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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Teaching Instruction in 1994

Fast Track Castilian Spanish by
The Pursuit of Curriculum: Schooling and the Public Interest by Reid, William Arbuckle
Deliberation in Education and Society by Dillon, J. T., Dillon, Jt
Deliberation in Education and Society by Dillon, J.
In Search of More Effective Mathematics Education: Examining Data from the IEA Second International Mathematics Study by Westbury, Ian, Ethington, Corinna, Sosniak, Lauren
In Search of More Effective Mathematics Education: Examining Data from the Iea Second International Mathematics Study by Ethington, Corinna A., Westbury, Ian
Informing Faculty Development for Teacher Educators by Howey, Kenneth R., Zimpher, Nancy L.
Bilingualism and Testing: A Special Case of Bias by Figueroa, Richard A., Valdes, Guadalupe
Bilingualism and Testing: A Special Case of Bias by Figueroa, Richard
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 2 by Wilson, Mark, Wilson
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 2 by Wilson, Mark
The Pursuit of Curriculum: Schooling and the Public Interest by Reid, William Arbuckle
Colloquial Uzbek by Oztopcu, Kurtulus
Gewichtung in Der Umfragepraxis by
Gesellschaftliche Komplexität Und Redaktionelle Routine: Zur Funktion Und Sozialisation Freier Mitarbeiter by Kastl, Jörg Michael
Sprachproduktion: Zur Generierung Komplexer Nominalphrasen by Pechmann, Thomas
Zwischen Industrieprovinz Und Großstadthoffnung: Kulturpolitik Im Ruhrgebiet Der Zwanziger Jahre by Uecker, Matthias
Literatur-Shows: Die Präsentation Von Literatur Im Fernsehen by Kirchner, Petra
Informationsspezialisten in Der Mediengesellschaft: Die Produktion Und Präsentation Von Fernsehnachrichtensendungen in Den Usa, Der Bundesrepublik Deu by Schütte, Georg
Research Into Secondary School Curricula by
The School Music Program: A New Vision by The National Association for Music Educa
Südafrika-Politik Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1982 - 1992: Politik Gegen Apartheid? by Wenzel, Claudius
20 More Ideas for Teaching Gifted Kids in the Middle School and High School by McIntosh, Joel E.
Chalk Talk Stories by Druce, Arden
Cooperative Learning in Music by Kaplan, Phyllis R., Stauffer, Sandra L.
Practical Portfolios: Reading, Writing, Math, and Life Skills, Grades 3-6 by Delario, Karen, Mundell, Susan B.
Change In Classroom Practice by Farrow, Steve, Norton, Jerry
Change In Classroom Practice by Farrow, Steve, Norton, Jerry
Learning Gap: Why Our Schools Are Failing and What We Can Learn from Japanese and Chinese Educ by Stevenson, Harold
Massacre at Myall Creek by Summons, John
The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal by
Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print by Adams, Marilyn Jager
Teaching Primary English: The State of the Art by
Who's Afraid...? Facing Children's Fears with Folktales by Livo, Norma J.
Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods by Sharan, Shachar, Hanna
Realms Of Knowledge: Academic Departments In Secondary Schools by Siskin, Leslie Santee
Realms Of Knowledge: Academic Departments In Secondary Schools by Siskin, Leslie Santee
Fair Test? Assessment, Achievement and Equity by Gipps, Caroline V.
Managing Classroom Behaviour by Fontana, David
Practical Pointer for University Teachers by Cox, Baggy, Cox Bill, Cox, Bill
Politics and the Mass Media in Britain by Negrine, Ralph
CXC English by Roberts, Peter
The Art of Teaching Writing by Calkins, Lucy
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook (Large Print Edition) by Moore, Dorothy, Moore, Raymond
Multiculturalism and Tqe: Addressing Cultural Diversity in Schools by Cordeiro, Paula A., Reagan, Timothy G.
High Stakes Performance Assessment: Perspectives on Kentucky′s Educational Reform by Guskey, Thomas R.
Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms by Richards, Jack C., Lockhart, Charles
High Stakes Performance Assessment: Perspectives on Kentucky′s Educational Reform by Guskey, Thomas R.
Developing Reflective Judgment by Kitchener, Karen Strohm, King, Patricia M.
The Craft of Teaching: A Guide to Mastering the Professor's Art by Eble, Kenneth E.
Designing Educational Project and Program Evaluations: A Practical Overview Based on Research and Experience by Payne, David A.
Hands-On Physics Activities with Real-Life Applications: Easy-To-Use Labs and Demonstrations for Grades 8 - 12 by Cunningham, James, Herr, Norman
Evaluating and Assessing for Learning by Bell, Chris, Harris, Duncan
Methods for Identifying Biased Test Items by Camilli, Gregory A., Shepard, Lorrie A.
Creating Learning Places for Teachers, Too by Frase, Larry E.
Making Governance Work: Tqe for School Boards by Poston, William K.
Poetry, the Magic Language: Children Learn to Read and Write It by Armour, Maureen
Marvels of Science: 50 Fascinating 5-Minute Reads by Haven, Kendall
Media Education and the (Re)Production of Culture by Sholle, David, Scholle, David
Media Education and the (Re)Production of Culture by Sholle, David, Denski, Stan
Tools for Achieving Total Quality Education by Latta, Raymond F., Downey, Carolyn J.
Learning Mathematics: Constructivist and Interactionist Theories of Mathematical Development by
How to Design a Vocational Curriculum: A Practical Guide for Schools and Colleges by Nasta, Tony
Teaching Through Projects by Henry, Jane
The Management of Student Teachers' Learning: A Guide for Professional Tutors in Secondary Schools by Hagger, H., McIntyre, Donald
Hands-On Math!: Ready-To-Use Games & Activities for Grades 4-8 by Thompson, Frances McBroom
Artstarts: Drama, Music, Movement, Puppetry, and Storytelling Activities by Brady, Martha, Gleason, Patsy T.
American Foreign Relations Reconsidered: 1890-1993 by
American Foreign Relations Reconsidered: 1890-1993 by
Chinese Primer: Notes and Exercises (Gr) by Link, Perry, Tai, Yih-Jian, Ch'en, Ta-Tuan
Chinese Primer: Lessons by Link, Perry, Tai, Yih-Jian, Ch'en, Ta-Tuan
The American Curriculum: A Documentary History by Kridel, Craig, Bullough, Robert V., Holton, John T.
The Music Teacher's Book of Lists by Stangl, Karen Meyers, Ross, Cynthia Meyers
Learning About Writing by Czerniewska, Pam
Catch Them Learning: A Handbook of Classroom Strategies by Prentice, Mary
Mathematical Logic by Flum, J., Thomas, Wolfgang, Ebbinghaus, H. -D
Second Helpings: Books and Activities about Food by Currie, Roberta H., Irving, Jan, Currie, Robin
Litplan Teacher Pack: Across Five Aprils by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Canterbury Tales by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Tempest by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Doll's House by Collins, Mary B.
Going by the Book: The Role of Popular Classroom Chronicles in the Professional Development of Teachers by Isenberg, Jane
Going by the Book: The Role of Popular Classroom Chronicles in the Professional Development of Teachers by Isenberg, Jane
Cultural Perspectives on the Mathematics Classroom by
Towards a Philosophy of Critical Mathematics Education by Skovsmose, OLE
Postmodernism and Popular Culture by McRobbie, Angela
Developmental Tasks: Towards a Cultural Analysis of Human Development by
Wellness Activities for Youth by Queen, Sandy
Knowing the Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology by
Knowing the Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology by
Medicine in the Making of Modern Britain, 1700-1920 by Lawrence, Christopher
The New Professor's Handbook: A Guide to Teaching and Research in Engineering and Science by Davidson, Cliff I., Ambrose, Susan A.
Investigating Classroom Talk by Edwards, A., Westgate, D. P. G.
Investigating Classroom Talk by Westgate, D. P. G., Edwards, A.
The Bodies of Women: Ethics, Embodiment and Sexual Differences by Diprose, Rosalyn
The Bodies of Women: Ethics, Embodiment and Sexual Differences by Diprose, Rosalyn
Children's Emergent Literacy: From Research to Practice by
Beliefs About Text and Instruction With Text by
Puppet Plays Plus: Hand Puppet Plays for Two Puppeteers by Pflomm, Phyllis Noe
Beliefs about Text and Instruction with Text by
Making Social Work News by Aldridge, Meryl
Looking for Home: A Phenomenological Study of Home in the Classroom by Sinclaire, Carollyne
From Pumpkin Time to Valentines: Sneaking Language Arts Strategies Into Holiday Celebrations by Ohanian, Susan
Complete Handbook of Indoor and Outdoor Games and Activities for Young Children by Feldman, Jean R.
Eating On The Street: Teaching Literacy in a Multicultural Society by Schaafsma, David
The Two Gentlemen of Verona by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William
Staff Development Programs: A Guide to Evaluation by Mullins, Terry W.
Developing Student Capability Through Modular Courses by
Reading the Vampire by Gelder, Ken
Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving by
Technology Assessment in Education and Training by
Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces by
How to Be Brilliant at Algebra by Webber, B., Barnes, T.
Projects for New Technologies in Education: Grades 6-9 by Heller, Norma
Scary Readers Theatre by Barchers, Suzanne I.
Max Weber: The Lawyer as Social Thinker by Turner, Stephen P.
Ephesians by Kitchen, Canon Martin, Kitchen, Martin
Appropriate Methodology and Social Context by Holliday, Adrian
Developing Teaching Style in Adult Education by Heimlich, Joe E., Norland, Emmalou
Comics to Classics: A Guide to Books for Teens and Preteens by Reed, Arthea J. S.
Mapping Educational Success: Strategic Thinking and Planning for School Administrators by
Preparing for Citizenship: Teaching Youth to Live Democratically by Mosher, Ralph
New Designs Teaching Learning by Hamm, Mary, Adams, Dennis
A Handbook for Medical Teachers by Cannon, R. a., Newble, David, Newble, D. I.
The Psychology of Reading by Pollatsek, Alexander, Rayner, Keith
The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education by
Teach More -- Faster! by
The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol by Quinn, Malcolm
Higher Education Under Fire: Politics, Economics, and the Crisis of the Humanities by Nelson, Cary, Berube, Michael
Hints for Teaching Success in Middle School by Rubinstein, Robert
Mental Conflict by Price, A. W.
Mental Conflict by Price, A. W.
From Testing to Assessment: English an International Language by Parry, Kate, Hill, Clifford
The Ethnography Of Empowerment: The Transformative Power Of Classroom interaction by Robinson, Helja Antola
Mastery Teaching: Increasing Instructional Effectiveness in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, and Universities by Hunter, Madeline
Inside the Music Business by Newby, Julian, Barrow, Tony
Teaching the Library Research Process by Kuhlthau, Carol Collier
Virginia Woolf: Interviews and Recollections by
Anthroposophy and Science: Observation, Experiment, Mathematics (Cw 324) by Steiner, Rudolf
The Age of Anxiety: Security and Politics in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia by Galeotti, Mark
The Childhood Hand That Disturbs Projective Test: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Drawing Test by Davido, Roseline D.
Mathematics Assessment: What Works in the Classroom by Kulm, Gerald
Why Posterity Matters: Environmental Policies and Future Generations by De-Shalit, Avner
The Media in France by Kuhn, Raymond
Foucault and the Political by Simons, Jonathan
Issues in Mentoring by Kerry, Trevor, Mayes, Ann Shelton
Why Posterity Matters: Environmental Policies and Future Generations by De-Shalit, Avner
Intermediate Science by Butzow, John
Richard Mulcaster: Positions Concerning the Training Up of Children by
Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 3: A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry by Shakhashiri, Bassam Z.
Art Through Children's Literature: Creative Art Lessons for Caldecott Books by Englebaugh, Debi
Teachers' Minds And Actions: Research On Teachers' Thinking And Practice by Handal, Gunnar, Vaage, Sveinung
Teachers' Minds And Actions: Research On Teachers' Thinking And Practice by Handal, Gunnar, Vaage, Sveinung
Equity and Excellence in Educational Testing and Assessment by