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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1989

The Impact of Air Power on the British People and Their Government, 1909-1914 by Gollin, A. M.
Unconventional Photoactive Solids by Scher, Harvey
Concurrent Computations: Algorithms, Architecture, and Technology by Schwartz, Stuart C., Tewksbury, Stuart K., Dickinson, Bradley
Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 1: Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Wastes by Cheremisinoff, Paul
Microwave Transmission Design Data by Moreno, Theodore
Lebensmittel Und Mikroorganismen: Frischware -- Konservierungsmethoden -- Verderb by Wallhäußer, K. -H
Grundlagen Der Fördertechnik by Pfeifer, Heinz
Die Schwache Wechselwirkung in Kern-, Teilchen- Und Astrophysik: Eine Einführung by Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Hans Volker, Grotz, Klaus
Grundlagen Und Rechenverfahren Der Elektrotechnik by Hoyer, Konrad, Vömel, Martin, Schnell, Gerhard
Expertensystemshell Deduc / Wissensdynamik Mit Deduc: Software Zur Unterstützung Dynamischer Wissensverarbeitung Mit Benutzerhandbuch / Grundlagen Und by Müller-Reissmann, Karl-Friedrich, Hornung, Bernd R.
Numerische Methoden Im CAD by Luscher, Norbert, Vogt, Martin-Jörg, Eggen, Bertus
Technologie Der Werkstoffe: Für Studenten Des Maschinenbaus Und Der Verfahrenstechnik AB 1. Semester by Ruge, Jürgen
Einführung in Die Wärmeübertragung: Für Maschinenbauer, Verfahrenstechniker, Chemie-Lngenieure, Chemiker, Physiker AB 4. Semester by Schlünder, Ernst-Ulrich
Grundlagen Des Maschinellen Beweisens: Eine Einführung Für Informatiker Und Mathematiker by Kutsche, Ralf-Detlef, Hofbauer, Dieter
Einführung in Die Reelle Algebra by Scheiderer, Claus, Knebusch, Manfred
Ernst ABBE by
Zur Zierde Der Stadt: Baugeschichte Des Braunschweiger Burgplatzes Seit 1750 by Beitz, Uwe
Auf Der Suche Nach Der Urkraft by
Vitamine by Bässler, K. H.
The Sea in Soviet Strategy by Till, Geoffrey, Ranft, Bryan
Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance by Miller, Richard Kendall, Robinson, Stanley L.
Applications of Photovoltaics by
Big Bird and Beyond: The New Media and the Markle Foundation by John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, Mitgang, Lee D.
Galileo Galilei by
A History of Shropshire, Volume 4: Agriculture by
Otto Warburg by Höxtermann, Ekkehard
Cad/CAM Robotics and Factories of the Future: Volume III: Robotics and Plant Automation by Prasad, Birendra, Dwivedi, S. N., Mahajan, R.
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations -- Theory, Computation Methods, and Applications: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Nonlinear Hyper by
Schwarze Löcher Im All by
Dynamische Systeme Und Fraktale: Computergrafische Experimente Mit Pascal by Becker, Karl-Heinz, Dörfler, Michael
Übungsbeispiele Aus Der Wärmelehre by Berties, Werner
Entwurf Und Technologie Hochintegrierter Schaltungen by
Leistungsbewertung Von Rechensystemen: Mittels Analytischer Warteschlangenmodelle by
Passive Mikrowellenradiometrie by Vowinkel, Bernd
Logische Grundlagen Der Künstlichen Intelligenz by Nilsson, Nils J.
Programmieren Mit FORTRAN 77 Für Ingenieure by
Programmierung in Modula-2: Eine Einführung in Das Modulare Programmieren Mit Anwendungsbeispielen Unter Unix, Ms-DOS Und Tos by Lutz, Joachim, Risse, Thomas
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache C++ by Tölle, Wolfgang
Algebra -- Aller Anfang Ist Leicht by Göthner, Peter
Ewige Kalender by Selikson, M. S.
Leichtbau-Konstruktion: Berechnungsgrundlagen Und Gestaltung by Klein, Bernd
Keramik-Bauteile in Verbrennungsmotoren: Reibung Verschleiß Herstellung Bearbeitung by
Der Schwerkraft Auf Der Spur by Polnarjow, A. G.
Interfaces Und Datennetze by Hoyer, Konrad, Schnell, Gerhard
Strömungsförderer: Hydraulischer Und Pneumatischer Transport in Rohrleitungen by Kecke, Hans J., Richter, Hansjürgen, Buhrke, Herbert
Aristoteles by Ehlers, Dietrich, Jürss, Fritz
Otto Hahn/Lise Meitner by
Reisebegleiter Physik by
Ausgewählte Arbeiten Zur Zahlentheorie Und Zur Geometrie: Mit D. Hilberts Gedächtnisrede Auf H. Minkowski, Göttingen 1909 by Minkowski, Hermann
Modulation: Analog-, Digital- Und Pulssysteme by Connor, Frankr
CAD Für Bauingenieure: Konstruktionstechniken Mit Cad-Programmen by Pfeiffer, Thomas
Inverse Und Schlecht Gestellte Probleme by Louis, Alfred Karl
Radar Systems by Lynn, Paul A.
Die Traumlandschaften Ludwig Tiecks: Traumreise Und Individuationsprozeß Aus Romantischer Perspektive by Garmann, Gerburg
The Physics of Submicron Semiconductor Devices by Jacoboni, C., Grubin, Harold L., Ferry, David K.
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 364 by Jessberger, Hans Ludwig
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 373 by Staufenbiel, Rolf
Technikbilder: Weltanschauliche Weichenstellungen Der Technologie- Und Umweltpolitik by Huber, Joseph
Bahnführung Eines Industrieroboters Mit Multiprozessorsystem by Rojek, Peter
Seismicity in Mines by Gibowicz, G.
Die Finite-Elemente-Methode Auf Dem PC: Fachwerke -- Durchlaufträger -- Rahmen by Oldenburg, Wolfgang
Lasers in Medicine: An Introductory Guide by Absten, Gregory T., Joffe, Stephen N.
Applied Quaternary Research by
Quaternary and Environmental Research on East African Mountains by
To the Euphrates and Beyond: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Maurits N van Loon by Akkermans, P. M. M. G., Haex, O. M. C., Curvers, H. H.
Agricultural Engineering Volume 2: Agricultural Buildings: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress on Agricultural Engineering, Dublin, 4-8 by
Ethnic Minorities by
Innovations in Mining Backfill Technology by
Aktive Schwingungsdämpfung an Einem Elastischen Knickarmroboter by Henrichfreise, Hermann
Rank Tests with Estimated Scores and Their Application by Neuhaus, Georg
Kerne, Hadronen Und Elementarteilchen: Eine Einführung by
Total Quality Management: Die PRAXIS Des Qualitäts-Managements by Oess, Attila
The Political Economy of International Air Safety: Design for Disaster? by Golich, Vicki L.
Public Opinion and National Security in Western Europe: Consensus Lost? by Eichenberg, Richard C.
Der Elektronische Minimarkttest by Stoffels, Jörg
Optical Recognition of Chinese Characters by Hartmann, Irmfried, Suchenwirth, Richard, Guo, Jun
Abram Fedorovič Ioffe: Vater Der Sowjetischen Physik by
Was Ist Die Relativitätstheorie? by Rumer, Juri B.
New Technologies and the Arms Race by
Pump Technology: New Challenges -- Where Next? Churchill College, Cambridge, England 18-20 April, 1989 by Coombs, A. G.
Digitale Signalverarbeitung in Der Meß- Und Regelungstechnik by Leonhard, Werner
Proceedings of the Third German-Italian Symposium Applications of Mathematics in Industry and Technology: June 18-22, 1988 Siena (Under the Auspices o by
Einführung in Die Extremwertstatistik by
Grundbegriffe Der Mengenlehre Und Logik by
Carl Friedrich Gauß by
Quaternary Type Sections: Imagination or Reality? by
Plastics Extrusion Technology Handbook by Levy, Sidney
LISP: Fallbeispiele Mit Anwendungen in Der Künstlichen Intelligenz by Esser, Rüdiger
Automatisierung Mit Industrierobotern by Rehr, Winfried
Robust Multi-Grid Methods by
Microelectronic Materials by Grovenor, C.
Ion Beam Processing of Advanced Electronic Materials: Volume 147 by
Catalysis: Volume 8 by
Ingenieur- und Hydrogeologie by Richter, Dieter
Baustatik in Beispielen Und Aufgaben: Teil 4 Einflußlinien by Boetzl, Josef, Martin, Heinz-Dieter
Britain, NATO and Nuclear Weapons: Alternative Defence Versus Alliance Reform by Booth, Ken, Baylis, John
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces: Their Atomic and Electronic Structures by Bechstedt, Friedhelm, Enderlein, Rolf
Characterization, Production and Application of Food Flavours: Proceedings of the 2nd Wartburg Aroma Symposium 1987. Organized by Central Institute of by
Gapless Semiconductors, a New Class of Materials by Tsidilkovski, I. M.
Dezember 1988 by
11/1/88 by
Epm 87. Energy Pulse and Particle Beam Modification of Materials: International Conference Held September 7--11, 1987 Dresden, G.D.R. by
Sicherheit, Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit, Risiko by Förster, Wolfgang
Enzyme Studies by
Introduction to Aroma Research by Rothe, Manfred
Einführung in Die Experimentautomatisierung by
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 7 by
Konstruktionstechnik Und Leichtbau: Methodik, Werkstoff, Gestaltung, Bemessung by
April by
May by
February by
January by
Innovationsprozeß Flexible Automatisierung: Analysen, Effektivität, Strategien by
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 9 by
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 8 by
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 6 by
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 5 by
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 1 by
Independent Television in Britain: Volume 3 by Potter, Jeremy
Field Artillery And Fire Power by
A Chronology of Conflict and Resolution, 1945-1985 by Jessup, John E.
Capacity Oriented Analysis and Design of Production Systems by Koster, M. B. M. De
The Central American Security System: North-South or East-West? by
Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology by
A Systolic Array Optimizing Compiler by Lam, Monica S.
Microelectronic Materials and Processes by
Progress in Synthetic Fuels by
Seismic Methods by Lavergne, Michel
Microelectronic Materials and Processes by
Oil and Gas Databook for Developing Countries: With Special Reference to the Acp Countries by
Speech Time-Frequency Representations by Riley, Michael D.
Image Recognition by Holography by Vasilenko, G. I., Tsibul'kin, L. M.
The Future of Nuclear Power by Greenhalgh, G.
(Ipf)Microelectronic Reliability by Hakim, Edward B.
Laser Science and Technology by Letokhov, V. S., Chester, A. N., Martellucci, S.
Technology and Environment by National Academy of Engineering
Drinking Water and Health, Volume 9: Selected Issues in Risk Assessment by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Materials Science and Engineering for the 1990s: Maintaining Competitiveness in the Age of Materials by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council
Advanced Power Sources for Space Missions by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Film Badge Dosimetry in Atmospheric Nuclear Tests by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Biotechnology in China by Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Repub, National Academy of Sciences
Research Opportunities for Materials with Ultrafine Microstructures by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council
Surfactant - Based Separation Processes by Scamehorn
In-Process Quality Control for Manufacturing by Barkman, Barkman, Barkman, William, Barkman, W. E.
Supramolekulare Chemie: Eine Einführung by Vögtle, Fritz
Textverarbeitung Mit Microsoft Word by Mehl, Wolfgang, Becker, Helmut
Systematischer Entwurf Digitaler Systeme by Rammig, Franz J.
High-Tc Superconductors by Weber, Harald W.
The Masks of War: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis by Builder, Carl
Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922 by Douglas, Susan J.
Jitter in Digital Transmission System by Trischitta, Patrick R.
Advances in Superconductivity: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS '88), August 28-31, 1988, Nagoya by
Stochastic Optimal Control Theory with Application in Self-Tuning Control by Hunt, Kenneth J.
Optimaler Energieeinsatz Bei Der Fertigung Durch Massivumformung by Herlan, Thomas
Ermüdungsverhalten Von Massivumgeformten Bauteilähnlichen Proben Aus Stahl by Schwab, Wolfgang
Control of Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Ifip Wg 7.2 Working Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 6-9, 1987 by
Abstract Systems Theory by Mesarovic, Mihailo D., Takahara, Yasuhiko
Statistical and Scientific Database Management: Fourth International Working Conference Ssdbm, Rome, Italy, June 21-23, 1988. Proceedings by
Singular Control Systems by Dai, Liyi
Plasticizers, Stabilizers and Thickeners by
Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas by Cole, Leonard a.
Guidelines for Process Equipment Reliability Data, with Data Tables by Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
Flexibilisierung Der Arbeitszeiten Im Produktionsbetrieb: Iao-Forum 9. November 1988 in Stuttgart by
Ergonomische Gestaltung Der Benutzerschnittstelle Am Antriebssystem Des Greifreifenrollstuhls by Traut, Ludwig
Robert Maillart's Bridges: The Art of Engineering by Billington, David P.
Dying for Work: Workers' Safety and Health in Twentieth-Century America by
Energy and the Missing Resource: A View from the Laboratory by Dostrovsky, I.
The Evolution of Technology by Basalla, George
Energy and the Missing Resource by Dostrovsky, I.
The Use of Plant Genetic Resou by
Unrolling Time by Yoder, Joella Gerstmeyer
The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars by
The Evolution of Technology by Basalla, George
Operations Research Models in Flexible Manufacturing Systems by
Rechnergestützter Layoutentwurf Von Hybridschaltungen: Widerstandsberechnung, Entwurfsschritte, Layoutüberprüfung by Roßmann, Wolfgang
Managing Innovation and Change by
Structural Integrity - Theory and Experiment by
Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications by
Origin and Evaluation of Formation Pressures by Sahay, Bhagwan, Fertl, Walter H.
Advanced Simulation and Test Methodologies for VLSI Design by Russell, G., Sayers, I. L.
Rare Earth Metals Based Permanent Magnets: A Literature Study by
Telecommunications Principles by O'Reilly, J.
Statistical Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems by Nakagawa, T., Akaike, H.
Technological Transformation: Contextual and Conceptual Implications by
Adsorption: Science and Technology by
Digital Filtering in One and Two Dimensions: Design and Applications by Ahmadi, M., Azimi-Sadjadi, M., Gorgui-Naguib, R.
Differential Games and Applications by
The Physics and Chemistry of Sio2 and the Si-Sio2 Interface by
Recent Advances in Engineering Science: A Symposium Dedicated to A. Cemal Eringen June 20-22, 1988, Berkeley, California by
Groundwater Contamination: Use of Models in Decision-Making: Proceedings of the International Conference on Groundwater Contamination: Use of Models i by
Thermal Stress and Strain Generation in Heat Treatment by
Large Scale Systems: Decentralization, Structure Constraints, and Fixed Modes by Trave, Louise, Titli, Andre, Tarras, Ahmed M.
Water, Wastewater, and Sludge Filtration by Visvanathan, C., Ben Aim, Roger
Theory of Statistical Inference and Information by Vajda, Igor
Chemistry of the Semiconductor Industry by Moss, S. J., Ledwith, A.
The Structure of Small Molecules and Ions by Naaman, Ron, Vager, Zeev
Noise and Nonlinear Phenomena in Nuclear Systems by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 28 by
Wood Adhesives: Chemistry and Technology---Volume 2 by Pizzi, Antonio, Pizzi
Detectability of Spread-Spectrum Signals by Dillard, Robin a.
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