• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technical Theater in 2018

Theatre Management: Arts Leadership for the 21st Century by Rhine, Anthony
Transmissions in Dance: Contemporary Staging Practices by
To Act Is to Do: Six Classes for Teachers and Actors Based on the Uta Hagen Technique by Nichols, Richard Alan
Seven Pillars Acting: A Comprehensive Technique for the Modern Actor by Cooke, Sonya
Memos from a Theatre Lab: Spaces, Relationships, and Immersive Theatre by Dinesh, Nandita
Street Performers and Society in Urban Japan, 1600-1900: The Beggar's Gift by Groemer, Gerald
Theatre Aurality by Kendrick, Lynne
The Director's Toolkit by Schraft, Robin
Cosplay 101: Getting Started by Wickham, Whitney
A Director's Companion by Shapiro, Mel
Bertolt Brecht by Mumford, Meg
Ariane Mnouchkine by Miller, Judith
Ivo van Hove Onstage by
The Art of Coarse Acting by Green, Michael Canon
Vsevolod Meyerhold by Pitches, Jonathan
Jerzy Grotowski by Slowiak, James, Cuesta, Jairo
To Act Is to Do: Six Classes for Teachers and Actors Based on the Uta Hagen Technique by Nichols, Richard Alan
Phakama: Making Participatory Performance by Santos, Fabio, Richardson, Lucy, McAvinchey, Caoimhe
Architectonographie Des Théâtres de Paris, Ou Parallèle Historique: Et Critique de Ces Édifices Considérés Sous Le Rapport de l'Architecture Et de la by Donnet-A
Décorations Et Machines Aprestées Aux Nopces de Tétis, Ballet Royal: , Représenté En La Salle Du Petit Bourbon Par Jacques Torelli, Inventeur by Torelli-G
Stage Matters: Props, Bodies, and Space in Shakespearean Performance by
Answers from The Working Actor: Two Backstage Columnists Share Ten Years of Advice by Apodaca, Jackie, Kostroff, Michael
Performing Shakespeare Unrehearsed: A Practical Guide to Acting and Producing Spontaneous Shakespeare by Kincaid, Bill
Performing Shakespeare Unrehearsed: A Practical Guide to Acting and Producing Spontaneous Shakespeare by Kincaid, Bill
Performing Trauma in Central Africa: Shadows of Empire by Edmondson, Laura
The Properties Director's Toolkit: Managing a Prop Shop for Theatre by Schlenker, Lisa, Strawn, Sandra
The Properties Director's Toolkit: Managing a Prop Shop for Theatre by Schlenker, Lisa, Strawn, Sandra
Performing Trauma in Central Africa: Shadows of Empire by Edmondson, Laura
Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre by Roth, Daniel, Oliszewski, Alex, Fine, Daniel
Moment Work: Tectonic Theater Project's Process of Devising Theater by Kaufman, Moises, Pitts McAdams, Barbara
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Patrice Chéreau by Goy-Blanquet, Dominique
Take it Easy: And More Tips for the Dedicated Improviser by Millar, Ryan
Tuatha De Danann Puppet Occultism by Rob, S.
Immersive Theatre: Engaging the Audience by
Performing Architectures: Projects, Practices, Pedagogies by
El Montaje Escénico by Eisenstein, Sergei
Lady Gregory and Irish National Theatre: Art, Drama, Politics by Remport, Eglantina
Playing the Game: A Drama Workshop Guide by Poulter, Christine
Playing the Game: A Drama Workshop Guide by Poulter, Christine
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Peter Sellars by Thompson, Ayanna
A New Corpus Christi: Plays for Churches by Bert, Norman A.
Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine by Hunt, Kristin
Alimentary Performances: Mimesis, Theatricality, and Cuisine by Hunt, Kristin
Augusto Boal by Babbage, Frances
Konstantin Stanislavsky by Merlin, Bella
A New Corpus Christi: Plays for Churches by Bert, Norman A.
Fiery Temporalities in Theatre and Performance: The Initiation of History by Wickstrom, Maurya
44 unmögliche Wetten - die Sie garantiert gewinnen by Christo
Physical Dramaturgy: Perspectives from the Field by
Scenic Construction for the Stage: Key Skills for Carpenters by Tweed, Mark
The Seagull: An Insiders' Account of the Groundbreaking Moscow Production by Efros, Anatoly
The Seagull: An Insiders' Account of the Groundbreaking Moscow Production by Efros, Anatoly
Eugenio Barba by Turner, Jane
Memos from a Theatre Lab: Immersive Theatre & Time by Dinesh, Nandita
Thinking Shakespeare (Revised Edition): A Working Guide for Actors, Directors, Students...and Anyone Else Interested in the Bard by Edelstein, Barry
Inside Improvisation: The Science Behind Theatrical Improvisation and How To Get Better by Bennett, Richard
Capture for Lighting Design by Evans, Shawn Paul, Hall, Delbert L.
Mixing a Musical: Broadway Theatrical Sound Techniques by Slaton, Shannon
Ivo Van Hove: From Shakespeare to David Bowie by
Ivo Van Hove: From Shakespeare to David Bowie by
Robert Lepage's Scenographic Dramaturgy: The Aesthetic Signature at Work by Poll, Melissa
Applied Theatre with Looked-After Children: Dramatising Social Care by MacNeill, Claire
Covering McKellen: An Understudy's Tale by Weston, David
Adapting Western Classics for the Chinese Stage by Qi, Shouhua
Acting & Auditioning for the 21st Century: Tips, Trends, and Techniques for Digital and New Media by Barton-Farcas, Stephanie
Acting & Auditioning for the 21st Century: Tips, Trends, and Techniques for Digital and New Media by Barton-Farcas, Stephanie
The Theatre of Richard Maxwell and the New York City Players by Gorman, Sarah
Contemporary Approaches to Adaptation in Theatre by
IBROadway: Musical Theatre in the Digital Age by
The Essentials of Theater: A Guide to Acting, Stagecraft, Technical Theater, and More by Mulcahy, Lisa
Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method by Sidiropoulou, Avra
Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method by Sidiropoulou, Avra
Creative and Successful Set Designs: How to Make Imaginative Sets with Limited Resources by Muffatti, Todd
Ecologies of Precarity in Twenty-First Century Theatre: Politics, Affect, Responsibility by Fragkou, Marissia
Changing Direction: A Practical Approach to Directing Actors in Film and Theatre: Foreword by Ang Lee by Dekoven, Lenore
Changing Direction: A Practical Approach to Directing Actors in Film and Theatre: Foreword by Ang Lee by Dekoven, Lenore
Colored Flames: An Anthology of Contemporary Dramatic Plays by Mills, Florence J.
An Introduction to Technical Theatre by Sanders, Tal
Michael Chekhov by Chamberlain, Franc
Australian Theatre, Modernism and Patrick White: Governing Culture by Varney, Denise, D'Urso, Sandra
The Art of Theatrical Sound Design: A Practical Guide by Deiorio, Victoria
August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity in Image, Text and Theatre by
The Art of Theatrical Sound Design: A Practical Guide by Deiorio, Victoria
Tennessee Williams on the Soviet Stage: Stage History of Five Great American Plays Performed in Soviet Russia by Shaland, Irene
Folk Theater of Rajasthan: A Special Emphasis on Folk Theatre of Eastern Rajasthan by Meena, R. N.
The Dead Stage: A Journey From Page to Stage by Weatherer, Dan
Notes on Directing: 130 Lessons in Leadership from the Director's Chair by Hauser, Frank, Reich, Russell
Ombre Cinesi di Facile Esecuzione: Come farle passo dopo passo by Raso, Mario, Raso Osaki, Yuna Matilda
Brecht on Performance: Messingkauf and Modelbooks by Brecht, Bertolt
Telling the Truth: How to Make Verbatim Theatre by Belfield, Robin
Robert Wilson by Shevtsova, Maria
Memos from a Theatre Lab: Spaces, Relationships, and Immersive Theatre by Dinesh, Nandita
A History of the Theatre Laboratory by Brown, Bryan
A History of the Theatre Laboratory by Brown, Bryan
The Secrets of Noh Masks by Udaka, Michishige
Directing Shakespeare in America: Historical Perspectives by Ney, Charles
The Birthday Party Business: How to Make A Living as A Children's Entertainer by Diamond, Hal, Kissell, Steve, Fife, Bruce
Rise Up!: Broadway and American Society from 'Angels in America' to 'Hamilton' by Jones, Chris
Stage Lighting Second Edition: The Fundamentals by Dunham, Richard E.
A Life Remembered: A Memoir of Anew McMaster by Aranson, Mary-Rose
Exploring the Art of Puppet Theatre by Davis, Paul Vincent
Subplot: Memoirs of Chicago's Kungsholm Miniature Grand Opera by Jones, Gary
Balancing Acts: Behind the Scenes at London's National Theatre by Hytner, Nicholas
Vera Violetta: Cuentos del día después... by Fraix, Luján
Immersive Theater and Activism: Scripts and Strategies for Directors and Playwrights by Dinesh, Nandita
Making Site-Specific Theatre and Performance: A Handbook by Smith, Phil
Puppets and Cities: Articulating Identities in Southeast Asia by Goodlander, Jennifer
Lady Gregory and Irish National Theatre: Art, Drama, Politics by Remport, Eglantina
The Punchdrunk Encyclopaedia by Machon, Josephine
Acting Chekhov in Translation: 4 Plays, 100 Ways by Levenson, Robin Beth
Radical Contemporary Theatre Practices By Women In Ireland by
Drawing as Performance: Theatrical Games and Techniques for Visual Artists by Orbach, Orly
Drawing as Performance: Theatrical Games and Techniques for Visual Artists by Orbach, Orly
Incapacity and Theatricality: Politics and Aesthetics in Theatre Involving Actors with Intellectual Disabilities by McCaffrey, Tony
The Prop Maker's Workshop Manual by Rigden, David H.