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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1983

Industry in the Wilderness: The People, the Buildings, the Machines -- Heritage in Northwestern Ontario by Rasky, Frank
Metallhüttenkunde by Pawlek, Franz
Turbulent Shear Flows 3: Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, the University of California, Davis, by
Electrical Resistivity, Kondo and Spin Fluctuation Systems, Spin Glasses and Thermopower by
Maschinenelemente: Band 2: Getriebe Allgemein, Zahnradgetriebe - Grundlagen, Stirnradgetriebe by Winter, Hans, Niemann, Gustav
Leitfaden Der Din -- Normen: Entwicklung Konstruktion Fertigung by Krieg, Klaus Günter, Heller, Wedo
Werkstoffkunde Für Die Elektrotechnik: Für Studenten Der Elektrotechnik Und Der Werkstoffwissenschaften AB 1. Semester by Hezel, Rudolf, Reppich, Bernd, Guillery, Paul
Pladoyer Fur Eine Befreiung Des Wohnens Aus Den Zwangen Sinnloser Perfektion by Hackelsberger, Christoph
Telecommunications in the Year 2000: National and International Perspectives by
Laser Theory by Haken, Hermann
Lexikon Der Elektronik by Neufang, Otger
Stabtragwerke, Matrizenmethoden Der Statik Und Dynamik: Teil 2: Dynamik by Lawo, Michael, Thierauf, Georg, Klingmüller, Oswald
Pascal in 100 Beispielen by Widmayer, Peter, Schröder, Michael
Aufgabensammlung Zur Regelungstechnik: Lineare Und Nichtlineare Regelvorgänge Für Elektrotechniker, Physiker Und Maschinenbauer AB 5. Semester by Leonhard, Werner, Schnieder, Eckehard
Efflorescence and the Discoloration of Concrete by Russell, P.
Meß- Und Prüfverfahren - Betriebsverhalten Von Reibungssystemen - Eigenschaften Von Motorenölen by
Möglichkeiten Zur Energieeinsparung Beim Teillastbetrieb Von Kraftfahrzeugmotoren. Die Zeitliche Programmierung Von Tieren Auf Periodische Umweltbedin by Pischinger, Franz
Turbotrains International by Stoffels
Klassen, Schichten, Mobilität by
Science and Technology of Polymer Colloids: Preparation and Reaction Engineering Volume 1 by Ottewill, Ronald H., Goodwin, James W., Poehlein, Gary W.
Unternehmensbewertung Und Komplexitätsreduktion by Ballwieser, Wolfgang
Adaptive Systems with Reduced Models by Ioannou, Petros A., Kokotovic, Petar V.
Fertigungstechnologie in Den Neunziger Jahren. Werkzeugmaschinen Im Wandel: 298. Sitzung Am 7. Juli 1982 in Düsseldorf by König, Wilfried
Einführung in Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Zeitreihen- Und Modalanalyse: Identifikation Schwingungsfähiger Elastomechanischer Systeme by Natke, Hans Günther
Über Zahlen Und Spiele by Conway, John H.
Grundbegriffe Des Meß- Und Eichwesens: Deutsche Fassung Des Wörterbuchs Der Internationalen Organisation Fur Gesetzliches Meßwesen Mit Grundbegriffen by
Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni by
Technologie: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Den Fachkundeunterricht in Metallverarbeitenden Berufen by Greven, Emil
Elektronik: Lehr- U. Arbeitsbuch Einführung in Analogtechnik, Digitaltechnik, Leistungselektronik, Speicherprogrammierbare Steueru by Zastrow, Dieter
Die Elektromagnetischen Felder: Einführung in Die Feldtheorie Und Ihre Anwendung by Weiss
Introduction to the Geometry of Foliations, Part B: Foliations of Codimension One by Hector, Gilbert
Didymi in Demosthenem Commenta by Didymus
Zeichnungen, Darstellungen, Schaltungsdokumentationen in Der Elektrotechnik by Müller, Helmut
Datenverschlüsselung in Kommunikationssystemen: Möglichkeiten Und Bedürfnisse by
Late- and Postglacial Oscillations of Glaciers: Glacial and Periglacial Forms by
Untersuchungen Zur Reduzierung Der Lärmimmission Propellergetriebener Leichtflugzeuge Und Motorsegler by Kramer, Carl
Erforschung Des Langzeitverhaltens Von LD-Schlacken ALS Straßenbaustoff by Blunk, Günter
Grenzschichten in Gas-Teilchen-Strömungen Hinter Stoßwellen by Sommerfeld, Martin
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen -- Anwendungen Und Betrieb: Gi/Ntg -- Fachtagung, Berlin, 19-21 Januar, 1983 by
Grundzüge Der Datenverarbeitung: Methoden Und Konzepte Für Die Anwendungen by Bauknecht, Kurt, Zehnder, Carl August
Clusters as Subsystems in Light Nuclei: Direct Cluster Reactions -- Progress Towards a Unified Theory by Obukhovski, I. T., Kukulin, V. I., Neudatchin, V. G.
Einführung in Die Algebra by Sacher, Reinhard
Handbuch Meßtechnik Und Qualitätssicherung by Hofmann, Dietrich
Briefe Von Der Elektrizität by Franklin, Benjamin
Umweltschutz Durch Abwasserelektrolyse: Zur Problematik Tiefer Bergwerke by Kammel, Roland
Regelungstechnik II: Zustandsregelungen, Digitale Und Nichtlineare Regelsysteme by Unbehauen, Heinz
Prinzipien Konstruktiver Gestaltung by
The Politics of Industrial Mobilization in Russia, 1914-17: A Study of the War-Industries Committees by Siegelbaum, Lewis H.
Computer Technology and Employment: Retrospect and Prospect by Peitchinis, Stephen G.
Science and Technology of Polymer Colloids: Characterization, Stabilization and Application Properties by Ottewill, Ronald H., Goodwin, James W., Poehlein, Gary W.
Wörterbuch Der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Soziologie by Aßmann, Georg
Independent Television in Britain: Volume 2 Expansion and Change, 1958-68 by Sendall, Bernard
Downstream Processing by Esser, K., Bell, D. J., Dunnill, P.
Fachkunde Für Elektroberufe by Schneider, Otto, Hille, Wilhelm
Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Des Kaltgesenkschmiedens ALS Eine Fertigungstechnische Alternative Für Kleine, Genaue Formteile by Hoang-Vu, K.
Einsatz Numerischer Näherungsverfahren Bei Der Berechnung Von Verfahren Der Kaltmassivumformung by Roll, K.
Energieumformung und Leistungssteuerung bei einer modernen Universallokomotive als Beispiel für den Einsatz von Leistungselektronik by Depenbrock, Manfred
Philosophy and Technology: Readings in the Philosophical Problems of Technology by Mitcham, Carl
Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering: Volume 8 by Dake, L. P.
Catalysis: Volume 6 by
Colloid Science: Volume 4 by
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Biological Processes by
Radar Reflectivity of Land and Sea by Long, Maurice W.
Lichttechnisch-Visuelle Einflüsse Auf Die Reaktionsfähigkeit Des Menschen ALS Regler Bei Der Erfüllung Von Tracking-Aufgaben by Compes, Peter C.
The Great Bridge by McCullough, David
Catalysis. Volume 1 by
Elektrische Und Elektronische Meßtechnik by Neumann, Hans, Schäfer, Klaus
Einheitliche Modelltheoretische Betrachtungen Von Vorgängen Bei Der Metallkorrosion by Rahner, Dietmar, Forker, Wolfgang, Worch, Hartmut
Festkörperelektrolytkondensatoren by Langer, Hans-Dieter
Chemische Dampfablagerung by
Catalysis. Volume 3 by
Catalysis. Volume 2 by
Druckmessung Und Druckerzeugung by Edelmann, Christian
Hochdisperse Metalle by Romanowski, Wladyslaw
Abfälle - Rohstoffe by Emons, Hans-Heinz
Microbial Reactions by
Reaction Engineering by
Sekundärrohstoffeinsatz by Mikut, R., Wieting, J.
Festkörperelektrolytkondensatoren by Langer, Hans-Dieter
Physikalische Experimente an Leistungsreaktoren by Frach, Karl-Heinz, Greiner-Mai, Hans, Suschowk, Günter
Berechnung Von Wärmeübertragern by Kanewez, Georgi
Los Alamos Explosives Performance Data by
Independent Television in Britain: Volume 2 Expansion and Change, 1958-68 by Sendall, Bernard
The Face of Battle by Keegan, John
Geology for Geotechnical Engineers by Harvey, J. C., Harvey, John C.
Drilling Engineering Handbook by Austin, E. H.
Political Risk in the International Oil and Gas Industry by Lax, H. L.
Drilling Engineering Handbook by Austin, E. H.
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application II by
International Competition in Advanced Technology: Decisions for America by Office of International Affairs, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs
Drinking Water and Health,: Volume 5 by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
The Competitive Status of the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry: The Influences of Technology in Determining International Industrial Competitive Advantage by Committee on Technology and International Economic and Trade, National Research Council, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Low-Altitude Wind Shear and Its Hazard to Aviation by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields by
Flächenschluß: System Der Formen Lückenlos Aneinanderschließender Flachteile by Heesch, H., Kienzle, O.
Defect Complexes in Semiconductor Structures: Proceedings of the International School Held in Mátrafüred, Hungary, September 13 - 17, 1982 by
Grundlagen Der Theorie Statistischer Signale by Hänsler, E.
Entscheidungsunterstützende Endbenutzersysteme by Müller, Günter
History of Strength of Materials by Timoshenko, Stephen P.
Encyclopedia of Plastics, Polymers, and Resins Volume 3 by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 25 by Bennett, H.
Dynamics of High-Speed Vehicles by
Developments in Polymer Characterisation--4 by
Neutron Radiography: Proceedings of the First World Conference San Diego, California, U.S.A. December 7-10, 1981 by
Solar Radiation Data: Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting Held in Brussels, 18-19 October 1982 by
Physicochemical Aspects of Polymer Surfaces by
Photovoltaic Power for Europe: An Assessment Study by
Human and Environmental Risks of Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds by Tucker, Richard E.
Atomistics of Fracture by
Phonon States of Alloys. Electron States, and Fermi Surfaces of Strained Elements / Phononenzustände Von Legierungen. Elektronenzustände Und Fermifläc by Griessen, R., Joss, W., Fawcett, E.
Programmieren Mit Elan by Klingen, Leo H., Liedtke, Jochen
Numerische Steuersysteme: Standardisierte Softwareschnittstellen in Mehrprozessor-Steuersystemen by Plasch, D.
Transistorverstärker 3 Schaltungstechnik Teil 2 by Kirschbaum, H. -D
Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Grenoble, France, September 13-17, 1 by
Lineare Algebra Mit Dem Computer by Lehmann, Eberhard
Nc-Programmierung: Maschinennaher Einsatz Von Fertigungstechnisch Orientierten Programmiersystemen by Wang, Z. L.
Adventures in the Screen Trade by Goldman, William
Covenants Without the Sword: Public Opinion and British Defence Policy 1931-1935 by Kyba, Patrick
Introduction to Random Processes by Wong, E.
Random Fields: Analysis and Synthesis by Vanmarcke, Erik
Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhatten Project by Groves, Leslie R.
Acoustics Dictionary: Quadrilingual: English, German, French, Dutch by
International Energy Markets by
Photovoltaic Power Generation: Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting Held in Brussels, 16-17 November 1982 by
The Nation's Oil: A Story of Control by
Chemistry and Technology of Water-Soluble Polymers by
Glycoproteins by Hughes, R. Colin
Ceramics for High-Performance Applications III: Reliability by Katz, R. N., Burke, J. J., Lenoe, E. M.
Old and New Questions in Physics, Cosmology, Philosophy, and Theoretical Biology: Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Yourgrau by Van Der Merwe, Alwyn
Physics of Non-Tetrahedrally Bonded Elements and Binary Compounds I / Physik Der Nicht-Tetraedrisch Gebundenen Elemente Und Binären Verbindungen I by Goltzene, A., Freyland, W.
Integrated Optics: Physics and Applications by Chester, A. N., Martellucci, S.
A Sourcebook of Titanium Alloy Superconductivity by Collings, E. W.
Digitale Übertragungstechnik by Gerdsen, Peter
Applications of Automatic Control Concepts to Traffic Flow Modeling and Control by Papageorgiou, M.
Detectors in Heavy-Ion Reactions: Proceedings of the Symposium Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Hans Geiger's Birth Held at the Hahn-Meitner-Ins by
Theory and Application of Random Fields: Proceedings of the Ifip-Wg 7/1 Working Conference Held Under the Joint Auspices of the Indian Statistical Ins by
Bildkommunikation: Grundlagen Und Technik Der Analogen Und Digitalen Übertragung Von Fest- Und Bewegtbildern by Schönfelder, Helmut
Optimization of Discrete Time Systems: The Upper Boundary Approach by Nahorski, Z., Ravn, H. F., Vidal, R. V. V.
Untersuchung Über Das Verjüngen Von Dickwandigen Zylindrischen Hohlkörpern by Haarscheidt, K.
Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design: Volume 17 - Drying: Solids to Electrostatic Hazards by McKetta, John J., Jr.
Additives for Plastics by Daoust, Hubert, Stepek, Jiri
Practical Quality Management in the Chemical Process Industry by Bader, Morton E.
The Newtonian Revolution by Cohen, I. Bernard
Physics of Ion-Ion and Electron-Ion Collisions by McGowan, J. W., Brouillard, F.
Mechanical Behavior of Anisotropic Solids / Comportment Méchanique Des Solides Anisotropes: Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 115 Villard-De-Lans by
Process and Device Simulation for Mos-VLSI Circuits by
Irradiation Technology: Proceedings of an International Topical Meeting Grenoble, France September 28-30, 1982 by
Advances in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Fundamentals and Applications I & II by
Sludge Characteristics and Behavior by
Energy Conserve in Industry -- Combustion, Heat Recovery and Rankine Cycle Machines: Proceedings of the Contractors' Meetings Held in Brussels on 10 a by
Environmental Effects of Organic and Inorganic Contaminants in Sewage Sludge by
National Energy Planning and Management in Developing Countries by
Energy Conservation in Buildings Heating, Ventilation and Insulation by
Advances in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications Volume 1 by
Advances in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications by
Energy Conservation in Industry Applications and Techniques by
Energy Conservation in Transport New Engines and Flywheels by
Electronic Structure and Properties of Hydrogen in Metals by
Introduction to the Theory of Metastable and Unstable States by Gunton, J. D., Droz, M.
The Boundary Element Method Applied to Inelastic Problems by Telles, J. C. F.
Entwicklung Flexibler Ordnungssysteme Für Die Automatisierung Der Werkstückhandhabung in Der Klein- Und Mittelserienfertigung by Weiss, K.
Data Networks with Satellites: Working Conference of the Joint Gi/Ntg Working Group "Computer Networks", Cologne, September 20.-21., 1982 by
Rock Anisotropy and the Theory of Stress Measurements by Amadei, Bernard
Automatisierte Überwachungsverfahren Für Fertigungseinrichtungen Mit Speicherprogrammierten Steuerungen by Eissler, W.
Prozeßüberwachung Beim Galvanoformen by Böcker, J. W.
Laser Physics: Proceedings of the Third New Zealand Symposium on Laser Physics, Held at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zeal by
Untersuchung Über Energiesparende Maßnahmen in Der Wärmeintensiven Industrie by Hofbauer, E., Rogner, W.
Engineering Behaviour of Rocks by Farmer, Ian W.
Schaum's Outline of Statics and Strength of Materials by Jackson, John J., Wirtz, Harold G.
Höhere Mathematik Zur Mechanik Und Festigkeitslehre by Böge, Alfred
Heavy Gas and Risk Assessment -- II: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Heavy Gases and Risk Assessment, Frankfurt Am Main, May 25-26, 1982 by
Acid Deposition: Proceedings of the Cec Workshop Organized as Part of the Concerted Action "Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric P by
Aroma of Beer, Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages by Suomalainen, H., Nykänen, L.
Photochemical, Photoelectrochemical and Photobiological Processes, Vol.2 by
Statics, Formfinding and Dynamics of Air-Supported Membrane Structures by Firt, V.
Fluidized Bed Systems by Cec Dg for Research Science &. Education
Solar Thermal Energy in Europe an Assessment Study by
Optical Waveguide Sciences: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Held at Kweilin, People's Republic of China (Prc), June 20-23, 1983 by
Chemicals from Synthesis Gas: Catalytic Reactions of Co and H2 by Sheldon, R. a.
Power Line Radiation and Its Coupling to the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere by
Wind Energy by
Reviews of Infrared and Millimeter Waves: Volume 1 by Button, Kenneth J.
Piecewise Constant Orthogonal Functions and Their Application to Systems and Control by Rao, Ganti P.
Gear Drive Systems by Lynwander, P., Lynwander, Lynwander, Peter
Praktische Betriebslehre by Tschätsch, Heinz
Echinoderm studies 1 (1983) by Lawrence, John M., Jangoux, Michel
Muskel: Struktur Und Funktion by Wilkie, Douglas Robert
Perturbations, Approximations and Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control Systems by Dontchev, A. L.
Metropolitan Transportation Planning, 2nd Edition by Dickey, John W., Stuart, Robert C., Walker, Richard D.
Energieversorgung by Grathwohl, Manfred
Small Unit Leadership: A Commonsense Approach by Malone, Dandridge M.
New Essays in Technical and Scientific Communication: Research, Theory, Practice by Miller, Carolyn, Anderson, Paul, Brockman, John
Singular Perturbations in Systems and Control by
Optical Phase Conjugation by Fisher, Robert A.
Surface Mobilities on Solid Materials: Fundamental Concepts and Applications by
Energy Economics in Britain by
Improved Techniques for the Extraction of Primary Forms of Energy: A Seminar of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Vienna 10-14 Novemb by Un Economic Commission for Europe
Cohesive Properties of Semiconductors Under Laser Irradiation by
An Annotated Bibliography on the History of Data Processing. by Cortada, James W.
Finance for Mine Management by Wanless, R. M.
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