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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1997

Aviation Computing Systems by Gormley, Mal
Exercices en langage C by Delannoy, Claude
The Chemical Formulary Vol. 34 by
Nostalgic Angels: Rearticulating Hypertext Writing by Johnson-Eilola, Johndan
Nostalgic Angels: Rearticulating Hypertext Writing by Eilda, Johndan, Johnson-Eilola, Johndan
Software-Management '97: Fachtagung Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik E.V. (Gi), Oktober 1997 in München by
Grundwissen Experimentalphysik by Pfeifer, Harry, Schmiedel, Herbert
Prophetentheorie: Prophetenungleichungen, Prophetenregionen, Spiele Gegen Einen Propheten by Meyerthole, Andreas, Schmitz, Norbert
Der Rechner ALS System: Organisation, Daten, Programme by Richter, Reinhard, Stucky, Wolffried, Sander, Peter
Verteilte Pc-Betriebssysteme by
Vorlesungen Über Statik Und Festigkeitslehre: Einführung in Die Tragwerkslehre by Mann, Walther
Rhizosphärenprozesse, Umweltstreß Und Ökosystemstabilität: 7. Borkheider Seminar Zur Ökophysiologie Des Wurzelraumes by
Nachhaltige Entwicklung in Industrie- Und Bergbauregionen -- Eine Chance Für Den Südraum Leipzig?: Eine Chance Für Den Südraum Leipzig? by
Design of Axially Loaded Piles - European Practice: Proceedings of an Ertc-3 Seminar, Brussels, 17-18 April 1997 by Decock, De, Savigny Don
Generation and Application of High Power Microwaves by
Chemical Oxidation: Technology for the Nineties, Volume IV by
Green Technology and Design for the Environment by Billatos, Samir
Nonlinear Dynamics of Compliant Offshore Structures by Bar-Avi, Patrick, Benaroya, Haym
Modern Magnetooptics and Magnetooptical Materials by Kotov, V. a., Zvezdin, A. K.
Technischer Einsatz Von Personal Computern (Pc) Am Beispiel Der Schweißtechnik. Zerebrale Links-Rechts-Asymmetrie: Struktur, Funktion, Entstehung. Met by Dilthey, Ulrich
Thermodynamik: Eine Einführung in Die Grundlagen Und Ihre Technischen Anwendungen by Baehr, Hans Dieter
Stochastische Prozesse Für Ingenieure by
Vob Verdingungsordnung Für Bauleistungen: Bildband Abrechnung Von Bauleistungen by Winkler, Walter
Augustine's Laws, Sixth Edition by Augustine, Norman R., N. Augustine, Chairman And Ceo
Ratschläge Zum Mathematischen Umgang Mit Ungewißheit: Reasonable Computing by Bandemer, Hans
Rückbau Von Siedlungsabfalldeponien by
Einführung in Die Stadtplanung 3: Methoden, Instrumente Und Vollzug by Müller-Ibold, Klaus
Software-Ergonomie '97: Usability Engineering: Integration Von Mensch-Computer-Interaktion Und Software-Entwicklung by
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Technischen Mechanik II: Vektor- Und Tensoranalysis by Trostel, Rudolf
The Visible Word: Experimental Typography and Modern Art, 1909-1923 by Drucker, Johanna
Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung Technischer Systeme: Modelle Für Zuverlässigkeitsstrukturen Und Ihre Analytische Auswertung by
Strömungslehre in Fragen Und Aufgaben: Definitionen -- Sätze -- Grundgleichungen by Iben, Hans Karl
Einführung in Die Quanten-Elektrodynamik by Krüger, Frank, Köpp, Gabriele
Molecular Modelling Für Anwender: Anwendung Von Kraftfeld- Und Mo-Methoden in Der Organischen Chemie by
Übungsbuch Fertigungstechnik: Urformen, Umformen, Spanen by Wojahn, Ulrich, Breitkopf, Alfred
Pc-Meßtechnik: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Der Rechnergestützten Meßtechnik by Schwetlick, Horst
Einführung in Die Strömungsmeßtechnik by Eckelmann, Helmut
Vieweg Lexikon Technik: Maschinenbau - Elektrotechnik - Datentechnik Nachschlagewerk Für Berufliche Aus-, Fort- Und Weiterbildung by Böge, Alfred
Friseurfachrechnen by Lipp-Thoben, Hanna, Jany, Petra
Mathematische Modellierung: Eine Einführung in Die Problematik by
Elektromechanik by Meins, Jürgen
Informatik Für Ingenieure: Eine Einführung by Zeidler, Hans Christoph
Turbo-Pascal in Beispielen: Mit Mehr ALS 100 Programmen by Mittelbach, Henning
Einführung in Evolutionäre Algorithmen: Optimierung Nach Dem Vorbild Der Evolution by Nissen, Volker
PRAXIS Der C-Programmierung Für Unix, DOS Und Ms-Windows 3.1/95/NT by
Bildverarbeitung Interaktiv: Eine Einführung Mit Multimedialem Lernsystem Auf CD-ROM by
Fuzzy-Clusteranalyse: Verfahren Für Die Bilderkennung, Klassifizierung Und Datenanalyse by Klawonn, Frank, Höppner, Frank
Essential Surgical Technique by Johnson, Colin David, Cumming, John
Dynamic Water-System Control by Lobbrecht, A. H.
Renewable Energy - Small Hydro by
Tracer Hydrology 97 by
Tooth Enamel Microstructure: Proceedings of the enamel microstructure workshop, University of Bonn, Andernach, Rhine, 24-28 July 1994 by
Analysis and Optimum Design of Metal Structures by Jármai, K., Farkas, J.
Tunnelling Asia '97 by
Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering by
Seismic Behaviour of Ground and Geotechnical Structures: Special Volume of TC 4 by
Environmental Geotechnics: Proceedings of 4th International Congress, Rio de Janeiro, August 2002 by
Advances in Modeling the Management of Stormwater Impacts by James, William
Ergonomics and Safety of Intelligent Driver Interfaces by
Betriebliches Umweltmanagement: Grundlagen - Methoden - Praxisbeispiele by Roth, K., Lutz, U., Dottinger, K.
Mikromechanik: Einführung in Technologie Und Anwendungen by
Mehrdimensionale Eno-Verfahren: Zur Konstruktion Nichtoszillatorischer Methoden Für Hyberbolische Erhaltungsgleichungen by
ATM Networks: Principles and Use by Clark, Martin P.
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Statistik in Beispielen Und Aufgaben by Nollau, Volker, Partzsch, Lothar, Storm, Regina
The Econometrics of Major Transport Infrastructures by
The Politics of Threat: Minuteman Vulnerability in American National Security Policy by Dunn, David H.
India's Environmental Policies, Programmes and Stewardship by Dwivedi, O. P.
AutoCAD -- Ein Leitfaden Für Das Selbststudium by Baudach, Stephan, Lämmer, Lutz
Protocols, Servers and Projects for Multimedia Realtime Systems by Chorafas, Dimitris N.
High-Performance Networks, Personal Communications and Mobile Computing by Chorafas, Dimitris N.
The European Community and the Security Dilemma, 1979-92 by Wyatt-Walter, Holly
Physikalische Grundlagen Der Elektronenmikroskopie by
Mathematik-Vorkurs: Übungs- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Studienanfänger by Trippler, Gisela, Schäfer, Wolfgang, Georgi, Kurt
Integralgleichungen: Theorie Und Numerik by
Aufgaben Der Materialwirtschaft by Pahlitzsch, Wolfgang
Werkstattstechnik: Forschung Und Entwicklung Für Die Produktion by Wgp-Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Produktionstechnik, VDI-Gesellschaft Produktionstechnik
Die Energiewirtschaft Ostdeutschlands -- Stand Und Entwicklung by Kulinna, Matthias, Lindner, Klaus
Groundwater Contaminant Transport: Impact of Heterogenous Characterization: A New View on Dispersion by Barends, F. B. J.
Scour Manual by Hoffmans, G. J. C. M.
The Use of Remote Sensing in the Modeling of Forest Productivity by Gholz
Mistake-Proofing for Operators: The Zqc System by Productivity Press Development Team
Projection and Quasi-Compressibility Methods for Solving the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations by
Tensoranalysis by Schade, Heinz
Angelo Poliziano: Dichter, Redner, Stratege. Eine Analyse Der Fabula Di Orpheo Und Ausgewählter Lateinischer Werke Des Florentiner Human by Leuker, Tobias
Philoktet: Beiträge Zur Wiedergewinnung Einer Tragödie Des Euripides Aus Der Geschichte Ihrer Rezeption by Müller, Carl Werner
Plutarch's Pelopidas by Georgiadou, Aristoula
Die Göttergestalten in Claudians De raptu Proserpinae by Kellner, Thomas
Einleitung in Die Lateinische Philologie by
The Valve Primer by Stojkov, Brent
Integrated Smart Sensor Calibration by Van Der Horn, G.
Intelligent Agents for Telecommunications Applications by
Telecommunications Transformation. Technology, Strategy and Policy by
The EDM Handbook by Guitrau, E. Bud
Hydrogeodynamics by Gavich, I. K.
Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine Rocket Propulsion [With *] by G. Oates, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Oates, Gordon C.
Reliability Centered Maintenance by Moubray, John
The Anthropology of Community-Based Whaling in Greenland: A Collection of Papers Submitted to the International Whaling Commission by
Wolves -- Ecology, Conservation, and Management: An Annotated Bibliography by
Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Der Maxwellschen Theorie II: Ein Repetitorium by Wolff, Ingo
Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Jacob, Margaret C.
Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Jacob, Margaret C.
The Cavalry of the Wehrmacht 1941-1945 by Richter, Klaus Christian
Ceramics and Civilization, Volume VII: The Prehistory & History of Ceramic Kilns by
One Hundred Years of Bell Telephone by Mountjoy, Richard D.
Christmas Ornaments: A Festive Study by Schiffer, Margaret
America's Hundred Thousand: U.S. Production Fighters of World War II by Dean, Francis H.
Armored Trains of the Soviet Union 1917-1945 by Kopenhagen, Wilfried
Rainbow of Rhinestone Jewelry by Fichtner, Sandy
The Best of Bakelite and Other Plastic Jewelry by Battle, Dee
Kenton Cast Iron Toys by Jacobs, Charles M.
The Battleship Bismarck by Elfrath, Ulrich
German Aircraft Landing Gear: A Detailed Study of German World War II Combat Aircraft by Sengfelder, Gunther
More Painted Ladies: Modern Military Aircraft Nose Art & Unusual Markings by Walker, Randy
American Lighting: 1840-1940 by Maril, Nadja
Focke-Wulf FW 200 Condor by Nowarra, Heinz J.
The Flying Wings of Jack Northrop by Pape, G. R.
Crusader!: Last of the Gunfighters by Gillcrist, Paul T.
Lockheed P-80/F-80 Shooting Star: A Photo Chronicle by McLaren, David R.
Oyster Cans by Karsnitz, Vivian And Jim
V2: Dawn of the Rocket Age by Engelmann, Joachim
The Underground Military Command Bunkers of Zossen, Germany by Kampe, Hans George
Northrop's T-38 Talon: A Pictorial History by Logan, Don
Northrop F-89 Scorpion: A Photo Chronicle by Isham, Marty J., R. McLaren, David
Russian Wristwatches: Pocket Watches, Stop Watches, Onboard Clock & Chronometers by Levenberg, Juri
Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki in Japanese Army Air Force Service by Bueschel, Richard M.
Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa: In Japanese Army Air Force Rtaf-Caf-Ipsf Service by Bueschel, Richard M.
V1: The Flying Bomb by Engelmann, Joachim
Elefant - Jagdtiger - Sturmtiger: Variations of the Tiger Family by Schneider, Wolfgang
Whistling Death: The Test Pilot's Story of the F4u Corsair by Guyton, Boone T.
Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien in Japanese Army Air Force Service by Bueschel, Richard M.
The M-1 Helmet: A History of the U.S. M-1 Helmet in World War II by Reynosa, Mark A.
German Rocket Launchers in WWII by Engelmann, Joachim
Black Forest Clocks by Ortenburger, Rick
German Anti-Tank Guns by Haupt, Werner
The King Tiger Vol.II by Scheibert, Horst
Junkers Ju 52 by Nowarra, Heinz J.
Antique Typewriters: From Creed to Qwerty by Adler, Michael
German Tanks in Wwi: The A7v & Early Tank Development by Haupt, Werner
German Heavy Bombers: Do 19, FW 200, He 177, He 274, Ju 89, Ju 290, Me 264 and Others by Griehl, Manfred, Dressel, Joachim
Sturmgeschütz & Its Variants by Spielberger, Walter J.
The Kettenkrad by Abel, Friedhelm
Panther & Its Variants by Spielberger, Walter J.
Camouflage Uniforms of the Waffen-SS: A Photographic Reference by Beaver, Michael
Basic Wood Burning with Sue Waters by Waters, Sue
German Trucks & Cars in WWII: VW at War Book I Kübelwagen/Schwimmwagen by Sawodny, Michael
United States Combat Aircrew Survival Equipment World War II to the Present: A Reference Guide for Collectors by Breuninger, Michael S.
Model Boat Building: The Skipjack by Rogers, Steve
The Heavy Flak Guns 1933-1945 by Müller, Werner
Messerschmitt Bf 109 F, G, & K Series: An Illustrated Study by Rodeike, Peter, Prien, Jochen
Construction Project Administration in Practice by Kwakye, A. a.
Lockheed P-2v Neptune: An Illustrated History by Mutza, Wayne
The Shaving Mug and Barber Bottle Book by Estep, Keith E.
Metal Toys from Nuremberg, 1910-1979 by Walter, Gerhard
A Penny Saved: Still and Mechanical Banks by Duer, Don
The Infantry Regiments of Frederick the Great 1756-1763 by Dorn, Gunther
Clayey Barrier Systems for Waste Disposal Facilities by Rowe, R. K., Booker, J. R., Quigley, R. M.
Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete by
Messerschmitt Bf 109: 1936-1945 by Nowarra, Heinz J.
Verkehrsdynamik: Neue Physikalische Modellierungskonzepte by Helbing, Dirk
Messerschmitt Me 163 "Komet" Vol.I by Ziegler, Mano
Major Process Equipment Maintenance and Repair: Volume 4 by Bloch, Heinz P., Geitner, Fred K.
Expert Systems: Introduction to First and Second Generation and Hybrid Knowledge Based Systems by Nikolopoulos, Chris
Voice Over Frame Relay by Flanagan, William
Messerschmitt Bf 109 Vol.2 by Kobel, Fritz X.
Secret Messerschmitt Projects by Schick, Walter, Radinger, Willy
Mathematical Analysis in Engineering: How to Use the Basic Tools by Mei, Chiang C.
Fluid Mechanics by Pnueli, David
Atomic and Ion Collisions in Solids and at Surfaces by Smith, Roger
The Logic of Privatization: The Case of Telecommunications in the Southern Cone of Latin America by Molano, Walter T.
Identification of Parametric Models: From Experimental Data by Pronzato, Luc, Walter, Eric
Integrated Services Digital Network: From Concept to Application by Ronayne, J., Bonnett, Raymond, Ronayne, Ronayne
Breaking the Phalanx: A New Design for Landpower in the 21st Century by Center for Strategic & International St, MacGregor, Douglas A., Center for Strategic & International Stu
Material and Energy Balancing in the Process Industries: From Microscopic Balances to Large Plants Volume 7 by Madron, F., Veverka, V. V.
The Panther Family by Scheibert, Horst
Blast Off!: Rocketry for Elementary and Middle School Students by Nielsen, Leona Brattland, Nielson, Leona, Nielsen, Lee Brattland
Fuzzy Control methodenorientiert by Kiendl, Harro
Sturmgeschütz III: Long Gun Versions by Scheibert, Horst
Grumman Albatross: A History of the Legendary Seaplane by Mutza, Wayne
Meßtechnik in Der Versorgungstechnik by
Zuverlässigkeit Von Geräten Und Systemen by Birolini, Alessandro
Handbook of Copper Compounds and Applications by Richardson, H. Wayne
Aerodynamik Des Automobils by
Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design by Cheng, Runwei, Gen, Mitsuo
Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence: Towards Intelligent Systems: Ijcai '95 Workshop, Montreal, Canada, August 19-21, 1995, Selected Papers by
Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Guide by Marriott, Betty Bowers
Wind Loads on Structures by Dyrbye, Claës, Hansen, Svend OLE
Analysing Design Activity by
CAD Method for Industrial Assembly: Concurrent Design of Products, Equipment and Control Systems by
Optimization by Vector Space Methods by Luenberger, David G.
Test and Evaluation of Complex Systems by Reynolds, Matthew T.
Design of Masonry Structures by
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 9 by
Electromagnetics and Calculation of Fields by Bastos, Joao P. a., Ida, Nathan
Asymptotics and Special Functions by Olver, Frank
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data For Organic Chemicals, Volume V by Howard, Philip H.
Seepage, Drainage, and Flow Nets by Cedergren, Harry R.
Integrierte Materialfluß- Und Layoutplanung Durch Kopplung Von Cad- Und Ablaufsimulationssystem by Lehmann, Helwig
Principles of Linear Systems by Sarachik, Philip E.
When Soldiers Quit: Studies in Military Disintegration by Watson, Bruce
Design of Remediation Systems by Lim, Chin Hong, Nolen, Greg L., Wong, Jimmy H. C.
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