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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1985

Analytical Laser Spectroscopy by
Energy Update by Tanzer, Michael
Mechanical Vibrations by Hartog, J. P. Den
Principles of Food Sanitation by Marriott, Norman G.
PRAXIS Der Umfrageforschung: Erhebung Und Auswertung Sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragedaten by
Wasserdampfdiffusion: Ein Beitrag Zur Praktischen Bauphysik by Wiese, Gerhard
Grundzüge Der Quantentheorie: Mit Exemplarischen Anwendungen by
Digitalelektronik: Eine Einführung Für Physiker by Kamke, Detlef
Einfache Ausgleichsvorgänge Der Elektrotechnik: Berechnung Mit Differentialgleichungen Laplace-Transformation Und Programmen in Basic Und Pascal by Hoyer, Konrad, Schnell, Gerhard
Elektromagnetische Strahlung: Informationen Aus Dem Weltall by Schäfer, Hans
Progress and Supercomputing in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Proceedings of U.S.-Israel Workshop, 1984 by Abarbanel, Murman
Gewinnen Strategien Für Mathematische Spiele: Band 1 Von Der Pike Auf by Berlekamp, Elwyn R., Conway, John H.
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Ludwig, Günther
Dritte Welt-Forschung: Entwicklungstheorie Und Entwicklungspolitik by Nuscheler, Prof Dr Franz
Energy Update by Tanzer, Michael
Praktikum Der Physik by Walcher, Wilhelm
High-Voltage Insulation Technology by Kind, Dieter
Advances in Multi-Grid Methods by Hackbusch, Wolfgang, Braess, Dietrich, Trottenberg, Ulrich
Diamond Dealers and Feather Merchants: Tales from the Sciences by Klotz
Verminderung Des Lärms Von Strahltriebwerken Unter Ausnutzung Der 'Inversen Profilierung' by Staufenbiel, Rolf
Handbuch Des Wägens by
Einführung in Die Netzwerktheorie: Berechnung Des Stationären Und Dynamischen Verhaltens Von Elektrischen Netzwerken Für Studenten Der Elektrotechnik by Naunin, Dietrich
Elektrische Maschinen Und Antriebe: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch by Fuest, Klaus
Numerische Mathematik Für Ingenieure by Dreyer, Hans-Joachim, Haacke, Wolfhart, Becker, Jürgen
Mengenlehre Für Den Mathematiker by Friedrichsdorf, Ulf, Prestel, Alexander
Beispiele Und Aufgaben Zur Technischen Strömungslehre by Böswirth, Leopold
Elektromagnetische Felder by Lautz, Günter
Geostatistik: Eine Einführung Mit Anwendungen by
Schwingungen in Natur Und Technik by Bishop, Richard E.
Georg Cantor by Ilgauds, Hans Joachim
Gewinnen Strategien Für Mathematische Spiele: Band 4 Solitairspiele by Conway, John H., Berlekamp, Elwyn R.
Einführung in Die Empirische Literaturwissenschaft by Schmidt, Siegfried J., Hauptmeier, Helmut
Systemgrundlagen Und Meßtechnik in Der Optischen Übertragungstechnik by Bludau, Wolfgang, Gründner, Martin, Kaiser, Manfred
Einführung in Die Radartechnik by Baur, Erwin
Deutsche Stadtbaukunst in Der Vergangenheit by Brinckmann, Albert E.
Konversationen Über Literatur: Literatur Und Wissenschaft Aus Nominalistischer Sicht by Ihwe, Jens
Untersuchungen Über Den Einfluß Unterschiedlicher Verfahren Der Oberflächenbehandlung Auf Das Verschleißverhalten Technisch Trockener Wälzreibungssyst by Krause, Hans
Lasers in Medicine: An introductory guide by Absten, Gregory T., Joffe, Stephen N.
The Equations of Navier-Stokes and Abstract Parabolic Equations by Wahl, Wolf Von
Fundamentals of the Average Case Analysis of Particular Algorithms by Kemp, Rainer
Finite-Elemente-Methode: Lehrbuch Grundbegriffe Der Energiemethoden Und Fem in Der Linearen Elastostatik by Gawehn, Wilfried
Geometrische Methoden in Der Invariantentheorie by Kraft, Hanspeter
Interventional Ultrasound by
Niederlandistik in Entwicklung: Vorträge Und Arbeiten an Der Universität Zürich by
Charge Density Waves in Solids: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Budapest, Hungary, September 3-7, 1984 by
Elemente Der Mechanik IV by Lehmann, Theodor
Physikalische Chemie: Teil II: Gase, Flüssigkeiten, Festkörper Und Mischphasen by Barrow, Gordon M.
Mathematik Für Naturwissenschaftler by
An Index and Other Useful Information by Hepp, K., Araki, H., Ehlers, J.
Probleme Der Festigkeitslehre by Labranca, Pietro
Simon Stevin by
Gustav Hertz by Kuczera, Josef
Proceedings of the 26th US Symposium on Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the 26th US Symposium on Rock Mechanics by Ashworth
Topics in Boundary Element Research: Volume 2: Time-Dependent and Vibration Problems by
Wm. T. Wood & Co. Ice Tools 1888 by Wood, W. T.
Catalysis: Volume 7 by
World guide to terminological activities by Krommer-Benz, Magdalena
Solid-State Radar Transmitters by Ostroff, Edward D.
Adhesives Technology Handbook by Landrock, Arthur H.
Engineering Geology of the Sydney Region: Published on Behalf of the Australian Geomechanics Society by
Race to the Swift: Thoughts on Twenty-First Century Warfare by Simpkin, Richard E.
Industrial and Commercial Gas Burner Systems by Dutton, John
Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design: Volume 22 - Fire Extinguishing Chemicals to Fluid Flow: Slurry Systems and Pipelines by McKetta, John J., Jr.
Elektronische Eigenschaften Von Metallen by Lehmann, Gerd, Ziesche, Paul
Flexible Automatisierung by Haustein, Heinz-Dieter, Maier, Harry
Physikalische Metallkunde by Haasen, Peter
Aktuelle Probleme Der Lebensmittelforschung by Schmandke, Horst
Stand Und Entwicklungstendenzen Der Werkstoffwissenschaft by Henkel, O., Lange, W., Schatt, W.
Korrosionsverhalten Plastisch Verformter Metalle by Garz, Irmgard
"Technikphilosophie" in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart by
Mikroelektronik Und Gesellschaft by Lohr, Ehrenfried, Hütter, Manfred, Jobst, Eberhard
Mikroelektronik: Stand Und Entwicklung by Hadamovsky, Hans-Friedrich, Junghans, Bernd, Eckhardt, Dietrich
Technische Massenkristallisation by Baumann, Karl-Heinrich, Voigt, Heidelore
Immobilized Biocatalysts, Saccharomyces Yeasts, Wastewater Treatment by
Heat Transfer Fluids and Systems for Process and Energy Applications by Singh, Jasbir
A Programmed Review for Electrical Engineering by Bentley, James H.
Polymer Processing and Properties by Nicolais, Luigi, Astarita, Gianni
Moment Formation in Solids by Buyers, W. J. L.
Adhesion 9 by
Seabed Mechanics: Edited Proceedings of a Symposium, Sponsored Jointly by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( by International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Mechanics of Polymer Processing by Pearson, J. R.
Fertilizer Manual by
Polymer Colloids by
Techniques for High Temperature Fatigue Testing by
Plasticity Today: Modelling, Methods and Applications by
Flavor Mixing in Weak Interactions by
The Outlook for Science and Technology 1985 by Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering
Reducing Hazardous Waste Generation: An Evaluation and a Call for Action by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications
Engineering Employment Characteristics by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Continuing Education of Engineers by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Galliumszintigraphie: Diagnostik Bei Entzündlichen Erkrankungen Und Tumoren by Botsch, H.
Digitale Regelung Von Asynchronmotoren Für Numerisch Gesteuerte Fertigungseinrichtungen by Vogt, G.
Übungsbeispiele Zur Systemtheorie: 41 Aufgaben Mit Ausführlich Kommentierten Lösungen by Hofer-Alfeis, Josef
Analysis Mit Dem Computer by Otto, Alexandra
Two-Dimensional Linear Systems by Kaczorek, T.
Real Time Control of Large Scale Systems: Proceedings of the First European Workshop, University of Patras, Greece, July 9-12, 1984 by
Flexibilität Von Personalintensiven Montagesystemen Bei Serienfertigung by Vähning, H.
Dampferzeugung: Verbrennung, Feuerung, Dampferzeuger by Dolezal, Richard
Molecular Characterization of Composite Interfaces by
Introduction to Aerospace Structural Analysis by Allen, Lois, Allen, David H., Haisler, Walter E.
Fundamentals of Deformation and Fracture: Eshelby Memorial Symposium Sheffield 2 5 April 1984 by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 26 by Bennett, H.
Error-Control Techniques for Digital Communication by Michelson, Arnold M., Levesque, Allen H.
The Discoverers by Boorstin, Daniel J.
Encyclopedia of Surfactants Volume 4 by
Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry: Volume 10 Bioelectrochemistry by
Reservoir Engineering Techniques Using FORTRAN by Sinha, Mihir K., Padgett, Larry R.
Energy Manager's Handbook by
Polymer Permeability by
Solar Thermal Energy Storage by Mullick, S. C., Bhargava, Vijay K., Garg, H. P.
Coal Combustion and Gasification by Smoot, L. Douglas, Smith, Philip J.
Modern Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications by Preston Jr, Kendall, Duff, Michael J. B.
Hydrometallurgical Process Fundamentals by Bautista, Renato G.
Photoelectrochemistry, Photocatalysis and Photoreactors Fundamentals and Developments by
Turbulent Shear Flows 4: Selected Papers from the Fourth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, by
Physics of Ternary Compounds / Physik Der Ternären Verbindungen by Böhm, M., Huber, G.
Semiochemistry Flavors and Pheromones: Proceedings. American Chemical Society Symposium Washington D. C., Usa, August 1983 by
Automatisiertes Messen Mit Nc-Werkzeugmaschinen by Kohler, P.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen I: Anwendungen, Betrieb, Grundlagen. Gi/Ntg-Fachtagung Karlsruhe, 13.-15. März 1985. Proceedings by
Soil Reclamation Processes: Microbiological Analyses and Applications by Tate, Robert L., Klein, Donald A.
The Lactoperoxidase System: Chemistry and Biological Significance by Pruitt, Kenneth
Steel Framed Structures: Stability and strength by
Korrosion Und Korrosionsschutz: Grundlagen, Vorgänge, Schutzmaßnahmen, Prüfung by Wranglen, G.
LOGO in 100 Beispielen by Menzel, Klaus
Grundlagen Der Faseroptischen Übertragungstechnik by Heinlein, Walter
Grundlagen Digitaler Filter: Einführung in Die Theorie Linearer Zeitdiskreter Systeme Und Netzwerke by Lücker, R.
Rechnerunterstützte Projektierung Der Hardware Und Software Von Speicherprogrammierten Steuerungen by Rieger, K. -H
Dermatologie Und Nuklearmedizin by
Biological Techniques by
Digital Circuits: Logic and Design by Emery, Ronald C.
Offshore and Coastal Modelling by
Materialprüfung Mit Röntgenstrahlen: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Röntgenmetallkunde by Glocker, Richard
A Field Guide to American Windmills by Baker, T. Lindsay
William Whiston: Honest Newtonian by Force, James E.
Innovations in Materials Processing by Weiss, Volker, Bruggeman, Gordon
Processing, Structure and Properties of Block Copolymers by Folkes, M. J.
Developments in Diving Technology: Proceedings of an International Conference, (Divetech '84) Organized by the Society for Underwater Technology, and by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
Adhesive Chemistry: Developments and Trends by
Mathematical Models and Design Methods in Solid-Liquid Separation by
Chemical Methods for Assessing Bio-Available Metals in Sludges and Soils by
Molecular Semiconductors: Photoelectrical Properties and Solar Cells by Andre, J. -J, Simon, J.
Broken Promises; Hist Conscrip Canada by Granatstein, J. L.
Atoms in Strong Light Fields by Delone, N. B.
Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design by Arnold, Gregory C., Brook, Richard J.
Septic Tank System Effects on Ground Water Quality by Canter
Nutritional Pathology: Pathobiochemistry of Dietary Imbalances by Sidransky, H.
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications IV by De Wisepelacre, C.
Ordnen Von Werkstücken Mit Programmierbaren Handhabungsgeräten Und Werkstückerkennungssensoren by Schmidt, Ingo
Cad-Entwurfskontrolle in Der Mikroelektronik: Mit Einer Einführung in Den Entwurf Kundenspezifischer Schaltkreise by Nebel, Wolfgang
Montage - Handhabung - Industrieroboter: Internationaler Mhi-Kongreß Im Rahmen Der Hannover-Messe' 85 18.-20. April 1985 by
Stochastic Differential Systems: Filtering and Control Proceedings of the Ifip-Wg 7/1 Working Conference Marseille-Luminy, France, March 12-17, 1984 by
Ökologische Probleme Der Umweltbelastung by Fellenberg, G.
Integrierte Telekommunikation / Integrated Telecommunications: Vorträge Des Vom 5.-7. November 1984 in München Abgehaltenen Kongresses / Proceedings o by
Systematische Investitionsplanung by Moser, Jorge
Computer Methods and Borel Summability Applied to Feigenbaum's Equation by Eckmann, Jean-Pierre, Wittwer, Peter
Arms and Oil: U.S. Military Strategy and the Persian Gulf by McNaugher, Thomas L.
A Revolution in Manufacturing: The Smed System by Shingo, Shigeo, Dillon, Andrew P.
Modern Methods for the Determination of Non-Metals in Non-Ferrous Metals: Applications to Particular Systems of Metallurgical Importance by
Marine Technology 1990 by Royal Society
Plasma Synthesis and Etching of Electronic Materials: Volume 38 by
Electronic Mail and Message Handling by Vervest, Peter, Unknown
Technology Edge by O'Neill, Gerard K.
Engineering Thermoplastics: Properties and Applications by Margolis, James M.
Case Histories in Offshore Engineering by
Science and the Enlightenment by Hankins, Thomas L.
The Handbook of Chemical Substitutes by
Polymer Blends and Mixtures by
Glass ... Current Issues by
The Impact of Processing Techniques on Communications by
Incineration of Radioactive Waste by
Physical Properties of Amorphous Materials by
Adaptive Methods in Underwater Acoustics by
The Offshore Disposal of Radioactive Waste by Drilled Emplacement: A Feasibility Study by
Properties of Water in Foods: In Relation to Quality and Stability by
Alternating Copolymers by
Progress in Medical Radiation Physics: Volume 2 by Orton, Colin G.
Thermal Conductivity 18 by Ashworth, T., Smith, David R.
Schaltbare Reibkupplungen: Grundlagen, Eigenschaften, Konstruktionen by Harmuth, H., Winkelmann, S.
Elektrische Antriebstechnik: Band 1: Asynchronmaschinen Im Netzbetrieb Und Drehzahlgeregelte Schleifringläufermaschinen by Meyer, M.
Hochbaukonstruktionen: Band I: Tragwerke by Leder, Gerhard
Nonlinear Dynamics of Transcritical Flows: Proceedings of a Dfvlr International Colloquium, Bonn, Germany, March 1984 by
The Springfield 1903 Rifles: The Illustrated, Documented Story of the Design, Development, and Production of All the Models of Appendages, and Acce by Usar, William S. Brophy
Kleingruppenforschung by
Fahrzeug- Und Prozeßführung: Kognitives Verhalten Des Menschen Und Entscheidungshilfen by Kraiss, Karl-Friedrich
Programmierpraktikum Für Ingenieure: Mit Grafischen Und Numerischen Aufgaben by Pieper, Wilhelm M.
Strategic Command and Control by Blair, Bruce
Lh-Rh and Its Analogues: Fertility and Antifertility Aspects by
Ground Water Pollution Control by Canter
Plastics for Electronics by Goosey, M.
Uncertainty and Control: Proceedings of an International Seminar Organized by Deutsche Forschungs- Und Versuchsanstalt Für Luft- Und Raumfahrt by
Mechanical Metamorphosis: Technological Change in Revolutionary America by York, Neil Longley
Research in Technical Communication: A Bibliographic Sourcebook by
An Introduction to Corrosion and Protection of Metals by Wranglen, Gosta
Computer Models in Environmental Planning by Gordon, Steven I.
Silicon-On-Insulator: Its Technology and Applications by
Technology in 1990 by Royal Society
Hydrogen: Energy Vector of the Future by
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Design by Kowalski, Thaddeus J.
Hero or Coward: Pressures Facing the Soldier in Battle by Dinter, Elmar
Design and Installation of Subsea Systems by Society for Underwater Technology (Sut)
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