• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sports General in 1997

Flash of the Cathode Rays: A History of J J Thomson's Electron by Dahl, Per F.
Human Resource Management Handbook - Vol.3 by
Correcting the Blueprint of Life: An Historical Account of the Discovery of DNA Repair Mechanisms by Friedberg, Errol C.
The Cells of the Body: A History of Somatic Cell Genetics by Harris, Henry
Science and the Founding Fathers: Science in the Political Thought of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison by Cohen, I. Bernard, Cohen, Bernard
In Search of Planet Vulcan: The Ghost in Newton's Clockwork Universe by Baum, Richard P., Sheehan, William
Culture, Kinship and Genes: Towards Cross-Cultural Genetics by
Mothers and King Baby: Infant Survival and Welfare in an Imperial World: Australia 1880-1950 by Smith, Philippa Mein
Walking Down the Wild: A Journey Through The Yellowstone Rockies by Ferguson, Gary
Brute Science: Dilemmas of Animal Experimentation by LaFollette, Hugh, Shanks, Niall
Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Jacob, Margaret C.
Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Jacob, Margaret C.
The Time Before History by Tudge, Colin
Defoe and the New Sciences by Vickers, Ilse, Ilse, Vickers
Trap Shooting Secrets by Russell, James
Researching Women and Sport by
Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Teaching by
Safari Rifles: Doubles, Magazine Rifles, and Cartridges for African Hunting by Boddington, Craig
Researching Women and Sport by
Performance Research 1.3 by
How America Got On-line: Politics, Markets, and the Revolution in Telecommunication by Stone, Alan
Out of Bounds: Sports, Media and the Politics of Identity by
Research in Accounting Regulation 1998 by Previts, Gary John, Epstein
Playing Out of Your Mind: A Soccer Player and Coaches Guide to Developing Mental Toughness by Goldberg, Alan
Form, Matter, and Mixture in Aristotle by
Embeddedness of Strategy by
Research in Organizational Behavior: Volume 19 by Staw, Barry
Human Resource Management Handbook - Vol.2 by
Self-Organization, Computational Maps, and Motor Control: Volume 119 by Morasso, P. G., Sanguineti, V.
Advances in the Design of Symbolic Computation Systems by
Robert Boyle and the Limits of Reason by Wojcik, Jan W.
Strategic Airport Planning by Caves, Robert E., Gosling, Geoffrey David
The Axemaker's Gift: Technology's Capture and Control of Our Minds and Culture by Burke, James
Self-Generation: Biology, Philosophy, and Literature Around 1800 by Müller-Sievers, Helmut
Walking Kung: Breathing for Health by Yun, Sheng Keng
Mind Over Golf: How to Use Your Head to Lower Your Score by Coop, Richard H.
Glory Bound: Black Athletes in a White America by Wiggins, David
Extraordinary Golf: The Art of the Possible by Shoemaker, Pete, Shoemaker, Fred
My Horses, My Teachers by Podhajsky, Alois
The Origins of Modern Science by Butterfield, Herbert
Mind Over Golf: How to Use Your Head to Lower Your Score by Coop, Richard H.
The Values of Precision by
Pay Dirt: The Business of Professional Team Sports by Quirk, James P., Fort, Rodney D.
Enemies of Hope: A Critique of Contemporary Pessimism by Tallis, R.
Enemies of Hope: A Critique of Contemporary Pessimism by Tallis, R.
Aura and Its Us National Observatories by Edmondson, Frank K.
The Rants by Miller, Dennis
Stochastic Analysis by Malliavin, Paul
Sport Business Management by K. Miller, Lori
Every Shot I Take by Love III, Davis, Bamberger, Michael
The Foundations of Educational Effectiveness by Scheerens, Jaap, Bosker, R.
Market Approaches to Education: Vouchers and School Choice by
The Best Overnight Hikes in the Great Smoky Mountains: Great Smoky Mountains by Andrews, James
The Best Short Hikes in the Great Smoky Mountains: Great Smoky Mountains by Wise, Kenneth
Who Gave Pinta to the Santa Maria?: Torrid Diseases in a Temperate World by Desowitz, Robert S.
The Total Sports Experience for Kids: A Parent's Guide for Success in Youth Sports by Sachs, Michael L., Fine, Aubrey H.
Andrew Streitwieser, Jr.: A Lifetime of Synergy with Theory and Experiment by Streitwieser, Andrew
Science In The Making: 1850-1900 by
Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglements: British Algebra Through the Commentaries on Newton's Universal Arithmetick by Pycior, Helena M.
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Volume 1 by Von Humboldt, Alexander
Coexistence and Persistence of Strange Attractors by Pumarino, Antonio, Rodriguez, Angel J.
Galileo on the World Systems: A New Abridged Translation and Guide by Galilei, Galileo
The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance by Gallwey, W. Timothy
Fluid Mechanics of Viscoelasticity: General Principles, Constitutive Modelling, Analytical and Numerical Techniques Volume 6 by Huilgol, R. R., Phan-Thien, N.
J.J. Thompson and the Discovery of the Electron by Davis, E. A., Falconer, Isabel
Teaching Jumping-97 by Houghton Brown
Enemies of Hope: A Critique of Contemporary Pessimism by Tallis, R.
Enemies of Hope: A Critique of Contemporary Pessimism by Tallis, R.
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 10, 1862 by Darwin, Charles
Historical Eclipses & Earth's Rotation by Stephenson, F. Richard
Stee-Rike Four! What's Wrong with the Business of Baseball? by Marburger, Daniel
Forced to Choose: France, the Atlantic Alliance, and NATO -- Then and Now by Cogan, Charles
Major Prose of Thomas Henry Huxley by Huxley, Thomas Henry
Ecology and Empire: Environmental History of Settler Societies by
Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube by Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
Justus von Liebig by Brock, William H.
Emergence of Learning Societies: Who Participates in Adult Learning? by
Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce by
Selected Topics in the History of Biochemistry. Personal Recollections. V: Volume 40 by
Applying Maximum Entropy to Econometric Problems by
Economics and Ethics: An Introduction to Theory, Institutions, and Policy by Unknown, Vickers, Douglas
Large-Scale Optimization with Applications: Part I: Optimization in Inverse Problems and Design by
Physics in the Nineteenth Century by Purrington, Robert
Flyball Racing: The Dog Sport for Everyone by Olson, Lonnie
Advances in Accounting Information Systems by
Flyball Racing: The Dog Sport for Everyone by Olson, Lonnie
That Winning Feeling!: Program Your Mind for Peak Performance by Savoie, Jane
The Pinball Effect: How Renaissance Water Gardens Made Carburetor Possible - And Other Journeys by Burke, Bill, Burke, James
'Since at Least Plato ...' and Other Postmodernist Myths by Devaney, M.
Community Prevention of Alcohol Problems by
Community Prevention of Alcohol Problems by
Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley by Clodd, Edward
Hollywood's Vision of Team Sports: Heroes, Race, and Gender by Tudor, Deborah V.
The Uspc Guide to Conformation, Movement and Soundness by Harris, Susan E.
The Armchair Companion to Chicago Sports by Lindberg, Richard
The Armchair Companion to Chicago Sports by Lindberg, Richard
The Uspc Guide to Longeing and Ground Training by Harris, Susan E.
Four Cornerstones of Winning Golf by Harmon, Butch, Andrisiani, John
Science for a Polite Society: Gender, Culture, and the Demonstration of Enlightenment by Sutton, Geoffrey V.
Golf Dreams: Writings on Golf by Updike, John
Culture, Kinship and Genes: Towards Cross-Cultural Genetics by
Soft Edge: Nat Hist&Future Info by Levinson, Paul
The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems by Capra, Fritjof
The Psychology of Concentration in Sport Performers: A Cognitive Analysis by Moran, Aidan P.
Going Trans-European: Planning and Financing Transport Networks for Europe by Turro, Mateu
Image and Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics by Galison, Peter
Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums by
Victorian Science in Context by
Causality in Crisis?: Statistical Methods & Search for Causal Knowledge in Social Sciences by
Equivalence and Priority by Bertoloni Meli, Domenico
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 6 (English): The Berlin Years: Writings, 1914-1917. (English Translation Supplement) by Einstein, Albert
The Genesis of Simulation in Dynamics: Pursuing the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem by Weissert, Thomas P.
The Genesis of Simulation in Dynamics by Weissert, Thomas P.
'Since at Least Plato ...' and Other Postmodernist Myths by Devaney, M.
Renaissance and Revolution: Humanists, Scholars, Craftsmen and Natural Philosophers in Early Modern Europe by
Walking Trails of Eastern and Central Wisconsin by Crawford, Robert F.
Autonomy and Choice in Context: An International Perspective by
Advances in Austrian Economics by
The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age by McDougall, Walter A.
Satire, Lies and Politics: The Case of Dr Arbuthnot by Condren, C.
Rebels within the Ranks by Pandora, Katherine
Darwin's Athletes: How Sport Has Damaged Black America and Preserved the Myth of Race by Hoberman, John Milton
Bright Paradise: Victorian Scientific Travellers by Raby, Peter
Inner Skiing: Revised Edition by Gallwey, W. Timothy
Something New Under the Sun: Satellites and the Beginning of the Space Age by Gavaghan, Helen
Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America Before the Second World War by Lederer, Susan E.
Making PCR: A Story of Biotechnology by Rabinow, Paul
When Geologists Were Historians, 1665Ð1750 by Rappaport, Rhoda
The Rise of the Standard Model: A History of Particle Physics from 1964 to 1979 by
Encyclopedia of the Middle East Peace Process and the Middle East/North African Economic Community by Rosenberg
Research in Law and Economics by
Jobs in Context: Circles and Settings by
Sport, Policy and Politics: A Comparative Analysis by Houlihan, Barrie
Sport, Policy and Politics: A Comparative Analysis by Houlihan, Barrie
Reflections on Riding and Jumping: Winning Techniques for Serious Riders by Steinkraus, William
Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language by
Advances in Strategic Management: Organizational Learning and Strategic Management Vol 14 by
Body Cultures: Essays on Sport, Space & Identity by Henning Eichberg by
Master of Modern Physics: The Scientific Contributions of H. A. Kramers by Haar, Dirk Ter
The Three Galileos: The Man, the Spacecraft, the Telescope by