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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Teaching Instruction in 1996

Making Teaching Community Property: A Menu for Peer Collaboration and Peer Review by Hutchings, Pat
Helping with Homework: A Parent's Guide to Information Problem-Solving by Eisenberg, Michael B., Berkowitz, Robert E.
Reconceiving Mathematics Instruction: A Focus on Errrors by Borasi, Raffaella
Reconceiving Mathematics Instruction: A Focus on Errors by Borasi, Raffaella
Schoolteachers and Schooling: Ethoses in Conflict by Provenzo, E. F., McCloskey, Gary N., Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr.
Schoolteachers and Schooling: Ethoses in Conflict by Unknown, McCloskey, Gary N., Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr.
Schriftkultur Und Reichsverwaltung Unter Den Karolingern: Referate Des Kolloquiums Der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften Am 17./18. by
Stories From the Heart: Teachers and Students Researching their Literacy Lives by Meyer, Richard J.
Contemporary Spoken Persian Volume 2 by Marashi, Mehdi
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Geisteswissenschaften Vorträge - G 339 by Dassmann, Ernst
Der Ort Der Bundesrepublik in Der Deutschen Geschichte by Schwarz, Hans-Peter
Everything about Theatre!: A Comprehensive Survey about the Arts and Crafts of the Stage by Lee, Robert L.
Manichäische Kunst an Der Seidenstraße: Alte Und Neue Funde: 378. Sitzung Am 23. November 1994 in Düsseldort by Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim
Strategies for Teaching Middle-Level General Music by
Strategies for Teaching Beginning and Intermediate Band by
Strategies for Teaching Middle-Level and High School Keyboard by
Challenging Minds: Thinking Skills and Enrichment Activities by Kelly, Lynne, Stonequist, Susan
It's Alive!: Math Like You've Never Known It Before (Grades 4-8) by Washington, David, Ford Washington, Mary, Kleiman, Asa
It's Alive! and Kicking!: Math the Way It Ought to Be - Tough, Fun, and a Little Weird! (Grades 4-8) by Washington, David, Kleiman, Asa, Ford Washington, Mary
Children's Early Text Construction by
Transforming Curriculum for a Culturally Diverse Society by Hollins, Etta R.
The Wrecking Yard: Of Games and Activities by Jones, Alanna
Language Teaching and Skill Learning by Johnson, Keith
Four Women Poets by
Quizzes for 220 Great Children's Books: The Quest Motivational Reading Program by Wickstrom, Polly Jeanne
Glues Brews and Goos by Marks, Diana F.
The Bookmark Book by Goodrich, Debra, Montgomery, Paula K., Brodie, Carolyn S.
Why We Assess Students -- And How: The Competing Measures of Student Performance by Lockwood, Robert E.
101 Dance Games for Children: Fun and Creativity with Movement by Rooyackers, Paul
101 Dance Games for Children: Fun and Creativity with Movement by Rooyackers, Paul
The Self-Directed Teacher: Managing the Learning Process by Clarice, Lamb, Nunan, David, David, Nunan
Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood by Lillard, Paula Polk
Examining the Examinations: An International Comparison of Science and Mathematics Examinations for College-Bound Students by
Visualization and Optimization by Jones, Christopher V.
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume XI by
Developing Reflective Practice: Learning About Teaching And Learning Through Modelling by Loughran, J. John
Developing Reflective Practice: Learning About Teaching And Learning Through Modelling by Loughran, J. John
Multivariate Analysis of Data in Sensory Science: Volume 16 by
Listening to Children in Educ by Davie, Ronald, Galloway, David M.
Building Parent-Teacher Communication: An Educator's Guide by Christopher, Cindy J.
A Free and Ordered Space: The Real World of the University by Giamatti, A. Bartlett
Learning Through Real-World Problem Solving: The Power of Integrative Teaching by Nagel, Nancy G.
Benchmarking: A Guide for Educators by Tucker, Susan A., The Network Inc
Great Moments in Science: Experiments and Readers Theatre by Haven, Kendall
The Chalk Dust Collection: Thoughts and Reflections on Teaching in Colleges & Universities by Fisch, Linc
Ready, Set, Cooperate by Barron, Marlene
The Compleat Observer?: A Field Research Guide to Observation by
Teachers as Course Developers by
Literacy Goes to School: The Parents′ Role in Young Children′s Literacy Learning by Garber, Jo
Towards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study by
Towards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study by
Teacher Evaluation: Guide to Effective Practice by Shinkfield, Anthony J., Stufflebeam, D. L.
Pre-K Math: Concepts from Global Sources by Manthey, Cynthia M.
Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professorial Power by Passeron, Jean-Claude, de Saint Martin, Monique, Bourdieu, Pierre
Implementing Performance Assessment: Promises, Problems, and Challenges by
Teacher's Plan Book Plus #5 by Canter, Lee
French Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I & Henry II by Knecht, R. J.
Teaching Macbeth (and More): Better Planning, Better Learning by Flickstein, Dan
Teaching Macbeth (and More): Better Planning, Better Learning by Flickstein, Dan
Interaction in the Language Curriculum: Awareness, Autonomy and Authenticity by Lier, Leo Van
Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Sunny Days: Linking Fiction to Nonfiction by Perry, Phyllis J.
On Reading by Goodman, Ken
The Power of Storytelling: A Step-By-Step Guide to Dramatic Learning in K-12 by Mason, Harriet T.
Teacher Thinking in Cultural Contexts by
Teachers' Professional Lives by Goodson, Ivor F.
Teachers' Professional Lives by Goodson, Ivor F.
ABC Books and Activities: From Preschool to High School by Cooper, Cathie Hilterbran
Reaching Students: Teachers′ Ways of Knowing by Collinson, Vivienne
The Curricular Integration of Ethics: Theory and Practice by Lisman, C. David
Teaching in the Block: Strategies for Engaging Active Learners by Rettig, Michael D., Canady, Robert Lynn
The Power of CALL by
How to Assess the Vocational Curriculum by Ecclestone, Kathryn
Teacher's Guide to Performance-Based Learning and Assessment by Hibbard, K. Michael
Teaching and Training for Non-Teachers by Milne, Derek L., Noone, Steve
Literature Links to Phonics: A Balanced Approach; Grades K-3 by Durica, Karen Morrow, Unknown
Exploring Diversity: Literature Themes and Activities for Grades 48 by Brown, Jean, Stephens, Elaine
Beyond the Bean Seed: Gardening Activities for Grades K6 by Jurenka, Nancy, Blass, Rosanne
Teachers! Prepare Your Students for the Mathematics for Sat* I: Methods and Problem-Solving Strategies by Krulik, Stephen, Posamentier, Alfred S.
Professional Development as Transformative Learning: New Perspectives for Teachers of Adults by Cranton, Patricia
Teachers! Prepare Your Students for the Mathematics for Sat* I: Methods and Problem-Solving Strategies by Posamentier, Alfred S., Krulik, Stephen
International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration by
Face to Face: Communication and Conflict Resolution in the Schools by Morse, Philip S., Ivey, Allen E.
Researching into Teaching Methods: In Colleges and Universities by Higgins, Chris (All Senior Lecturers We, Bennett, Clinton, Foreman-Peck, Lorraine
Researching into Assessment & Evaluation by Ashcroft, Kate, Palacio, David
United We Solve: 116 Math Problems for Groups by Erickson, Tim
Face to Face: Communication and Conflict Resolution in the Schools by Morse, Philip S., Ivey, Allen E.
Effective Curriculum Management: Co-ordinating Learning in the Primary School by
Reflection Through Interaction: The Classroom Experience Of Pupils With Learning Difficulties by Moray House Institute of Education, Judith Watson
Our Evolving Curriculum: Part I: A Special Issue of Peabody Journal of Education by
Songs to Sing and Picture: Grades Prek-2 by Kinghorn, Harriet R., Dudley, Lillian L.
Curriculum as Conversation: Transforming Traditions of Teaching and Learning by Applebee, Arthur N.
Teacher Appraisal Observed by Haynes, G., Wikely, Felicity, Wragg, E. C.
Middle Level Education: An Annotated Bibliography by Totten, Samuel, Sills-Briegel, Toni, Barta, Kathleen
Any Child Can Read Better: Developing Your Child's Reading Skills Outside the Classroom by Wiener, Harvey S.
Personalizing Professional Growth: Staff Development That Works by Marczely, Bernadette
Taking the Classroom Into the Community: A Guidebook by Glasgow, Neal A.
Learning for Life: Creating Classrooms for Self-Directed Learning by Bradley, R. C., Areglado, Ronald J., Lane, Pamela S.
London's Women Teachers: Gender, Class and Feminism, 1870-1930 by Copelman, Dina
The Teacher Portfolio: A Strategy for Professional Development and Evaluation by Green, James, Smyser, Sheryl O'Sullivan
National Standards in American Education: A Citizen's Guide by Ravitch, Diane
Putting Research to Work in Your School by Casanova, Ursula
High-Risk Children in Schools: Constructing Sustaining Relationships by Pianta, Robert, Walsh, Daniel
Drawing with Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too by Brookes, Mona
Teacher Smart!: 125 Tested Techniques for Classroom Management & Control by Watson, George
Civic Mathematics: Fundamentals in the Context of Social Issues by Vatter, Terry
Educating Through Art: Exploring the Roots of Steiner-Waldorf Education and the Role of Art by Nobel, Agnes
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Pearl by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Pride and Prejudice by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Pygmalion by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Red Badge of Courage by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Red Pony by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The River by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Rumble Fish by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Separate Peace by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Slave Dancer by Sherman, Janine H.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Sounder by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Stranger by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Summer of My German Soldier by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Christmas Carol by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Contender by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Cry the Beloved Counrty by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Death of a Salesman by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: When the Legends Die by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Where the Red Fern Grows by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: E. A. Poe Stories by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: White Fang by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Glass Menagerie by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Good Earth by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Hiroshima by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Sherman, Janine H.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Jacob Have I Loved by Sherman, Janine H.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Jane Eyre by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Johnny Tremain by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Julie of the Wolves by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Macbeth by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Midsummer Night's Dream by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: My Antonia by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Native Son by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Number the Stars by Sherman, Janine H.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Odyssey by Linde, Barbara M., Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Our Town by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Outsiders by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Pigman by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Old Man and the Sea by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Of Mice and Men by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Inherit the Wind by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Raisin in the Sun by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Hatchet by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Wrinkle in Time by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Othello by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Great Gatsby by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Fahrenheit 451 by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Treasure Island by Collins, Mary B.
Teaching Writing as Reflective Practice by Hillocks, George
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Call of the Wild by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Flowers for Algernon by Linde, Barbara M.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Catcher in the Rye by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: The Hound of the Baskervilles by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: A Tale of Two Cities by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Brave New World by Collins, Mary B.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Animal Farm by Collins, Mary B.
An Apple for the Teacher: Computers and Work in Elementary Schools by Andris, Melissa Evans
Approaches to Algebra: Perspectives for Research and Teaching by
Windows on Mathematical Meanings: Learning Cultures and Computers by Hoyles, Celia, Noss, Richard
Mathematics for Tomorrow's Young Children by
Approaches to Algebra: Perspectives for Research and Teaching by
A Practical Guide to Staff Development and Appraisal in Schools by Horne, Helen, Pierce, Anthony
Interactive Approaches to Teaching: A Framework for INSET by Collis, Mark, Lacey, Penny
Curriculum Action Research: A Handbook of Methods and Resources for the Reflective Practitioner by McKernan, James
Teaching What You're Not: Identity Politics in Higher Education by
The Giant Encyclopedia of Circle Time and Group Activities: For Children 3 to 6 by Charner, Kathy
Does Money Matter?: The Effect of School Resources on Student Achievement and Adult Success by
Effective Alternative Education Programs: Best Practices from Planning through Evaluation by Chalker, Christopher Scott
My First Year as a Teacher by
Tools for Writing: Creating Writer′s Workshops for Grades 2-8 by Boone, Barbara Z.
Assessing Hands-On Science: A Teacher′s Guide to Performance Assessment by Brown, Janet Harley, Shavelson, Richard J.
Bilingual Education: A Dialogue with the Bakhtin Circle by Moraes, Marcia
Cheese! Yummy Cheese! (English) by Hepker, Sue
Vusirala the Giant (English) by Matross, Vuyokasi, Ntliziywana, Cecelia, Mabece, Nodumo
The Terrible Graakwa (English) by Corneilse, Janine, Edwards, Marcelle, January, Jamela
Baby Monkey's Bananas (English) by Hepker, Sue
A Long Way to Baba (English) by Hepker, Sue
Ntsiki's Surprise (English) by Hitchcock, Elizabeth, Cousins, Colleen, Jamnda, Ntsiki
The Little Lost Goat (English) by Mjindi, Caroline, Prehn, Brian, Jesperson, Amanda
One Dark Dark Night (English) by Beake, Lesley, Bouma, Paddy, Jantjies, Maggie
Hic ... Hic ... Hiccups (English) by Hofmeyr, Dianne
Chameleon's Clever Trick (English) by Kom, Ntombizine, Hollemann, Monika, Pooler, Helen
Yawning Is Catching (English) by Manning, Denise, Burkett, Beverley, Radasi, Lungi
Umoyana, the Little Wind by Appleby, Sue, Bala, Buyiswa, Ciliza, Xolela
Thuli's Mattress by Mlombo, Velaphi, Littlewort, Elizabeth, Shapiro, Jonathan
Eddie Ndlovu by Durden, Emma, Durno, James, Baskiti, Misiwe
Does Your Father Snore? by Sikhosana, Nombulelo, Luckett, Kathy, Sandalls, Sylve
Crocodile's Sore Tooth (English) by Pantsi, Linda, Gwazube, Fundisile, Khumalo, Lulu
Dorothy's Visit (English) by Ward, Sally, Dlhomo, Bongi
Conflict Resolution in the Schools: A Manual for Educators by Girard, Kathryn, Koch, Susan J.
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