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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Teaching Instruction in 1993

Enseigner pour mieux apprendre: Guide à l'attention des enseignants du personnel de soins de santé primaires (Deuxième édition) by Abbatt, F. R.
Theoretical and Critical Perspectives on Teacher Change by Kahaney, Phyllis, Perry, Linda, Janangelo, Joseph
Differential Item Functioning by
Pluralismus ALS Verfassungs- Und Gesellschaftsmodell: Zur Politischen Kultur in Der Weimarer Republik by
Publizistik ALS Autopoietisches System: Politik Und Massenmedien. Eine Systemtheoretische Analyse by Marcinkowski, Frank
The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward by Lewis, Michael
Weiterbildung by Langosch, Ingo
CIM-Aus- Und Weiterbildung: Entwicklung Eines CIM-Lehr- Und Lernsystems by Peschges, Klaus-Jürgen
Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color by Villanueva Jr, Victor
Teacher as Decision Maker: Real Life Cases to Hone Your People Skills by Brubaker, Dale L.
Design and Technology in the Primary School: Case Studies for Teachers by Rogers, Margaret, Makiya, Hind
Teaching as Learning: An Action Research Approach by McNiff, Jean
Body Language for Competent Teachers by Caswell, Chris, Neill, Sean
Teaching as Learning: An Action Research Approach by McNiff, Jean
From the Heart: Books and Activities about Friends by Currie, Robin, Currie, Roberta H., Irving, Jan
Reading and Language Arts Programs: A Guide to Evaluation by Miller, Samuel D., Olson, Mary W.
Mathematics Programs: A Guide to Evaluation by Jetton, Janice H., Bright, George W., Uprichard, A. Edward
Teaching Social Studies: Handbook of Trends, Issues, and Implications for the Future by Wilson, Virginia, Wilson, Gerald, Litle, James
American Inquisitors by Lippmann, Walter
Asia: Case Studies in the Social Sciences - A Guide for Teaching: Case Studies in the Social Sciences - A Guide for Teaching by Cohen, Myron L.
Effective Teaching of Mathematics by Simmons, Malcolm
School Subjects and Curriculum Change by Goodson, Ivor F.
Critical Influences on Child Language Acquisition and Development by Turner, Geoffrey J., Messer, David J.
Critical Influences on Child Language Acquisition and Development by Messer, David J., Turner, Geoffrey J.
Math Through Children's Literature by Hall, Nancy J., Taylor, Dale B., Braddon, Kathryn L.
Teachers Managing Stress & Preventing Burnout by Gold, Yvonne, Roth, Robert A.
Implementing In-Service Education And Training by Connor, John, Galloway, Sheila, Burgess, Robert G.
Restless Youth in Ancient Rome by Eyben, Emiel
Telecommunications: A Handbook for Educators by Azarmsa, Resa
Teaching for Understanding: Challenges for Policy and Practice by Cohen, David K., McLaughlin, Milbrey W., Talbert, Joan E.
Investigating Science with Dinosaurs by Munsart, Craig A.
Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers by Barchers, Suzanne
Critical Influences on Child Language Acquisition and Development by Messer, David J., Turner, Geoffrey J.
The Multicultural Dimension Of The National Curriculum by
The Multicultural Dimension Of The National Curriculum by
Asia: Case Studies in the Social Sciences - A Guide for Teaching: Case Studies in the Social Sciences - A Guide for Teaching by Cohen, Myron L.
Political Dissidence Under Nero: The Price of Dissimulation by Rudich, Vasily
Approaches to Literature Through Subject by Montgomery, Paula Kay
Assessment in Higher Education: Politics, Pedagogy, and Portfolios by Courts, Patrick, McInerney, Kathleen
Evaluating R&d Impacts: Methods and Practice by
Assessment in Higher Education: Politics, Pedagogy, and Portfolios by Courts, Patrick L., McInerney, Kathleen H.
Popular Mobilization in Mexico: The Teachers' Movement 1977 87 by Foweraker, Joe
Radical Reflections: Passionate Opinions on Teaching, Learning, and Living by Fox, Mem
Educating Professionals: Responding to New Expectations for Competence and Accountability by Curry, Lynn, Wergin, Jon F.
Radical Reflections: Passionate Opinions on Teaching, Learning, and Living by Fox, Mem
The Reformation in Germany and Switzerland by Johnston, Pamela, Scribner, Bob
Music Through Children's Literature by Levene, Donna B.
The Fractured Marketplace for Standardized Testing by Madaus, George F., Haney, Walter M., Lyons, Robert
Integrating Research on the Graphical Representation of Functions by
Integrating the Curricula: A Collections by Fogarty, Robin J., Stoehr, Judy
Designs for Cooperative Interactions by Fogarty, Robin
If the Shoe Fits . . .: How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by
The Poet's Pen: Writing Poetry with Middle and High School Students by Lies, Betty Bonham
Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of Reading by Gerrig, Richard J.
Nietzsche, Feminism and Political Theory by Patton, Paul
Teacher Appraisal: Training and Implementation by Poster, Cyril, Poster, Doreen
A Mathematical Pandora's Box by Bolt, Brian
Primary Geography Primary History by Knight, Peter
TalentEd: Strategies for Developing the Talent in Every Learner by Flack, Jerry
Industrial Britain by Counsell, Christine, Steer, Chris
Preparing for Leadership: A Young Adult's Guide to Leadership Skills in a Global Age by Woyach, Robert
Preparing for Leadership: A Young Adult's Guide to Leadership Skills in a Global Age by Woyach, Robert B.
The Meaning of International Experience for Schools by Wilson, Angene Hopkins
James I by Durston, Christopher
Curriculum Development and Design by Print, Murray
Coping with Faculty Stress by Gmelch, Walter H.
Tips for Improving Testing and Grading by Ory, John C., Ryan, Katherine E.
Improving Your Classroom Teaching by Weimer, Maryellen G.
Human Biology Activities Kit: Ready-To-Use Lessons and Worksheets for General Science and Health by Roland, John R.
Comprehensive Systems Design: A New Educational Technology: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Comprehensive Systems Design: A New by
Teaching Personality With Gracefulness: The Transmission of Japanese Cultural Values Through Japanese Dance Theatre by Sellers-Young, Barbara
Puritan Gentry Besieged 1650-1700 by Cliffe, Trevor
Teacher Self-Evaluation: Teachers in Their Own Mirror by Kremer-Hayon, Lya
Reading Research Into the Year 2000 by
Chalk in Hand: The Draw and Tell Book by Pflomm, Phyllis Noe
Diversity and Unity in Early North America by
Nation, Culture, Text: Australian Cultural and Media Studies by
Nation, Culture, Text: Australian Cultural and Media Studies by
Rome and the Western Greeks, 350 BC - AD 200: Conquest and Acculturation in Southern Italy by Lomas, Kathryn
Religious Studies in Manitoba and: Saskatchewan a State-Of-The-Art Review by Badertscher, John M., Harland, Gordon, Miller, Roland E.
Do You Know What You Look Like?: Interpersonal Relationships In Education by Levy, Jack
Do You Know What You Look Like?: Interpersonal Relationships In Education by Levy, Jack
The Elimination of Morality: Reflections on Utilitarianism and Bioethics by MacLean, Anne
The Elimination of Morality: Reflections on Utilitarianism and Bioethics by MacLean, Anne
Frantic Frogs and Other Frankly Fractured Folktales for Readers Theatre by Fredericks, Anthony D.
The Second Sophistic: A Cultural Phenomenon in the Roman Empire by Anderson, Graham
Culture Contact in the Pacific: Essays on Contact, Encounter and Response by
Foucault's New Domains by
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume IX by
The Power of the Page: Children's Books and Their Readers by Pinsent, Pat
Scholastic Daily Record Keeper by Scholastic, Teaching Resources, Scholastic
You Are Thinking of Teaching?: Opportunities, Problems, Realities by Sarason, Seymour B.
The Plural Event: Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger by Benjamin, Andrew
Cambridge Latin Course Book 1 Worksheet Masters 4th Edition by Cambridge School Classics Project
Clever Folk: Tales of Wisdom, Wit, and Wonder by Kronberg, Ruthilde
Spitwad Sutras: Classroom Teaching as Sublime Vocation by Inchausti, Robert
The Calling of Kindred by Barlow, Adrian
Spitwad Sutras: Classroom Teaching as Sublime Vocation by Inchausti, Robert
Taking Control: Vitalizing Education by Friedman, Myles I.
Writing Across the Curriculum: An Annotated Bibliography by Williamson, Michael, Schwiebert, John, Anson, Chris
The Effective Teaching of History by Aris, Mary, Perry, Irene, Brooks, Ron
Teaching as Communication by Hodge, Robert
On the Technique of Acting by Chekhov, Michael
We Keep America on Top of the World: Television Journalism and the Public Sphere by Hallin, Daniel
We Keep America on Top of the World: Television Journalism and the Public Sphere by Hallin, Daniel
Reading Is Not Spectator Sport by Pelton, Mary H., Pelton
Rip-Roaring Reads for Reluctant Teen Readers by Ammon, Bette, Sherman, Gale
Simple Machines Made Simple by St Andre, Ralph E.
Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy in Focus by
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
This Rough Magic: The Life of Teaching by Lindley, Daniel A.
Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings by Bhatia, V. K.
Teaching English by
Classroom Pedagogy and Primary Practice by McNamara, David, McNamara, Professor David
Language as Discourse: Perspectives for Language Teaching by McCarthy, Michael, Carter, Ronald
This Rough Magic: The Life of Teaching by Lindley, Daniel A.
Didactics of Mathematics as a Scientific Discipline by
Toddler Storytime Programs by Briggs, Dianne
Teaching and Learning in the Secondary School by
L'Italiano si impara in due by Gatto, Vincenzo, Barsacchi, Marco
The Predictable Failure of Educational Reform: Can We Change Course Before It's Too Late? by Sarason, Seymour B.
The Emotional Experience of Learning and Teaching by