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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1999

Structural Dynamic Systems Computational Techniques and Optimization: Techniques in Buildings and Bridges by Leondes, Cornelius T.
Handbook of Chemical Vapor Deposition: Principles, Technology and Applications by Pierson, Hugh O.
Mechanics of Granular Materials: An Introduction by Oda, M., Iwashita, K.
The Excavation Near Wijnaldum by Bos, J. M., Besteman J C, Besteman, J. C.
Analytical Framework for Integrated Water Resources Management: IHE monographs 2 by Jaspers, Frank G. W., Van Hofwegen, Paul
Distinct Element Modelling in Geomechanics by Sharma, V. M., Woods, Richard, Saxena, K. R.
Problem - Algorithmus - Programm by Sander, Peter, Stucky, Wolffried
Einführung in Java: Objektorientiertes Programmieren Mit Der Java 2-Plattform by Wolff, Christian
Elektrotechnik Und Elektronik Für Informatiker: Grundgebiete Der Elektrotechnik by
Fachrechnen Für Raumausstatter by Kahlert, Horst, Wild, Michael
Software-Management '99: Fachtagung Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik E.V. (Gi), Oktober 1999 in München by
Umweltbelastungen: Eine Einführung by Fellenberg, Günter
Entwicklungsmethoden Für Informationssysteme Und Deren Anwendung: Emisa' 99 Fachtagung Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik E.V. (Gi), September 1999 in Fi by
Die Versorgung Und Entsorgung Von Mieterhaushalten: Eine Untersuchung Der Rechtsbeziehung Zwischen Den Leistungserbringenden Unternehmen Und Den Mietv by Meier, Solveig
Bridge Management: Inspection, Maintenance, Assessment and Repair by Parke, Ryall, M. J.
The Changing Face of Maritime Power by
Die Opferung der Iphigenia in Aulis by Aretz, Susanne
Betriebliches Umweltmanagement: Grundlagen -- Methoden -- Praxisbeispiele by Lutz, U., Dottinger, K., Roth, K.
Maximizing Call Center Performance: 136 Innovative Ideas for Increasing Productivity and Customer Satisfaction by Bodin, Madeline
Radar Imaging of Airborne Targets: A Primer for Applied Mathematicians and Physicists by Borden, Brett
Mining in the Arctic by Keen a J, Keen a. J., A. J., Udd
Pez Collectibles by Geary, Richard
Photonen: Eine Einführung in Die Quantenoptik by Paul, Harry
Software-Ergonomie '99: Design Von Informationswelten by
Pattern Formation in Viscous Flows: The Taylor-Couette Problem and Rayleigh-Bénard Convection by Meyer-Spasche, Rita
Quantenmechanik: Eine Einführung Mit Anwendungen Auf Atome, Moleküle Und Festkörper by
Algebraische Algorithmen Zur Lösung Von Linearen Differentialgleichungen by
Diffuser Stoffeintrag in Böden Und Gewässer by
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Und Mathematische Statistik by Pieper, Volkmar, Beyer, Otfried, Hackel, Horst
Fachlicher Entwurf Von Workflow-Management-Anwendungen by
Starthilfe Pharmakologie: Ein Leitfaden Für Studierende Der Medizin, Der Pharmazie Und Der Humanbiologie by Fuhrmann, Günter Fred
Stoffumsatz Im Wurzelnahen Raum: 9. Borkheider Seminar Zur Ökophysiologie Des Wurzelraumes. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung in Schmerwitz/Brandenburg by
Regionalisierung in Der Landschaftsökologie: Forschung -- Planung -- PRAXIS by
Wirtschaftsinformatik ALS Mittler Zwischen Technik, Ökonomie Und Gesellschaft: 1. Liechtensteinisches Wirtschaftsinformatik-Symposium an Der Fachhochs by
Geschäftsprozeßmanagement Auf Der Basis Ereignisgesteuerter Prozeßketten: Formalisierung, Analyse Und Ausführung Von Epks by
Multidimensionale Datenbanksysteme: Modellierung Und Verarbeitung by
Unternehmensweite Datenintegration: Modular-Integrierte Datenlogistik in Betrieblichen Informationssystemen by
Angewandte Informatik Und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren: Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Wolffried Stucky by
Physik: Eine Einführung Für Ingenieure by Gerlach, Eckard, Grosse, Peter
Dagstuhl-Seminar 1997: Effiziente Methoden Der Geometrischen Modellierung Und Der Wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung by
Diskrete Mathematik: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und Anwendungen by
Versus Balnearum: Die Antike Dichtung Über Bäder Und Baden Im Römischen Reich by Busch, Stephan
Qualitätsbestimmende Prozeßparameter Beim Einzelpulsbohren Mit Einem Nd: Yag-Slablaser by Rohde, Hansjörg
Gas- Und Magnetofluiddynamische Maßnahmen Zur Beeinflussung Der Nahtqualität Beim Laserstrahlschweißen by
Latest Contributions to Cross-cultural Psychology by
Mantle Plumes by Orovetskii, Yu P.
Geotechnics for Developing Africa: Proceedings of the 12th regional conference for Africa on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Durban, Sout by
Analytical Framework for Integrated Water Resources Management: IHE monographs 2 by Van Hofwegen, Paul, Jaspers, Frank G. W.
Polluted Sites by Lecomte, Paul
Data Mining: Technologies, Techniques, Tools, and Trends by Thuraisingham, Thuraisingham, Thuraisingham, Thuraisingham, Bhavani
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction in Arid Lands by
From First to Last: The Life of William B. Franklin by Snell, Mark A.
Grundkurs Mathematik Für Bauingenieure by Vetters, Klaus
Modellierung '99: Workshop Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik E.V. (Gi), März 1999 in Karlsruhe by
Energie, Umwelt Und Wirtschaft: Visionen Statt Illusionen by
Holzsysteme Für Den Hochbau: Grundlagen, Systeme, Beispiele by Pinkau, Stephan, Landsberg, Heike
Wastewater Treatment by a Natural Wetland: the Nakivubo Swamp, Uganda by Kansiime, Frank, Maimuna, Nalubega
Innovation Bei Der Stahltechnologie. Das Entwicklungspotential Von Stählen by Schulz, Ekkehard
Analytische Methoden in Der Theorie Der Erhaltungsgleichungen by
Übungsaufgaben Zur Analysis Ü 2 by Wenzel, Horst, Heinrich, Gottfried
Mathematische Bildung Und Neue Technologien: Vorträge Beim 8. Internationalen Symposium Zur Didaktik Der Mathematik Universität Klagenfurt, 28.9. - 2. by
Systemdynamik Und Simulation by
Gründungsbremse Bürokratie: Eine Empirische Studie Auf Basis Des Dta-Gründerpanels by Skambracks, Daniel
Rock Support & Reinforcement Practice in by Thompson a G, Villaescusa
Landslides: Proceedings of the 9th international conference and field trip, Bristol, 16 September 1999 by
Mathematics at Work by Ryffel, Henry
Engineering Formulas: Conversions, Definitions & Tables [With CDROM] by Simms, Frank
Is the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Broken?: If so, How Can We Fix it? by Sidak, Gregory J.
Vibration Spectrum Analysis by Goldman, Steve
Field Measurements in Geomechanics: Proceedings of the 5th international symposium FMGM99, Singapore, 1-3 December 1999 by Leung, C. F., Tan, S. A., Phoon, K. K.
Micromechanics: Overall Properties of Heterogeneous Materials by Hori, Muneo, Nemat-Nasser, Sia
Kommentar Zu Den Kapiteln 74-218 by Hillgruber, Michael
Geschichte und Theorie der Gattung Paian by Schröder, Stephan
Xenophons Symposion by Huss, Bernhard
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology, Volume 11 by
Technical and Military Imperatives: A Radar History of World War 2 by Brown, L.
The ITT Wars: An Insider's View of Hostile Takeovers by Araskog, Rand V.
The Design of Home Appliances for Young and Old Consumers by Freudenthal, A.
Travels to the Nanoworld by Gross, Michael
Evolution, Money, War, and Computers: Non-Traditional Applications of Computational Statistical Physics by Stauffer, Dietrich, Oliveira, Paulo Murilo C. De
The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution by Rand, Ayn
Exact Constraint: Machine Design Using Kinematic Processing by Blanding, Douglass L.
An Intimate History of Killing: Face to Face Killing in Twentieth Century Warfare by Bourke, Joanna
An Introduction to the Mathematics and Methods of Astrodynamics, Revised Edition by R. Battin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Battin, Richard H.
Ceramic Innovations in the 20th Century by
A Review of Decontamination and Decommissioning Technology Development Programs at the Department of Energy by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council
Coloring of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics by Otterstätter, Gisbert
Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering by Mihelcic, James R.
Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration by MacKay, John A., Lerche, Ian
Nonsmooth and Discontinuous Problems of Control and Optimization 1998 by Ukhobotov, V. I., Batukhtin, V. D., Kirillova, F. M.
SRE Shreves Chemical Process Industries Handbook, 5/E by Basta, Nicholas
Defense Industry in the Post-Cold War Era: Corporate Strategies and Public Policy Perspectives by
Nanoscience: Friction and Rheology on the Nanometer Scale by
Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation by Gerez, Sabih H.
Typography: Formation and Transformation by Kunz, Willi
The Finite Element Method in the Static and Dynamic Deformation and Consolidation of Porous Media by Lewis, Roland W., Schrefler, B. a.
Strategien Zur Rechnergestützten Offline-Programmierung Von 3d-Laseranlagen by Bauer, Lothar
Reaktive Abscheidung Von Metalloxiden Auf Polycarbonat Zur Erzeugung Transparenter Verschleißschutzschichten by Markschläger, Patrick
Customer Service Over the Phone: Techniques and Technology for Handling Customers Over the Phone by Coscia, Stephen
Chromatography and Capillary Electrophoresis in Food Analysis by Sorensen, Hilmer, Sorensen, Susanne
Adaptive Personaleinsatzsteuerung in Homogenen Arbeitsgruppen Bei Sequentieller Auftragsstruktur by Hüser, Manfred
The Army in India and the Development of Frontier Warfare, 1849-1947 by Moreman, T.
Bauelemente Und Grundschaltungen by Goerth, Joachim
Norwegian Verbs N Essentials of Grammar by Janus
Superconductivity by Song, S. N., J. B., Ketterson, Ketterson, J. B.
Design Analysis: Mathematical Modeling of Nonlinear Systems by Thompson, David E.
Low-Voltage CMOS VLSI Circuits by Kuo, James B., Lou, Jea-Hong
Statistical Distributions in Engineering by Bury, Karl
Statistical Distributions in Engineering by Bury, Karl
Digitale Verarbeitung analoger Signale / Digital Signal Analysis by Stearns, Samuel D., Hush, Don R.
Applied Neural Networks for Signal Processing by Luo, Fa-Long
Down to Earth: Solid Waste Disposal for Low-Income Countries by Cotton, Andrew, Westlake, Ken, Ali, Mansoor
Electronic Commerce: Zwischenbetriebliche Geschäftsprozesse Und Neue Marktzugänge Realisieren by Deutsch, Markus
Lighting by Pritchard, D. C.
Complex Carbohydrates in Foods by
Canada's National Defence: Volume 2: Defence Organization Volume 42 by Bland, Douglas L.
Transportation Networks: Recent Methodological Advances - Selected Proceedings of the 4th Euro Transportation Meeting by
Positron Annihilation in Semiconductors: Defect Studies by Krause-Rehberg, Reinhard, Leipner, Hartmut S.
Profitable Partnering in Construction Procurement by
Rührtechnik: Theorie Und PRAXIS by Zlokarnik, Marko
Infrared Receptors and the Trigeminal Sensory System: A Collection of Papers by S. Terashima, R.C. Goris Et Al. by
Fuzzy and Neural: Interactions and Applications by Feuring, Thomas, Buckley, James J.
Stability and Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Systems with Applications by Luo, Zheng-Hua, Guo, Bao-Zhu, Morgül, Ömer
Advances in Hemp Research by Ranalli, Paoli
Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs by Firoozabadi, Abbas
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Farewell Fossil Fuels by Borowitz, Sidney
Meßeinrichtung Zur Direkten Unterscheidung Von Luftgetragenen Biotischen Und Abiotischen Partikeln by Kölblin, Rüdiger
Hydrometry: Principles and Practice by
Thinking for a Change: Putting the Toc Thinking Processes to Use by Scheinkopf, Lisa J.
Untersuchungen Von Reinheitssytemen Zur Herstellung Von Halbleiterprodukten by Schließer, Jochen
Passive Vibration Control by Mead, Denys J.
Discrete and Integrated Power Semiconductor Devices: Theory and Applications by Benda, Vítezslav, Grant, Duncan A., Gowar, John
Facilities Operations and Engineering Reference: Thecertified Plant Engineer Reference by Association for Facilities Engineering
Basic Concepts in Environmental Management by Mackenthun, Kenneth M.
Construct Tech for Tall Bldg by Chew, Yit Lin Michael
Autogenous Shrinkage of Concrete: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Organized by Jci (Japan Concrete Institute), Hiroshima, June 13-14, 1998 by
Prüfverfahren Zur Untersuchung Der Partikelkontamination Von Reinstgasversorgungskomponenten by Dorner, Johann
Mosfet Theory and Design by Grung, B. L., Warner, R. M., Jr.
Superconductivity and Superfluidity by Tsuneto, Toshihiko, Tsuneto, T.
A History of Aerodynamics: And Its Impact on Flying Machines by Anderson, John David, Jr., Anderson, Patrick, Jr.
Plasma Processes for Semiconductor Fabrication by Hitchon, W. Nicholas G.
Design and Optimization of Laminated Composite Materials by Gürdal, Zafer, Hajela, Prabhat, Haftka, Raphael T.
Rechnergestützte Gestaltungsvorgaben Und Dialogbausteine Für Grafische Benutzungsschnittstellen by Ilg, Rolf
Geomeasurements by Pulsing Tdr Cables and Probes by Dowding, Charles H., O'Connor, Kevin M.
Ultrafast Dynamics of Quantum Systems: Physical Processes and Spectroscopic Techniques by
Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors by
Haccp in Meat, Poultry and Fish Processing by Pearson, A. M., Dutson, T. R.
Optoelectronic Properties of Inorganic Compounds by
Extrusion of Aluminium Alloys by Sheppard, T.
Logistics and Transportation: Design and Planning by Kasilingam, Raja G.
Chemistry for the Protection of the Environment 3 by
Biophysics of Electron Transfer and Molecular Bioelectronics by
Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems by
Electromagnetic Signals: Reflection, Focusing, Distortion, and Their Practical Applications by Boules, Raouf N., Harmuth, Henning F., Hussain, Malek G. M.
Intelligent Robotic Systems: Design, Planning, and Control by Jacak, Witold
Blind Estimation Using Higher-Order Statistics by
Estimators for Uncertain Dynamic Systems by Matasov, A. I.
Organic Photochromic and Thermochromic Compounds: Main Photochromic Families by
Gaseous Dielectrics VIII by
Structures and Dynamics of Asphaltenes: Edited by Oliver C. Mullins and Eric Y. Sheu by
Handbook of Life Cycle Engineering: Concepts, Models and Technologies by
Rheology of Filled Polymer Systems by Shenoy, A. V.
Specimen Handling, Preparation, and Treatments in Surface Characterization by
General Systems Theory: A Mathematical Approach by Yi Lin
Electromagnetic Absorption in the Copper Oxide Superconductors by Poole Jr, Charles P., Owens, Frank J.
Electromagnetic Shielding Handbook for Wired and Wireless EMC Applications by Tsaliovich, Anatoly
Highly Linear Integrated Wideband Amplifiers: Design and Analysis Techniques for Frequencies from Audio to RF by Sjöland, Henrik
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials by
Advances in Nuclear Dynamics 4 by
Sculptured Surface Machining: Theory and Applications by Jerard, Robert B., Choi, Byoung K.
Circuit Analysis for Power Engineering Handbook by Zarudi, Moses, Shenkman, Arieh L.
Tungsten: Properties, Chemistry, Technology of the Element, Alloys, and Chemical Compounds by Schubert, Wolf-Dieter, Lassner, Erik
The Economics, Technology and Content of Digital TV by
Computer-Aided Maintenance: Methodologies and Practices by
Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors by
Transfer Phenomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and Electroconducting Flows by Alemany, A., Thibault, J. P., Marty, Ph.
Handbook of Total Quality Management by
Chemical Nomenclature by K, J. Thurlow, Thurlow, K. J.
Esd Program Management: A Realistic Approach to Continuous Measurable Improvement in Static Control by Dangelmayer, G. Theodore
Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits: Tools and Techniques by
Environmental Quality: Risk Assessment Handbook Volume I - Human Health Evaluation (Engineer Manual EM 200-1-4) by Us Army Corps of Engineers
Naval Operations Analysis: Third Edition by
October Sky by Hickam, Homer H.
Übungsaufgaben Zur Analysis Ü 1 by Heinrich, Gottfried, Wenzel, Horst
Lasersystem Aus Kohärent Gekoppelten Grundmode-Diodenlasern by Bartelt-Berger, Lars
Control of Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equation Systems with Applications to Chemical Processes by Kumar, Aditya
Industrial Ecology: Environmental Chemistry and Hazardous Waste by Manahan, Stanley E.
Forged in War: The Naval-Industrial Complex and American Submarine Construction, 1940-1961 by Weir, Gary E.
Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier by Clancy, Tom
Design, Construction and Operation: Small Wastewater Systems (Engineer Manual 1110-2-501) by Us Army Corps of Engineers
Warriors of the Rising Sun: A History of the Japanese Military by Edgerton, Robert B.
Microbiological Analysis of Food and Water: Guidelines for Quality Assurance by Lightfoot, N. F., Maier, E. a.
Waves and Fields in Inhomogenous Media by Chew, Weng Cho
Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Petri Net Approach by Zhou, Mengchu, Venkatesh, Kurapati
Subsynchronous Resonance in Power Systems by Agrawal, Basant L., Anderson, Paul M., Van Ness, J. E.
Logical Effort: Designing Fast CMOS Circuits by Sutherland, Ivan, Sproull, Robert F., Harris, David
Conditioning Agents for Hair and Skin by
Problem Solutions for Matrix by Weaver, W.
AT&T Reliability Manual by Klinger, David J., Nakada, Yoshinao, Menendez, Maria A.
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