by
The Spanish Language in the Digital Age by
Ult Span Vrb Rev&prct 2e by Gordon
Fast and Effective Spanish: The fast and effective way! by Campbell, Adam F.
El Bilingüismo En El Mundo Hispanohablante by Montrul, Silvina
SPANISH For Beginners PARA EL PRIMER NIVEL: En letra grande (16): LARGE PRINT (for Adult Students) Creative Spanish Teachers' Helper Without English N (Large Print Edition) by Sproesser, Zoia
Learn Spanish with Paul Noble by Noble, Paul
Creada a Su Imagen: Ministerio Series Aeth: Una Pastoral Integral Para La Mujer by Association for Hispanic Theological Education
Doce héroes inconcebibles: Cómo comisionó Dios a personas impensadas en la Biblia y lo que quiere hacer con usted = Twelve Unlike Heroes by MacArthur, John F.
El Bilingüismo En El Mundo Hispanohablante by Montrul, Silvina
Espanol Medico y Sociedad: Un Libro Para Estudiantes de Espanol En El Tercer Ano de Estudios by Giralt, Alicia
Nuevo Vocaburrario de la Irreal Academia by Ruiz Javier Fernández, Francisco
Diccionario: Espanol / Hebreo by Dovidovich, Leon
Diccionario: Espanol / Hebreo by Dovidovich, Leon
Anabela por siempre by Class, Spanish IV, Tiday, Christine
Correct Your Spanish Blunders: How to Avoid 99% of the Common Mistakes Made by Learners of Spanish by Yates, Jean
So You Want to Learn Spanish? by Walters, Keith
Spanish for Christian Service by
El Libro Milagroso by Vargas, Martin Pulido
Diadem: Selected Poems by Di Giorgio, Marosa
Dermatopathology: Classification of Cutaneous Lesions by Zappi, Eduardo, Zappi, Eduardo A.
Wondrous Woman: Spanish for Childbirth and Women's Health by Nadathur, Susan
Spanish For Dummies by Vázquez Bermejo, Pedro
Quien me llama?: Learn Peruvian Spanish Slang by McKay, Daniel
Spanish as a Heritage Language in the United States: The State of the Field by
Easy Peasy Spanish! Your Spanish Phrase Book To Go! by Gonzales, Lydia
Polifuncionalidad, polisemia y estrategia retórica by Hummel, Martin
Text, Autor Und Wissen in Der 'Historiografía Indiana' Der Frühen Neuzeit: Die Décadas Von Antonio de Herrera Y Tordesillas by Greußlich, Sebastian
Mejorando Mi Espanol by Abreu, Mirta Villar
Dirty Spanish Workbook: 101 Fun Exercises Filled with Slang, Sex and Swearing by B, Nd
Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary by Oxford Languages
Mr. Nightingale (Spanish Edition) by Omid, Ghazal
Determinanten im Spanischen by Menz, Dominik
Análisis multimodal de la campaña electoral del 2008 en los Estados Unidos by Roman, Yanina Beatriz
Retórica de la crítica en los medios de comunicación cubanos del siglo XXI by Roman, Yanina Beatriz
How to Learn and Memorize Spanish Vocabulary by Metivier, Anthony
Simple Spanish phrases: Of love and other things by Zambrano, Maria Liliana
Diccionario Universitario de Terminos Literarios Y Gramaticales by Vega, Carlos B.
Vox Spanish and English Student Dictionary Pb, 2nd Edition by Vox
Selected Readings In Easy Spanish Vol 1 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Spanish for Beginners: Fundamentals of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Questions & Phrases by Kornfeld, Peter
Corporeality in Early Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature: Body Articulations by Willis, B.
Spanish Grammar: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Romero, Dora