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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Teaching Instruction in 2004

Ways to Think about Mathematics: Activities and Investigations for Grade 6-12 Teachers by Addington, Susan, Arshavsky, Nina, Benson, Steve
Education and the Knowledge Society: Information Technology Supporting Human Development by
Assessing Teacher, Classroom, and School Effects: A Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education by
The Learning Communities Guide to Improving Reading Instruction by Rozzelle, M. Jan, Gregory, Valerie Hastings
Servants of the Poor: Teachers and Mobility in Ireland and Irish America by Nolan, Janet
Servants of the Poor: Teachers and Mobility in Ireland and Irish America by Nolan, Janet
Music, Education, and Multiculturalism: Foundations and Principles by Volk, Terese M.
The Outline of Psychometry 1926 by McDermott, Charles Henry
The Teaching of Apocrypha and Apocalypse 1925 by Hawley, Charles Arthur
Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing: A Handbook of Writing in Education by
Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing: A Handbook of Writing in Education by
Large-scale Testing of Students With Disabilities: A Special Issue of exceptionality by
Math Essentials, Middle School Level: Lessons and Activities for Test Preparation by Thompson, Frances McBroom
Essential Vce Psychology Units 3 and 4 by Gridley, Heather, McKersie, Christine, Cribb, Beverley
Faculty Groups: From Frustration to Collaboration by Wheelan, Susan A.
Minority Report: How African Americans and Hispanics Can Increase Their Test Scores by Gunn, Harry E., Singh, Jaswinder
Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives by
Writing Essentials: Raising Expectations and Results While Simplifying Teaching [With DVD] by Routman, Regie
Cambridge Checkpoints Vce Further Mathematics 2005 by Duncan, Neil
Teacher Under Construction: Things I Wish I'd Known!: A Survival Handbook for New Middle School Teachers by Parks, Jerry L.
Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education by
Rain, Steam, and Speed: Building Fluency in Adolescent Writers by Fleming, Gerald, Pike-Baky, Meredith
Faculty Groups: From Frustration to Collaboration by Wheelan, Susan A.
Differentiated Literacy Strategies for Student Growth and Achievement in Grades K-6 by Gregory, Gayle H., Kuzmich, Linda M.
Collaborative Peer Coaching That Improves Instruction: The 2 + 2 Performance Appraisal Model by
A Compass for the Classroom: How Teachers (and Students) Can Find Their Way & Keep from Getting Lost by Di Giulio, Robert C., Benshea, Noah
The Didactical Challenge of Symbolic Calculators: Turning a Computational Device Into a Mathematical Instrument by
Inclusion and Behaviour Management in Schools: Issues and Challenges by
Addressing Pupil's Behaviour: Responses at District, School and Individual Levels by
Cool Story Programs for the School-Age Crowd by Reid, Rob
Growing Readers: Units of Study in the Primary Classroom by Collins, Kathy
Reading the Visual by Schirato, Tony
Explaining Reproduction: Student Exercises and Teachers Guide by Ross, Jim, Lattner, Mike
Differentiated Instruction: Making It Work: A Practical Guide to Planning, Managing, and Implementing Differentiated Instruction to Meet the Needs of by Drapeau, Patti
A Compass for the Classroom: How Teachers (and Students) Can Find Their Way & Keep from Getting Lost by Benshea, Noah, Di Giulio, Robert C.
Wordplaygrounds: Reading, Writing, and Performing Poetry in the English Classroom by O'Connor, John S.
From Principles of Learning to Strategies for Instruction: Empirically Based Ingredients to Guide Instructional Development by Perencevich, Kathleen C., Kett, Allyson L., Seidel, Robert J.
Popular Music Genres: An Introduction by Borthwick, Stuart, Moy, Ron
500 Tips for Open and Online Learning by Race, Phil
Curriculum and Pedagogy in Inclusive Education: Values Into Practice by
Improving Assessment Through Student Involvement: Practical Solutions for Aiding Learning in Higher and Further Education by Falchikov, Nancy
Dyslexia and English by Turner, Elizabeth, Pughe, Jayne
Essential Vce Psychology Units 1 and 2 by Gridley, Heather, McKersie, Christine, Cribb, Beverley
Differentiated Literacy Strategies for Student Growth and Achievement in Grades K-6 by Gregory, Gayle H., Kuzmich, Linda M.
Physical Education: Essential Issues by
Improving Early Literacy: Strategies and Activities for Struggling Students (K-3) by Miller, Wilma H.
Study Max: Improving Study Skills in Grades 9-12 by Greene, Lawrence J.
What Successful Mentors Do: 81 Research-Based Strategies for New Teacher Induction, Training, and Support by McNary, Sarah J., Glasgow, Neal A., Hicks, Cathy D.
How to Explain a Brain: An Educator′s Handbook of Brain Terms and Cognitive Processes by Sylwester, Robert A.
The Ten Commandments of Professionalism for Teachers: Wisdom from a Veteran Teacher by Gill, Vickie
Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT: A Guide to the ITTNC by Higgins, Steve, Packard, Nick
Meeting the Standards in Primary English: A Guide to ITT NC by
Anchors and Sails: A Reading Program for Beginners by Jaremko, Bev
Liberties Lost: The Indigenous Caribbean and Slave Systems by Beckles, Hilary MCD, Shepherd, Verene A.
Fusion: A Whole Year's Worth of Teaching for 5-12s by Griffiths, Mark
Breaking Away from the Math Book II: More Creative Projects for Grades K-8 by Baggett, Patricia, Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej
Language Testing and Validation: An Evidence-Based Approach by Weir, C.
Language Testing and Validation: An Evidence-Based Approach by Weir, C.
Multimediale Und Interaktive Lernraume by Kritzenberger, Huberta
Getting the Buggers to Write 2nd Edition: 2nd Edition by Cowley, Sue
Teachers Do Make a Difference: The Teacher's Guide to Connecting with Students by Deiro, Judith A.
Children, Families and Schools: Developing Partnerships for Inclusive Education by Beveridge, Sally
Effective Learning and Teaching in Social Policy and Social Work by
Effective Learning and Teaching in Social Policy and Social Work by
The Concept of the Buddha: Its Evolution from Early Buddhism to the Trikaya Theory by Guang Xing
Bildungscontrolling Im E-Learning: Erfolgreiche Strategien Und Erfahrungen Jenseits Des Roi by
Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education: Policy, Practice and Values by
Teaching Reading Strategies in the School Library by Shaw, Sarah, Walker, Christine
Cambridge Checkpoints Vce Business Management 2005 by Wharton, Alan
Enunciation and Articulation: a Practical Manual for Teachers and Schools by Boyce, Ella M.
Analysing Exemplary Science Teaching by Bencze, Larry, Pedretti, Erminia, Alsop, Steve
A Curriculum For Jewish Religious Schools by Landesman, Alter F.
How To Play Better Chess by Reinfield, Fred
How to Play Better Chess by Reinfeld, Fred, Reinfield, Fred
Choosing Students: Higher Education Admissions Tools for the 21st Century by
Assessing Science Understanding: A Human Constructivist View by
Teaching for Understanding with Technology by Breit, Lisa, Wiske, Martha Stone
Aligning and Balancing the Standards-Based Curriculum by Squires, David A.
Amazing Social Studies Activities: Participatory Learning Models by Neuhauser, Jennifer, Fisher, Mercedes M., Coleman, Bonita
Teaching Science for Understanding: A Human Constructivist View by
Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy by Butler, William Archer
Teaching Cross-Cultural Values: 50 Interactive Critical Reasoning Skills Development Activities by Gonzalez, Deborah
12 Fabulously Funny Folktale Plays: Boost Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension! by Martin, Justin McCory, Martin, Justin
Children, Families and Schools: Developing Partnerships for Inclusive Education by Beveridge, Sally
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale by Cryer, Debby, Harms, Thelma, Clifford, Richard M.
Inspired English: Raising Test Scores and Writing Effectiveness Through Poetry and Fiction by LaCroix, Lorraine
Science Essentials, Elementary Level: Lessons and Activities for Test Preparation by Handwerker, Mark J.
Whole-Faculty Study Groups: Creating Professional Learning Communities That Target Student Learning by Murphy, Carlene U., Lick, Dale W.
The Ten Commandments of Professionalism for Teachers: Wisdom from a Veteran Teacher by Gill, Vickie
How to Explain a Brain: An Educator′s Handbook of Brain Terms and Cognitive Processes by Sylwester, Robert A.
Mathematics for ESL Learners by Arrowood, Janet C.
Teach More and Discipline Less: Preventing Problem Behaviors in the K-6 Classroom by Reider, Barbara
The Art of Problem Posing by Walter, Marion I., Brown, Stephen I.
The Art of Problem Posing by Brown, Stephen I., Walter, Marion I.
Reading: A Special Issue of Exceptionality by
44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Mistakes by Orange, Carolyn M.
Changing How We Teach and Learn with Handheld Computers by Staudt, Carolyn
Teaching Difficult Students: Blue Jays in the Classroom by Gnezda, Nicole M.
Science Essentials, High School Level: Lessons and Activities for Test Preparation by Handwerker, Mark J.
Study Max: Improving Study Skills in Grades 9-12 by Greene, Lawrence J.
Methods of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts: The Methodology Chapters from the Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Art by
Common-Sense Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers by Lindberg, Jill A., Swick, April M., Kelley, Dianne Evans
Curriculum Design for Writing Instruction: Creating Standards-Based Lesson Plans and Rubrics by Glass, Kathy Tuchman
Narratives from the Classroom: An Introduction to Teaching by
Learning in Science: The Waikato Research by Bell, Beverley
Learning in Science: The Waikato Research by Bell, Beverley
Moondog Verse: One Independent School Teacher's Manifesto and Manual for Teaching Creative Writing to Middle Schoolers by Winans, David
Causes of the Revolution by Mulhall, Jill K.
Life in the Colonies by Smith, Emily R.
Science Essentials, Middle School Level: Lessons and Activities for Test Preparation by Handwerker, Mark J.
John Dewey and the Art of Teaching: Toward Reflective and Imaginative Practice by Simpson, Judy C., Simpson, Douglas J., Jackson, Michael J. B.
Art Practice as Research: Inquiry in the Visual Arts by Sullivan, Graeme
Changing How We Teach and Learn with Handheld Computers by Staudt, Carolyn
Reckoning with the Past: Teaching History in Northern Ireland by Smith, Margaret Eastman
John Dewey and the Art of Teaching: Toward Reflective and Imaginative Practice by Simpson, Douglas J., Jackson, Michael J. B., Simpson, Judy C.
Narratives from the Classroom: An Introduction to Teaching by
Teaching English: A Handbook for Primary and Secondary School Teachers by
Just Who Do We Think We Are?: Methodologies for Autobiography and Self-Study in Education by
The Struggle for the General Teaching Council by Willis, Richard
How to Be a Successful Form Tutor by Rogers, Richard, Marland Cbe, Michael
Leading Learning in a Changing World: Using Children's Literature for Professional Dialogue by Rotholz, Julie A., Jacobs, Jacqueline E.
Teaching Durkheim by
Teaching and Learning Geometry by French, Doug
Warfighting and Disruptive Technologies: Disguising Innovation by Pierce, Terry
Writing Skills Activities for Special Children by Mannix, Darlene
Teaching and Learning: Lessons from Psychology by Fox, Richard
Reading Stories for Comprehension Success: Senior High Level, Reading Levels 10-12 by Hall, Katherine L.
Democracy and Music Education: Liberalism, Ethics, and the Politics of Practice by Woodford, Paul G.
190 Ready-To-Use Activities That Make English Fun! by Anthony, Alan, Watson, George
The Second World War by Roberts, Ian, Moses, Brian
Insights Into Teaching Mathematics by Orton, Anthony, Frobisher, Leonard
Education for Citizenship by Lawton, Denis, Cairns, Jo, Gardner, Roy
Learning Mathematics: Issues, Theory and Classroom Practice by Orton, Anthony
Classic Connections: Turning Teens on to Great Literature by Koelling, Holly
Teaching and Learning Design and Technology: A Guide to Recent Research and Its Applications by Eggleston, John
Learning Mathematics: Issues, Theory and Classroom Practice by Orton, Anthony
Literacy Moves On: Using Popular Culture, New Technologies and Critical Literacy in the Primary Classroom by
Victorians by Moses, Brian, Roberts, Ian