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System Administration in 2011

Get On Google Front Page by Matthews, Jason
Recognizing Patterns in Signals, Speech, Images, and Videos: Icpr 2010 Contents, Istanbul, Turkey, August 23-26, 2010, Contest Reports by
Provenance and Annotation of Data and Process: Third International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, Ipaw 2010, Troy, Ny, Usa, June 15-16, 2010, Rev by
The Semantic Web - Iswc 2010: 9th International Semantic Web Conference, Iswc 2010, Shanghai, China, November 7-11, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Par by
The Semantic Web - Iswc 2010: 9th International Semantic Web Conference, Iswc 2010, Shanghai, China, November 7-11, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Par by
Sofsem 2011: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 37th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Nový Smokovec, Slo by
Towards Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues: Third Cost 2102 International Training School by
Advances in Computing, Communication and Control: International Conference, ICAC3 2011, Mumbai, India, January 28-29, 2011, Proceedings by
Knowledge Representation for Health-Care by
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Understanding Media and Adapting to the User: 7th International Workshop, AMR 2009, Madrid, Spain, September 24-25, 200 by
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 7th International Conference, ICDCIT 2011, Bhubaneshwar, India, February 9-12, 2011, Proceedings by
Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research: The Use of Publication and Patent Statistics in Studies of S&t Systems by
Service Composition for the Semantic Web by Medjahed, Brahim, Bouguettaya, Athman
Cooperative Work and Coordinative Practices: Contributions to the Conceptual Foundations of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (Cscw) by Schmidt, Kjeld
Database Modeling and Design: Logical Design by Teorey, Toby J., Nadeau, Tom, Lightstone, Sam S.
Architecture of Computing Systems - Arcs 2011: 24th International Conference, Lake Como, Italy, February 24-25, 2011. Proceedings by
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Approaches Based on Rule Induction Techniques by
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 10th International Symposium, W2GIS 2011 Kyoto, Japan, March 3-4, 2011 Proceedings by
Pro DNS and Bind 10 by Aitchison, Ron
Pro Data Backup and Recovery by Nelson, Steven
Biometrics and Id Management: Cost 2101 European Workshop, Bioid 2011, Brandenburg (Havel), March 8-10, 2011, Proceedings by
Uncertain Schema Matching by Gal, Avigdor
Service-Oriented Computing: Icsoc 2010 International Workshops Paasc, Wesoa, See, and Sc-Log San Francisco, Ca, Usa, December 7-10, 2010, Revised by
Formal Aspects of Security and Trust by
Sphinx Search Beginner's Guide by Ali, Abbas
Probabilistic Ranking Techniques in Relational Databases by Soliman, Mohamed, Ilyas, Ihab
Web Technologies and Applications: 13th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, ApWEB 2011 Beijing, Chiina, April 18-20, 2011 Proceedings by
Advanced Database Query Systems: Techniques, Applications and Technologies by
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: Third International Conference, Aciids 2011, Daegu, Korea, April 20-22, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Temporal Information Processing Technology and Its Applications by
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011, Hong Kong, China, April 22-25, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011 International Workshops: GDB, SIM3, FlashDB, SNSMW, DaMEN, DQIS by
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 16th International Conference, DASFAA 2011, Hong Kong, China, April 22-25, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Advances in Information Retrieval: 33rd European Conference on IR Resarch, ECIR 2011, Dublin, Ireland, April 18-21, 2011, Proceedings by
Change Management for Semantic Web Services by Bouguettaya, Athman, Liu, Xumin, Akram, Salman
E-Librarian Service: User-Friendly Semantic Search in Digital Libraries by Linckels, Serge, Meinel, Christoph
Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: Third International Workshop, Tma 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 27, 2011, Proceedings by
MySQL Admin Cookbook Lite: Replication and Indexing by Schneller, Daniel, Schwedt, Udo
PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook Lite: Configuration, Monitoring and Maintenance by Krosing, Hannu, Riggs, Simon
Service-Oriented Perspectives in Design Science Research: 6th International Conference, Desrist 2011, Milwaukee, Wi, Usa, May 5-6, 2011, Proceedings by
Zenoss 2.5 Core Network and System Monitoring by Badger, Michael
CMS Made Simple Development Cookbook by Goldstein, Samuel
Core Data IOS Essentials by Harwani, Bintu
Data Warehouses and OLAP: Concepts, Architectures and Solutions by
Semantic Web Personalization and Context Awareness: Management of Personal Identities and Social Networking by
New Generation of Portal Software and Engineering: Emergining Technologies by
Pro Puppet by McCune, Jeffrey, Turnbull, James
Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces, and Communicability: First International Conference, Adntiic 2010, Huerta Grande, Argentina, Oct by
Data Management and Query Processing in Semantic Web Databases by Groppe, Sven
Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval by Liu, Tie-Yan
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 24th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2011, St. John's, Canada, May 25-27, 2011, Proce by
Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information Engineering: International Conference, Csie 2011, Zhengzhou, China, May 21-22, 2011. Proceedings by
Advanced Research on Computer Science and Information Engineering: International Conference, Csie 2011, Zhengzhou, China, May 21-22, 2011. Proceedings by
Advances in Wireless, Mobile Networks and Applications: International Conferences, Wimoa 2011 and Iccsea 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, May 25-27, by
Interactive Multi-Modal Question-Answering by
The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context by Järvelin, Kalervo, Ingwersen, Peter
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph: 8th International Workshop, Waw 2011, Atlanta, Ga, Usa, May 27-29, 2011, Proceedings by
Knowledge-Driven Multimedia Information Extraction and Ontology Evolution: Bridging the Semantic Gap by
Community-Built Databases: Research and Development by
Foundations of Computer Software: Modeling, Development, and Verification of Adaptive Systems 16th Monterey Workshop 2010, Redmond, Usa, Wa, Usa, Marc by
Multimedia Communications, Services and Security by
Multidisciplinary Information Retrieval: Second Information Retrieval Facility Conference, Irfc 2011, Vienna, Austria, June 6, 2011, Proceedings by
Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part I: Second International Conference, Icsi 2011, Chongqing, China, June 12-15, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Part II: Second International Conference, ICSI 2011, Chongqing, China, June 12-15, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 11th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Dais 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 6-9, 2011, Proceedi by
Pervasive Computing: 9th International Conference, Pervasive 2011, San Francisco, Usa, June 12-15, 2011. Proceedings by
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems: 4th International Conference, Cisis 2011, Held at Iwann 2011, Torremolinos-Málaga, Spa by
A New Theory of Information & the Internet: Public Sphere meets Protocol by Willson, Michele A., Balnaves, Mark
Mobile Networks and Management: Second International Icst Conference, Monami 2010, Santander, Spain, September 22-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Advanced Digital Preservation by Giaretta, David
Information Retrieval Evaluation by Harman, Donna
A New Theory of Information & the Internet; Public Sphere meets Protocol by Balnaves, Mark, Willson, Michele A.
Advanced Topics in Information Retrieval by
Business Information Systems: 14th International Conference, Bis 2011, Poznań, Poland, June 15-17, 2011, Proceedings by
Android Forensics: Investigation, Analysis and Mobile Security for Google Android by Hoog, Andrew
Pattern Recognition: Third Mexican Conference, McPr 2011, Cancun, Mexico, June 29 - July 2, 2011 Proceedings by
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 23rd International Conference, Caise 2011, London, Uk, June 20-24, 2011, Proceedings by
Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 22nd Annual Symposium, CPM 2011, Palermo, Italy, June 27-29, 2011, Proceedings by
Web Engineering: 11th International Conference, Icwe 2011, Paphos, Cyprus, June 2011 Proceedings by
Modern Approaches in Applied Intelligence: 24th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Syste by
Modern Approaches in Applied Intelligence: 24th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Syste by
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications: 5th Kes International Conference, Kes-Amsta 2011, Manchester, Uk, June 29 -- July 1, 201 by
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence IV by
Foundations for the Web of Information and Services: A Review of 20 Years of Semantic Web Research by
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: 11th European Conference, Ecsqaru 2011, Belfast, Uk, June 29-July 1, 2011, Proceed by
Integrated Computing Technology: First International Conference, INTECH 2011, Sao Carlos, Brazil, May 31-June 2, 2011, Proceedings by
Hci International 2011 Posters' Extended Abstracts: International Conference, Hci International 2011, Orlando, Fl, Usa, July 9-14, 2011, Proceedings, by
Human-Computer Interaction: Towards Mobile and Intelligent Interaction Environments: 14th International Conference, Hci International 2011, Orlando, F by
Human-Computer Interaction: Users and Applications: 14th International Conference, Hci International 2011, Orlando, Fl, Usa, July 9-14, 2011, Proceedi by
Internationalization, Design and Global Development: 4th International Conference, Idgd 2011, Held as Part of Hci International 2011, Orlando, Fl, Usa by
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice: First International Conference, Duxu 2011, Held as Part of Hci Internatio by
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice: First International Conference, Duxu 2011, Held as Part of Hci Internatio by
Hci International 2011 Posters' Extended Abstracts: International Conference, Hci International 2011, Orlando, Fl, Usa, July 9-14, 2011, Proceedings, by
Networked Digital Technologies: Third International Conference, Ndt 2011, Macau, China, July 11-13, 2011, Proceedings by
Enhancing Learning Through Technology: International Conference, ICT 2011, Hong Kong, July 11-13, 2011. Proceedings by
Managing Oracle Fusion Applications by Bingham, Richard
DNS and Bind on Ipv6: DNS for the Next-Generation Internet by Liu, Cricket
Advances in Computing and Information Technology: First International Conference, ACITY 2011, Chennai, India, July 15-17, 2011, Proceedings by
Digital Information Processing and Communications: International Conference, ICDIPC 2011, Ostrava, Czech Republic, July 7-9, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
Digital Information Processing and Communications: International Conference, ICDIPC 2011, Ostrava, Czech Republic, July 7-9, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
Trends in Networks and Communications: International Conferences, NeCoM 2011, WeST 2011, WiMoN 2011, Chennai, India, July 15-17, 2011, Proceedings by
Semantic Services, Interoperability and Web Applications: Emerging Concepts by
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: 23rd International Conference, Ssdbm 2011, Portland, Or, Usa, July 20-22, 2011. Proceedings by
Future Information Technology, Part 2: 6th International Conference on Future Information Technology, FutureTech 2011, Crete, Greece, June 28-30, 2011 by
User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization: 19th International Conference, Umap 2011, Girona, Spain, July 11-15, 2011 by
Secure and Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications: STA 2011 Workshops: IWCS 2011 and STAVE 2011, Loutraki, Greece, June 28-30, 2011, Proce by
Future Information Technology, Part 1: 6th International Conference, FutureTech 2011, Loutraki, Greece, June 28-30, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
High Performance Architecture and Grid Computing: International Conference, HPAGC 2011, Chandigarh, India, July 19-20, 2011, Proceedings by
Advances in Computing and Communications, Part IV: First International Conference, Acc 2011, Kochi, India, July 22-24, 2011. Proceedings, Part IV by
Contemporary Computing: 4th International Conference, IC3 2011, Noida, India, August 8-10, 2011, Proceedings by
Language Technology for Cultural Heritage: Selected Papers from the LaTeCH Workshop Series by
Advances in Computing and Communications, Part I: First International Conference, Acc 2011, Kochi, India, July 22-24, 2011. Proceedings, Part I by
Advances in Computing and Communications, Part 3: First International Conference, ACC 2011, Kochi, India, July 22-24, 2011, Proceedings, Part III by
Advances in Computing and Communications: First International Conference, ACC 2011, Kochi, India, July 22-24, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Semantic Service Oriented Architectures in Research and Practice by Schillinger, Rolf
Computer Science for Environmental Engineering and Ecoinformatics: International Workshop, Cseee 2011, Kunming, China, July 29-30, 2011. Proceedings, by
Computer Science for Environmental Engineering and Ecoinformatics: International Workshop, CSEEE 2011, Kunming, China, July 29-30, 2011, Proceedings, by
E-Technologies and Networks for Development: First International Conference, ICeND 2011, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, August 3-5, 2011, Proceedings by
Computer Networks and Intelligent Computing: 5th International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2011, Bangalore, India, August 5-7, 2011, Pr by
Digital Enterprise and Information Systems: International Conference, Deis 2011, London, UK July 20 - 22, 2011, Proceedings by
Advances in Education and Management, part 4: International Symposium, ISAEBD 2011, Dalian, China, August 6-7, 2011, Proceedings, Part IV by
Alfresco 3 Cookbook by Bhaumik, Snigdhendu
Transactions on Computational Science XII: Special Issue on Cyberworlds by
Fundamentals of Physical Design and Query Compilation by Weddell, Grant, Toman, David
Grid and Cloud Database Management by
Ontologies in Urban Development Projects by Falquet, Gilles, Métral, Claudine, Teller, Jacques
Relief Supply Chain Management for Disasters: Humanitarian, Aid and Emergency Logistics by
Virtualization: A Manager's Guide: Big Picture of the Who, What, and Where of Virtualization by Kusnetzky, Dan
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems III: Special Issue on Data and Knowledge Management in Grid and PSP Systems by
Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence: 4th International Workshop, BIRTE 2010, Held at the 36th International Conference on Very Large Databases, V by
Moderne Kryptographie: Eine Einführung by Küsters, Ralf, Wilke, Thomas
Expert Oracle Exadata by Osborne, Kerry, Johnson, Randy, Poder, Tanel
Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education: International Conference, CSEE 2011, Wuhan, China, August 21-22, 2011, Proce by
Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education: International Conference, CSEE 2011, Wuhan, China, August 21-22, 2011, Proce by
Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education, Part 5: International Conference, CSEE 2011, Wuhan, China, August 21-22, 201 by
Managing Infrastructure with Puppet: Configuration Management at Scale by Loope, James
Reasoning Web: Semantic Technologies for the Web of Data: 7th International Summer School 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 23-27, 2011, Tutorial Lectures by
Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education, Part IV: International Conference, Csee 2011, Wuhan, China, August 21-22, 20 by
Journal on Data Semantics XV by
Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education: International Conference, CSEE 2011, Wuhan, China, August 21-22, 2011, Proce by
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: 7th International Conference, MLDM 2011, New York, Ny, Usa, August 30-September 3, 2011procee by
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 22nd International Conference, Dexa 2011, Toulouse, France, August 29 - September 2, 2011, Proceedings, Part by
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 14th International Conference, TSD 2011, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2011, Proceedings by
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 22nd International Conference, Dexa 2011, Bilbao, Spain, August 29 - September 2, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Information Technology in Bio- And Medical Informatics: Second International Conference, Itbam 2011, Toulouse, France, August 31 - September 1, 2011, by
Web Reasoning and Rule Systems: 5th International Conference, RR 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 29-30, 2011, Proceedings by
Electronic Participation: Third Ifip Wg 8.5 International Conference, Epart 2011, Delft, the Netherlands, August 29 - September 1, 2011. Proceedings by
Computational Structures and Algorithms for Association Rules: The Galois Connection by Adamo, Jean-Marc
Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Kuhn, Darl, Padfield, Bill, Alapati, Sam
Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 6th International Conference, WASA 2011, Chengdu, China, August 11-13, 2011, Proceedings by
Tweeting Linux: 140 Linux Configuration Commands Explained in 140 Characters or Less by Crawley, Don R.
Everything You Want to Know about Organisational Change by Arcangel, Darren, Johnson, Brian
Web-Age Information Management: 12th International Conference, WAIM 2011, Wuhan, China, September 14-16, 2011, Proceedings by
Freeradius Beginner's Guide by Van Der Walt, Dirk
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 19th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Iccbr 2011, London, Uk, September 12-15, 2011, P by
Redis Cookbook: Practical Techniques for Fast Data Manipulation by Macedo, Tiago, Oliveira, Fred
Bootstrapping Trust in Modern Computers by Parno, Bryan, McCune, Jonathan M., Perrig, Adrian
Google Power Search: The Essential Guide to Finding Anything Online with Google by Spencer, Stephan
Advances in Information Retrieval Theory: Third International Conference, ICTIR 2011 Bertinoro, Italy, September 12-14, 2011 Proceedings by
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 15th International Conference, KES 2011 Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 12-14, by
Information Systems Development: Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development by
A Feature-Centric View of Information Retrieval by Metzler, Donald
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 15th International Conference, KES 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 12-14 by
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 15th International Conference, KES 2011 Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 2011 P by
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 15th International Conference, KES 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 12-14 by
Information and Management Engineering: International Conference, ICCIC 2011 Wuhan, China, September 17-18, 2011 Proceedings, Part VI by
Computing and Intelligent Systems: International Conference, ICCIC 2011, Held in Wuhan, China, September 17-18, 2011, Proceedings, Part IV by
Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, Wism 2011, Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Innovative Computing and Information, Part 1: International Conference, ICCIC 2011, Wuhan, China, September 17-18, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
Innovative Computing and Information, Part 2: International Conference, ICCIC 2011, Wuhan, China, September 17-18, 2011, Proceedings, Part II by
Computing and Intelligent Systems, Part 3: International Conference, ICCIC 2011, Wuhan, China, September 17-18, 2011, Proceedings, Part III by
Information and Management Engineering, Part 5: International Conference, ICCIC 2011, Wuhan, China, September 17-18, 2011, Proceedings, Part V by
Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases: 4th International Workshop, Sdkb 2010, Bordeaux, France, July 5, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 12th INNS EANN-SIG International Conference, EANN 2011 and 7th IFIP WG 12.5 International Confer by
Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation: Second International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2011 Amsterdam by
Emerging Research in Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011 Taiyuan, China, September 23-25, 2011 Proceedings by
Emerging Research in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: International Conference, AICI 2011, Taiyuan, China, September 23-25, 201 by
Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: Third International Conference, AICI 2011, Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011, Proceedings, by
Collaboration and Technology: 17th International Conference, Criwg 2011, Paraty, Brazil, October 2-7, 2011, Proceedings by
Towards Ubiquitous Learning: 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Ec-Tel 2011, Palermo, Italy, September 20-23, 2011, Proceedin by
Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies: 9th International Symposium, Appt 2011, Shanghai, China, September 26-27, 2011, Proceedings by
Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide by Ramachandran, Vivek
Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: Third International Conference, AICI 2011, Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011, Proceedings, by
Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence: Third International Conference, AICI 2011 Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011 Proceedings, P by
Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011, Taiyuan, China, September 24-25, 2011, Proceedings, Part I by
Advances in Parallel, Distributed Computing: First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing Technologies and Applications, Pdcta 20 by
Exploring Music Contents: 7th International Symposium, Cmmr 2010, Málaga, Spain, June 21-24, 2010. Revised Papers by
Advances in Digital Forensics VII: 7th Ifip Wg 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Orlando, Fl, Usa, January 31 - February 2, 2011, Re by
Comparative Evaluation of Focused Retrieval: 9th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, Inex 2010, Vught, the N by
Model and Data Engineering: First International Conference, MEDI 2011, Obidos, Portugal, September 28-30, 2011, Proceedings by
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2011, Berlin, Germa by
Clustering and Information Retrieval by
Manufacturing Decision Support Systems by
High Quality Messaging and Electronic Commerce: Technical Foundations, Standards and Protocols by Schmied, Gerhard
IBM Websphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide by Robinson, Steve
Cache and Interconnect Architectures in Multiprocessors by
Enterprise Information Systems: International Conference, Centeris 2011, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 5-7, 2011. Proceedings, Part III by
Enterprise Information Systems: International Conference, Centeris 2011, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 5-7, 2011. Proceedings, Part II by
ENTERprise Information Systems, Part 1: International Conference, CENTERIS 2011, Vilamoura, Portugal, October 5-7, 2011. Proceedings, Part I by
S-BPM One - Learning by Doing - Doing by Learning: Third International Conference S-BPM One 2011, Ingolstadt, Germany, September 29-30, 2011, Proceedi by
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