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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1991

Formulating Plastics and Elastomers by Computer by Hermansen, Ralph D.
Handbook of VLSI Microlithography: Principles, Technology and Applications by
Chlorobenzenes Other Than Hexachlorobenzene: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 128 by Ilo, Unep
Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis IV: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting on Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis, Capri, June 14-16, 198 by Delpiero, Piero, Maceri, Franco
Hydrodynamic Forces: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 3 by Naudascher, Eduard
Air Entrainment in Free-surface Flow: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 4 by
Chemical Graph Theory: Introduction and Fundamentals by Bonchev, D.
To Serve Canada: A History of the Royal Military College of Canada by Preston, Richard
Oleochemical Manufacture and Application by Hamilton, Gunstone
Environmental Toxicity Testing by Thompson, Loibner, Wadhia
Stability and Trim of Fishing Vessels and Other Small Ships by Hind, J. A.
Supercollider 2 by McAshan, Michael, International Industrial Symposium on the Supercollider 2nd
Architektour: Bauen in Stuttgart Seit 1900 by Kähler, Gert
Edv/CAD Für Die Bautechnik by Kuhr, Harald
Weitverkehrstechnik: Nachrichtenübertragung Über Große Entfernungen by Kief, Klaus
Mathe!: Begegnungen Eines Wissenschaftlers Mit Schülern by Lang, Serge
Elektrotechnik: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch by Zastrow, Dieter
The Nuclear Lion by Jagger, John
Zeichenlehre by Spies, Joachim
Modelling of the Impact Response of Fibre-Reinforced Composites by Eng Sci Dept/U
Essential Relativistic Celestial Mechanics by Brumberg, Victor
Echoes of War: The Story of H2s Radar by Lovell, Bernard
Electroresponsive Molecular and Polymeric Systems: Volume 2: by
Genetic Algorithms and Robotics: A Heuristic Strategy for Optimization by Davidor, Yuval
Nonlinear Synthesis: Proceedings of a Iiasa Workshop Held in Sopron, Hungary June 1989 by Byrnes, C. I., Kurzhanski, A. B.
Fortran-Programme Zur Methode Der Finiten Elemente by
Einführung in Die Mathematische Logik: Klassische Prädikatenlogik by Hermes, Hans
Angewandte Elektrische Meßtechnik: Grundlagen, Sensorik, Meßwertverarbeitung by Haug, Albert
Effektiv Starten Mit Turbo C++ by Kotulla, Axel
Estimation and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems: Proceedings of an International Conference on Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter by Kappel, Kunisch, Desch
Forming Techniques - For the Self-Reliant Potter by Norsker, Henrik
Ausgewählte Arbeiten Zu Den Ursprüngen Der Schur-Analysis: Gewidmet Dem Großen Mathematiker Issai Schur (1875-1941) by
Erneuerungstheorie by
Maschinenbau Für Elektrotechniker: Teil 2 by
Numerische Lösung Von Partiellen Differentialgleichungen Der Technik: Differenzenverfahren, Finite Elemente Und Die Behandlung Großer Gleichungssystem by Törnig, Willi, Gipser, Michael, Kaspar, Bernhard
Aktive Fahrwerkstechnik by Wallentowirz, Na
Energie- Und Umweltpolitik by Internationale Energie-Agentur, Na
Institutionen Regionaler Technikförderung: Eine Analyse in Ostwestfalen-Lippe Und Im Östlichen Ruhrgebiet by Voelzkow, Helmut, Borowczak, Winfried
Bediengeräte Zur 3d-Bewegungsführung: Ein Beitrag Zur Effizienten Roboterprogrammierung by Lauffs, Hans-Georg
Elektrische Energieversorgung by Heuck, Klaus, Dettmann, Klaus-Dieter
Meridiane, Ihre Punkte Und Indikationen by Zeitler, Hans, Bahr, Frank R.
Umweltmanagement in 22 Lektionen: Ein Ökonomischer Weg in Eine Ökologische Wirtschaft by Schreiner, Manfred
Einführung in Die Wissensrepräsentation: Netzartige Und Schema-Basierte Repräsentationsformate by
Grundkurs Mathematik Für Ingenieure by Finckenstein, Karl
C++ Für Programmierer: Eine Umfassende Und Effiziente Anleitung by Tölle, Wolfgang
Sicherheit in Informationssystemen: Proceedings Des Gemeinsamen Kongresses Secunet'91 -- Sicherheit in Netzgestützten Informationssystemen (Des Bifoa) by
Informationssysteme Und Datenschutz Im Krankenhaus: Strategische Informationsplanung -- Informationsrechtliche Aspekte -- Konkrete Vorschläge by Seelos, Hans J.
Optimierungsmethoden Des Operations Research: Band 2: Optimierung in Graphen by Mendel, Manfred
Software-Ergonomie '91: Benutzerorientierte Software-Entwicklung by
Computergestützte Gruppenarbeit (Cscw) by
Analysis and Control of Industrial Processes by
Laseroptische 3d-Konturerfassung: Modellierung Und Systemtheoretische Beschreibung Eines Sensorsystems by Bundschuh, Bernhard
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 386 by Höfflinger, Bernd
CIM-Handbuch: Wirtschaftlichkeit Durch Integration by Geitner, Uwe W.
Squids, the Josephson Effects and Superconducting Electronics by Gallop, J. C.
After the Breakup: U.S. Telecommunications in a More Competitive Era by Crandall, Robert W.
Construction of Buildings on Expansive Soils by Sorochan, E. A.
Soil Mechanics, Footings and Foundations: Geotechnika - Selected Translations of Russian Geotechnical Literature 3 by Dalmatov, B. I.
Bioinstrumentation and Biosensors by Wise, Donald L.
Modern Manufacturing Processes by Brown, James
Technologies for Upgrading Existing or Designing New Drinking Water by Us, Epa, Us Epa, U. S. Epa, Center For Environment
Physik Für Hochschulanfänger by
Beispiele Und Aufgaben Zur Regelungstechnik by Ebel, Tjark
16/32 Bit-Mikroprozessorsysteme by Rübel, Manfred
Adaptive Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Euler Equations by Shapiro, Richard A.
Digitaler Distanzschutz: Verhalten Der Algorithmen Bei Nichtidealen Eingangssignalen by Nelles, Dieter, Opperskalski, Hartmut
Finland's Search for Security Through Defence, 1944-89 by Penttila, Risto E. J.
Biomaterials: Novel Materials from Biological Sources by Byrom, David
The Politics of International Aviation by Sochor, Eugene
CIM-Produktions-Leitsystem: Systematik Der Modellbildung Und Informationsflußanalyse Für Das Produktionsleitsystem Eines Hausgerätewerkes by Becker-Biskaborn, Gerd-Uwe
Soviet Power: The Continuing Challenge by Sherr, James
Methode Der Finiten Elemente: Eine Einführung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Rechenpraxis by Schwarz, Hans-Rudolf
Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh(r): With Two Program Diskettes by Brandt, Siegmund, Dahmen, Hans Dieter
Clinical Nuclear Medicine by Gilday, David L., Maisey, Michael, Britton, K. E.
Ideale Biegedrillknickmomente / Lateral-Torsional Buckling Coefficients: Kurventafeln Für Durchlaufträger Mit Doppelt-Symmetrischem I-Querschnitt / Di by Dickel, Timm
Ausgleichsvorgänge Bei Elektrischen Antrieben: Grundlagen Zur Analytischen Und Numerischen Berechnung by Seinsch, Hans-Otto
Übungen Zur Technischen Strömungslehre by Piltz, Eckart, Becker, Ernst
Einleitung in Die Analytische Mechanik: Vorlesung, Gehalten in Göttingen 1886/87 by Klein, Felix
Guide to Concrete Dyke Revetments by
Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Structures in Microelectronics: Volume 226 by
Perestroika and Soviet National Security by McCgwire, Michael
BMW 5 Series (E28) Service Manual: 1982-1988 by Bentley Publishers
Vegetables, Herbs and Spices: Supplement to the Composition of Foods by
Maschine, Mentales Modell, Metapher by Jakob, Karlheinz
Theurgie und Philosophie in Jamblichs De mysteriis by Nasemann, Beate
Die singulären Iterata der Ilias by Blössner, Norbert
Gespräch Und Handlung in Der Thebais Des Statius by Frings, Irene
Ricerche sulla cronologia dei filosofi ellenistici by Dorandi, Tiziano
Martin Hose: Studien Zum Chor Bei Euripides. Teil 2 by Hose, Martin
Water Wave Mechanics for Engineer...(V2) by Dean, Robert G., Dalrymple, Robert A.
Physical Acoustics and Metrology of Fluids by Trusler, Martin
A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations by MacKay, Alan L.
Industrial High Voltage Volume I: Electric Fields, Dielectrics, Constructions by Kreuger, F. H.
There Are No Electrons: Electronic for Earthlings by Amdahl, Kenn
High-Tech Ventures by Bell, C. Gordon, Bell, Gordon
Risk-Based Inspection Development of Guidelines, General Document by
Water Wave Mechanics for Engineer...(V2) by Dalrymple, Robert A., Dean, Robert G.
Flächenorientierte Termin- Und Kapazitätsplanung Bei Innerbetrieblicher Baustellenfertigung by Schlauch, Rolf
Ermüdungsverhalten Von Fließpreßteilen Aus Sintermetall by Hager, Bernd
Electronic Display Devices by
Electronics of Measuring Systems: Practical Implementation of Analogue and Digital Techniques by Lang, Tran Tien
Handbook of Measurement Science, Volume 1: Theoretical Fundamentals by
Principles of Powder Technology by
Membrane Processes by Rautenbach, R., Albrecht, R.
Plasma Spraying of Metallic and Ceramic Materials by Benko, B., Matejka, D.
The Information Society: Issues and Illusions by Lyon, David
Game Theory and National Security by Brams, Steven, Kilgour, D. Marc
Critical Path Methods in Construction Practice by Woodhead, Ronald W., Antill, James M.
Burn-In: An Engineering Approach to the Design and Analysis of Burn-In Procedures by Petersen, Niels Erik, Jensen, Finn
Channelized Rivers: Perspectives for Environmental Management by Brookes, Andrew
Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 1: Fundamentals of Numerical Discretization by Hirsch, Charles
Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 2: Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows by Hirsch, Charles
Physics and Instrumentation of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound by Fish, Peter
Principles of Pavement Design by Witczak, M. W., Yoder, E. J.
Computer Analysis of Power Systems by Arrillaga, Jos, Arnold, C. P.
Urban Surface Water Management by Walesh, Stuart G.
Rapid Microbiological Methods for Foods, Beverages and Pharmaceuticals by
The Domestication of Europe by Hodder, Ian
British Defence Since 1945 by Dockrill, Michael
Chemical Reactor Design and Operation by Van Swaaij, W. P. M., Beenackers, A. A. C. M., Westerterp, K. Roel
Switched-Mode Power Supplies in Practice by Kilgenstein, Otmar
Mechanics by Smith, R. C., Smith, P.
Principles Paint for Mulation by
Designer's Guide to Testable ASIC Devices by Needham, Wayne M.
Military Expenditure: The Political Economy of International Security by Sen, Somnath, Deger, Saadet
Solar Thermal Central Receiver Systems: Volume 3: Performance Evaluation Standards for Solar Central Receivers by
Crossing the Border: The Social and Engineering Design of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems by Rauner, Felix, Corbett, J. Martin, Baungaard Rasmussen, Lauge
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 4 by
Getriebetechnik: Analyse, Synthese, Optimierung by Luck, Kurt, Modler, Karl-Heinz
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 8 by
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 7 by
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 6 by
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 5 by
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 3 by
Bondkontakte by Zschech, Ehrenfried
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 2 by
Mp. Jahrgang 4, Heft 1 by
Vegetable Processing by
The Innovation Marathon: Lessons from High Technology Firms by Jelinek, Mariann, Schoonhoven, Claudia Bird
Soil Mechanics by Whitman, Robert V., Lambe, T. William
Health and Safety Beyond the Workplace by
A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training, Volume 8 by
Worker Protection During Hazardous Waste Remediation by Center for Labor Education and Research
Introduction to Nonlinear Optical Effects in Molecules and Polymers by Prasad, Paras N., Williams, David J.
Airplane Performance, Stability and Control by Perkins, Courtland D., Hage, Robert E.
Design of Water Quality Monitoring Systems by Ward, Robert C., McBride, Graham B., Loftis, Jim C.
Toxicity Reduction in Industrial Effluents by
Reinforced Concrete Structures by Park, Robert, Paulay, Thomas
Dynamics and Control of Structures by Meirovitch, Leonard
Heat Exchanger Design by Fraas, Arthur P.
Principles of Engineering Geology by Johnson, Robert B., Degraff, Jerome V.
Introduction to Material and Energy Balances by Reklaitis, Gintaras V.
Equilibrium-Stage Separation Operations in Chemical Engineering by Henley, Ernest J., Seader, J. D.
Synchronization in Digital Communications, Volume 1: Phase-, Frequency-Locked Loops, and Amplitude Control by Meyr, Heinrich, Ascheid, Gerd
Design to Cost by Wood, William P., Michaels, Jack V.
Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices by Grove, A. S.
Nuclear Reactor Analysis by Hamilton, Louis J., Duderstadt, James J.
Linear Programming by Murty, Katta G.
Radio Communications Concepts: Analog by Carson, Ralph S.
Reliability in Engineering Design by Lamberson, Leonard R., Kapur, Kailash C.
High-Speed Semiconductor Devices by
Fundamentals of Physical Metallurgy by Verhoeven, John D.
Handbook of Mechanics, Materials, and Structures by
Human Factors, Workbook: Understanding People-System Relationships by Sorkin, Robert D., Kantowitz, Barry H.
Introduction to Dynamics and Control by Meirovitch, Leonard
Passive and Active Filters: Theory and Implementations by Chen, Wai-Kai
Statistical Methods in Engineering and Quality Assurance by John, Peter W. M.
Robot Analysis and Control by Slotine, J. -J E., Asada, H.
Basic Exploration Geophysics by Robinson, Edwin S., Coruh, Cahit
Construction Measurements by Barry, B. Austin
Grounding and Shielding in Facilities by Morrison, Ralph, Lewis, Warren H.
Electronics: Circuits and Devices by Smith, Ralph J.
An Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations by Steidel, Robert F.
Energy and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics by Reddy, J. N.
Principles of Polymer Engineering Rheology by White, James Lindsay
Rotordynamics of Turbomachinery by Vance, John M.
Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals by Jirsa, James O., Ferguson, Phil M., Breen, John E.
Construction Guide for Soils and Foundations by Smoots, Vernon Allen, Ahlvin, Richard G.
Applied Finite Element Analysis by Segerlind, Larry J.
Karl Imhoff's Handbook of Urban Drainage and Wastewater Disposal by
Control Systems Engineering by Palm, William J.
Principles of Bioinstrumentation by Normann, Richard
File Organization and Processing by Tharp, Alan L.
Dynamic Analysis and Failure Modes of Simple Structures by Schiff, Daniel
Operations Research: Principles and Practice by Solberg, James J., Ravindran, A., Phillips, Don T.
Principles of Active Network Synthesis and Design by Daryanani, G.
Robot Dynamics and Control by Vidyasagar, M., Spong, Mark W.
Chemical Engineering Review for PE Exam by Crockett, William E.
System-Engineering Für Realzeitsysteme: Bericht Über Das Verbundprojekt Prosyt by
Fundamentals of Temperature, Pressure and Flow Measurements by Benedict, Robert P.
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing by Ludeman, Lonnie C.
Quantum Electronics by Yariv, Amnon
Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice by Sharma, Hari D., Prakash, Shamsher
System Safety Engineering and Management by Roland, Harold E., Moriarty, Brian
The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel by Matloff, Gregory L., Mallove, Eugene F.
Vibration Problems in Engineering by Timoshenko, S. P., Young, D. H., Weaver, W.
Foundation Engineering by Hanson, Walter E., Thornburn, Thomas H., Peck, Ralph B.
Introduction to Rock Mechanics by Goodman, Richard E.
Design of Prestressed Concrete by Nilson, Arthur H.
Handbook of Ground Water Development by Roscoe Moss Company
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