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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1984

No Longer an Island: Britain and the Wright Brothers, 1902-1909 by Gollin, A. M.
New Monomers and Polymers by
Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology: Volume 16 by Lewins, Jeffery, Becker, Martin
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application III by
Policy Research in Telecommunications: Proceedings from the Eleventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference by Unknown, Mosco, Vincent
Technologies of Freedom by Pool, Ithiel De Sola
Aerodynamik Der Bauwerke by Helmut, Sockel
Energietaschenbuch by Adler, Friedrich, Bischoff, Gerhard
Maria Sklodowska-Curie Und Ihre Familie by
Norbert Wiener by
When Telephones Reach the Village: The Role of Telecommunication in Rural Development by Hudson, Heather E.
Drehimpulse in Der Quantenmechanik by
Maschinenbau (Ti-58/59, Hp-41 C, Fx-502/602 P): Verbindungstechnik, Verformungstechnik, Getriebetechnik, Wärmeabfuhr by Alt, Helmut
Getriebelehre Mit Dem Mikrocomputer (Sharp Pc-1500a): Mit Einem Farbanhang by Hans, Bürde
Photoacoustic Effect Principles and Applications: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Photoacoustic Effect in Germany by Lüscher, E.
Friedrich August Kekulé by
Laplace-Transformation by Ameling, Walter
Medienfunktionen Und Fernmeldewesen by Petersdorff
Johannes Gutenberg by Kästner, Ingrid
Der Mathematikunterricht in Der Primarstufe: Ziele - Inhalte Prinzipien - Beispiele by Müller, Gerhard, Wittmann, Erich C.
Vectorization of Computer Programs with Applications to Computational Fluid Dynamics by Gentzsch, Wolfgang
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg by
Isolierung Homogen Gelöster Übergangsmetall-Komplexkatalysatoren Aus Produktgemischen by Fell, Bernhard
Kernwaffen Und Rüstungskontrolle: Ein Interdisziplinäres Studienbuch by
Elektrische Energieversorgung by Klaus, Heuck
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 329 by Krätzig, Wilfried B.
Ingenieurakustik by Fallen, Manfred, Henn, Hermann, Sinambari, Gholam Reza
Analyse Elektrischer Und Elektronischer Netzwerke Mit Basic-Programmen (Sharp Pc-1251 Und Pc-1500) by Lange, Dieter
Handbuch Dieselmotoren Im Kraftwerks- Und Schiffsbetrieb by Mau, Günter
Einführung in Die Pll-Technik by Geschwinde, Horst
Boiling Energy: Community Healing Among the Kalahari Kung by Katz, Richard
Lichtwellenleiterkomponenten Und -Systeme by Timmermann, Claus-Christian
Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: Klausur- Und Übungsaufgaben by Pfuff, Franz
Gasification of Rice Hulls: Theory and PRAXIS by Kaupp, Albrecht
Erwin Schrödinger by
Dorisch, Jonisch, Korinthisch: Studien Über Den Gebrauch Der Säulenordnungen in Der Architektur Des 16.-18. Jahrhunderts by Forssman, Erik
Atomare Stoßprozesse: Eine Einführung in Die Physikalischen Grundlagen Und Grundlegenden Ergebnisse by Neuert, Hugo
Grundkurs Theoretische Mechanik by Kitzka, Franz
Graphentheorie: Eine Entwicklung Aus Dem 4-Farben Problem by
Syncellus, Georgius: Ecloga Chronographica by Syncellus, Georgius
Einheitliche Höhere Kommunikationsprotokolle: Schicht 4 by
Recht Und Technik Im Spannungsfeld Der Kernenergiekontroverse: Mit Beitr. Von Dieter Czajka by Czajka, Dieter, Roßnagel, Alexander
Strukturwandel Der Verteidigung: Entwürfe Für Eine Konsequente Defensive by
Elektrotechnik Im Maschinenbau by Krämer, Horst
Werkzeugmaschinen: Berechnungsgrundlagen Und Gestaltung in Den Spangebenden Verfahren by Perovic, Bozina
Mehrstufige Prozeßführung Beim Spitzenlosen Schleifen Im Durchlaufverfahren by König, Wilfried
Small Scale Gas Producer-Engine Systems by Kaupp, Albrecht
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Zentrale Blindleistungs-Spannungsoptimierung in Elektrischen Energieversorgungssystemen by Voss, Jürgen
Entwicklung Eines Versuchsstandes Zur Reproduzierbaren Messung Der Vibration Schlagender Handgeführter Maschinen by Cronjäger, Ludolf
Methanolpyrolyse Und Methanoloxidation by Berg, Günter
Efficient Solutions of Elliptic Systems: Proceedings of a Gamm-Seminar Kiel, January 27 to 29, 1984 by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Geometrische Methoden in Der Invariantentheorie by Kraft, Hanspeter
Optimization Theory and Applications by Werner, Jochen
Datenverarbeitung Im Luftverkehr by Becher, Günther
Kabinett Physikalischer Raritäten: Eine Anthologie Zum Mit-, Nach- Und Weiterdenken by Mendoza, Eric, Weber, Robert L.
Elemente Der Mechanik II: Elastostatik by Lehmann, Theodor
Gelenkgetriebe Für Die Handhabungs- Und Robotertechnik: Drei Programmsysteme Für Den Hp-41 CV Mit Vielen Beispielen by Hain, Kurt
Geodätische Berechnungsmethoden (Standard-Basic): Dreiecke, Schnitte, Lagepunktbestimmung, Polygonzüge, Transformationen, Flächen, Freie Stationierung by Stegner, Günther
Georg Ernst Stahl by
Kfz-Rechnen by Müller, Manfred, Lütjen, Diedrich
The Future of British Sea Power by
Emil Fischer by
Analysis of Laminar Flow Over a Backward Facing Step by Periaux, Jacques, Thomasset, François, Morgan, Ken
Chinese Defence Policy by Tow, William T., Segal, Gerald
Appropriate Products, Employment and Technology: Case-Studies on Consumer Choice and Basic Needs in Developing Countries by Ginneken, Wouter Van, Baron, Christopher
Linear Theories of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity: Linear and Nonlinear Theories of Rods, Plates, and Shells by
Elektronik: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch. Einführung in Analogtechnik Digitaltechnik Leistungselektronik Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerun by Zastrow, Dieter
Gelenkgetriebe-Konstruktion: Mit Kleinrechnern HP Serie 40 (HP 41c/CV) Und HP Serie 80 (Hp-83, Hp-85, Hp-86, Hp-87) by Hain, Kurt
Wirtschaftliche Fertigungstechnik by Raab, Horst H.
Metering Pump Handbook by McCabe, Robert
Topics in Boundary Element Research: Volume 1: Basic Principles and Applications by Brebbia, C. A.
Understanding the Manufacturing Process: Key to Successful CAD/CAM Implementation by Harrington, Harrington, Joseph, Harrington, J.
Ballistic Missile Defense by
Macromolecular Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Volkswagen FastBack and Squareback (Type 3) Service Manual: 1968-1973 by Volkswagen Of America
Beanspruchungsanalyse Von Geometrisch Und Werkstoffmechanisch "Unsymmetrischen" Metallklebverbindungen Mit Der Finite-Element-Methode by Hahn, Ortwin
The Causes of Wars: And Other Essays, Second Edition, Enlarged by Howard, Michael
Radiation Effects on and Dose Enhancement by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramics by Bergeron, Clifton G., Risbud, Subash H.
Zur Werkstoffmechanischen Interpretation Von Bruchkenngrößen by Blumenauer, Horst
Vanadiumoxide: Darstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung by Reichelt, Werner, Brückner, Winfried, Oppermann, Heinrich
Hydrologische Forschung Für Die Wasserbewirtschaftung by Dyck, Siegiried
Hochtemperaturreaktionen: Eine Einführung by Hellmold, Peter
Grundlagen Der Elektronik by Rost, Albrecht
Grundlagen Der Elektronik by Rost, Albrecht
Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiet Der Konstruktionsplaste by Knauer, Berthold
Theorie Der Adsorption an Zeolithen by
Ökologische Probleme Der Trinkwasserversorgung Aus Talsperren by Uhlmann, Dietrich
Pentoses and Lienin by
Random Vibrations and Reliability: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium, Held at Frankfurt/Oder (Gdr) from October 31 to November 6, 1982 by
Catalysis. Volume 4 by
Temperaturmessung by Neumann, Hans, Stecker, Kurt
Elektrische Und Elektronische Meßtechnik by Neumann, Hans, Schäfer, Klaus
Nachrichtenübertragung Über Satelliten: Grundlagen Und Systeme, Erdefunkstellen Und Satelliten by Herter, Eberhard, Rupp, Heinrich
Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage by Cavell, Stanley
Creativity as an Exact Science by Altshuller, G. S.
The Antagonists: A Comparative Combat Assessment of the Soviet and American Soldier by Lsi, Gabriel, Richard A.
Wissenschaft Und Kernenergie: Eine Wissenschaftssoziologische Untersuchung Zur Kontroverse Um Kernenergie by Riedle, Klaus
Zeolites: Science and Technology by
Facilities Management Handbook by Molnar, John
Analysis and Design of Bridges by
Deserts and Arid Lands by
Toxicity Testing: Strategies to Determine Needs and Priorities by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Social and Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Considerations for Institutional Management by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Cutting Edge Technologies by National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering
Herstellung Und Versteifungswirkung Von Geschlossenen Halbrundsicken by Widmann, M.
Optoelektronik in Der Technik / Optoelectronics in Engineering: Vorträge Des 6. Internationalen Kongresses / Proceedings of the 6th International Cong by
Strukturierung Von Flexiblen Bediensystemen Für Numerische Steuerungen by Klemm, P.
Basic in 100 Beispielen by Menzel, Klaus
Excimer Lasers by
33 Spiele Mit Pascal Und Wie Man Sie (Auch in Basic) Programmiert by Erbs, Heinz-Erich
The Building of the Panama Canal in Historic Photographs by Keller, Ulrich
Home Machinists Handbook by Briney, Doug
The Future of Coal by James, Peter
Military Threats: A Systematic Historical Analysis of the Determinants of Success by Howell, Peter, Frances Allen, Artis
The Future of Coal by James, Peter
Analysis of Organic Micropollutants in Water: Proceedings of the Third European Symposium Held in Oslo, Norway, September 19-21, 1983 by
Fifth E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference by
Electron States and Fermi Surfaces of Elements / Elektronenzustände Und Fermiflächen Von Elementen by Cracknell, A. P.
Hydrothermal Processes at Seafloor Spreading Centers by Boström, Kurt, Rona, Peter a., Laubier, Lucien
Catalytic Conversions of Synthesis Gas and Alcohols to Chemicals by Herman, Richard G.
What Every Engineer Should Know about Robots by Zeldman, Maurice I.
Molecular Beam Epitaxy of III-V Compounds: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1958-1983 by Ploog, K., Graf, K.
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems: Proceedings of the Mtns-83 International Symposium Beer Sheva, Israel, June 20-24, 1983 by
Kostenoptimierter Einsatz Der Radialumformmaschine in Gemischten, Flexiblen Fertigungssystemen by Dostal, M.
Architektur Und Betrieb Von Rechensystemen: 8. Gi-Ntg-Fachtagung Karlsruhe, 26.-28. März 1984 by
Analysis of Volatiles: Methods. Applications. Proceedings. International Workshop Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 28-30, 198 by
The Pipe Fitter's and Pipe Welder's Handbook by McGraw Hill
Lubrication in Practice by Robertson, W. L.
NATO and American Security by Unknown
Chemical Reactor Theory: An Introduction by Denbigh, Kenneth George, Denbigh, K. G., Turner, J. C. R.
Photovoltaic Power Generation: Proceedings of the EC Contractors' Meeting Held in Hamburg/Pellworm, 12-13 July 1983 by
Multicritical Phenomena by
International Security Yearbook 1983/84 by Blechman, Barry M., Luttwak, Edward N.
Wopplot 83. Parallel Processing: Logic, Organization, and Technology: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Federal Armed Forces University, Munich, ( by
Practical Seal Design by Martini, Leonard J., Martini
Netzwerke, Signale Und Systeme: Theorie Kontinuierlicher Und Diskreter Signale Und Systeme by Schüßler, Hans Wilhelm
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories Held at Odenthal-Alt by
Rechnerische Ermittlung Von Zustandsgrößen Beim Radialumformen by Paukert, R.
Recent Developments in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Proceedings of the Meeting Held at Bellaterra School of Thermodynamics, Autonomous University of by
Parent-Child Interaction and Parent-Child Relations: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 17 by
Verbrennung Und Feuerungen by Günther, R.
Filtering and Control of Random Processes: Proceedings of the E.N.S.T.-C.N.E.T. Colloquium Paris, France, February 23-24, 1983 by
Engineering Documentation for CAD/CAM Applications by Knox, Charles S.
Handbook of Fiber Science and Technology Volume 2: Chemical Processing of Fibers and Fabrics-- Functional Finishes Part B by
Mechanical Engineering at the National Research Council of Canada: 1929-1951 by Middleton, W. E. Knowles
Grundzüge Der Bauphysik: Akustik, Wärmelehre, Feuchtigkeit by Tschegg, E.
Magnetic Resonance: Introduction, Advanced Topics and Applications to Fossil Energy by
Energy Saving in Buildings: Results of the European Communities Energy R&d and Demonstration Programmes (1979-1983) Proceedings of the Internation by
Technological Risk Assessment by
Heavy Crude Oil Recovery by
Monte Carlo Methods in Quantum Problems by
Roadway Drivage Techniques in the Coal Mines of the European Community by Commission of the European Communities
Application of Fracture Mechanics to Materials and Structures: Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Fracture Mechanics to Mat by
Thermo-Mechanical Solar Power Plants: Eurelios, the 1mwel Experimental Solar Thermal Electrical Power Plant in the European Community. Final Report of by
Investigation of Membrane-Located Receptors by
Algorithmen Zur Flexiblen Gestaltung Der Kurzfristigen Fertigungssteuerung by Scheiber, R. E.
Elektrotechnik Mit Basic-Rechnern (Sharp): Teil 1 Grundlagen, Wechselstrom by Vaske, Paul
Ultraschall in Der Bildgebenden Diagnostik: Mit Einem Geleitwort Von Roland Felix by Fiegler, W.
Datenfernverarbeitung: Außenstelle -- Datenfernübertragung Rechenzentrum -- Betriebsabwicklung Eine Einführung by Hofer, H.
Information Retrieval - Eine Einführung: Von Der Theorie Zur PRAXIS Anhand Einer Implementierung in UNIX by Mresse, Moscheh
Fuel Economy: In Road Vehicles Powered by Spark Ignition Engines by
Theory of Crystal Space Groups and Lattice Dynamics: Infra-Red and Raman Optical Processes of Insulating Crystals by Birman, J. L.
VLSI Engineering: Beyond Software Engineering by
Feedback Shift Registers by Ronse, Christian
Drugs and Nutrients: The Interactive Effects by Roe, D. A.
Allgemeine Algebra Und Anwendungen by Dorninger, Phil Dietmar W., Müller, Phil Winfried B.
Programmieren in Der PRAXIS by Singer, Friedemann
Automatentheorie: Eine Einführung in Die Theorie Endlicher Automaten by Brauer, Wilfried
Datensicherheit: Methoden, Maßnahmen Und Auswirkungen Des Schutzes Von Informationen by Weck, Gerhard
Numerische Steuerung Einer Flexiblen Bearbeitungseinheit Zum Radialumformen by Noller, H.
Amorphe Und Polykristalline Halbleiter by Heywang, Walter
Automobile Catalytic Converters by Taylor, Kathleen C.
Optoelectronic Switching Systems in Telecommunications and Computers by Elion
Image and Reality: The Making of the German Officer, 1921-1933 by Spires, David N.
Technology Policy and Development: A Third World Perspective by
Telecommunications America: Markets Without Boundaries by Irwin, Manley
Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terminology: English German French Dutch Russian by
Processing and Use of Sewage Sludge by
Methods of Characterization of Sewage Sludge by
Problems of Mixed Mode Crack Propagation by Gdoutos, E. E.
Biogas Plants in Europe: A Practical Handbook by
Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Systems by Hummel
Macromolecules: Volume 2: Synthesis, Materials, and Technology by
First E.C. Conference on Solar Collectors in Architecture. Integration of Photovoltaic and Thermal Collectors in New and Old Building Structures by
Developments in Reinforced Plastics by
Injection Moulding Machines by
Industrial Crystallization by Grootscholten, P. A. M., Jancic, S. J.
Elastohydrodynamik - Meß- Und Prüfverfahren Betriebsverhalten Von Reibungssystemen by
Ultrashort Light Pulses: Picosecond Techniques and Applications by
Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems Nice, June 19-22, 1984 by
Nahrung Und Ernährung: Altbekanntes Und Neuerforschtes by Glatzel, H.
Orienting Polymers: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Ima, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis March 21-26, 1983 by
Problems in Prawn Culture by Shigeno, Kunihiko
Variational Inequalities and Flow in Porous Media by Chipot, M.
Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Nice, June 19-22, 198 by
Simulationen in Basic by Mittelbach, Henning
Handbook of Fiber Science and Technology: Volume 1: Chemical Processing of Fibers and Fabrics - Fundamentals and Preparation Part B by
An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer: With Applications in Chemical and Mechanical Process Engineering by Kay, Jerald Ed, Kay, J. M., Nedderman, R. M.
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