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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spanish in 2014

Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary for Students, Second Edition by
My body part book.: In English, Spanish, and French. by Bryant, Melissa L.
Spanish and Portuguese Across Time, Place, and Borders: Studies in Honor of Milton M. Azevedo by
Culturas de Espana by Pereira-Muro, Carmen
Clan 7 Con ¡Hola, Amigos! Level 2 Cuaderno de Actividades by Míguez Salas, Manuela, Rojano Gálvez, Gómez Castro
12 Secretos Para Ganar Mas Jugando al Tenis!: Lo que deberias estar haciendo y en que deberias estar trabajando para ganar todo el tiempo by Correa, Joseph
The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics by
32 Estrategias de tenis para el juego de hoy: Las 32 estrategias mas valiosas que alguna vez aprendera by Correa, Joseph
Historias de bobos, enamorados y otros especímenes: Aprende español - lecturas graduadas by Aige, Nuria Munoz
Spanish Fluency: Twin Words and Essential Vocabulary by Nus, Susan Elizabeth
Intersubjetividad y Gramática: Aspectos de una Gramática Fenomenológica by Huelva Unternbäumen, Enrique
You can speak Spanglish: Dictionary by Nasiff Fors, Alfredo
Die romaneske Struktur des Abenteuers in "La gitanilla" by Weyand, Laura
Introducción a la Sociolingüística Hispánica by Diaz-Campos, Manuel
Spanish Conversation: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Arnet, Liliane
The Penguin's Boots/ Botas del pinguino: English/Spanish Dual Language Book by Drexler, Gabriel
Estrategias de Tenis Para Singles y Dobles: Tacticas Para Ganar y Estrategias Mentales Para Vencer a Cualquiera by Correa, Joseph
Medical Spanish Sparkcharts: Volume 40 by Sparknotes, Sparknotes
Spanish Grammar Sparkcharts: Volume 63 by Sparknotes
Spanish Idioms and Advanced Vocabulary Sparkcharts: Volume 64 by Sparknotes
Spanish Vocabulary Sparkcharts: Volume 66 by Sparknotes, Sparknotes
Spanish Verbs Sparkcharts: Volume 65 by Sparknotes, Sparknotes
Spanish Word Formation by Lang, M. F.
Basic Spanish for Orientation and Mobility: A Phrase Book and Dictionary by
Volver (Argentina) Book + CD [With CD (Audio)] by Horche Lahera, Raquel
Con Amor Y Con Palabras (México) Book + CD [With CD (Audio)] by Rodríguez Valladares, Pedro Martín
El Bloc. Español En Imágenes by Varela Castillo, María Jesús, Tena Tena, Pedro
Amnesia by Ocasar Ariza, José Luis
They Came Home with a Bundle: Llegaron a Casa Con Un Bulto by Victoria, Maria De Lourdes
Adventure in the Sky / Aventura En El Cielo by Victoria, Maria De Lourdes
Voces femeninas españolas desde dentro: El discurso masculino reconfigurado por mujeres en "El libro de romances y coplas del Carmelo de Valladolid" [ by Ugofsky-Méndez, Rubí
Introducción a la teología mestiza de San Agustín AETH = Intorduccion the Mestizo Theology of Saint Augustine by Gonzalez, Justo L.
Los sonidos del español by Hualde, José Ignacio
Spanish Grammar in Context by Ibarra, Juan Kattan, Howkins, Angela
Spanish Grammar in Context by Ibarra, Juan Kattan, Howkins, Angela
Monster House: La Casa de Los Sustos Book + CD [With CD (Audio)] by Cámara, Noemí
El Conde Lucanor: "Mentalitätsgeschichtliche Involution" in der "Krise des Spätmittelalters"?: Kritische Anmerkungen zu einem Forschungsparadigma by Heckl, Christoph
Saque de Tenis de Superman: Saque como un profesional! by Correa, Joseph
Diccionario de Argot y del Lenguaje Informal by Bravo, Jose-Luis Olivera
Conversational Spanish Quick and Easy: The Most Innovative and Revolutionary Technique to Learn the Spanish Language. For Beginners, Intermediate, and by Nitzany, Yatir
Andando Caminos: Teaching Spanish in Waldorf Schools: A Manual for All Language Teachers by Forrer, Elena
¡Hola, Mundo!, ¡Hola, Amigos! Level 2 Activity Book by Rojano Gálvez, José Andrés, Gómez Castro, María, Míguez Salas, Manuela
John Henry vs. the Robots: A Comparison of Human and Machine Translation by Shannon, B. Clay, Clemens, Samuel L.
Tocando El Vacío Student Book + CD [With CD (Audio)] by Bembibre, Cecilia
Vocabulário Português-Espanhol - 3000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Espanhol - 9000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Espanhol - 7000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Vocabulário Português-Espanhol - 5000 palavras mais úteis by Taranov, Andrey
Spanish and Portuguese Across Time, Place, and Borders: Studies in Honor of Milton M. Azevedo by
Triacas by Certain, Miguel Falquez
Learn Spanish News Vol.1: English & Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.1: English to Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.1: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Bilingual Language Acquisition by Silva-Corvalán, Carmen
Bilingual Language Acquisition: Spanish and English in the First Six Years by Silva-Corvalan, Carmen
Manual del subjuntivo: Guía alfabética del uso de los modos verbales by Grieger, Astrid
La Palabra Justa: An English-Spanish / Espanol-Ingles Glossary of Academic Vocabulary for Bilingual Teaching & Learning by Reyes, Sharon Adelman, Gabaldon, Salvador, Morejon, Jose Severo
¡Buen camino!: A reading & listening language adventure in Spanish by Meier, Mercedes
El arte del insulto by Luque Duran, Juan De Dios, Pamies Bertran, Antonio, Manjon Pozas, Francisco Jose
Egberto se enrojece/Egbert rougit: Libro infantil para colorear español-francés (Edición bilingüe) by Winterberg, Philipp
Egberto se enrojece: Un libro para colorear. by Winterberg, Philipp
Egberto se enrojece/Egbert Turns Red: Libro infantil para colorear español-inglés (Edición bilingüe) by Winterberg, Philipp
Sprachenpluralität und -autorisierung by Schwägerl-Melchior, Verena
Puzzle Pieces of the Past: Spanish Abbreviations 1500-1700 by Carlin, A. Roberta
Short Stories in Spanish 2: My Childhood Dream by De Oliveira, Irineu Francisco
60 Estrategias de Tenis y Tacticas Mentales: Entrenamiento de Fortaleza Mental by Correa, Joseph
Con Permiso: Como Vivenciar Un Cristianismo Real de Todos Los Dias? by Vidal, Marcos
Learn Spanish News Vol.2: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Asi Se Dice! Level 2, Workbook and Audio Activities by Schmitt, Conrad J.
ABC Beginning Spanish Reader 1: Lectura Inicial by Acuna, Maria G.
Seamos Libres: Apuntes para volver a vivir en libertad by Benegas, Jose
Spanish Vocabulary Games by Nissenberg, Gilda
Spanish Tales for Beginners Edited with Notes and Vocabulary by Hills, Elijah Clarence
Dictionary of Culinary Practice by Nash, Irwin
ABC Beginning Spanish Reader 2: Lectura Inicial by Acuna, Maria G.
Siempre Muere Alguien: 13 historias para pensar by Marquez Reyes, Alberto
Das amerikanische Spanisch by Noll, Volker
Complete Latin American Spanish Beginner to Intermediate Course: Learn to Read, Write, Speak and Understand a New Language [With Book(s)] by Kattan-Ibarra, Juan
La Tormenta Interior: Cambia El Caos de Cómo Te Sientes Por La Verdad de Quien Eres by Walsh, Sheila
Learn Spanish News Vol.3: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Spanish Syntax and Composition by Howard, J. P.
Bilingual Grammar of English-Spanish Syntax: With Exercises and a Glossary of Grammatical Terms by Hill, Sam, Mayberry, María, Baranowski, Edward
Der Schild des Achilles. Zum klassischen Vorbild der Ekphrasis by Bacmeister, Anne
Bilingual Grammar of English-Spanish Syntax: With Exercises and a Glossary of Grammatical Terms by Baranowski, Edward, Hill, Sam, Mayberry, María
Hablar bien no cuesta nada y escribir tampoco by Tejada, Leonor
Bosley Discovers the Waterfall - A Dual Language Book in Spanish and English: Bosley Descubre las Cataratas by Johnson, Tim
El gato misterioso y otros cuentos: An SSR book for Spanish One and Two by Villanueva, Meg
Spanish Novels: Muerte en Buenos Aires (Spanish Novels for Beginners - A1) by Ardit, Paco
Learn Spanish News Vol.4: English to Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.4: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.4: English & Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Differentielle Objektmarkierung bei unbelebten Objekten im Spanischen by García García, Marco
The Story of Spanish by Barlow, Julie, Nadeau, Jean-Benoit
Spanish Verb Mnemonics: Expanded Edition by Castille, Michael
Quick Guide to Cuban Spanish by Romey, Jared
Spanish Grammar by Young, David James
Buscapalabras Divertidas: Animales y Alimentos by Koncki, Anne
2 Lost Souls by Hosea, Anthony
Spanish Phrases 1: Home Phrases to Practice with your Kids in the Bedroom by Acuna, Maria G.
Einführung in die romanische Sprachwissenschaft: Vorlesungsmitschrift by Gmiat, Kinga
El País Que Quiero: 2014: Elecciones Presidenciales En El Salvador by Sánchez Cerén, Salvador Leonel
Learn Spanish News Vol.5: English & Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.5: English to Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.5: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Die Sprache der Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach 1945 by Götte, Daria
Spanish Phrases 2: Home Phrases to Practice with your Kids in the Bathroom by Acuna, Maria G.
Das Erste Spanische Lesebuch für Anfänger, Band 2: Stufe A2 zweisprachig mit spanisch-deutscher Übersetzung by May, Elisabeth
Spanish Phrases 3: Home Spanish Phrases to Practice with your Kids in the Kitchen. by Acuna, Maria G.
Soziolinguistische Untersuchung des Sprachbewusstseins junger Erwachsener in Cádiz by Götte, Daria
Learn Spanish: The Beginners Course to Becoming a Fluent Speaker, the Fun Way by Garcia, Juan
"La muerte y la doncella". Die Figur der Paulina Salas by J, J.
Historias de europeos en la tierra colorada by Scherf Vanstrien, Valeria
El vendedor de ilusiones: Aventuras en español by Perez Oliveros, Luis Hector
Spanish Phrases 4: Home Spanish Phrases to Practice with your Kids in the Living Room. by Acuna, Maria G.
¿Cómo escribir un libro en 7 días?: Secretos Revelados para Publicar tu libro y volverte un Best Seller en tiempo record. by de Bonis, Germán Ezequiel
Spanish Sentences Vol.5: English & Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Spanish Sentences Vol.5: English to Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Spanish Sentences Vol.5: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
El Quijote: For Spanish Learners. Level A2 by Bravo, J. a., It!, Read
Moby Dick: Easy reader for Spanish learner. Level A2 by Melville, Herman, Bravo, J. a.
Die irreparable Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung in den Filmen "Tacones lejanos" und "Herbstsonate" im Vergleich by Hermani, Clarissa
Koloniales Erbe, Diaspora und die Problematik der Identität in "La maravillosa vida breve de Óscar Wao" von Junot Díaz by Jelb, Nawal
Historias de europeos en la tierra colorada by Scherf Vanstrien, Valeria
The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics by
Das spätmittelalterliche Spanisch dargestellt am "Libro de buen amor" by Obermeier, Sandra
Spanish without Gobbledegook by Easy, Saul
Eine landeskundliche Lehrbucheinheit als Ausgangspunkt für die Arbeit mit weiterführenden Texten: Der andalusische Nationalpark Coto de Doñana im Span by Krämer, Marcus
Guaraní aquí. Jopara allá: Reflexiones sobre la (socio)lingueística paraguaya by Penner, Hedy
Resources in the Ancient Church for Todays Worship Aeth: Lecciones del Culto Antiguo Para La Iglesia de Hoy Aeth by Gonzalez, Catherine Gunsalus
Habla Espanol YA! Nivel Intermedio Para Cualquier Extranjero: Cuaderno de Trabajo by Loya, Bertha Estela
Habla Espanol YA! Nivel Intermedio Para Cualquier Extranjero: Cuaderno de Trabajo by Loya, Bertha Estela
Canción de Navidad para estudiantes de español: A Christmas Carol for Spanish Learners by
Spanish Reader 1: Ata la Lata by Acuna, Maria G.
El sabueso de los Baskerville para estudiantes de español: The hound of the Baskervilles for Spanish learners by Bravo, J. a.
The Developmental Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning: The L2 Acquisition of Object Pronouns in Spanish by Malovrh, Paul, Lee, James F.
El Fantasma de Canterville para estudiantes de español. Libro de lectura: The Canterville Ghost for Spanish learners. Reading Book Level A2. Beginners by Bravo, J. a.
Spanish Vocabulary Drills by Gordon
Spanisch Lernen Paralleltext - Einfache Geschichten (Deutsch - Spanisch) Bilingual by Publishing, Polyglot Planet
Spanish for the Occupational Therapist: Bridging the Communication Barrier by Nieves, Asiya
Selected Readings in Easy Spanish Volume 7 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Selected Readings in Easy Spanish Volume 5 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
El último mohicano para estudiantes de español. Libro de lectura: The Last of the Mohicans For Spanish learners. Reading Book Level A2. Beginners. by Bravo, J. a., Cooper, James Fenimore
Buscapalabras divertidas: Loca en la cocina by Koncki, Anne
Selected Readings in Easy Spanish Volume 8 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Spanish Fun for Kids Coloring Book Volume 2 by Scott, Serena
Selected Readings in Easy Spanish Volume 9 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Selected Readings in Easy Spanish Volume 10 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Cus El Espanol: Cuaderno de Gramatica Y Destrezas 2014, Level 1 by
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 2: El Hospital Loco by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Learn Spanish News Vol.6: Spanish to English by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.6: English & Spanish by Marcel, Nik
Learn Spanish News Vol.6: English to Spanish by Marcel, Nik
The Syntax-Information Structure Interface: Clausal Word Order and the Left Periphery in Galician by Gupton, Timothy
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 3: Vacaciones con Jaimito by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 4: El hospital Loco 2 by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 5: Riendo con Jaimito by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 6: Nuevas aventuras de Jaimito by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 7: Jaimito Regresa a Clases by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 10 Jaimito y Mr. Hyde by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales in Easy Spanish Volume 1: Jaimito va a la escuela by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Procedimientos de conexión discursiva en español: adquisición y aprendizaje by
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Vocabulary Building with Suffixes by Richmond, Dorothy
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 1: Pinocho (Intermediate Level) by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Childrens Books in Easy Spanish Volume 7: Blancanieves y los Siete Enanos by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 4: Peter Pan (Intermediate Level) by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 5: La Sirenita (Intermediate Level): Spanish Readers For Kids Of All Ages! by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 2: Juanito y las habichuelas mágicas by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 3: Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (Intermediate Level) by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 10: El Jorobado de Notre Dame (Intermediate Level) by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 6: La Bella Durmiente (Intermediate Level) by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 8: Cenicienta by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Children´s Books In Easy Spanish 9: El Libro de La Selva (Intermediate Level) by Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Cus El Espanol: Cuaderno de Gramatica Y Destrezas 2014, Level 2 by
Funny Tales In Easy Spanish 8: Jaimito y el Tío Rico by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Funny Tales In Easy Spanish 9: Jaimito y Drácula by Parra Pinto, Alvaro
Die Rezeptionsperspektiven in der Comedia des Siglo de Oro. Die theatralische Perspektive in "El bulador de Sevilla" by Rettinger, Luisa
A Spanish Learning Grammar by Thacker, Mike, Munoz, Pilar
Textos Sociolingüísticos by Alvarez Muro, Alexandra
Language, Identity and Urban Space: The Language Use of Latin American Migrants by Salzmann, Tabea
Spanish for Csec a Caribbean Examinations Council Study Guide by Haylett, Christine, Caribbean Examinations Council
?Que Hay? Libro del Alumno Para Csec Second Edition by Haylett, Christine
?Que Hay? Teacher's Guide Csec Second Edition by Haylett, Christine
?Que Hay? Cuaderno Csec Second Edition by Haylett, Christine
Mystik und Versuchung im 21. Kapitel des Romans "La Regenta" von Clarín by Schmedes, Sandra
Functional Police Spanish: Second Edition by Kurtzweil, Paul
Dermatopathology: Classification of Cutaneous Lesions by Zappi, Eduardo, Zappi, Eduardo A.
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 2: Juanito y las Habichuelas Mágicas by Parra Pinto, Alejandro, Parra Pinto, Álvaro
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 1: Pinocho by Parra Pinto, Álvaro, Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Malanga Chasing Vallejo: Selected Poems: César Vallejo: New Translations and Notes: Gerard Malanga by Vallejo, César
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 5: La Sirenita by Parra Pinto, Álvaro, Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 8: La Cenicienta by Parra Pinto, Álvaro, Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 9: El Libro de La Selva by Parra Pinto, Álvaro, Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 6: La Bella Durmiente by Parra Pinto, Alvaro, Parra Pinto, Alejandro
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 3: Alicia en el País de las Maravillas by Parra Pinto, Alejandro, Parra Pinto, Álvaro
La Tienda Roja by Diamant, Anita
Spanisch lernen in kürzester Zeit. Teil 3 Wörterbuch: Der einprägsame Sprachkurs durch systematischen Aufbau! by Busch, Anna
Kinderbücher in einfachem Spanisch Band 10: El Jorobado de Notre Dame. by Parra Pinto, Alejandro, Parra Pinto, Álvaro
Spanisch lernen in kürzester Zeit. Teil 1: Der einprägsame Sprachkurs durch systematischen Aufbau! by Busch, Anna
Spanisch lernen in kürzester Zeit. Teil 5: Der einprägsame Sprachkurs durch systematischen Aufbau! by Busch, Anna
Mhe Adv Spanish Grammar by
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