• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Sports General in 2019

A Tall Order by Pathare, Kapil
Schießbuch: Nachweis und Analyse für Sportschützen by H, Martin
Sailing To Win: Guaranteed Winning Strategies To Navigate From The Back To The Front Of The Fleet by Bowden, Brett
Norwich: One Tiny Vermont Town's Secret to Happiness and Excellence by Crouse, Karen
The Hole Truth: Determining the Greatest Players in Golf Using Sabermetrics by Felber, Bill
Best Easy Day Hikes Washington, D.C. by Baxter, Louise S.
An Introduction to Classical Electrodynamics by Keohane, Jonathan W., Foy, Joseph P.
The Motown Sound On Wheels: Rockin Richard Houston by Houston, Richard J.
The Social Media Playbook for Coaches and Administrators by Izso, Jay
Foam Roller Workbook, 2nd Edition: A Step-By-Step Guide to Stretching, Strengthening and Rehabilitative Techniques by Knopf, Karl
Can Science Explain Everything? by Lennox, John
Expeditions as Experiments: Practising Observation and Documentation by
I Can't Keep Calm I'm A Cheerleader by Sjg Publishing
A History of Optical Telescopes in Astronomy by Wall, Wilson
Cricket: A Political History of the Global Game, 1945-2017 by Wagg, Stephen
The Rise of Engineering Science: How Technology Became Scientific by Channell, David F.
Negotiating Femininities in the Neoliberal Night-Time Economy: Too Much of a Girl? by Nicholls, Emily
Schießbuch: Nachweis und Analyse für Sportschützen by H, Martin
Analyse und Erstellung einer Kurseinheit. Planung einer Wirbelsäulengymnastik by Waltenrath, Lukas
Cost and Revenue Overruns of the Olympic Games 2000-2018 by Andreff, Wladimir, Weitzmann, Maike, Preuß, Holger
We are The Invincibles: The Incredible Story of Bradman's 1948 Team by Dutta, Anindya
Pieces and Parts in Scientific Texts by
Mega-Events and Social Change: Spectacle, Legacy and Public Culture by Roche, Maurice
Faith Family Volleyball by Art, Gdimido
Faith Family Snooker by Art, Gdimdio
Faith Family Running by Art, Gdimido
Faith Family Football by Art, Gdimido
Faith Family Football by Art, Gdimdio
Faith Family Golf by Art, Gdimdio
Faith Family Icehockey by Art, Gdimdio
Faith Family bowling by Art, Gdimido
Faith Family Baseball by Art, Gdimido
Stories of Indigenous Success in Australian Sport: Journeys to the Afl and Nrl by Light, Richard, Robert Evans, John
Nurturing Children's Talents: A Guide for Parents by Kiewra, Kenneth
Faith Family Volleyball by Art, Gdimido
Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health by
Biomechanical Biofeedback Systems and Applications by Umek, Anton, Kos, Anton
Training of offensive defense systems in youth handball: 1-on-1, small groups, man coverage, and offensive defense cooperation by Madinger, Jörg
Universal Life: An Inside Look Behind the Race to Discover Life Beyond Earth by Boss, Alan
Fix it. Throw it. Get it!: The darts guide for beginners and advanced by Rossner, Matthias
Intermedial Performance and Politics in the Public Sphere by
New Sporting Femininities: Embodied Politics in Postfeminist Times by
Creatures of Cain: The Hunt for Human Nature in Cold War America by Milam, Erika Lorraine
Marathon Swimming the Sport of the Soul: Inspiring Stories of Passion, Faith, and Grit by Asmuth, Paul Andrew
Marathon Swimming the Sport of the Soul: Inspiring Stories of Passion, Faith, and Grit by Asmuth, Paul Andrew
Bescherung beim FC St. Pauli (Ja, is denn heut schon Weihnachten?): Neue Fan-Gedichte zur Zweitligasaison 2018/2019 des FC St. Pauli by Vogel, Stephan De
Die Geschichte des Schützenvereins Düsseldorf-Heerdt by Bahners, Klaus
In Depth Sport Psychology: Reclaiming the Lost Soul of the Athlete by Burston, David
In-Forma Il Tuo Corpo by D'Andrea, Danilo
Marktbeschreibung und Marketingplanung für sportvereinseigene Fitness-Studios by Schmidt, Lisa
The Palgrave Handbook on the Economics of Manipulation in Sport by
Iatrogene Faktoren bei der Chronifizierung von Rückenschmerzen by Sebesta, Sarah
Success: The Path to Personal Fulfillment Through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Fighters by Rylant, Chuck J., Cyr, Cindy
Sport Policy in Small States by
Football and Health Improvement: an Emergent Field by
Sex Integration in Sport and Physical Culture: Promises and Pitfalls by
Queen Caroline and Sir William Gell: A Study in Royal Patronage and Classical Scholarship by Thompson, Jason
Konflikte und Konfliktbewältigungsstrategien im Sportunterricht by Anonym
The Spatial Reformation: Euclid Between Man, Cosmos, and God by Sauter, Michael J.
The Horse Riding Tourist: Near and Far by Lofthouse, Rachel
Representations of Sports Coaches in Film: Looking to Win by
Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performance: Skillful Striving by Ilundain-Agurruza, Jesus
Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance: Deep Time of the Theatre by
Creativity in the Recording Studio: Alternative Takes by Thompson, Paul
Theaters of Error: Problems of Performance in German and French Enlightenment Theater by Lafountain, Pascale
Baseball with D by Calhoun, Danielle N.
The End of an Era: The Story of the 1950 Rugby League Tour by Mather, Tom
Low Carb Guide Für Anfänger: Gesund Abnehmen Und Schlank Bleiben, Schritt Für Schritt Anleitung: Sammelband: 100 Köstliche; Einfache Rezepte by Apfel, Lisa
Stojadin by Miletkovic, Dusko
Recruiting 101: A Guide To Being Recruited For College Sports by James, Kuartez
Adventure and Society by MacKie, Chris, Atencio, Matthew, Beames, Simon
Modernism and Scottish Theatre Since 1969: A Revolution on Stage by Brown, Mark
The Physics and Art of Photography, Volume 3: Detectors and the Meaning of Digital by Beaver, John
The Physics and Art of Photography, Volume 3: Detectors and the Meaning of Digital by Beaver, John
Going to the Dogs: A History of Greyhound Racing in Britain, 1926-2017 by Laybourn, Keith
Integrated Marketing Communications, Strategies, and Tactical Operations in Sports Organizations by
The Theoretic Life - A Classical Ideal and Its Modern Fate: Reflections on the Liberal Arts by Rosenthal-Pubul, Alexander S.
Coffee: Production, Quality and Chemistry by
Belly-Rippers, Surgical Innovation and the Ovariotomy Controversy by Frampton, Sally
101 Techniken für deine mentale Stärke by Stäuble, Matthias
101 Techniken für deine mentale Stärke by Stäuble, Matthias
Evidence in the Age of the New Sciences by
Reconsidering National Plays in Europe by
A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing the Margins by Friedman, Michael
Mental Toughness: Change Your Mental State by Willink, Tony
Logodaedalus: Word Histories of Ingenuity in Early Modern Europe by Marr, Alexander, Garrod, Raphaële, Marcaida, José Ramón
Two Brains, One Aim: A Riding Coach's Key Concepts for Bringing Horse and Rider Together (and Ending in Success!) by Smiley, Eric
Simple Fly Fishing (Revised Second Edition) by Mazzo, Mauro, Chouinard, Yvon, Mathews, Craig
Coldfusion Presents: New Thinking: From Einstein to Artificial Intelligence, the Science and Technology That Transformed Our World (Technology History by Altraide, Dagogo
Run Walk Enjoy: A Guide To Exercising Properly by Wurzer, Peter
He Came Looking for Me: A Horse's True Story of Hope and Redemption by Baber, Lynn
Dressage School: A Sourcebook of Movements and Tips by Schoffmann, Britta
Youth Sport, Migration and Culture: Two Football Teams and the Changing Face of Ireland by Mauro, Max
The Consumption of Counterfeit Fashion by Large, Joanna
Das Kraftworkout in der Trainingsplanung: Trainingslehre im Fitnesstraining by T, S. -M
Frontier Combatives Volume One: Native American Blade Combat by Vargas, Fernan
The Fundamentals of Life: Life in 3D by Houston, Allan
Konzeptentwicklung für ein Fitnessstudio im Markt Baden by Wälchli, Aaron
Roald Amundsen's Sled Dogs: The Sledge Dogs Who Helped Discover the South Pole by Tahan, Mary R.
How To Become A Golf Contender by Jedermann, Rhandy X.
Junior and Youth Grassroots Football Culture: The Forgotten Game by
Modern observations on rifle shooting,: with an improved system of score book, and including silicate slate for use on the range by Perry, Edwin A.
Computational Intelligence in Sports by Fister, Dusan, Fister, Iztok, Fister Jr, Iztok
Muskelrevolution: Konzepte Und Rezepte Zum Muskel- Und Kraftaufbau by Toigo, Marco
Winning Tennis with the Tactical Point Control System: How to Win Tennis Points Against Any Opponent by Ruder, John
When the BioMass Hits the Wind Turbine: How we got ourselves into this mess, and how we are going to get out of it by Warmke, Jay
Alexander L. George: A Pioneer in Political and Social Sciences: With a Foreword by Dan Caldwell by
Extreme Sports, Extreme Bodies: Gender, Identities and Bodies in Motion by Andreasson, Jesper, Johansson, Thomas
Golf Notebook: 6x9 Golf Log Book with Scorecards and Monthly STATS Tracker by Williams, Austin
Hope Springs Eternal: 2007-2019 by Tuttle, Alex
Kukri Combat Knife of Nepal Volume Two by Vargas, Fernan, Loriega, James
Visual Cultures in Science and Technology: A Comparative History by Hentschel, Klaus
Mental Health and Well-being Interventions in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice by
Sport and Society in Global France: Nations, Migrations, Corporations by Kilcline, Cathal
Sportmarketing in der Praxis. SWOT-Analyse, Merchandising und Licensing, Digitalisierung, Sponsoring by Anonym
Marktanalyse und Marketingplanung für ein EMS Studio by Eberle, Anna
Vintage Mini Bike Ads From the 60's and 70's (2nd Edition) by Sluice
Take Relief: Uncover the Myths & Misunderstandings of Golf Performance by Jarman, Sam
Angewandte Statistik in Der Bewegungswissenschaft (Band 3) by Witte, Kerstin
Balonmano Actual: Análisis del juego e indicadores de rendimiento by Gonzalez Garcia, Ivan
200 Juegos y Ejercicios de Coordinación Dinámica General by Bernal Ruiz, Javier Alberto, Wanceulen Moreno, Jose Francisco, Wanceulen Moreno, Antonio
200 Juegos y Ejercicios de Coordinación Óculo-Motriz by Wanceulen Moreno, Jose Francisco, Wanceulen Moreno, Antonio, Bernal Ruiz, Javier Alberto
Nitrogen Capture: The Growth of an International Industry (1900-1940) by Travis, Anthony S.
La Teoría del Todo como explicación o ¿exploración? última del universo by Correa Sandoval, Julio H.
The Body Moving: Sport and Wellness by Rehail, Abderahmane
Go Beyond: Intimate Perspectives From Former Athletes On How to Win at Life by Conyers, Kezia
Life After Sports by Nettles M. Ed M. S., A. D.
Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk by
Female Olympian and Paralympian Events: Analyses, Backgrounds, and Timelines by Fuller, Linda K.
Shaping Human Science Disciplines: Institutional Developments in Europe and Beyond by
Leisure Cultures and the Making of Modern Ski Resorts by
Jewish Medicine and Healthcare in Central Eastern Europe: Shared Identities, Entangled Histories by
All Women Are Created Equal But Then Some Become Coaches: Funny 6x9 Coach Notebook by Watts, L.
Integrated Marketing Communications, Strategies, and Tactical Operations in Sports Organizations by
Roller Rink Rules: Memories of Motion 26, Oxford, Maine by Probert Gott, Patricia
Preventing Mental Illness: Past, Present and Future by
Performing Remembering: Women's Memories of War in Vietnam by Eisner, Rivka Syd
Sports and the Global South: Work, Play and Resistance in Sri Lanka by Biyanwila, S. Janaka
The Shape and Size of the Earth: A Historical Journey from Homer to Artificial Satellites by Boccaletti, Dino
Global Leisure and the Struggle for a Better World by
The Palgrave Handbook of Ageing and Physical Activity Promotion by
Fictional Representations of English Football and Fan Cultures: Slum Sport, Slum People? by Piskurek, Cyprian
Extreme Sports Coloring Book by Taylor, Jasmine
Fußball als Medienereignis. Der Versuch einer sportsoziologischen Herleitung by Heine, Maximilian
Alles über American Football by Weishaupt, Holger
Alles über American Football by Weishaupt, Holger
Baja de Peso Facil Y Rapido: Segunda Edición by Pena L. Aris, Jesus Armando
Sport Psychology Secrets: How to Use Mental Strength and Win! by Nye, Brandon, Hirschberg, Sam
WWII Boxing, Wrestling & Combatives by Vargas, Fernan
Gesundheitsorientiertes Krafttraining für einen 38-jährigen männlichen Trainierenden: Trainingsplanung, Makro- und Mesozyklus by Schütz, Markus
The Code of Honor & the Duel: [translated] by Lynch, M. P.
The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism by Bryant, Howard
Upside Down in the Yukon River: Adventure, Survival, and the World's Longest Kayak Race by Cannon, Steve
The Playmaker's Advantage: How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level by Zaichkowsky, Leonard, Peterson, Daniel
Technology and Mathematics: Philosophical and Historical Investigations by
Britain, Europe and Civil Nuclear Energy, 1945-62: Power Politics by Theaker, Martin
Six Eleven: A Champions Story by Watson, Joshua
Coffee: Consumption and Health Implications by
International Sports Volunteering by
Complex Sport Analytics by Lebed, Felix
Sport Coaching Research and Practice: Ontology, Interdisciplinarity and Critical Realism by North, Julian
Women in Sport Leadership: Research and practice for change by
Women Sport Fans: Identification, Participation, Representation by Toffoletti, Kim
Examination Physical Education: Policy, Practice and Possibilities by Brown, Trent D., Penney, Dawn
Creativity and Innovation: A New Theory of Ideas by Goorha, Prateek, Potts, Jason
Mechanics of Biological Systems & Micro-And Nanomechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics by
Football Fans, Rivalry and Cooperation by
Sport, Community Regeneration, Governance and Development: A Comparative Global Perspective by Shand, Rory
Sport and Militarism: Contemporary Global Perspectives by
Race Walking Revolution - A Detailed Guide for Both Beginning and Advanced Race Walkers by Salvage, Jeff, Seaman, Tim
Emergency First Aid: A Folding Pocket Guide to the Recognition of & Response to Medical Emergencies by Kavanagh, James
Encyclopaedia of Historical Metrology, Weights, and Measures: Volume 2 by Gyllenbok, Jan
Encyclopaedia of Historical Metrology, Weights, and Measures: Volume 3 by Gyllenbok, Jan
Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach by Doidge, Mark, Millward, Peter, Cleland, Jamie
The Praying Athlete Quote Book All 8 Volumes by Walker, Robert B.
A Hiker's Pathway to the Triple Crown: 8,000 Miles & Thousands of Dollars for Charities... by Butcher, Gene
Projekt Angewandte Sportpsychologie. Ein Selbstversuch: Progressive Muskelentspannung nach Jacobson by Schlosser, Tobias
Marxism, Colonialism, and Cricket: C. L. R. James's Beyond a Boundary by
Satan's Gut, Sausage Boats & Ice Kisses: The Adventure Travel Notes of a Nervous Man by Fosgate, Tony
Pressing Reset for the Everyday Person by Almeyda, Danielle Dani, Original Strength, Anderson, Tim
Best Hikes Detroit and Ann Arbor by Forster, Matt
The Wildwood Workbook: Nature Appreciation and Survival by Mitchell, Robert, Jr.
Combat Classic Riot Baton by Vargas, Fernan
IPSC The Basics: Vom Anfänger zum ersten Match by Wohn, Hansjörg
Les Archives de la Nasa. 60 ANS Dans l'Espace by Chaikin, Andrew, Launius, Roger, Bizony, Piers
John Ruskin's Politics and Natural Law: An Intellectual Biography by MacDonald, Graham A.
Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy by
The Feminization of Sports Fandom: A Sociological Study by Pope, Stacey
Leadership in Sports Coaching: A Social Identity Approach by Cassidy, Tony, Cummins, Paul, O'Boyle, Ian
Action Shooting Cowboy Style by Taffin, John
The English Premier League: A Socio-Cultural Analysis by
Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation by Long, Terry, Robertson, Terry
Sport, Leisure and Social Justice by
Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport by
Dr. Z's Beat the Racetrack by Ziemba, William T., Hausch, Donald B.
That's My Coach by Critelli, Chris
Performing Dream Homes: Theater and the Spatial Politics of the Domestic Sphere by
Sport in Korea: History, Development, Management by
Running A Dojo: A Commitment To Preserving Tradition by Mitchell, Adam
The Great Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928 by Neely, Wayne
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