• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technical Theater in 2004

Literary Ideas and Scripts for Young Playwrights by Cobb, Lisa
Dodin and the Maly Drama Theatre: Process to Performance by Shevstova, Maria
Dodin and the Maly Drama Theatre: Process to Performance by Shevstova, Maria
Virtual Theatres: An Introduction by Giannachi, Gabriella
An Actor's Handbook: An Alphabetical Arrangement of Concise Statements on Aspects of Acting, Reissue of First Edition by Stanislavski, Constantin
Bright Lights, Big Changes by Rivellino, Steven
Bright Lights, Big Changes by Rivellino, Steven
Erwin Piscators Theater gegen das Schweigen by Wannemacher, Klaus
You Can't Do That on Broadway!: A Raisin in the Sun and Other Theatrical Improbabilities by Rose, Philip
Working on a New Play: A Play Development Handbook for Actors, Directors, Designers & Playwrights by Cohen, Edward M.
Harold Prince: A Director's Journey by Ilson, Carol
Producing Theatre: A Comprehensive Legal and Business Guide by Farber, Donald C.
Advice to a Player: A Collection of Monologues from Shakespeare with Explanatory Notes by MacKechnie, Donald
Swashbuckling: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art of Stage Combat & Theatrical Swordplay by Lane, Richard
Light on the Subject: Stage Lighting for Directors & Actors: And the Rest of Us by Hays, David
The Cinematic Theater by Ebrahimian, Babak A.
The Theatre of Suzuki Tadashi by Takahashi, Yasunari, Carruthers, Ian, Yasunari, Takahashi
Critter Costuming: Making Mascots and Fabricating Fursuits by Riggs, Adam
Essentials of Stage Management by Maccoy, Peter
American Puppetry: Collections, History and Performance by
The Long Christmas Ride Home by Vogel, Paula
Introduction to Stage Lighting: The Fundamentals of Theatre Lighting Design by Swift, Charles I.
The Theater Is in the Street: Politics and Public Performance in 1960s America by Martin, Bradford D.
Directions and Directing 1910 by Green, H. S.
ShowSmarts (tm): The Volunteer's Guide for Putting on Shows with Kids by Koerpel, Terra
Introduction to Stage Lighting: The Fundamentals of Theatre Lighting Design by Swift, Charles I.
The Art of Directing by Bellas, Ralph, Kirk, Christina, Kirk, John W.
The Art of Directing by Bellas, Ralph, Kirk, Christina, Kirk, John W.