• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sports General in 1994

Hoops Zen the Spiritual Beauty of Basketball by Kovacs, George
Vilfredo Pareto: Neoclassical Synthesis of Economics and Sociology by De Pietri-Tonelli, Alfonso, Bamford, Julia, Bousquet, Georges H.
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 3: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1909-1911 by Einstein, Albert
Hermann Von Helmholtz and the Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Science: Volume 10 by
" . . . 'Til the Fat Lady Sings": Classic Texas Sports Quotes by Burton, Alan
Chance & Design: Reminiscences of Science in Peace and War by Hodgkin, A. L.
Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research by Danziger, Kurt, Kurt, Danziger
Creating Modern Probability: Its Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy in Historical Perspective by Plato, Jan Von, Von Plato, Jan
Atoms, Metaphors and Paradoxes by Sandro, Petruccioli, Petruccioli, Sandro
Trends in the Historiography of Science by
Romanticism in Science: Science in Europe, 1790-1840 by
The Global Sports Arena: Athletic Talent Migration in an Interpendent World by
Women, Media and Sport: Challenging Gender Values by
Insights Into the Reach to Grasp Movement: Volume 105 by
The Grasping Hand: Volume 104 by Iberall, T., MacKenzie, C. L.
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 3 (English): The Swiss Years: Writings, 1909-1911. (English Translation Supplement) by Einstein, Albert
Basic Aerobatics by Szurovy, Geza
A Defense of Galileo, the Mathematician from Florence by Campanella, Thomas
Vilfredo Pareto: Neoclassical Synthesis of Economics and Sociology by Bousquet, Georges H., Bamford, Julia, De Pietri-Tonelli, Alfonso
Defense of Galileo: The Mathematician from Florence by Campanella, Thomas
From Chemical Philosophy to Theoretical Chemistry: Dynamics of Matter and Dynamics of Disciplines, 1800-1950 by Nye, Mary Jo
Textile Processing and Properties: Preparation, Dyeing, Finishing and Performance Volume 11 by Vigo, T. L.
Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800 by Grafton, Anthony
Science in Russia and the Soviet Union: A Short History by Graham, Loren R.
The Name of the Game: The Business of Sports by Gorman, Jerry, Calhoun, Kirk
Government and Higher Education Relationships Across Three Continents: The Winds of Change by
Sporting Females: Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women's Sport by Hargreaves, Jennifer
Vic Braden's Mental Tennis by Wool, Robert
Hiking Trails of the Smokies by
Newton on Matter and Activity by McMullin, Ernan
Qed and the Men Who Made It: Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga by Schweber, S. S.
Verbindung Und Affinität: Die Grundlegung Der Neuzeitlichen Chemie an Der Wende Vom 17. Zum 18. Jahrhundert by Klein, Ursula
Psychology In Sport by Kreme, John M. D., Scully, Deirdre
Psychology In Sport by Scully, Deirdre, Kreme, John M. D.
Islamic Science and Engineering by Hill, Donald R.
Thinking Body, Dancing Mind: Taosports for Extraordinary Performance in Athletics, Business, and Life by Huang, Chungliang Al
Picking Winners: A Horseplayer's Guide by Beyer, Andrew
Disorders and Dysfunctions of the Self by
Ecological and General Systems: An Introduction to Systems Ecology, Revised Edition by Odum, Howard T.
Trace Element Analysis in Biological Specimens: Volume 15 by
The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology by Bud, Robert
Winning Ugly: Mental Warfare in Tennis--Lessons from a Master by Jamison, Steve, Gilbert, Brad
A Field Guide to Sailboats of North America by Sherwood, Richard M.
The Terror, Volume Four by
The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 4 by Ronan, Colin a.
Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy by Osler, Margaret J.
Patronage, Practice, and the Culture of American Science: Alexander Dallas Bache and the U. S. Coast Survey by Slotten, Hugh R.
The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 4 by Needham, Joseph, Colin a., Ronan, Ronan, Colin a.
A First Course in Real Analysis by Berberian, Sterling K.
Quasi-Religions: Humanism, Marxism and Nationalism by Smith, John E.
Sports Ethics: A Reference Handbook by Berlow, Lawrence H.
The Social Context of Health and Health Work by Jones, Linda J.
Monitoring the Standards of Education: Papers in Honor of John P. Keeves by
Kepler's Physical Astronomy by Stephenson, Bruce
Essentials of Amateur Sports Law: Second Edition by Wong, Glenn M.
The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics by Omnès, Roland
The Collected Works of Wassily Hoeffding by Hoeffding, Wassily
Invention: The Care and Feeding of Ideas by Wiener, Norbert
Ethnicity and Sport in North American History and Culture by Eisen, George
The North American Free Trade Agreement by
Beginning the Novel by Porosky, Peter
Playing the Field: Why Sports Teams Move and Cities Fight to Keep Them by Euchner, Charles C.
Inside NASA: High Technology and Organizational Change in the U.S. Space Program by McCurdy, Howard E.
The Elusive Transformation: Science, Technology, and the Evolution of International Politics by Skolnikoff, Eugene B.
Evolution by Association: A History of Symbiosis by Sapp, Jan
The Maxwellians by Hunt, Bruce J.
Strategic Groups, Strategic Moves and Performance by
Nine Innings by Okrent, Daniel
Wondrous Events by McClenon, James
The Sports Stadium as a Municipal Investment by Baim, Dean
The Data Analysis Handbook: Volume 14 by Todeschini, Roberto, Frank, I. E.
Remarkable Discoveries! by Ashall, Frank
An Inventor in the Garden of Eden by Eric, Laithwaite, Laithwaite, E. R., Laithwaite, Eric
Research in Strategic Management & Information Technology by
El Malpais, Mt. Taylor, and the Zuni Mountains: A Hiking Guide and History by Robinson, Sherry
The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry by Cohen, H. Floris
Hold On, Honey, I'll Take You to the Hospital at Halftime: Confessions of a TV Sports Junkie by Chad, Norman
Aquaculture Water Reuse Systems: Engineering Design and Management by
Nutrition Applied to Injury Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine by Bucci, Luke R.
Social Perspectives on Emotion by
Galileo, Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of Absolutism by Biagioli, Mario
The Naturalist in Britain: A Social History by Allen, David Elliston
The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat, 1601-1665: Second Edition by Mahoney, Michael Sean
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: The First Fifty Years by Johnson, Leland
Farmers and Fishermen: Two Centuries of Work in Essex County, Massachusetts, 1630-1850 by Vickers, Daniel
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles
Gehennical Fire: The Lives of George Starkey, an American Alchemist in the Scientific Revolution by Newman, William R.
Games and Empires: Modern Sports and Cultural Imperialism by Guttmann, Allen
Revitalizing Higher Education by