• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technical Theater in 2015

Brecht on Performance: Messingkauf and Modelbooks by Brecht, Bertolt
Performing the Nation in Global Korea: Transnational Theatre by Lee, H., Lee, Hyunjung
Theatre and Aural Attention: Stretching Ourselves by Home-Cook, George
Unmasking Theatre Design: A Designer's Guide to Finding Inspiration and Cultivating Creativity by Porter, Lynne
Voices from Within: Grotowski's Polish Collaborators by
Readings in Performance and Ecology by Arons, Wendy, May, Theresa J.
Hurt People: The Stage Play: When the pains of your past causes someone else to hurt. by B, Lafreddie
Woman on Trial: Gender and the Accused Woman in Plays from Ancient Greece to the Contemporary Stage by
Music Direction for the Stage: A View from the Podium by Church, Joseph
Panto: The MANUAL: How to put on a pantomime and make a community. by Pastor, Andrew, Hesketh, Brian
Theater for Beginners by Maxwell, Richard
Modernist and Avant-Garde Performance: An Introduction by Warden, Claire
Modernist and Avant-Garde Performance: An Introduction by Warden, Claire
Beautiful Chaos: A Life in the Theater by Perloff, Carey
Samuel Beckett's Theatre in America: The Legacy of Alan Schneider as Beckett's American Director by Bianchini, N.
Production Stage Management for Broadway: From Idea to Opening Night & Beyond by Lawrence, Peter
Coaching Pre-Broadway Actors: Stress free strategies for directors who have a day job by Mills, Daniel B.
Motion Capture in Performance: An Introduction by Delbridge, M.
Entr'acte: Performing Publics, Pervasive Media, and Architecture by
The Theatrical Manager in Britain and America: Player of a Perilous Game by
David Belasco: Naturalism in the American Theatre by Marker, Lise-Lone
Stress Free Directing: Strategies for staging a play or musical for the director who has a day job and wants to keep it by Mills, Daniel B.
Harlequin Britain: Pantomime and Entertainment, 1690-1760 by O'Brien, John
Structural Design for the Stage by Holden, Alys, Sammler, Bronislaw, Powers, Bradley
Performing the Nation in Global Korea: Transnational Theatre by Lee, H., Lee, Hyunjung
Truth in Play: Drama Strategies for Building Meaningful Performances by
Youth Theatre: Drama for Life by Richardson, Michael
Youth Theatre: Drama for Life by Richardson, Michael
Chance Magazine: Issue 4: Unbound by Chance Magazine Editorial Staff
Stanislavski for Beginners by Allen, David
Remaking the Comedia: Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation by
Kasper, Kasper!: Vier moderne Kasperle-Theaterstücke zum Selberspielen by Hanns, Volkhard
Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America: Artists, Activists, Cultural Critics by Essin, E.
Shakespeare and Costume by
Dramaturgy in the Making: A User's Guide for Theatre Practitioners by Trencsényi, Katalin
Applied Theatre: Development by Prentki, Tim
Applied Theatre: Development by Prentki, Tim
Dramaturgy in the Making: A User's Guide for Theatre Practitioners by Trencsényi, Katalin
The Glory Days of the Newman Ursuline Players by Oliva, Frank
Theatre and Aural Attention: Stretching Ourselves by Home-Cook, George
What Do I Know?: People, Politics and the Arts by Eyre, Richard
Revision as Resistance in Twentieth-Century American Drama by Malburne-Wade, M.
Directing Young People in Theatre: A Guide to Staging Plays with Young Casts by Lane, Samantha
Directing Young People in Theatre: A Guide to Staging Plays with Young Casts by Lane, Samantha
A Stage Manager's Survival Guide: From Callbacks to Closing by Marko, Michelle
The Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance by
Secrets of Ventriloquism by Holt, Steve J., Holt, Vickie Hodge
Performing Shakespeare by Aykroyd, J. W.
Theatre of the Unimpressed: In Search of Vital Drama by Tannahill, Jordan
Tirelli 50: The Wardrobe of Dreams by D'Amico, Caterina, D'Amico, Masolino, D'Amico, Silvia
An Actor's Companion: Tools for the Working Actor by Barrish, Seth
A Practical Guide to Ensemble Devising by Robinson, Davis
Grotowski, Women, and Contemporary Performance: Meetings with Remarkable Women by Magnat, Virginie
Another Farewell to the Theatre: Occasional Writings, 2000-2013 by Honea, Marc
Not Magic But Work: An Ethnographic Account of a Rehearsal Process by McAuley, Gay
Joan Littlewood's Theatre by Holdsworth, Nadine
Handbuch Angewandter Dramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzaehlens - Film, TV und Games by Stutterheim, Kerstin
Remapping Performance: Common Ground, Uncommon Partners by Cohen-Cruz, Jan
Remapping Performance: Common Ground, Uncommon Partners by Cohen-Cruz, Jan
Digital Movement: Essays in Motion Technology and Performance by
Innovation in Five Acts: Strategies for Theatre and Performance by
The 30-Minute Shakespeare Anthology: 18 Student Scenes with Monologues by Shakespeare, William
The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy by
Directing Scenes and Senses: The Thinking of Regie by Boenisch, Peter
Culture Is the Body: The Theatre Writings of Tadashi Suzuki by Suzuki, Tadashi
The Physics of Theatre: Mechanics by Martell, Eric C., Martell, Verda Beth
Princess Rosette by Stephens, B. Marie
The Inn Keeper's Wife by Thomas, T. M.
Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century: Compilation of Work on Rigging Practices, Safety, and Related Topics by
Mechanical Design for the Stage by Hendrickson, Alan
Devising Theatre: A Practical and Theoretical Handbook by Oddey, Alison
The Active Text: Unlocking Plays Through Physical Theatre by Callery, Dymphna
Russian Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution, and Design by
Drama Menu: Theatre Games in Three Courses by Trefor-Jones, Glyn
Real-World Theatre Education: A Teacher's Guide to Growing a Theatre Education Program by Rome, Chip, Dillard, Zoë
Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in Contemporary Dance and Performance by Cvejic, Bojana
Sound and Music for the Theatre: The Art and Technique of Design by Kaye, Deena, Lebrecht, James
Acting; The First Six Lessons by Boleslavsky, Richard
Acting; The First Six Lessons by Boleslavsky, Richard
Fists Upon a Star: A Memoir of Love, Theatre, and Escape from McCarthyism by James, Florence B.
Devising Performance: A Critical History by Milling, Jane, Heddon, Deirdre
Devising Performance: A Critical History by Milling, Jane, Heddon, Deirdre
Sound and Music for the Theatre: The Art and Technique of Design by Lebrecht, James, Kaye, Deena
Halloween Edition by Feiler F., Tanja
Play Readings: A Complete Guide for Theatre Practitioners by Urbinati, Rob
Rethinking Practice as Research and the Cognitive Turn by May, S.
Improvisation in Drama, Theatre and Performance: History, Practice, Theory by Frost, Anthony, Yarrow, Ralph
Improvisation in Drama, Theatre and Performance: History, Practice, Theory by Frost, Anthony, Yarrow, Ralph
The Comedy Improv Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to University Improvisational Comedy in Theatre and Performance by O'Hara, Siobhan, Fotis, Matt
Play Readings: A Complete Guide for Theatre Practitioners by Urbinati, Rob
The Comedy Improv Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to University Improvisational Comedy in Theatre and Performance by Fotis, Matt, O'Hara, Siobhan
"More Fog, Please": 31 Years Directing Community and High School Musicals by Jordan, Susan Moore
The Scenes We Made: An Oral History of Experimental Theatre in Mumbai (Large Print Edition) by
Entr'acte: Performing Publics, Pervasive Media, and Architecture by
Adolphe Appia: Artist and Visionary of the Modern Theatre by Beacham, Richard C.
Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America: Artists, Activists, Cultural Critics by Essin, E.
Broadway Revealed: Behind the Theater Curtain by
Technical Management for the Performing Arts: Utilizing Time, Talent, and Money by Shanda, Mark, Dorn, Dennis
The Technical Director's Toolkit: Process, Forms, and Philosophies for Successful Technical Direction by Stribling, Zachary, Girtain, Richard
The Technical Director's Toolkit: Process, Forms, and Philosophies for Successful Technical Direction by Girtain, Richard, Stribling, Zachary
Teaching Drama: Fundamentals and Beyond: A System Using more than 250 Exercises, Improvisations and Activities by Crockett, Thomas
Why Stand-Up Matters: How Comedians Manipulate and Influence by Quirk, Sophie
On Directing Shakespeare by Berry, Ralph
Busking as a Mercenary Art: or How to Hustle a Bar, Restaurant, or Street by King of the Street Conjurors, Alfie, Moore, J. Paul
Cracking Shakespeare: A Hands-On Guide for Actors and Directors + Video by Hunter, Kelly
Technical Management for the Performing Arts: Utilizing Time, Talent, and Money by Shanda, Mark, Dorn, Dennis
So You Want to Be a Theatre Designer? by Pavelka, Michael
Willow's Friends Surprise Her by Parker, April
Dramaturgy in Motion: At Work on Dance and Movement Performance by Profeta, Katherine