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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1990

Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics V by
Transportation for the Nuclear Industry by Blackburn, S. M., Walton, D. G.
Hb Fiber-Reinforced Concrete by Beaudoin, James J.
How to Select Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies for Soils and Sludges by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Accidental Releases of Air Toxics: Prevention, Control and Mitigation by Davis, Daniel S.
Technical Writing in a Corporate Culture: A Study of the Nature of Information by Borman, Kathryn, Barabas, Christine
Theoretische Plasmaphysik: Eine Einführung by
Mathematische Formelsammlung: Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Mit Zahlreichen Abbildungen Und Rechenbeispielen Und Einer Ausführlichen Integ by Papula, Lothar
Meßwert-Analyse: Rechnerische Und Graphische Auswertungen Von Meßdaten by Hauck, Karl-Heinz
Digitalrechner -- Grundlagen Und Anwendungen: Technische Informatik 1 by Ameling, Walter
Elemente Der Angewandten Elektronik: Kompendium Für Ausbildung Und Beruf by Böhmer, Erwin
Biotechnologie Für Ingenieure: Grundlagen - Verfahren Aufgaben - Perspektiven by Meiners, Marinus
Kommunikation Und Computer: Trends Und Perspektiven Der Telematik by Schmitt-Egenolf, Andreas
Die Farbe Purpur im frühen Griechentum by Stulz, Heinke
Superfluidity and Superconductivity by Tilley, J., Tilley, D. R.
Lagrangian Interaction: An Introduction To Relativistic Symmetry In Electrodynamics And Gravitation by Doughty, Noel
Active and Passive Earth Pressure Tables by Absi, E., Kerisel, J.
QCD Spectrum Sum Rules (V26) by Narison, Stephan
The Physics and Technology of Laser Resonators by Hall, Denis, Jackson, P. E.
Signal Recovery from Noise in Electronic Instrumentation by Wilmshurst, T. H.
Wärmeübergang Und Blasenbildung Beim Behältersieden: Beeinflussung Durch Heizflächeneigenschaften Und Durch Siedeverstärker by Leiner, Wolfgang
Dominanz Und Sprache: Strategisches Handeln Im Alltag by Thimm, Caja
Vom Nmr-Spektrum Zur Strukturformel Organischer Verbindungen: Ein Kurzes Praktikum Der Nmr-Spektroskopie by Breitmaier, Eberhard
Numerical Simulation of Oscillatory Convection in Low-PR Fluids: A Gamm Workshop by
The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90s by Cohen, Bernard Leonard
Neue Unterhaltsame Astronomie by
Analyse Digitaler Signale: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Mathematischer Analysemethoden Auf Diskrete Zeitfolgen by Lechner, Werner
Digitale Regelungsysteme: Grundlagen Zum Systementwurf by Büttner, Winfried
Fahrzeugverglasung: Entwicklung - Techniken - Tendenzen Referate Der Fachtagung Fahrzeugverglasung by
Technischer Fortschritt Und Verantwortungsbewußtsein: Die Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung Von Ingenieuren by Volmerg, Birgit, Senghaas-Knobloch, Eva
Mehr Technik in Die Region: Neue Ansätze Zur Regionalen Technikförderung in Nordrhein-Westfalen by Voelzkow, Helmut
Spontane Phänomene: Stochastische Modelle Und Ihre Anwendungen by Topsoe, Flemming
Einführung in Die Elementarteilchenphysik by
Elementare Quantenchemie by Primas, Hans, Müller-Herold, Ulrich
Technisches Zeichnen by
Elektro-Fachzeichnen 1: Grundlagen by Harthus, Hans
Stochastik Für Informatiker by Pfeifer, Dietmar
Parallelrechnerstrukturen: Synthese Von Architektur, Kommunikation Und Algorithmus by
Informatik: Referenzbuch. Mit Den Vollständigen Befehlslisten Zu Ms-Dos, Turbo Pascal, dBASE Und Multiplan by Kaier, Ekkehard
Analyse Von Petri-Netz-Modellen by
CAD Für Bauingenieure by Trautwein, Martin
Informatik. Pc-Orientierte Informationstechnische Grundbildung: Lösungsheft by Kaier, Ekkehard
Fem: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Der Finite-Elemente-Methode by Klein, Bernd
Differentialgleichungen: Eine Einführung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Anwendungen by Collatz, Lothar
Ferdinand Graf Von Zeppelin by
Maschinen- Und Anlagendiagnostik: Für Die Zustandsbezogene Instandhaltung by Förster, Rudolf, Sturm, Adolf
Markoffsche Entscheidungsprozesse by
In Die Tiefen Des Weltalls by
Isaac Newton by
Ozon -- Sonnenbrille Der Erde by
Energie Aus Sonne, Wind Und Meer: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Der Erneuerbaren Energiequellen by
Rund Um Das Wasser -- Ein Physikalischer Streifzug by
Numerische Algorithmen in Softwaresystemen: -- Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Nag-Bibliothek by
Analytische Und Projektive Geometrie Für Die Computer-Graphik by Pareigis, Bodo
Mensch Und Automatisierung: Eine Bestandsaufnahme by Süthoff, Maike
Spanlose Fertigung: Schneiden -- Biegen -- Ziehen by Semlinger, Erwin
Einführung in Die Digitale Signalverarbeitung by Götz, Hermann
Einführung in Die Regelungstechnik: Lineare Und Nichtlineare Regelvorgänge Für Elektrotechniker, Physiker Und Maschinenbauer AB 5. Semester by Leonhard, Werner
Anwendungen Und Perspektiven Der Lasertechnik. Erhöhung Der Bearbeitungsgenauigkeit -- Eine Herausforderung an Die Ultrapräzisionstechnik: 361. Sitzun by Herziger, Gerd
Abschätzung Von Bahnfehlern in Robotersystemen by Holling, George H.
Entwicklung Wissensbasierter Systeme Für Die Vorrichtungskonstruktion by Neitzel, Reinhold
Elemente Der Integrierten Optik by Schiek, Roland, Börner, Manfred, Müller, Reinhar
Elektrische Motorausrüstung: Starter, Generator, Batterie Und Ihr Zusammenwirken Im Kfz-Bordnetz by Henneberger, Gerhard
Harnessing Solar Power: The Photovoltaics Challenge by Zweibel, Kenneth
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Glacial Indicator Tracing by
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula by
Objektorientierte Programmierung Mit Turbo Pascal: Eine Systematische Einführung in Die Welt Der Objekte by Aupperle, Martin
EDV Nicht Nur Für Techniker: Von Framework III Zu Turbo-Pascal by Erbs, Heinz-Erich, Deichelmann, Hermann
Framework-PRAXIS Für Kaufmännische Berufe: Band 1: Modelle Auf Kommandoebene by Nüßle, Karl, Kühlewein, Claus
Solar Cookers in the Third World: Evaluation of the Prerequisites, Prospects and Impacts of an Innovative Technology by Kuhnke, Klaus
Festigkeitsanalyse Dynamisch Beanspruchter Offshore-Konstruktionen by Hapel, Karl-Heinz
Aufladung Von Verbrennungsmotoren: Entwicklung, Regelung Und Stand Der Technik by Rautenberg, Manfred
Kosmologie Und Gravitation: Eine Einführung by
Mathematik Im Reich Der Töne by
Praktikum in Werkstoffkunde: Skriptum Für Ingenieure, Metall- Und Werkstoffkundler, Werkstoffwissenschaftler, Eisenhüttenleute, Fertigungs- Und Umf by Macherauch, Eckard
European Defence Equipment Collaboration: Britain's Involvement, 1957-87 by Draper, Alan G.
Technology Transfer in the Developing Countries by
Travel in Towns: Jam Yesterday, Jam Today and Jam Tomorrow? by Mogridge, Martin J. H.
Europe in Space by Collins, Guy
The Conversion of the Jews and Other Essays by Shechner, Mark
The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? by
Military Power in Europe: Essays in Memory of Jonathan Alford by Freedman, Lawrence
Materials Science by Leaver, Alexander, R. D. Rawlings and J. M.
Integrated Circuit Design and Technology by Morant, M. J.
Instandhaltung Und Anlagenkosten by Zhang, Suixin
dBASE IV Einsatz in Lokalen Netzwerken (Lan): Dialogabfrage Und Programmierung by
Mathematik Und Ornamentale Kunstformen by Manteuffel, Karl, Feiste, Uwe
Proceedings of the 8th Gamm Conference by Wesseling, Pieter
Deterrence and Defence in a Post-Nuclear World by Guertner, Gary L.
Metallfachrechnen 5 Heizungs- Und Raumlufttechnik by Wiemann, Herbert
Meeting Gorbachev's Challenge: How to Build Down the Nato-Warsaw Pact Confrontation by Dean, Jonathan
Strömungs- Und Kolbenmaschinen: Lern- Und Übungsbuch by Wagner, Hermann Th
Photogrammetrische Erfassung Räumlicher Informationen Aus Videobildern by Föhr, Ralph
Numerical Treatment of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Proceedings of the Fifth Gamm-Seminar, Kiel, January 20-22, 1989 by Rannacher, Rolf, Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Interferometry of Fibrous Materials by Barakat, N., Hamza, A. A.
Photovoltaic Engineering Handbook by Lasnier, F.
Laser Ultrasonics Techniques and Applications by Drain, L. E., Scruby, C. B.
Formation, Dynamics and Statistics of Patterns (Volume 1) by
Layered Structures -- Heteroepitaxy, Superlattices, Strain, and Metastability: Volume 160 by
Audiovisual Equipment and Materials II: A Basic Repair and Maintenance Manual by Schroeder, Don, Lare, Gary
Martin Hose: Studien Zum Chor Bei Euripides. Teil 1 by Hose, Martin
Hymenaios und Epithalamion by Contiades-Tsitsoni, Eleni
Millimetre-Wave Optics, Devices and Systems by Lesurf, J. C. G.
Structural Engineering and Applied Mechanics Data Handbook, Volume 3: Plates by Hsu, Teng H.
Environmental Consequences of and Control Processes for Energy Technologies by Hoffmann, Axel
Electric Motors Principles, Controls, Service, & Maintenance Instructor's Guide by Bear, Forrest W.
Atomic Energy for Military Purposes by Smyth, Henry D.
Hazardous Waste Management Facilities Directory: Treatment, Storage, Disposal and Recycling by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics by Aris, Rutherford
Fine Pore Aeratio by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Controlling Volatile Organic Comp. by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Haz Waste Treatment Technologies Biologicl by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Introduction to the Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction by McNamara, D. a.
Metallkunde Für Das Maschinenwesen: Band I, Aufbau Und Eigenschaften Metallischer Werkstoffe by Schmitt-Thomas, Karlheinz G.
Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude by Bruce, Robert V.
Bell: Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland by Bruce, Robert V.
Problems of Modern Quantum Field Theory: Invited Lectures of the Spring School Held in Alushta Ussr, April 24 - May 5, 1989 by
An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics by Isaaks, Edward H., Isaaks, Srivastava, R. Mohan
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 12 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 11 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 10 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 9 by
Lebensmitteltoxikologie by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 1 by
Fadenbildung Und Faserstrukturen: Dem Wirken Wofgang Bobeths Gewidmet by
Trocknungsprozesse by Roth, Hartmut
Polymer Characterization by Arndt, Karl-Friedrich, Schröder, Elisabeth, Müller, Gert
Ausgewählte Forschungsergebnisse Der Werkstoffwissenschaft: Werner Lange Zum 75. Geburstag by Lange, Werner
Lebensmittelwissenschaften Und Chemie - Ausgewählte Aspekte Der Erschließung Der Ackerbohne ALS Lebensmittelrohstoff by Schmandke, Horst
Lignocellulosic Materials by
Stabilitätstheorie Im Bauwesen by Steup, Herbert
Polymer Characterization by Arndt, Karl-Friedrich, Schröder, Elisabeth, Müller, Gert
Trocknungsprozesse by Roth, Hartmut
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 7 by
Computers and DNA by Marr, Thomas
Dye Lasers by
Distillation Operation by Kister, Henry Z.
Eine Systemarchitektur Für Die Gestaltung Und Das Management Verteilter Informationssysteme by Ness, Andreas J.
Abfallwirtschaft Theorie Und PRAXIS: Ein Grundriß by Damkowski, Wulf, Elsholz, Günter
Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration: Proceedings of the Conference Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration Organized by the Norwegian Petroleum Soci by
Applied Geography: Issues, Questions, and Concerns by
Computer Vision for Electronics Manufacturing by Pau, L. F.
Second Generation Subsea Production Systems by
Crosslinking and Scission in Polymers by
Plasma-Surface Interactions and Processing of Materials by
Manufacturing Strategy: The Research Agenda for the Next Decade Proceedings of the Joint Industry University Conference on Manufacturing Strat by
Nonlinear Digital Filters: Principles and Applications by Pitas, Ioannis, Venetsanopoulos, Anastasios N.
Switching and Traffic Theory for Integrated Broadband Networks by Hui, Joseph Y.
Structural Optimization,: Volume 2: Mathematical Programming by
Diverless and Deepwater Technology by
Advances in Underwater Inspection and Maintenance by
Advanced Composites by
Optimal Control of Distributed Nuclear Reactors by Nieva, R., Christensen, G. S., Soliman, S. A.
Solution of Superlarge Problems in Computational Mechanics by Kane, James H.
Cattle Inspection by Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board
Tracking Toxic Substances at Industrial Facilities: Engineering Mass Balance Versus Materials Accounting by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Corporate Restructuring and Industrial Research and Development by The Academy Industry Program of the National Academy of Scie, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering
Status and Applications of Diamond and Diamond-Like Materials: An Emerging Technology by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Materials Advisory Board
Liquid Crystalline Polymers by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Materials Advisory Board
Materials for High-Density Electronic Packaging and Interconnection by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Materials Advisory Board
The Academic Research Enterprise Within the Industrialized Nations: Comparative Perspectives by National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering
U.S. Nuclear Engineering Education: Status and Prospects by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Electroceramics: Materials, Properties, Applications by Moulson, T., Herbert, J.
Industrial Power Distribution and Illuminating Systems by Chen, Kao
Fluid Dynamics for the Study of Transonic Flow by Ramm, Heinrich J.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease by Lees
The Principles of Design by Suh, Nam Pyo
Fiber Optics and CATV Business Strategy by Yates, Robert K.
The Enclosed Garden: Women and Community in the Evangelical South, 1830-1900 by Friedman, Jean E.
Deciphering Science by
Polymer Processing by
Drinking Water Microbiology: Progress and Recent Developments by
Materialflußorientierte Termin- Und Kapazitätsplanung: Ein Konzept Für Serienfertiger by Treutlein, Klaus
Common Heritage or Common Burden?: The United States Position on the Development of a Regime for Deep Sea-Bed Mining in the Law of the Sea Convention by Schmidt, Markus G.
Untersuchungen Über Den Optisch-Physiologischen Eindruck Der Oberflächenstruktur Von Lackfilmen by Schene, Horst
Moving Targets: Nuclear Strategy and National Security by Sagan, Scott Douglas
Conditioners, Emollients and Lubricants by
Shipboard Operations by Lavery, H. I.
Finite Elemente Programme Für Platten Und Schalen by
Polymers and Plastics by
Generative and Non-Linear Phonology by Durand, Jacques
Scientist of Empire by Stafford, Robert A.
Energieversorgung Der Zukunft: Rationelle Energienutzung Und Erneuerbare Quellen by Nitsch, Joachim, Luther, Joachim
Konstruieren Mit 3d-Cad-Systemen: Grundlagen, Arbeitstechnik, Anwendungen by Pahl, Gerhard
Projekt-Controlling in Forschung Und Entwicklung: Grundsätze, Methoden, Verfahren, Anwendungsbeispiele Aus Der Nachrichtentechnik by Riedl, Josef E.
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 7 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 8 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 9 by
The Behaviour of Nonlinear Vibrating Systems: Volume I: Fundamental Concepts and Methods; Applications to Single Degree-Of-Freedom Systems Volume II: by Szemplinska, Wanda
Management of Technological Change: The Great Challenge of Management for the Future by Frankel, E. G.
Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation and Fracture: 19th Canadian Fracture Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, 29-31 May 1989 by
Inventory Management Demystified by Dear, A. D.
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry 21 by
Structure Reports for 1988, Volume 55a: Metals and Inorganic Sections by
Applied Mechanics: A Modern Approach by Bones, J. a., Sayer, F. P.
Silicon Nitride - 1 by
Energy Density Functional Theory of Many-Electron Systems by Kryachko, Eugene S., Ludeña, Eduardo V.
Laser Crystals: Their Physics and Properties by Kaminskii, Alexander a.
Industrial Electrochemistry by Walsh, F. C., Pletcher, D.
See More