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Spanish in 2022

SPANISH SENTENCE BUILDERS - Beg - Pre I - ANSWER BOOK: Sentence Builder by Barrett, Julien, Viñales, Dylan
SPANISH SENTENCE BUILDERS - Pre - I - ANSWER BOOK: Sentence Builder by Barrett, Julien, Viñales, Dylan
Vocabulario Español A1: de la A a la Z by Schmitz, Michael
Spanish Short Stories for Intermediate Level: Improve Your Spanish Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills by Orea, Claudia
Cafecito Bonito: A Spanglish Children's Rhyme Book by Ortiz, Christina
¿Qué pasó con el jersey? by Degenhardt, Jennifer
Spanish Made Easy Level 1: An Easy Step-By-Step Approach To Learn Spanish for Beginners (Textbook + Workbook Included) by Lingo Mastery
Era una chica nueva by
Espanol con la llama Rosita el Calendario by Castellon Ayers, Yasenis
La Discreta Enamorada / The Cleverest Girl in Madrid: Lope de Vega by
Conversational Spanish Dialogues for Beginners and Intermediate Students: 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories Conversational Spanish Language by Language Institute Spain, World
Cuando se perdió la mochila by Degenhardt, Jennifer
Panamanian Street Spanish by Banse, Timothy P.
Read & Think Spanish, Premium Fourth Edition by The Editors of Think Spanish
Se movieron las montañas by Degenhardt, Jennifer
La realidad onomástica indígena latinoamericana. La influencia del contacto e imposición del español by Simon, Isabel
Spanish Reader 11 by Beyondo, Mundo
Relatos - Joanna - Objetos Perdidos GCSE Reader: Spanish Sentence Builder - Readers by Conti, Gianfranco
1001 Years of the Spanish Language: Walk along a History of Spanish: Volume 2 by Alatorre, Antonio
Enjoy Esperanto: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate Course by Owen, Tim
Spanish Reader 4 by Beyondo, Mundo
Understanding and Teaching Reflexive Sentences in Spanish by González, Luis H.
Lingüística de Corpus En Español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics by
Un tesoro escondido en el alfabeto by Michique, Anibal F.
El Queísmo En La Historia: Variación Y Cambio Lingüístico En El Régimen Preposicional del Español (Siglos XVI-XXI) by Blas Arroyo, José Luis, Velando Casanova, Mónica
A Spanish Review for Travelers and Birders in Latin America by Synnott, Eileen, Gurn, Paul
Sea Esté Aquí: Tesoros de America Central 3 de 6 by Bynum, Forest
Outcomes of University Spanish Heritage Language Instruction in the United States by
Outcomes of University Spanish Heritage Language Instruction in the United States by
Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d'origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique by Pereira, Christophe, Vicente, Ángeles, Corriente, Federico
Spanish in 3 Months with Free Audio App: Your Essential Guide to Understanding and Speaking Spanish by DK
Extranjeros - Part 2 - La catedral por la noche: Spanish Sentence Builder - Readers by Conti, Gianfranco
Siete Historias para Mi Padre: Cartas de Amor y Legado by Núñez Franco, Esthela
Conversational Spanish For Adults Seeing What You're Hearing! Level I by Roemer, Susan Ann
Puntos de encuentro: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Advanced Spanish by De La Fuente, Maria J., Cobeta, Beatriz
Conversational Spanish Dialogues for Beginners and Intermediate Students: 100 Spanish Conversations and Short Stories Conversational Spanish Language by Language Institute Spain, World
Perfect Phrases for Esl: Conversation Skills, Premium Third Edition by Engelhardt, Diane
Conversational Spanish For Adults Seeing What You're Hearing! Level II by Roemer, Susan Ann
Easy Spanish Phrase Book: 1,000+ Common Phrases for Beginners and Travelers in Spain and Latin America by My Daily Spanish
Las mujeres musulmanas y el velo Hijab: Opresión o liberación by The Sincere Seeker Collection
El Profeta Muhammad La paz sea con Él: Una historia resumida del último y definitivo profeta de Dios desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte by The Sincere Seeker Collection
Studies in Polish Language and Literature by
Temas importantes para escribir y hablar (ventajas y desventajas): B1, B2, C1 by Publisher, Friends
Las afueras del español: El viaje de una lengua con escala en tres continentes by Fernández Vitores, David
Learn Medical Spanish in 100 Days: Spanish Words & Phrases for Healthcare Professionals to Become Fluent Faster by Language Learning, Touri
El libro de la selva / The Jungle Book: Más de 200 palabras sobre el reino animal by Gómez Carrizo, Pedro
Aprender español con canciones: Learn Spanish with songs by Díez Galán, Ramón
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Vocabulary, Premium Fourth Edition by Richmond, Dorothy
Inchoative und terminative Aspektualität mittels Verbalperiphrasen. Ein Vergleich von Übersetzungslösungen literarischer Texte im Spanischen und Deuts by Rottler, Stefanie
Como Aprender O Espanhol Em 30 Dias by Sordelli, Giovanni
The Beginner's Spanish Language Learning Workbook for Adults: A Level 1 Guide with Exercises to Learn Essential Words, Phrases, and Basic Sentences by Spanz2a
Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Spanish Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills by Orea, Claudia, My Daily Spanish
Spanish Workbook for Middle School and High School Students - Grades 6-12: Vocabulary building, grammar practice for homeschool or classroom + audio t by My Daily Spanish
El Corazón de la Gramática by Cohen, Yliana
Interkulturelle Kompetenz im Spanischunterricht (Gymnasium Klasse 11): Klausur zum Thema ¡Tengo hambre! - La pobreza infantil en Latinoamérica by Brinkhaus, Mieke
Sobremesa: Vocabulario en Expansión (Niveles Intermedio y Avanzado) by Zingg, Irene A.
Won in Translation: Textual Mobility in Early Modern Europe by Chartier, Roger
Las Palabras Diacríticas En Fraseología Histórica by Ribes Lorenzo, Juan Manuel
Javier y las monedas de oro by Sipes, Tonya
Las variedades del español de América: Aspectos teóricos y empíricos by
La interfaz Léxico-Gramática: Contrastes entre el español y las lenguas germánicas by
La gramatización del español en el Perú del Siglo XIX: Contribución a la historia de las ideas lingueísticas en América Latina by Zamorano Aguilar, Alfonso
Learn Spanish While Having Fun! - For Children: KIDS OF ALL AGES - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover How to Imp by Linguas Classics
50 Spanish Coffee Breaks: Short Activities to Improve Your Spanish One Cup at a Time by Coffee Break Languages
Doble Filo by Rubio, Carlos
Learn Spanish While Having Fun! - For Beginners: EASY TO INTERMEDIATE - STUDY 100 ESSENTIAL THEMATICS WITH WORD SEARCH PUZZLES - VOL.1 - Uncover How t by Linguas Classics
SAGA - Finalista Premio Letras de Oro by Rubio, Carlos
Anwendung des Wortfeldes "la familia" mit vertiefendem Gebrauch der Possessivpronomen (8. Klasse Spanisch) by Binanzer, Jule
Cambridge Igcse(tm) Spanish Reading and Listening Skills Workbook: Hodder Education Group by Guilford, Timothy
Spanish Sentence Builders - Grammar - Verb Pivots by Viñales, Dylan, Conti, Gianfranco
Tiny Stories for Spanish Learners: Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners and Intermediate Learners by Garcia, Juan
Fun Spanish Stories: For Advanced Readers by McClintock, Tricia
Palabralogía by Ortega, Virgilio
Beginning Spanish 101: ¡Atrévete! by Garrett, Maribel I.
Beginning Spanish 102: ¡Atrévete! by Garrett, Maribel I.
Intermediate Spanish 201: ¡Atrévete! by Garrett, Maribel I.
Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Over 100 Conversational Dialogues & Daily Used Phrases to Learn Spanish. Have Fun & Grow Your Vocabulary with Spa by Mastery, Language
Conversational Spanish Dialogues: Over 100 Conversations and Short Stories to Learn the Spanish Language. Grow Your Vocabulary Whilst Having Fun with by Mastery, Language
Learn Spanish with Short Stories: Over 100 Dialogues & Daily Used Phrases to Learn Spanish in no Time. Language Learning Lessons for Beginners to Impr by Mastery, Language
Learn Spanish for Beginners: Over 300 Conversational Dialogues and Daily Used Phrases to Learn Spanish in no Time. Grow Your Vocabulary with Spanis by Mastery, Language
Spanish Verbalisations and the Internal Structure of Lexical Predicates by Fábregas, Antonio
Nunca Lo Habría Dicho / I Never Would Have Said It by Real Academia Española, Asociacion de Academias
Wortschatzarbeit im Spanischunterricht kohärent gestalten. Von der Semantisierung zur Wortschatzüberprüfung by Nolte, Isabell
Semantisierungsverfahren im Spanischunterricht in der Schule. Forschungsbericht im Praxissemester by Nolte, Isabell
El Parque Del Amor by Bynum, Forest
El conocimiento compartido by
Das didaktische Potenzial von Reggaeton für den spanischen Grammatikunterricht by Goltz, Allegra
Saber Hablar / Know How to Speak by Instituto Cervantes, Marco, Marta Albelda
Nunuk: el insecto amistoso/the friendly bug by Mayor Marsán, Maricel
¿Qué (no) te gusta? - Erarbeitung und Anwendung des Verbes gustar und der indirekten Objektpronomen zum Ausdruck von Vorlieben und Abneigungen: Festig by Anonym
El turismo de masas y el turismo sostenible. Darstellung von zwei gegensätzlichen Arten des Tourismus durch eine Bildbeschreibung: Kurzpräsentation zu by Anonym
Den thematischen Wortschatz und Redemittel zum Wortfeld Berufe erarbeiten (Unterrichtsentwurf Spanisch, Gymnasium): ¿Qué quieres ser en el futuro? by Anonym
Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Problemen und Herausforderungen der Flüchtlingsströme am Beispiel der Migration von Afrika nach Spanien: La migra by Anonym
Die Arbeitsbedingungen chilenischer Bergarbeiter und die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Bergbaus für Chile. Eine Kampagne über die Sicherheit in den ch by Anonym
Erarbeitung und Beurteilung der negativen Facetten des Tourismus in Barcelona. Anhand eines Videos zur Förderung der funktionalen kommunikativen Kompe by Anonymous
Conociendo a Cuba: mit Kurzgeschichten in spanischer Sprache Kuba entdecken by Parra, Solenny M.
La enseñanza de la pronunciación española en Estados Unidos (1811-1910) by García Aranda, M. a. Ángeles
Pronunciaciones del español by Rao, Rajiv, Tuten, Donald N., Tejedo-Herrero, Fernando
Pronunciaciones del español by Rao, Rajiv, Tuten, Donald N., Tejedo-Herrero, Fernando
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Spanish All-In-One, Premium Third Edition by
Four Dichotomies in Spanish: Adjective Position, Adjectival Clauses, Ser/Estar, and Preterite/Imperfect by González, Luis H.
Language Patterns in Spanish and Beyond: Structure, Context and Development by
Filmspanism: A Critical Companion to the Study of Spanish Cinema by Egea, Juan F.
Los castellanos del Perú: historia, variación y contacto lingüístico by
Mis composiciones en español: Para candidatos al DELE y a los diplomas de la Cámara de Madrid by
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics: Foundations and Interfaces by
300 Test de Frances--Tests for French Speakers by Bulger, Anthony
Western Philosophy in Simple Spanish by Richards, Olly
Histoires Courtes en Espagnol: Apprendre l'Espagnol facilement en lisant des histoires courtes by Morales, María
Learn Conversational Spanish by To Go, Spanish
Spanish Grammar Drills, Premium Fourth Edition by Vallecillos, Rogelio Alonso
Racconti in Spagnolo: Racconti in Spagnolo per principianti e intermedi by Rodriguez, Rico
Wortschatzarbeit (8. Klasse, Spanisch) by Anonym
Interculturalidad a través de publicidad. Una propuesta didáctica para una clase de ELE by Warter, Alexandra
The Routledge Companion to Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Forms by
Palabras y más palabras by Castillo, Gloria Martínez
El teatro político como herramienta de resistencia en Colombia. "Los inquilinos de la ira" (1975) de Jairo Aníbal Niño by Pimenta Gomes Zonca, Alexia Soraia
Las creencias de los profesores de lenguas extranjeras sobre el uso de las lenguas maternas en clase de ELE by Pimenta Gomes Zonca, Alexia Soraia
La integración del enfoque CLIL en clase de teatro como método de aprendizaje de ELE by Pimenta Gomes Zonca, Alexia Soraia
Korte Verhalen in het Spaans: Korte verhalen in Spaans voor beginners en gevorderden by Garcia, Daniel
The Evolution of Spanish Past Forms by Delgado-Díaz, Gibran
Spanish in Health Care: Policy, Practice and Pedagogy in Latino Health by Martínez, Glenn A.
Spanish for Beginners: Learn Spanish in 30 Days Without Wasting Time by Melero, Cecilia
La Leyenda de Cantuña by Moscoso, Veronica
The Human Body in Simple Spanish by Richards, Olly
Sobre Investigación, Praxis y Experiencias en ELE: Una Mirada Multicultural by
La vida de una mariposa luna (Large Print Edition) by Himmelman, John
The Little Spanish Diary: Interlinear Spanish Phrasebook (Large Print Edition) by Whorton, Victoria
La era de la Revolución en la Tradición Clásica. El Parnaso y el Anticristo by Anonym
El Barroco en la Tradición Clásica de la Literatura Occidental by Anonymous
Un Análisis de "Utopía" de Tomás Moro y su Relación con los Autores Grecolatinos by Anonym
Romanticismo y Realismo en los siglos XIX y XX en la Literatura Occidental by Anonym
El Renacimiento en la Tradición Clásica de la Literatura Occidental by Anonymous
El mundo clásico en las etapas culturales de Occidente. De la Ilustración a nuestros días by Anonymous
Spanish Basics: Prepare for DELE A1.1 by Agarwal, Anuradha
YouTube im Spanischunterricht. Motivation durch YouTube-Lernvideos beim spanischen Grammatiklernen by Goltz, Allegra
Spanglish in der Ökolinguistik by Ribeiro, Sofia
Der sprachliche Aspekt der Entdeckung der Neuen Welt bei Christoph Columbus by Anonym
Vergleich der Gedichte "El cisne" von Delmira Agustini und "Tú me quieres blanca" von Alfonsina Storni by Anonym
Sobrinas Y Queridos 2: Almuerzo En Vista Primera by Bynum, Forest
Spanish Coloring Book For Kids - Let's go to Puerto Rico! English & Spanish by Sc Magic Creations
Geschlechtssensible Sprache im Spanischen. Zwischen sprachlicher Emanzipation und männlicher Dominanz by Anonym
Frauen im Siglo de Oro und der Umgang mit der Wiederherstellung der "honra". Ein Vergleich der Novellen "La señora Cornelia" (Cervantes, 1613) und "Al by Anonymous
Noveller på Spanska: Korta berättelser på Spanska för nybörjare och elever på mellanstadiet by Morales, Lucía
Español Académico Como Le/L2: Destrezas, Competencias Y Movilidad Universitaria by Pastor Cesteros, Susana
Español Académico Como Le/L2: Destrezas, Competencias Y Movilidad Universitaria by Pastor Cesteros, Susana
La calle...: (short crime novel for learning Spanish.) by Floréz, Raphaela
Das linguistische Erbe von al-Andalus by Noll, Volker
Fremder Text - fremde Welt? by Wolf, Johanna
Praktikumsportfolio Spanischunterricht by Anonymous
Die kleine Strandbar in Südamerika: eine Reise nach Chile als Einstieg zum Spanischlernen by Kleefeld, Konrad
Almodóvars kinematographische Darstellung sexueller Unverbindlichkeit und Tabubrüche während der Movida Madrileña by Boeckers, Malin
El español en contacto con el vasco by Boeckers, Malin
La teoría de la argumentación y el principio de cooperación by Boeckers, Malin
You Can Speak Spanish!: A Step-by-Step Roadmap for Beginners to Learn to Read, Speak, and Understand Basic Spanish by Feliz, L. A.
Estudios del Discurso / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies by
Expresiones del Español I y otras palabritas: con explicaciones y ejercicios by Arrózpide Liceaga, María Dolores
Relatos - Yuki - El lado equivocado - GCSE Reader: Spanish Sentence Builder - Readers by Conti, Gianfranco
Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners Volume 2: Read for Pleasure at Your Level, Expand Your Vocabulary and Learn Spanish the Fun Way! by Richards, Olly
Literatur als Mittel der Gesellschaftskritik in der Gattung der Utopie anhand des Beispiels "Utopia" von Thomas Morus by Wülle, Jakob
El mundo hispanohablante en textos / Reading the Spanish-Speaking World by Pountain, Christopher J., Macías Fernández, Irene
Communicative Spaces in Bilingual Contexts: Discourses, Synergies and Counterflows in Spanish and English by
El mundo hispanohablante en textos / Reading the Spanish-Speaking World by Pountain, Christopher J., Macías Fernández, Irene
Diccionario Irlandés-Español - Foclóir Gaeilge-Spáinnise: An Irish-Spanish Dictionary by
Intermediate Spanish: The Fast-Track Guide to Mastering Spanish in 30 Days by Publishing, Lingo, Melero, Cecilia
Spanish Wordsearch: The Fun Way to Learn the Language: Over 100 Puzzles! by Saunders, Eric
Gewalt und Exzess in der mexikanischen Gegenwartsliteratur am Beispiel des Romans "Páradais" von Fernanda Melchor by Basta, Laura
Decolonizing American Spanish: Eurocentrism and Foreignness in the Imperial Ecosystem by Herlihy-Mera, Jeffrey
Let's Keep Talking! Español Intermedio 1 by Vallejo, Pedro, Stevens, David E., III
El Efecto Psicológico De Los Colores En Nuestra Vida by Savyman
Practice Number in Spanish 1 to 1000: Learn Number Spelling in Spanish by Majumdar, Moumita
Spanish Coloring Book For Kids - Let's go to Panama! English & Spanish by Sc Magic Creations
Drama im Literaturunterricht in der Oberstufe by Niyaz, Nadja
"Historia de la vida del Buscón, llamado don Pablos". Eine Analyse des ersten Buches by Niyaz, Nadja
Spanish Reader 15 by Beyondo, Mundo
La calle...: (short crime novel for learning Spanish.) by Floréz, Raphaela
Ahora Federico by Scott, Kimberley Utermohlen
Need-to-Know Spanish Verbs (Book 1) by Aldrich, Matthew
Las Aventuras De Morganita y Sancho by Bynum, Forest
Cómo enseñar español a personas de habla inglesa by Naranjo Arias, Nohra Cecilia
Beginner Level Spanish Short Stories: A Collection of 30 Easy Tales to Learn Spanish Vocabulary by Pro, Fluency
Beginner Level Spanish Short Stories: A Collection of 30 Easy Tales to Learn Spanish Vocabulary by Pro, Fluency
100 eerste dieren in het spaans: Tweetalig fotoboek for kinderen: nederlands / spaans met uitspraken by Yukismart
100 groenten en fruit in spaans: Tweetalig fotoboek for kinderen: nederlands / spaans met uitspraken by Yukismart
Una mirada crítica al componente sociocultural en los libros de texto de español como L2 by López Jiménez, María Dolores
Rock N Learn to Conjugate Spanish Verbs: 37 Most Popular Spanish Verbs and their Conjugations by Go, Spanish To
Die Parallelität von "Flamenca" und "El Mal Querer". Ein intermedialer Vergleich von Roman und Popalbum by Stölzel, Pauline
Wortschatz und Grammatik miteinander verbinden. Kriterien und Beispiel für einen alternativenVokabeltest für den Spanischunterricht in der Sekundarstu by Ernst, Saskia
Ortografía De La Lengua Castellana by Española, Real Academia
Exercise Book in Spanish: A Drill and Exercise Book On the Subjunctive, Idioms, Pronouns, and Irregular Verbs by Alpern, Hymen, Wilkins, Lawrence Augustus
Ortografía De La Lengua Castellana by Española, Real Academia
Manual Elemental de Gramática Histórica Española by Pidal, Ramón Menéndez
El Gitanismo, Historia, Costumbres Y Dialecto De Los Gitanos. Con Un Epítome De Gramática Gitana, Y Un Diccionario Caló-Castellano, Por Francisco Quin by De Mayo, Francisco Sales
Easy Spanish Reader by Hatheway, Joel
An Elementary Spanish Reader by Loiseaux, L. A.
Manual de pronunciación española by Navarro Tomás, Tomás
A Spanish Grammar, with Exercises by Ramsey, Marathon Montrose
A Spanish Grammar, with Exercises by Ramsey, Marathon Montrose
El Gitanismo, Historia, Costumbres Y Dialecto De Los Gitanos. Con Un Epítome De Gramática Gitana, Y Un Diccionario Caló-Castellano, Por Francisco Quin by De Mayo, Francisco Sales
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