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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1996

Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health by Iaea, Fao
Principles of High-Resolution Radar by Rihaczek, August W.
Perspectives on the New Economics and Regulation of Telecommunications by Stanbury
Hilbert Transforms in Signal Processing by Hahn, Stefan L.
Starthilfe Technische Mechanik: Ein Leitfaden Für Studienanfänger Des Ingenieurwesens by
Handbuch Elektrische Energietechnik: Grundlagen - Anwendungen by
Einführung in Die Lineare Algebra by Walter, Rolf
Erneuerbare Energien: Warum Wir Sie Dringend Brauchen, Aber Kaum Nutzen Berichte, Analysen, Argumente by
Photovoltaik: Technik, Potentiale Und Perspektiven Der Solaren Stromerzeugung by Staiß, Frithjof
Scientific Computing: Eine Einführung in Das Wissenschaftliche Rechnen Und Parallele Numerik by Ortega, James M.
Digitale Nachrichtenübertragung: Grundlagen, Systeme, Technik, Praktische Anwendungen by Gerdsen, Peter
Graphen Und Anwendungen: Eine Einführung Für Studierende Der Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Stopp, Friedmar
Reverse Engineering by Dankwort, C. Werner
Advanced Course on Fairshape by Kaklis, Panagiotis
The City of Dionysos: A Study of Euripides' Bakchai by Leinieks, Valdis
Informationstheorie: Diskrete Modelle Und Verfahren by
Meat Products and Dishes: Supplement to the Composition of Foods by
Measurement of Blast Fragmentation by
Shape Selective Catalysis in Industrial Applications, Second Edition, by Garwood, William E., Chen, N. y., Chen, Wai-Fah
Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates (Hbk) by Waldram, J. R.
Introduction to Control Systems, an (2nd Edition) by Warwick, Kevin
Sensor Materials by Moseley, P. T., Crocker, J.
Handbook of Chemical and Biological Sensors by
Transfiniteness: For Graphs, Electrical Networks, and Random Walks by Zemanian, Armen H.
Entwurf Robuster Regelungen by Müller, Kai
Beschaffungsmarketing by Berning, Ralf
Einführung in Die Stadtplanung: Band 2: Leitgedanken, Systeme Und Strukturen by Müller-Ibold, Klaus
Angewandte Methoden Der Mathematischen Statistik: Lineare, Loglineare, Logistische Modelle Finite Und Asymptotische Methoden by
Praktische Oberflächentechnik: Vorbehandeln - Beschichten - Prüfen by Müller, Klaus-Peter
Einführungskurs Höhere Mathematik I: Funktionen - Grenzwerte - Ableitungen by Stein, Sherman K.
Die Platte Industrialisierter Wohnungsbau in Der DDR by Hannemann, Christine
Rechnerarchitektur: Grundzüge Des Aufbaus Und Der Organisation Von Rechnerhardware by
Konstruktion Guter Algorithmen: Sichere Und Korrekte Software by
Lectures on Risk Theory by
Finanz- Und Versicherungsmathematik by
Einführung in Die Materialwissenschaften: Physikalisch-Chemische Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Ziegler, Christiane
Regiomontanus by
The Fundamentals of Density Functional Theory by
Umweltleistungen Der Landwirtschaft: Konzepte Zur Honorierung by Heissenhuber, Alois, Rauh, Rudolf
Bildung Im Netz: Auf Dem Weg Zum Virtuellen Lernen Berichte, Analysen, Argumente by
Design Center ‒ PSPICE Unter Windows: Ein Leitfaden Für Den Schnelleinstieg by Lüdtke, Royd, Stratmann, Stefan
Praktikum Des Modernen Vlsi-Entwurfs: Eine Einführung in Die Entwurfsprinzipien Und -Beschreibungen, Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von Vhdl; Mit E by Goedecke, Michael, Huss, Sorin, Blecker, Andrea
Motorradtechnik: Grundlagen Und Konzepte Von Motor, Antrieb Und Fahrwerk by Stoffregen, Jürgen
Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen Des Integrierten Systems SAP R/3: Projektstudien, Grundlagen Und Anregungen Für Eine Erfolgreiche PRAXIS by
Vorlesungen Über Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie by Schmitz, Norbert
Das Mathematica Arbeitsbuch by Janetzko, Hans-D, Heinrich, Elkedagmar
Parallele Adaptive Mehrgitterverfahren by
Algorithmen Und Datenstrukturen Mit Modula -- 2 by
Telearbeit Erfolgreich Realisieren: Das Umfassende, Aktuelle Handbuch Für Entscheidungsträger Und Projektverantwortliche by Kordey, Norbert
Atome -- Moleküle -- Kerne: Band II Molekül- Und Kernphysik by Honecker, Raimund
Umweltschutz ALS Sozialer Prozeß: Die Organisation Des Umweltschutzes Und Die Implementierung Von Umwelttechnik Im Betrieb by
Dictionary of Soil Bioengineering Wörterbuch Ingenieurbiologie: English/Deutsch/Français/Italiano by Oplatka, Matthias, Dietz, Matthias
Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers by Pope, Edward J. a.
Historical Geotectonics - Precambrian: Russian Translations Series 116 by
Super-radiance: Multiatomic Coherent Emission by
X-Ray Lasers 1996: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on X-Ray Lasers held in Lund, Sweden, 10-14 June, 1996 by
The Hazards of Life and All That: A look at some accidents and safety curiosities, past and present, Third Edition by Bond, J.
Analog Filters by Su, Kendall L., Su, K. L.
Effiziente Algorithmen Für Grundlegende Funktionen by
Einführung in Graphisch-Geometrische Algorithmen by Deussen, Oliver, Kreeb, Marion
Gotik Und Graphik Im Mathematikunterricht: Konzepte Mit Sketchpad Und Mathematica by Neveling, Rolf Joachim
Bauphysik: Problemstellungen, Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Gralle, Horst, Usemann, Klaus
Integralgleichungen by Kufner, Alois
Photovoltaik -- Strom Aus Licht by
Reaktionsverhalten Von Agrarischen Ökosystemen Homogener Areale: Methoden Der Beschreibung, Messung Und Quantifizierung by
Mechanische Eigenschaften Der Lockergesteine by
Kernphysik by Hilscher, Helmut
The Air Weapon: Doctrines of Air Power Strategy and Operational Art by Vallance, Andrew G. B.
Radio Diplomacy and Propaganda: The BBC and Voa in International Politics, 1956-64 by Rawnsley, Gary D.
Building on Soft Soils by
Hydrological Problems and Environmental Management in Highlands and Headwaters by
Metal Contaminated Aquatic Sediments by Allen, Herberte
Verteilte Verarbeitung in Offenen Systemen: Das Odp-Referenzmodell by Schürmann, Gerd, Weiß, Karl-Heinz
Reguläre Und Chaotische Dynamik by
Introduction to Control Systems, an (2nd Edition) by Warwick, Kevin
Geochemical Processes, Weathering and Groundwater Recharge in Catchments by Caritat, Patrice De, Saether, Ola M., Saether
Assembly Automation by Riley, Frank
Plastic Component Design by Campbell, Paul
Cinemas of the Black Diaspora: Diversity, Dependence, and Oppositionality by
Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates by Waldram, J. R.
Application of Stress Wave Theory to Piles: Test Results: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to by
Hydraulique générale by Lencastre, Armando
Literaturtheorie Bei Lukian by Weissenberger, Michael
Der Stil ist der Mensch by Helzle, Martin
Ars latet arte sua by Spahlinger, Lothar
Thesaurus-Geschichten: Beiträge Zu Einer Historia Thesauri Linguae Latinae Von Theodor Bögel (1876-1973); Mit Einem Anhang: Personenverzeichn by Bögel, Theodor
Warum soll ich denn tanzen? by Henrichs, Albert
Telecommunication: New Dynamics and Driving Forces by
History of Line Pipe Manufacturing in North America by Kiefner, J. F., Keifner, J. F., Clark, E. B.
Airborne Pulsed Doppler Radar by
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Genesis of Gold Deposits by Nekrasov, I. y.
Soil Salinity and Water Quality by Chhabra, R.
Key Issues in Cross-cultural Psychology by
The Forest Certification Handbook by Kogan Page Ltd
Electronic Measurement Systems: Theory and Practice by Van Putten, A. F. P.
Modern Textile Characterization Methods by
Predictive Dialing Fundamentals: An Overview of Predictive Dialing Technologies, Their Applications, and Usage Today by Szlam, Aleksander
Being Digital by Negroponte, Nicholas
Environmental Chemistry of Dyes and Pigments by
Ceramic Sensors: Technology and Applications by Nenov, Nenov, Yordanov, Stefcho P., Nenov, Toshko G.
Inelastic Deformation of Metals: Models, Mechanical Properties, and Metallurgy by Dame, L. Thomas, Stouffer, Donald C.
Food Irradiation: A Guidebook, Second Edition by Satin, Morton
Computational Heat Transfer, Volume 2: The Finite Difference Methodology by Samarskii, A. A., Vabishchevich, P. N.
Managing Green Technologies for Global Competitiveness by Madu, Christian N.
Hydraulic Fracture Mechanics by Economides, Michael J., Valk¿, Peter
Values and the Environment: A Social Science Perspective by
Parry's Graining & Marbling by Rhodes, Brian
Das Arbeiten Mit Ionenselektiven Elektroden: Eine Einführung Für Praktiker by Cammann, Karl, Galster, Helmuth
Moisture Control Handbook: Principles and Practices for Residential and Small Commercial Buildings by Carmody, John, Lstiburek, Joseph
Detecting Ecological Impacts: Concepts and Applications in Coastal Habitats by
Handbuch Des Umweltschutzes Und Der Umweltschutztechnik: Band 3: Additiver Umweltschutz: Behandlung Von Abluft Und Abgasen by
Biomimetic Materials Chemistry by
Safety by Objectives: What Gets Measured and Rewarded Gets Done by Petersen, Daniel
Electric Circuit Analysis, 3e Student Problem Set and Solutions by Johnson, David E.
Microbial Quality of Water Supply in Distribution Systems by Geldreich, Edwin E.
Men, Ideas and Tanks: British Military Thought and Armoured Forces, 1903?39 by Harris, J. P.
World Military Leaders: A Collective and Comparative Analysis by Rejai, Mostafa, Rejai, M., Phillips, Kay
Sintering Theory and Practice by German, Randall M.
Handbook of Applied Polymer Processing Technology by Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P., Cheremisinoff, Paul N.
Einführung in die Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, Teil 2, Halbleiterbauelemente - Verstärkerschaltungen - Digitaltechnik - Mikroprozessortechnik by Müller, Roderich, Piotrowski, Anton
Thermodynamics of Materials: A Classical and Statistical Synthesis by Hudson, John B.
The Symmetry of Sailing: The Physics of Sailing for Yachtsman by Garrett, Ross
Control System Dynamics by Clark, Robert N.
Crystal Properties Via Group Theory by Nowick, Arthur S.
Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov by Frisch, U., Uriel, Frisch, Frisch, Uriel
Photo-induced Defects in Semiconductors by Bube, Richard H., Redfield, David
Power Electronics and Motor Control by Shepherd, W.
A Practical Introduction to Electronic Circuits by Jones, Martin Hartley, Jones
America's Armed Forces: A Handbook of Current and Future Capabilities by
Gruppenorientierte Fertigungsstrukturen Im Maschinenbau by Saurwein, Rainer G.
Betriebliche Rationalisierung Und Ökonomische Rationalität: Optionen Und Determinanten Von Differenzierungsprozessen Im Deutschen Maschinenbau by
Strategies and Applications in Quantum Chemistry: From Molecular Astrophysics to Molecular Engineering by
Access in Nanoporous Materials by
Coherent and Nonlinear LightWave Commun by Cvijetic, Milorad
Understanding Electromagnetic Scatterin by Bancroft, Randy
RF and Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Communications by Larson, Lawrence E.
Structural Steel Design: LRFD Approach by Smith, J. C.
The Chemistry of Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides by Oyama, S. T.
Computer Simulation in Materials Science: Nano / Meso / Macroscopic Space & Time Scales by
Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications by
Characterization Methods for Submicron Mosfets by
High-Level System Modeling: Specification and Design Methodologies by
Reviews of Plasma Physics by
Stone Tools: Theoretical Insights Into Human Prehistory by
Protocol Test Systems VIII: Proceedings of the Ifip Wg6.1 Tc6 Eighth International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, September 1995 by
Asphaltenes by
Theoretische Modelle Der Betriebsgröße Im Maschinenbau: Koordination Und Kontrollmechanismen Bei Organisatorischem Wachstum by Freriks, Rainer
Designing Engineers by Bucciarelli, Louis L.
Safety-Critical Systems: The Convergence of High Tech and Human Factors: Proceedings of the Fourth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium Leeds, UK 6-8 Feb by
Distributed Fuzzy Control of Multivariable Systems by Gegov, Alexander
Unsteady Combustion by
Materials for Optoelectronics by
Wireless Personal Communications: The Evolution of Personal Communications Systems by
Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hazardous Materials Transport Systems: Rail, Road, Pipelines and Ship by Gheorghe, A. V., Nicolet-Monnier, M.
Unbiased Estimators and Their Applications: Volume 2: Multivariate Case by Voinov, V. G., Nikulin, M. S.
Video Coding: The Second Generation Approach by
Mechanics of Components with Treated or Coated Surfaces by Mencík, Jaroslav
Formal Description Techniques VIII by
Methane and Alkane Conversion Chemistry by Bhasin, Madan M., American Chemical Society Symposium on Methane and Alkane Co, Slocum
Mathematical Theory of Control Systems Design by Nosov, V. R., Kolmanovskii, V., Afanasiev, V. N.
Advances in Quantum Phenomena by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Quantum Phenome
Mechanics of Poroelastic Media by
Spotlight-Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Signal Processing Approach: A Signal Processing Approach by Wahl, Daniel E., Eichel, Paul H., Jakowatz, Charles V. J.
Op Amps: Design, Application, and Troubleshooting by Terrell, David
Handbuch Des Umweltschutzes Und Der Umweltschutztechnik: Band 1: Emissionen Und Ihre Wirkungen by Brauer
Multivariate Analysis of Data in Sensory Science: Volume 16 by
Successful Partnering: Fundamentals for Project Owners and Contractors by Schultzel, Henry J., Unruh, V. Paul
Biosolids Treatment and Management: Processes for Beneficial Use by Girovich, Mark J.
Physik Der Teilchenbeschleuniger Und Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen: Eine Einführung by
Digitale Audiosignalverarbeitung by
Sap, Arbeit, Management: Durch Systematische Arbeitsgestaltung Zum Projekterfolg by Afos
Talk Is Cheap: The Promise of Regulatory Reform in North American Telecommunications by Leonard Waverman, Crandall, Robert W.
Theory of Vibration with Applications by William Thomson
ESAs Made Easy: A Checklist Approach to Phase I Environmental Site Assessments by Cooper, Andre R.
The Ghost of the Executed Engineer: Technology and the Fall of the Soviet Union by Graham, Loren
Toxic Chemicals in the Workplace: A Manager's Guide to Recognition, Evaluation, and Control by Fraser M. D., T. M.
Advances in Physical Metallurgy by Banerjee, Anirban
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice by Terzaghi, Karl, Mesri, Gholamreza, Peck, Ralph B.
Beyond Biomechanics: Psychosocial Aspects Of Musculoskeletal Disorders In Office Work by
Substitutes for Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace by Goldschmidt, Gitte, Wibroe, Lone
Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology by Fox, Robert
Techniques in Discrete and Continuous Robust Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications Volume 74 by
Automatisierungstechnik -- Algorithmen Und Programme: Entwurf Und Programmierung Von Automatisierungssystemen by Jakoby, Walter
Arbeitsbuch Zur Elektrotechnik 1 by Paul, Steffen, Paul, Reinhold
Aufgaben Zur Strömungslehre by Spurk, Joseph H.
Elektronische Schaltungen 1: Grundlagen, Analyse, Aufbau by Wupper, Horst, Niemeyer, Ulf
Broadband Communications: Networks, Services, Applications, Future Directions: 1996 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications Izs'96, Zur by
Elektronische Schaltungen 2: Operationsverstärker, Digitalschaltungen, Verbindungsleitungen by Niemeyer, Ulf, Wupper, Horst
An Introduction to Electromagnetic Wave Propagation & Antennas by Cloude, Shane
An Engineering Approach to Optimal Control and Estimation Theory by Siouris, George M.
Anisotropic Elasticity: Theory and Applications by Ting, T. C. T.
Sniper: Master of Terrain, Technology, and Timing, He Is a Hunter of Human Prey and the Military's Most Feared Fighter. by Gilbert, Adrian
The Existential Pleasures of Engineering by Florman, Samuel C.
Environmental Chemodynamics: Movement of Chemicals in Air, Water, and Soil by Thibodeaux, Louis J.
Performance Engineering of Computer and Telecommunications Systems: Proceedings of Ukpew'95, Liverpool John Moores University, Uk. 5 - 6 September 199 by
Materials Technology by Dean, Yvonne
How to Make Your Airplane Last Forever by Woodhouse, Mary
Telekommunikationswirtschaft: Deregulierung, Privatisierung Und Internationalisierung by Welfens, Paul J. J., Graack, Cornelius
Mikroskopische Diagnostik Pflanzlicher Nahrungs-, Genuß- Und Futtermittel, Einschließlich Gewürze by Hahn, Heinz, Michaelsen, Ingeborg
Algorithmes Stochastiques by Duflo, Marie
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