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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1987

Managing Construction Worldwide V1 by
Managing Construction Worldwide V2 by
Managing Construction Worldwide V3 by
Dioxin-Containing Wastes by Arienti, Mark
Halogenated-Organic Containing Waste by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis by Temam, Roger
Mathematical Theory of Reliability by Barlow, Richard E., Proschan, Frank
Wavelets: A Mathematical Tool for Signal Processing by Chui, Charles K.
Optimal Control of Viscous Flow by
Classical Control Using H-Infinity Methods: An Introduction to Design by Helton, J. William, Merino, Orlando
Mathematical Control Theory of Coupled Pdes by Lasiecka, Irena
Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems by
Statistical Case Studies for Industrial Process Improvement by
Mathematics for Industry: Challenges and Frontiers. a Process View: Practice and Theory by
Stochastic Modeling in Broadband Communications Systems by Kaj, Ingemar
Design Sensitivity Analysis by Stanley, Lisa G., Stewart, Dawn L.
Perspectives in Flow Control and Optimization by Gunzburger, Max D.
Finite Element Methods with B-Splines by Höllig, Klaus
Introduction to Shape Optimization: Theory, Approximation, and Computation by Mäkinen, R. A. E., Haslinger, J.
Research Directions in Distributed Parameter Systems by
Engineering Reliability by Barlow, Richard E.
Application of Metal Cutting by Gorczyca, Fryderyk E.
Mega Molecules: by Elias, Hans-Georg
Singular Perturbation Methods in Control: Analysis and Design by O'Reilly, John, Kokotovic, Petar, Khali, Hassan K.
Variational Methods in Nonlinear Elasticity by Pedregal, Pablo
Thermophysical Properties of Lithium Hydride, Deuteride and Tritide by Shpil'rain, E. E.
Funktionen Einer Veränderlichen: Analytische Und Numerische Behandlung by Yserentant, H., Niederdrenk, K.
Signalübertragung: Lehrbuch Der Nachrichtentechnik Mit Datenfernverarbeitung by Schumny, Harald
Indefinite-Quadratic Estimation and Control: A Unified Approach to H2 and H-Infinity Theories by Hassibi, Babak, Sayed, Ali H., Kailath, Thomas
Applications of Wavelets: Case Studies by
Classical Control Using H-Infinity Methods: Theory, Optimization, and Design by Helton, J. William, Merino, Orlando
Advances in Linear Matrix Inequality Methods in Control by
Extending H-Infinity Control to Nonlinear Systems: Control of Nonlinear Systems to Achieve Performance Objectives by James, Matthew R., Helton, J. William
Topics of Finite Elasticity by Gurtin, Morton E.
Industrial Mathematics: The 1998 Crsc Workshop by
A Primer for Sampling Solids, Liquids, and Gases by Smith, Patricia L.
The Mathematics of Reservoir Simulation by
Symbolic Computation Applications to Scientific Computing by
Vortex Methods and Vortex Motion by
Control and Estimation in Distributed Parameter Systems by
Transonic Aerodynamics: Problems in Asymptotic Theory by
Exotische Lebensmittel: Inhaltsstoffe Und Verwendung; Für Biologen, Chemiker Und Ernährungswissenschaftler by Herrmann, Karl
Recycling by Panz, Robert Günter
Software-Ergonomie '87 Nützen Informationssysteme Dem Benutzer? by
Vom Bauen Zwischen Gesetz Und Freiheit by Jesberg, Paulgerd
Spitzentechnik in Deutschland: Von Der Forschung Zur Anwendung by
Rechenübungen Zur Angewandten Elektronik: Mit 92 Aufgaben U. Lösungen, Z.T. Mit Basic-Programmen by Böhmer, Erwin
Euklid by Schreiber, Peter
Models of the Real Projective Plane: Computer Graphics of Steiner & Boy Surfaces by Apery, Francois
Dynamic Noncooperative Game Theory by Basar, Tamer, Olsder, Geert Jan
Lapack User's Guide by Bischof, C., Anderson, E., Bai, Z.
Mathematical Analysis of Viscoelastic Flows by Renardy, Michael
Practical Methods for Optimal Control Using Nonlinear Programming by Betts, John T.
Neuro-Fuzzy Control of Industrial Systems with Actuator Nonlinearities by Selmic, R., Lewis, F. L., Campos, J.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice: Design: Analysis and Simulation by Talavage, J., Hannam, R., Talavage, Joseph
Werkstoff Und Umformung: Vorträge Des 1.Workshop Stuttgart, 9. Juni 1986 by
Beanspruchungsgerechte Auslegung Von Fließpreßwerkzeugen Mit Numerischen Berechnungsmethoden by Cuong, Vu The
Grundkurs Stochastik: Eine Integrierte Einführung in Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Mathematische Statistik by Behnen, Konrad, Neuhaus, Georg
Integrationstheorie: Eine Einführung in Die Integrationstheorie Und Ihre Anwendungen by
Einführung in Die Regelungstechnik: Lineare Und Nichtlineare by Leonhard, Werner
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Analytische Und Numerische Behandlung by Niederdrenk, K., Luther, W.
Kreuz Und Quer: Eine Expedition Durch Mathematik Und Geometrie by Deubler, Raoul U.
Schau Den Dingen Auf Den Grund!: Verwunderliches Aus Der Physik II by
Thomas Alva Edison by Schreier, Hella
Allgemeine Elektrotechnik by Krause, Manfred
Dynamik Der Zahnradgetriebe: Modelle, Verfahren, Verhalten by Kücükay, Ferit
Regelungstechnik II: Zustandsregelungen, Digitale Und Nichtlineare Regelsysteme by Unbehauen, Heinz
Praktikum in Werkstoffkunde: Skriptum Für Ingenieure, Metall- Und Werkstoffkundler, Werkstoffwissenschaftler, Eisenhüttenleute, Fertigungs- Und Umf by Macherauch, Eckard
Windkonverter: Bauarten, Wirkungsgrade, Auslegung by Schatter, Winfried
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier by Szabadvary, Ferenc
Command in War by Van Creveld, Martin
Konstruieren Und Gestalten by
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe ALS Naturwissenschaftler by Sucker, Ulrich
Programmierung Mit FORTRAN 77 by Lowes, Martin
Johannes Kepler by
Elektrische Kleinmaschinen: Eine Einführung by Stölting, Hans-Dieter, Beisse, Achim
Lineare Algebra: Analytische Und Numerische Behandlungen by Niemeyer, Horst, Wermuth, Edgar
Numerical Simulation of Compressible Navier-Stokes Flows: A Gamm Workshop by
Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Vorträge - N 356 by Eversheim, Walter
Ortsbindung: Eine Architekturkritische Entdeckung: Der Petersplatz Des Gianlorenzo Bernini by Birindelli, Massimo, Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Optimierungsmethoden Des Operations Research: Band 1 Lineare Und Ganzzahlige Lineare Optimierung by Mendel, Manfred
Elektronik Für Physiker: Eine Einführung in Analoge Grundschaltungen by
Principles for the Safety Assessment of Food Additives and Contaminants in Food - Environmental Health Criteria No 70 - by Ipcs
Swirling Flow Problems at Intakes by
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Aids: Leitlinien Für Die PRAXIS: Der Umgang Mit Vermutlich Oder Tatsächlich Infizierten by Deinhardt, F.
Numerical Techniques in Continuum Mechanics: Proceedings of the Second Gamm-Seminar, Kiel, January 17 to 19, 1986 by
Stable Solution of Inverse Problems by Baumeister, Johann
Expertensysteme '87 Konzepte Und Werkzeuge by
Introduction to the Geometry of Foliations, Part B: Foliations of Codimension One by Hector, Gilbert, Hirsch, Ulrich
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache FORTRAN 77: Anleitung Zum Selbststudium by Lamprecht, Günther
Spanlose Fertigung: Schneiden - Biegen - Ziehen by Semlinger, Erwin
Funktionentheorie in Geometrischer Behandlungsweise: Vorlesung, Gehalten in Leipzig 1880/81 by Klein, Felix
Heinrich Hertz: Entdecker Der Radiowellen by Kuczera, Josef
Regelungstechnik I: Klassische Verfahren Zur Analyse Und Synthese Linearer Kontinuierlicher Regelsysteme by Unbehauen, Heinz
LAN Lokale Pc-Netzwerke: Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Problemlösungen, Fakten, Datentabellen by
Conservation and Practical Morality: Challenges to Education and Reform by Brown, Les
The Economic and Social Effects of the Spread of Motor Vehicles: An International Centenary Tribute by
U.S. Foreign Policy and European Security by Cyr, Arthur
East Asian Conflict Zones: Prospects for Regional Stability and Deescalation by
South Africa and Nuclear Proliferation: South Africa's Nuclear Capabilities and Intentions in the Context of International Non-Proliferation Policies by Moore, J. D. L.
Poverty, Development and Food: Essays in Honour of H. W. Singer on His 75th Birthday by
Elastohydrodynamik, Meß- Und Prüfverfahren, Bearbeitungsverfahren, Konstruktive Gestaltung by Haag, Hermann, Günther, Reinhard
Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete by Kong, F. K., Evans, R. H.
Space 2000: Meeting the Challenge of a New Era by Shipman, Harry L.
Research in Numerical Fluid Mechanics by
Ernst Haeckel by Krausse, Erika
Unternehmensbewertung und Komplexitätsreduktion by Ballwieser, Wolfgang
Transfer of Early Industrial Technologies to America: Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 177) by Stapleton, Darwin H.
Inspection and Gaging by Kennedy, Clifford W.
Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory by Boyd, Stephen, El Ghaoul, Laurent, Feron, Eric
Maintaining and Troubleshooting Electrical Equipment by Parks, Roy
Toxic Waste Minimization in the Printed Circuit Board Industry by Nunno, T., Palmer, S., Arienti, M.
Intro to Semiconductor Devices Modelling by Snowden, Christopher M.
Introduction to Semiconductor Device Modelling by Snowden, Christopher M.
Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology: Lwr Pressure Components by Wittmann, F. H.
Remedial Action Technology for Waste Disp. by Kathleen, Wager, Bryan, P. Rogoshewski H.
Control of Organic Substances in Water and Wastewater by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Nuclear War Survival Skills by Kearny, Cresson H.
Nuclear War Survival Skills by Kearny, Cresson H.
Der Sirotherm-Prozess - Ein Verfahren Zur Rationellen Wasserentsalzung by Weise, Magdalene, Wolf, Friedrich
Historische Entwicklung Und Zukünftige Tendenzen Der Siedesalz-Produktion Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Ehemaligen Salinen Im Sächsisch-Thürin by Emons, Hans-Heinz, Walter, Hans-Henning
Faser-Teilchen-Verbunde by Höninger, H., Reichelt, E., Knauer, B.
Entwicklungen Auf Dem Gebiet Der Organischen Hochpolymere by Rätzsch, Manfred
Diskontinuierliche Technologische Prozesse: Grundlagen, Analyse, Modellierung, Steuerung by Voigt, Gerhard, Cramer, Siegfried
Laser-Doppler-Strömungsmessung by Albrecht, Heinz-Eberhard
Elektronen Und Photonen in Halbleitern Und Isolatoren by Kreher, Konrad
Military Assistance in Recent Wars: The Dominance of the Superpowers by Neuman, Stephanie G., Unknown
Optical Integrated Circuits by Nishihara, Hiroshi
Standard Handbook of Industrial Automation by Considine, Glenn D., Considine, Douglas M.
The Economic and Social Effects of the Spread of Motor Vehicles: An International Centenary Tribute by
Cost Engineering in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing by Hedden, R. P.
Water Resources and Control Processes: Volume 4 by
Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes by Benedict, Gary F.
The Defense of Western Europe by Unknown
Catalysis and Surface Properties of Liquid Metals and Alloys by
Large Deformations of Solids: Physical Basis and Mathematical Modelling by
Fire and Cellular Polymers by
Image Analysis and Processing by Musso, G., Cantoni, Virginio
Bioactive Analytes, Including CNS Drugs, Peptides, and Enantiomers by Scales, Bryan, Wilson, I. D., Reid, E.
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 2: Industrial Applications of Solar Energy by Garg, H. P.
Partial Prestressing, from Theory to Practice: Volume I. Survey Reports by
Joining Fibre-Reinforced Plastics by
Ice Destruction: Methods and Technology by Gavrilo, V. P., Nedoshivin, O. a., Bogorodsky, V. V.
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 1: Collection and Storage Systems by Garg, H. P.
Advances in Solar Energy Technology: Volume 3 Heating, Agricultural and Photovoltaic Applications of Solar Energy by Garg, H. P.
Gaseous Detonations: Their Nature, Effects and Control by Nettleton, M. a.
Authority in Islam: From Mohammed to Khomeini: From Mohammed to Khomeini by Mozaffari, Mehdi
Directions in Engineering Research: An Assessment of Opportunities and Needs by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Drinking Water and Health, Volume 8: Pharmacokinetics in Risk Assessment by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Computer Assisted Modeling: Contributions of Computational Approaches to Elucidating Macromolecular Structure and Function by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment, Volume II: Case Studies and Policy Perspectives by Committee on Women's Employment and Related Social Issues, National Research Council, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
New Horizons in Electrochemical Science and Technology by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Drinking Water and Health, Volume 7: Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-Products by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Technology and Employment: Innovation and Growth in the U.S. Economy by Panel on Technology and Employment, National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy
The Science of Programming by Gries, David
Advances in Biomaterials 1 by Lee, Stuart M.
Konzeption Und Auswahl Modularer Magazinpaletten by Zipse, Thomas
Optimal Control Theory with Economic Applications: Volume 24 by Sydsæter, K., Seierstad, A.
Turbo-Pascal Aus Der PRAXIS by Mittelbach, Henning, Wermuth, Gisbert
Mathematische Methoden in Der Systemtheorie: Fourieranalysis by Babovsky, Hans, Beth, Thomas, Neunzert, Helmut
Explosivverdichtung Pulvriger Substanzen: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Ergebnisse by Prümmer, Rolf
Bionik: Biologische Funktionsprinzipien Und Ihre Technischen Anwendungen by Zerbst, Ekkehard W.
Elementary Decision Theory by Moses, Chernoff, Herman, Moses, Lincoln E.
Dispersants, Solvents and Solubilizers by
Building Organisation and Procedures by Forster, George
Modeling of Plume Rise and Dispersion -- The University of Salford Model: U.S.P.R. by Henderson-Sellers, Brian
Analysis of Metallurgical Failures by Heiser, Francis A., Colangelo, Vito J.
Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring by Gilbert, Richard O.
Numerische Berechnung Elektromagnetischer Felder: Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen by Hafner, Christian
Poor-Quality Cost: Implementing, Understanding, and Using the Cost of Poor Quality by Harrington, H. James
Integrierte Mos-Schaltungen by Horninger, Karlheinrich
Singular Perturbations and Asymptotic Analysis in Control Systems by
An Expert Systems Approach to Computer-Aided Design of Multivariable Systems by Pang, Grantham K. H., MacFarlane, Alistair G. J.
Electrets by
Digitale Regelsysteme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Deterministische Regelungen by Isermann, Rolf
Atomic Processes in Electron-Ion and Ion-Ion Collisions by Brouillard, F.
Defects in Solids by Chadwick, A. V., Terenzi, M.
Adhesion 11 by
Halide Glasses for Infrared Fiberoptics by
Tribological Technology Volume I; Volume II: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Tribological Technology, Maratea, Italy, September 13 by
Mineral Processing Design by
Principles of Electromagnietic Compatibility 3rd Edition by Keiser, Bernhard
Dictionary of Electrical Engineering: English, German, French, Dutch, Russian by
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Test Generation by Singh, Narinder
Amorphous and Liquid Materials by
Advances in Biomedical Polymers by Gebelein, C. G.
Geostatistical Case Studies by
Patterns, Defects and Microstructures in Nonequilibrium Systems: Applications in Materials Science by
Progress in Hydrogen Energy: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Hydrogen Energy, New Delhi, July 4-6, 1985 by
Nachrichtenverarbeitung: Digitale Schaltkreise by Schaller, G., Nüchel, W.
Stochastische Modelle Für Anwender by
Ground Water Quality and Agricultural Practices by Fairchild, Deborah
Design and Use of Pressure Sewer Systems by Thrasher, David
Wie Funktionieren Roboter by Werner, Dietrich, Lorbeer, Werner
Stability Theory: An Introduction to the Stability of Dynamic Systems and Rigid Bodies by Leipholz, Horst
Evanescent Mode Microwave Components by Craven, George F.
The Arizona Rangers by O'Neal, Bill
Radiothermoluminescence and Transitions in Polymers by Zlatkevich, Lev
Chernobyl and Nuclear Power in the USSR by Marples, David R.
See More