• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technical Theater in 2021

50 Shades of directors Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For directors: Funny gag gift for directors w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings directors wa by Stationery, Black Feather
50 Shades of actors Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For actors: Funny gag gift for actors w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings actors want to say by Actor Gift Books, Funny Swear
The Little Yiddish I Know I Learned From My Grandmother: A Memoir by Stevens, David
The Comédie-Française from Molière to Éric Ruf by Trowbridge, Simon
1001 barzellette e indovinelli per bambini: Le più belle barzellette e gli indovinelli più divertenti. Ridi a crepapelle! Per bambini da 8 anni in su, by Parlante, Il Grillo
Acting: The First Six Lessons by Boleslavsky, Richard
Tips and Tricks of the Stagehand by Clark, B. T.
Theory for Theatre Studies: Emotion by Tait, Peta
Talawa Theatre Company: A Theatrical History and the Brewster Era by Johnson, David Vivian
Robert Lepage / Ex Machina: Revolutions in Theatrical Space by Reynolds, James
Contemporary Scenography: Practices and Aesthetics in German Theatre, Arts and Design by
The Swim Team by Ramezani, Jaber
Guignol, Kasperl, Jan Klaassen, Vasilache: El Teatro Popular de Títeres de Guante - II Parte by Rumbau, Toni
Staging Technology: Medium, Machinery, and Modern Drama by Owens, Craig N.
The Feldenkrais Method in Creative Practice: Dance, Music and Theatre by
Acting: The First Six Lessons by Boleslavsky, Richard
Virtual Reality Cinema: Narrative Tips and Techniques by Love, Matt, Williams, Eric, Love, Carrie
Contemporary Rehearsal Practice: Anthony Neilson and the Devised Text by Cassidy, Gary
Rob Drummond Plays with Participation: Bullet Catch; Wallace; The Majority; Top Table; Eulogy; Rolls in Their Pockets by Drummond, Rob
Rob Drummond Plays with Participation: Bullet Catch; Wallace; The Majority; Top Table; Eulogy; Rolls in Their Pockets by Drummond, Rob
Urban Playmaking: Constructivist Teaching with a Radical Agenda by Nelson, Bethany
Dramaturgy of Form: Performing Verse in Contemporary Theatre by Lech, Kasia
12 Plays From the Great Pandemic of 2020 by Truman, Jack
Don't Read My Lips!: America's Foremost Female Ventriloquist Reveals the Secrets of How to be a Successful Vent by Brucker, April
L'Art de la mise en scène: Essai d'esthétique théâtrale: émotions, médiations, réception(s) by Becq de Fouquières, Louis
The Rise and Fall of the Royal Shakespeare Company: An Illustrated History by Trowbridge, Simon
Rehearsing Shakespeare: Ways of Approaching Shakespeare in Practice for Actors, Directors and Trainers by Rubin, Leon
Rehearsing Shakespeare: Ways of Approaching Shakespeare in Practice for Actors, Directors and Trainers by Rubin, Leon
Theatre and Performance in East Africa by Okagbue, Osita, Kasule, Samuel
Theatre and Performance in East Africa by Okagbue, Osita, Kasule, Samuel
Critical Themes in Drama: Social, Cultural and Political Analysis by Finneran, Michael, Freebody, Kelly
Critical Themes in Drama: Social, Cultural and Political Analysis by Freebody, Kelly, Finneran, Michael
A Beginner's Guide to Special Makeup Effects: Monsters, Maniacs and More by Payne, Christopher
ACT as a Feminist: Towards a Critical Acting Pedagogy by Peck, Lisa
Act as a Feminist: Towards a Critical Acting Pedagogy by Peck, Lisa
Das Theater Der Elektrizität: Technologie Und Spektakel Im Ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert by Otto, Ulf
The Reason to Sing: A Guide to Acting While Singing by Carnelia, Craig
50 Group Exercises in a Circle: Activities for Group Leaders, Therapists and Trainers by Raz, Nir
50 Group Exercises in Pairs: Activities for Group Leaders Therapists and Trainers by Raz, Nir
50 Group Exercises in Threes & Fours: Activities for Group Leaders Therapists and Trainers by Raz, Nir
Dramatism and Musical Theater: Experiments in Rhetorical Performance by Beasley, Kimberly Eckel, Beasley, James P.
Debbie Tucker Green: Critical Perspectives by
Dramatism and Musical Theater: Experiments in Rhetorical Performance by Beasley, Kimberly Eckel, Beasley, James P.
Prop Building for Beginners: Twenty Props for Stage and Screen by Hart, Eric
Prop Building for Beginners: Twenty Props for Stage and Screen by Hart, Eric
The Stringer by Callejo, Pablo, Rall, Ted
Digital Scenography: 30 Years of Experimentation and Innovation in Performance and Interactive Media by O'Dwyer, Néill
Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician: A Practical Guide for Power Distribution in Live Event Production by Cadena, Richard
The Marowitz Compendium by Marowitz, Charles
AutoCAD for Theatrical Drafting: A Resource for Designers and Technical Directors by Keisling, John
AutoCAD for Theatrical Drafting: A Resource for Designers and Technical Directors by Keisling, John
Sciamiricerche, n°9, 04/2021 (issn 2532-3830 / isbn 9788894559521): Sentire luce by Nancy, Jean-Luc, Scopelliti, Marcella, Furquim Werneck Lima, Scopelliti
Amateur and Proletarian Theatre in Post-Revolutionary Russia: Primary Sources by
The Rigging Math Made Simple Workbook by Hall, Delbert L.
A Poetics of Third Theatre: Performer Training, Dramaturgy, Cultural Action by Campbell, Patrick, Turner, Jane
The Motional Improvisation of Al Wunder by Elliott, H. R.
A Poetics of Third Theatre: Performer Training, Dramaturgy, Cultural Action by Campbell, Patrick, Turner, Jane
20 Ground-Breaking Directors of Eastern Europe: 30 Years After the Fall of the Iron Curtain by
50 Women in Theatre by Paxton, Naomi, Brooks, Gabrielle
Costume in Motion: A Guide to Collaboration for Costume Design and Choreography by Pollatsek, E. Shura
Frantic Assembly by Smith, Mark, Evans, Mark
Eugenio Barba and the Golden Apple: Witnessing Odin Teatret's Rehearsals by Cozma, Diana
Circus, Science and Technology: Dramatising Innovation by
Directing Actors: A Practical Aesthetics Approach by Cohn, Lee Michael
Directing Actors: A Practical Aesthetics Approach by Cohn, Lee Michael
Teachers in Early Modern English Drama: Pedagogy and Authority by Lambert, Jean
Spectrums of Shakespearean Crossdressing: The Art of Performing Women by Bailey Parker, Courtney
Film and the Chinese Medical Humanities by
Principles of Dramaturgy by Scanlan, Robert
The Routledge Companion to Theatre of the Oppressed by
Dramaturgy of Migration: Staging Multilingual Encounters in Contemporary Theatre by
Tennessee Williams, T-Shirt Modernism and the Refashionings of Theater by Gontarski, S. E.
Diverse Pursuits: Essays on Drama and Theatre by Malick, Javed
Variaciones Contemporáneas: El Teatro Popular de Títeres de Guante by Rumbau, Toni
To Embody the Marvelous: The Making of Illusions in Early Modern Spain by Fernández, Esther
Voiceover Narration: Creating Performances from the Inside Out by Perry, Dian
To Embody the Marvelous: The Making of Illusions in Early Modern Spain by Fernández, Esther
The Charlie Chaplin Archives by
Applied Theatre with Youth: Education, Engagement, Activism by
Applied Theatre with Youth: Education, Engagement, Activism by
Mobile Theater: Architectural Counterculture on Stage by Quesada, Fernando
Theatre-Rites: Animating Puppets, Objects and Sites by Jarvis, Liam, Buckmaster, Sue
Theatre-Rites: Animating Puppets, Objects and Sites by Jarvis, Liam, Buckmaster, Sue
The Performative Power of Vocality by Magnat, Virginie
Mise En Scène, Acting, and Space in Comics by D'Arcy, Geraint
Improvise Freely: Throw away the rulebook and unleash your creativity by Stiles, Patti
Kinaesthesia and Visual Self-Reflection in Contemporary Dance by Ehrenberg, Shantel
Staging Shakespeare: A Director's Guide to Preparing a Production by Kulick, Brian
Staging Shakespeare: A Director's Guide to Preparing a Production by Kulick, Brian
Sound Effect: The Theatre We Hear by Brown, Ross
The Routledge Pantomime Reader: 1800-1900 by
Jana Sanskriti by Yarrow, Ralph
Jana Sanskriti by Yarrow, Ralph
Rehearsal Practices of Indigenous Women Theatre Makers: Australia, Aotearoa, and Turtle Island by Syron, Liza-Mare
Breaking Into Song: Why You Shouldn't Hate Musicals by Lenson, Adam
Staging the Personal: A Guide to Safe and Ethical Practice by Baim, Clark
Flop Musicals of the Twenty-First Century: Part I: The Creatives by Purdy, Stephen
Flop Musicals of the Twenty-First Century: Part I: The Creatives by Purdy, Stephen
Directing the Decades: Lessons from Fifty Years of Becoming a Director by Dunderdale, Sue
Directing the Decades: Lessons from Fifty Years of Becoming a Director by Dunderdale, Sue
A Working Costume Designer's Guide to Color by Dejong, Jeanette
Barrie Kosky on the Contemporary Australian Stage: Affect, Post-Tragedy, Emergency by Farrell, Charlotte
Working Backstage: A Cultural History and Ethnography of Technical Theater Labor by Essin, Christin
Working Backstage: A Cultural History and Ethnography of Technical Theater Labor by Essin, Christin
The Art of Dramaturgy by Cattaneo, Anne
The Art of Resonance by Bogart, Anne
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Yukio Ninagawa by Hanratty, Conor
The Art of Resonance by Bogart, Anne
George Fitzmaurice: 'Wild in his Own Way': Biography of an Abbey Playwright by Brennan, Fiona
Performing Ice by
Making Routes: Journeys in Performance 2010-2020 by Overend, David, Bissell, Laura
Rabindranath Tagore's Theatre: From Page to Stage by Sen, Abhijit
Anne Frank on the Postwar Dutch Stage: Performance, Memory, Affect by Ensel, Remco
A History of the Theatre Costume Business: Creators of Character by Morris, Triffin I., Morris, Gregory DL, Pollock, Rachel E.
The Dramaturgy of the Door by Wagner, Matthew, Andrews, Stuart
A History of the Theatre Costume Business: Creators of Character by Morris, Triffin I., Morris, Gregory DL, Pollock, Rachel E.
The Assistant Lighting Designer's Toolkit by McMills, Anne E.
The Assistant Lighting Designer's Toolkit by McMills, Anne E.
Wig Making and Styling: A Complete Guide for Theatre & Film by Lowery, Allison, Ruskai, Martha
How to Produce a West End Show by Green, Julius
Projection Design for Theatre and Live Performance: Principles of Media Design by Dobbins, Alison C.
Theater of Lockdown: Digital and Distanced Performance in a Time of Pandemic by Fuchs, Barbara
Animation Techniques by Roberts, Steve
Short Tales 2020: Volume 3 by
What We Do Working in the Theatre by Metzler, Bo
Digital Theatre: The Making and Meaning of Live Mediated Performance, Us & UK 1990-2020 by Masura, Nadja
Slapstick: An Interdisciplinary Companion by
Heat and Alterity in Contemporary Dance: South-South Choreographies by Chatterjea, Ananya
Citizen Artists: A Guide to Helping Young People Make Plays That Change the World by Wallert, James
Citizen Artists: A Guide to Helping Young People Make Plays That Change the World by Wallert, James
Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training: Teaching and Learning for Neuro and Physical Diversity by
Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training: Teaching and Learning for Neuro and Physical Diversity by
Integrated Access in Live Performance by Fryer, Louise, Cavallo, Amelia
Integrated Access in Live Performance by Cavallo, Amelia, Fryer, Louise
Stage Management by Stern, Lawrence, Gold, Jill
Drafting Fundamentals for the Entertainment Classroom: A Process-Based Introduction Integrating Hand Drafting, Vectorworks, and Sketchup by Appleton, Eric
Stage Management by Stern, Lawrence, Gold, Jill
Drafting Fundamentals for the Entertainment Classroom: A Process-Based Introduction Integrating Hand Drafting, Vectorworks, and SketchUp by Appleton, Eric
Re-Purposing Suzuki: A Hybrid Approach to Actor Training by Porter, Maria
Performing Truth: Works of Radical Memory for Times of Social Amnesia by Bogad, L. M.
Re-Purposing Suzuki: A Hybrid Approach to Actor Training by Porter, Maria
The Routledge Companion to Studio Performance Practice by
The Automated Lighting Programmer's Handbook by Schiller, Brad
The Automated Lighting Programmer's Handbook by Schiller, Brad
Finding Identity Through Directing by Yekanians, Soseh
Acting After Grotowski: Theatre's Carnal Prayer by Salata, Kris
Performance in a Pandemic by
Performing Arousal: Precarious Bodies and Frames of Representation by
Bodies of Enchantment: Puppets from Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas by Levell, Nicola
The Projection Designer's Toolkit by Hopgood, Jeromy
Shakespeare and Costume in Practice by Escolme, Bridget
Toward a Future Theatre: Conversations During a Pandemic by Svich, Caridad
The Scenic Charge Artist's Toolkit: Tips, Templates, and Techniques for Planning and Running a Successful Paint Shop in the Theatre and Performing Art by Ivey, Jennifer Rose
Stage Management Basics: A Primer for Performing Arts Stage Managers by Roth, Emily, Allender-Zivic, Jonathan, McGlaughlin, Katy
Stage Management Basics: A Primer for Performing Arts Stage Managers by Roth, Emily, Allender-Zivic, Jonathan, McGlaughlin, Katy