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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1998

Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Technologies for Activities Implemented Jointly by Smith, A., Thambimuthu, K., Riemer, P. W. F.
Pattern Recognition and Prediction with Applications to Signal Processing by Kil, David H., Shin, Frances B.
Theory of Adaptive Structures: Incorporating Intelligence into Engineered Products by Utku, Senol
Aerospace Sensor Systems and Applications by Merhav, Shmuel
Materials with Memory: Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Constitutive Equations with Internal Variables by Alber, Hans-Dieter
Warfare in Roman Europe, AD 350-425 by Elton, Hugh
The Making of the Roman Army: From Republic to Empire by Keppie, Lawrence
Fractured Fractals and Broken Dreams: Self-Similar Geometry Through Metric and Measure by Semmes, Stephen, David, Guy
Aufbau eines QS/QM-Regelkreis-Referenzmodelles für das Qualitätsmanagement bei der Erstellung von Unikaten by Rauchstädt, Stefan
How Radio Signals Work by Sinclair, Jim
Industrial Centrifugation Technology by Leung, Wallace Woon-Fong
Die Luftdichtigkeit von Gebäuden: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung meßtechnischer Ergebnisse by Schmidt, Rainer
Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Konstruktionslösungen für den nachträglichen Anbau von Balkonen an bestehende Mauerwerksgeschossbauten by Kurzweg, Daniel
Controlling Eines Projektorientierten Prozeßmanagements Am Beispiel Des Anlagenbaus by Staiger, Thomas Jörg
How the New Technology Works: A Guide to High-Tech Concepts Second Edition by Barnes-Svarney, Patricia, Cone, Robert J.
Managing Health at Work: A Guide for Managers and Workplace Health Specialists by Wilkinson, C.
Systemtheorie 2 by Unbehauen, Rolf
Virtual Futures: Cyberotics, Technology and Posthuman Pragmatism by
Bituminous Binders and Mixes by
Virtual Futures: Cyberotics, Technology and Posthuman Pragmatism by
Wissenschaftliches Publizieren Mit Latex 2∈: Der Kompaß Zur Erfolgreichen Wissenschaftlichen Publikation by
Handhabungstechnik Mit Robotertechnik: Funktion, Arbeitsweise, Programmierung by Schmidt, Georg, Bartenschlager, Jörg, Hebel, Hans
State of the Art of Preparation and Practice in Student Affairs: Another Look by
Introduction to Stormwater: Concept, Purpose, Design by Ferguson, Bruce K.
Aquifer Hydraulics: A Comprehensive Guide to Hydrogeologic Data Analysis by Batu, Vedat
Maritime Strategy and Continental Wars by Menon, Rear Admiral K. Raja
Effiziente Produktplanung Mit Quality Function Deployment by Mai, Christoph
Einsatz Der Digitalen Grautonbildverarbeitung ALS Ein Meßprinzip in Der Lackiertechnik by Plischki, Sabine R.
Broadband Wireless Communications: Transmission, Access and Services by
Flexible Formprüfung Umgeformter Blechteile by Oberdorfer, Berend
Space Vehicle Mechanisms: Elements of Successful Design by
Sol-Gel Synthesis CT Vol 95 by
Materials Science of Concrete, Special Volume: The Sidney Diamond Symposium by
Water Resource Management: A Comparative Perspective by
Spectroradiometric Detector Measurements: Part I-Ultraviolet Detectors and Part II-Visible to Near-Infrared Detectors by U. S. Department of Commerce-Nist, Bruce, Sally S., Parr, Albert C.
Optical Resonators -- Science and Engineering by
Advanced Techniques for Embedded Systems Design and Test by
Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management 7 by
Advanced Thermal Design of Electronic Equipment by Remsburg, Ralph
Handbook of Biomaterial Properties by
Pair Correlations in Many-Fermion Systems by
Diffusion in Natural Porous Media: Contaminant Transport, Sorption/Desorption and Dissolution Kinetics by Grathwohl, Peter
Spectra for the Identification of Additives in Food Packaging by Van Lierop, Ben, Castle, Laurence, Feigenbaum, Alexandre
Sensor Technology in the Netherlands: State of the Art: Proceedings of the Dutch Sensor Conference Held at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, by
Remembering Edith Alice Müller by
Mechanical and Thermophysical Properties of Polymer Liquid Crystals by
Quasioptical Systems by Goldsmith
Cellular Neural Networks and Analog VLSI by
Geometric Design Tolerancing: Theories, Standards and Applications by
Confinement, Duality, and Nonperturbative Aspects of QCD by
Quantified Societal Risk and Policy Making by
Actinides and the Environment by
Broadband Access Networks: Introduction Strategies and Techno-Economic Evaluation by IMS, Leif Aarthun
Probamat-21st Century: Probabilities and Materials: Tests, Models and Applications for the 21st Century by
Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture: Participatory Learning and Adaptive Management in Times of Environmental Uncertainty by Wagemakers, M. A. E., Roling, N. G.
Risk Taking and Decision Making: Foreign Military Intervention Decisions by Vertzberger, Yaacov Y. I.
Energy Plant Species: Their Use and Impact on Environment and Development by
Debugging Embedded Microprocessor Systems by Ball, Stuart
Evaluating Mineral Projects: Applications and Misconceptions by Torries, Thomas F.
Prozeßtheorie Der Ablaufplanung: Algebraische Modellierung Von Prozessen, Ressourcenrestriktionen Und Zeit by
C ALS Erste Programmiersprache: Iso-Standard by Herbert, Wiese
Soil-Machine Interactions: A Finite Element Perspective by Shen, Jie
How to Be a Cheap Hawk: The 1999 and 2000 Defense Budgets by O'Hanlon, Michael E.
Space Technology for the New Century by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Review of the Research and Development Plan for the Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Bioinformation auf verschiedenen Verarbeitungsebenen by Oster, Rolf
Der Kupferverzehr Erwachsener Deutschlands in Abhängigkeit von Kostform, Geschlecht, Lebensraum, Bundesland, Zeit und Alter by Röhrig, Bernd
Teleworking: New International Perspectives From Telecommuting to the Virtual Organisation by
Technology in Context: Technology Assessment for Managers by Braun, Ernest
Die Umlaufgetriebe: Auslegung Und Vielseitige Anwendungen by Müller, Herbert W.
Finite Elemente -- Ein Einstieg by Steinbuch, Rolf
Technology in Context: Technology Assessment for Managers by Braun, Ernest
Teleworking: New International Perspectives From Telecommuting to the Virtual Organisation by
Information Und Kommunikation: Technik Und Anwendung in Wirtschaft Und Medien by Bienert, Peter
Carbon Reinforcements and Carbon/Carbon Composites by Fitzer, E., Manocha, Lalit M., Fitzer, Erich
The Art of Sound Reproduction by Watkinson, John
Spectroscopy for Surface Science by
A Practical Guide to Engineering Failure Investigation by Matthews, Clifford
Rec Fisheries Soc Econ Mangment by
Vanadium in the Environment, Part 1: Chemistry and Biochemistry by
Water Soluble Poly-N-Vinylamides: Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties by Kirsh, Yuri E.
Chemical and Physical Networks: Formation and Control of Properties, Volume 1 by
Ecosystem Health: Principles and Practice by
Surface Science: An Introduction by Hudson, John B.
Evolutionary Operation: A Statistical Method for Process Improvement by Box, George E. P., Draper, Norman R.
Fire Effects on Ecosystems by Ffolliott, Peter F., Debano, Leonard F., Neary, Daniel G.
Die naturschutzrechtliche Eingriffsregelung in der Flächennutzungsplanung: Dargestellt für Nordrhein-Westfalen am Beispiel der Stadt Unna by Meyer Zu Helligen, Ulrich
Data Over Radio Data and Digital Processing Techniques in Mobile and Cellular Radio by Belcher, Roger, Varrall, Geoff
Japanese Urban Environment by
New Trends in Design of Control Systems 1997 by
Theoretical and Mathematical Models in Polymer Research: Modern Methods in Polymer Research and Technology Volume 5 by
Pattern Recognition Basis Artificial Intelligence by Tveter, Donald
Integrated Product and Process Development: Methods, Tools, and Technologies by
Transition Metal Oxides: Structure, Properties, and Synthesis of Ceramic Oxides by Rao, C. N. R., Raveau, B.
Vector Space Projections: A Numerical Approach to Signal and Image Processing, Neural Nets, and Optics by Stark, Henry, Yang, Yongyi
Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen Des Soft Computing: Neuronale Netze, Fuzzy-Systeme Und Evolutionäre Algorithmen by Hönerloh, Albrecht, Biethahn, Jörg
RELEASE Predict Aerosol Rainou [With CDROM] by Woodward, John L., Johnson, David W.
Mobile Satellite Communications Handbook by Cochetti, Roger
Cellular Marketing by Steuernagel, Robert A.
Diffusion in Semiconductors [With *] by
Fashionable Clothing from the Sears Catalogs: Early 1970s by Smith, Desire
The Boundary-Domain Integral Method for Elliptic Systems: With Application to Shells by Pomp, Andreas
Field Theoretical Tools for Polymer and Particle Physics by
Services and Visualization: Towards User-Friendly Design: Acos'98, Visual'98, Ain'97, Selected Papers by
Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting: Designs, Systems and Operation by Dambacher, P., Dambacher, Paul
Möglichkeiten und Planungshinweise für die Energieeinsparung in der Haustechnik by Däunert, Tom
Contaminated Land: Problems and Solutions, Second Edition by
Porosity of Ceramics: Properties and Applications by Rice, Roy W.
How to Start and Operate an Electrical Contracting Business by Ray, Charles L.
The Invention That Changed the World: How a Small Group of Radar Pioneers Won the Second World War and Launched a Technological Revolution by Buderi, Robert
Advanced Design Concepts for Engineers by Dhillon, B. S.
Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems: International Conference in Vorau, Austria, July 14-20, 1996 by
Alles Fauler Zauber?: Iq-Tests, Psychoanalyse Und Andere Umstrittene Theorien by Dewdney, A. K.
The NATO Enlargement Debate, 1990-1997: The Blessings of Liberty by Solomon, Gerald B. H.
Nonlinear Optical Communication Networks by Iannone, Eugenio, Matera, Francesco, Mecozzi, Antonio
Polynomial Operator Equations in Abstract Spaces and Applications by Argyros, Ioannis K.
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: First International Workshop, Hscc'98, Berkeley, California, Usa, April 13 - 15, 1998, Proceedings by
Modelling and Identification in Robotics by Kozlowski, Krzysztof R.
Digital Signal Processing Algorithms: Number Theory, Convolution, Fast Fourier Transforms, and Applications by Krishna, Hari
Prostitution in der römischen Antike by Stumpp, Bettina Eva
Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century: Strategic Flashpoints and U.S. Strategy by Khalilzad, Zalmay
Power Semiconductor Materials and Devices: Volume 483 by
Theory of Fundamental Processes by Feynman, Richard
Science and Technology of Magnetic Oxides by
Caddy Architektur: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch by Oeffner, Andrea
Physics of Solid-State Laser Materials by Powell, Richard C.
Statik: Grundlagen Und Beispiele by Wohlhart, Karl
Moderne Organisationskonzeptionen: Grundlagen Und Gestaltungsprozeß by Wittlage, Helmut
Principles of Analytical System Dynamics by Layton, Richard A.
Kanalcodierung: Theorie Und PRAXIS Fehlerkorrigierender Codes by Schneider-Obermann, Herbert
Informationsableitung in Betrieblichen Anwendungssystemen by
Dynamik: Grundlagen Und Beispiele by Wohlhart, Karl
Kinematic Analysis of Robot Manipulators by Crane, Carl D., III, Duffy, Joseph
Ocean Waves: The Stochastic Approach by Michel K., Ochi, Ochi, Michel K., Ochi, Michael K.
Dynamic Fracture Mechanics by Freund, L. B.
Terrestrial Ecosystems in Changing Environments by Herman H., Shugart, Shugart, H. H., Shugart, Herman H.
Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia: Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications by
The NATO Enlargement Debate, 1990-1997: The Blessings of Liberty by Solomon, Gerald B. H.
Planning and Control of Manufacturing Operations by Kenworthy, John
Überregionale Energieleitzentrale für das Handwerk: Machbarkeitsstudie by Zitzmann, Kai
Untersuchungen zur Leistungsfähigkeit eines Multi-Sensor-Arrays zur Detektion von Brandereignissen by Mücke, Ralph
Solarenergienutzung im Leichtbau by Pape, Martin
Contemporary Ergonomics 1998 by
Ones and Zeros: Understanding Boolean Algebra, Digital Circuits, and the Logic of Sets by Gregg, John R.
Human Factors in Flight Instructor's Guide by Funk, Craig S.
Fertilizer Manual by
Fundamental Aspects of Ultrathin Dielectrics on Si-Based Devices by
Fundamental Aspects of Ultrathin Dielectrics on Si-Based Devices by
The Waste and the Backyard: The Creation of Waste Facilities: Success Stories in Six European Countries by
Recent Advances in Problems of Flow and Transport in Porous Media by
Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics by
Hybrid Finite Element Method for Stress Analysis of Laminated Composites by Suong Van Hoa, Wei Feng
Risk Assessment and Risk Management by
Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems by Van Cutsem, Thierry, Vournas, Costas
Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - Head'97 by
Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices - Head'97 by
Nondifferentiable Optimization and Polynomial Problems by Shor, N. Z.
Broadband Communications: The Future of Telecommunications by Kühn, Paul J., Ulrich, Roya
Introduction to Sol-Gel Processing by Pierre, Alain C.
Advanced Technical Ceramics Directory and Databook by Wilson, Josephine, Hussey, Robert John
Advances in Nuclear Physics: Volume 24 by
Handbook of the Eurolaser Academy: Volume 1 by
Frontiers in Magnetism of Reduced Dimension Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Frontiers in Magnetism of Reduced Dimension S by
Autonomous Agents by
Time-Frequency Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Signal Spaces: Time-Frequency Filters, Signal Detection and Estimation, and Range-Doppler Estimation by Hlawatsch, Franz
Performance and Management of Complex Communication Networks: Ifip Tc6 / Wg6.3 & Wg7.3 International Conference on the Performance and Management of C by
Agriculture and the Environment: Minerals, Manure and Measures by Sevenster, J., De Walle, F. B.
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly: Concepts, Architectures and Implementation by Tilley, S., Molloy, O., Warman, E. a.
Simplified Design of Microprocessor-Supervisory Circuits by Lenk, John D., Lenk
Mechanics of Viscoelastic Solids by Drozdov, Aleksey D.
Geodynamics of Lithosphere & Earth's Mantle: Seismic Anisotropy as a Record of the Past and Present Dynamic Processes by
Geometry of Digital Spaces by Herman, Gabor T.
Nonlinear Control of Electric Machinery by Dawson
High Speed Rail in the US by Lynch, Thomas
Dynamics of Marine Sands by Soulsby, Richard
River and Channel Revetments - A Design Manual by Escarameia, Manuela
Biosensors for Environmental Diagnostics by
Atome -- Moleküle -- Kerne: Band I Atomphysik by Honecker, Raimund
Chemical Engineering Design Project: A Case Study Approach, Second Edition by Ray, Ray, Martyn S., Sneesby, Martin G.
Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design: Volume 63 - Viscosity: Heavy Oils to Waste: Hazardous: Legislation by McKetta, McKetta J.
Spatial Optimization for Managed Ecosystems by Bevers, Michael, Hof, John
Spatial Optimization for Managed Ecosystems by Hof, John, Bevers, Michael
Violence in the Workplace: Preventing, Assessing, and Managing Threats at Work by
Jobs, Technology and People by Chmiel, Nik
Whole Organ Approaches to Cellular Metabolism: Permeation, Cellular Uptake, and Product Formation by
High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids III by
The Tainted Desert: Environmental and Social Ruin in the American West by Kuletz, Valerie L.
Dendrochronologische Betrachtung der Jahresringe verschiedener Nadelbäume auf den Marburger Lahnbergen by Willuhn, Jens
Industrial Enzymes and Their Applications by
Superconductor Technology: Applications to Microwave, Electro-Optics, Electrical Machines, and Propulsion Systems by Jha, Animesh R.
Verdichter für Erdgastankstellen by Zur Strassen, Axel
Conservation Science and Action by
Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Knobloch, Joachim, Voss, Bernhard, Goetzberger, Adolf
Switching Theory: Architecture and Performance in Broadband ATM Networks by Pattavina, Achille
Oberflächenbehandlung Mit Laserstrahlung by Beyer, Eckhard, Wissenbach, K.
Vibrations of Elasto-Plastic Bodies by Palmov, Vladimir
Eigenstructure Assignment for Control System Design by Liu, G. P., Patton, R. J.
Principles of Environmental Toxicology by Shaw, I., Chadwick, J.
Geotechnical Engineering of Landfills by J. Murray, E., Dixon, Neil, Jones, D. R. V.
Praxistips Für Die Karriere by Kanis, Paul-Gerhard
See More