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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 2002

XSLT fondamental: Avec 20 design patterns prêts à l'emploi by Drix, Philippe
UNIX Schell: Avec 160 exercices corrigés by Goubet, Gilles, Berlat, Abdelmadjid, Bouchaudy, Jean-François
Son et enregistrement by Mac Cormick, Tim, Rumsey, Francis
Sécuriser ses échanges électroniques avec une PKI: Solutions techniques et aspects juridiques by Oble-Laffaire, Marie-Laure, Autret, Thierry, Bellefin, Laurent
Advanced Metallization Conference 2001 (AMC 2001): Volume 17 by
Principles of Emergency Planning and Management by Alexander, David E.
Computational Methods in Environmental Fluid Mechanics by Kolditz, Olaf
Anglo-French Defence Relations Between the Wars by Alexander, M., Philpott, W.
Beyond Mobile: People, Communications and Marketing in a Mobilized World by Svensson, E., Lindgren, M., Jedbratt, J.
The Changing Face of Military Power: Joint Warfare in an Expeditionary Era by Dorman, A., Uttley, M., Smith, M.
The Future of Mobile Communications: Awaiting the Third Generation by Curwen, P.
Organization of R&d: An Evaluation of Best Practices by Nath, P., Mrinalini, N.
Logistik-Management: Strategien -- Konzepte -- Praxisbeispiele by
Modern Control Engineering by Paraskevopoulos, Paraskevopoulos, Paraskevopoulos, P. N.
Making Supply Chain Management Work: Design, Implementation, Partnerships, Technology, and Profits by Ayers, Ayers B., Ayers, James
Geothermal Energy Resources for Developing Countries by Chandrasekharam, D., Bundschuh, J.
Practical Guide to Pressure Vessel Manufacturing by Pullarcot, Sunil, Pullarcot, Pullarcot Kumar
Managing Water Well Deterioration: IAH International Contributions to Hydrogeology 22 by McLaughlan, Robert
Perfect Harmony: The Intertwining Lives of Animals and Humans Throughout History by Caras, Roger
Landslides: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Landslides, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-26 June 2002 by
How to Do Everything with Your Blackberry by
Ethernet-Based Metro Area Networks by Minoli, Daniel, Johnson, Peter, Minoli, Emma
Air-Mech-Strike: Asymmetric Maneuver Warfare for the 21st Century by Liebert Usar, Ltc Richard D., Wass de Czege, Grange, David L.
Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials: Proceedings of the 4h Seminar, Sheffield, 1-2 September 1998 by
Water System Security: A Field Guide by Awwa
Piles in Hydrotechnical Engineering by Kolesnikov, Yu M., Fedorovsky, V. G., Kurillo, S. V.
In-situ Characterization of Rocks by Saxena, K. R., Sharma, V. M.
Hydraulics of Stepped Chutes and Spillways by Chanson, Hubert
Learned and Applied Soil Mechanics: A tribute to Dr Arnold Verruijt, TUD by
Constitutive and Centrifuge Modelling: Two Extremes: Proceedings of the Workshop on Constitutive and Centrifuge Modelling, Monte Verità, Switzerland, by
Computational Structural Dynamics: Proceedings of the International Workshop, IZIIS, Skopje, Macedonia, 22-24 February 2001 by
Basic and Applied Salt Mechanics: Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Salt, Bucharest, 9-11 August 1999 by
Mine Ventilation: Proceedings of the North American/Ninth US Mine Ventilation Symposium, Kingston, Canada, 8-12 June 2002 by
Rock Scour Due to Falling High-Velocity Jets by
Stability of Rock Structures: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference ICADD-5, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 6-10 October 2002 by
Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Adelaide, Sep by
Vibratory Pile Driving and Deep Soil Compaction: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Screw Piles, Brussels, 2003 by
Consensus for the Lay-Up of Boilers: Turbines, Turbine Condensers, and Auxiliary Equipment by
Planung in Der Krise?: Theoretische Orientierungen Für Architektur, Stadt- Und Raumplanung by Schönwandt, Walter
Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics by Hall, Bert S.
Wavelets and Subband: Fundamentals and Applications by Abbate, Agostino, Decusatis, Casimer, Das, Pankaj K.
New Aspects in Phosphorus Chemistry I by
Endocrine Disruptors: Part II by
Dynamics of Structures: Second Edition by Humar, J.
Observing Our Environment from Space - New Solutions for a New Millennium: Proceedings of the 21st Earsel Symposium, Paris, France, 14-16 May 2001 by
Earth Observation Data Policy and Europe by Harris, Ray
Performance of Bituminous and Hydraulic Materials in Pavements: Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium, Bitmat4, Nottingham, Uk, 11-12 April 200 by
Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Clays: From Nano-Scale to Engineering Applications: Proceedings of the Workshop, Maratea, 38-30 June 2001 by
Bearing Capacity of Roads Volume 2 by Correia, A. Gomes
Finite Elements in Civil Engineering Applications: Proceedings of the Third Diana World Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11 October 2002 by
Design and Application of the Worm Gear by Crosher, William P.
Poems in Steel: National Socialism and the Politics of Inventing from Weimar to Bonn by Gispen, Kees
Model Induction from Data: Towards the Next Generation of Computational Engines in Hydraulics and Hydrology by Dibike, Y. B.
Study Guide for the Certification of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Professionals (Gdtp) by Nickolaisen, Robert H.
Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures by
Refrig Licens Exam by Mejias, Antonio, Arco
The Royal Navy and the Capital Ship in the Interwar Period: An Operational Perspective by Moretz, Joseph
Air-Mech-Strike: Asymmetric Maneuver Warfare for the 21st Century by Grange, David L., Liebert Usar, Ltc Richard D., Wass de Czege
North American Tunneling 2002: Proceedings of the Nat Conference, Seattle, 18-22 May 2002 by
For Math and Science Wizards by Burnett, Betty
Careers in Outer Space: New Business Opportunities by Willett, Edward
How Do Airplanes Fly? by Williams, Zachary
Recycling a Can by MacGregor, Cynthia
Durability Analysis of Composite Systems 2001: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Duracosys 2001, Tokyo, 6-9 November 2001 by
Bearing Capacity of Roads by Correia, A. Gomes
Chemical Sensors for Hostile Environments by
Recent Developments in Electronic Materials and Devices by
Environmental Issues and Waste Management Technologies in the Ceramic and Nuclear Industries VII by
Microcontroller Projects Using the Basic Stamp by Williams, Al
Smart Structures: Applications and Related Technologies by
Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance by
Introduction to Engineering by Wright, Paul H.
Welding Fabrication and Repair: Questions & Answers by Marlow, Frank
Evaluation of Demonstration Test Results of Alternative Technologies for Demilitarization of Assembled Chemical Weapons: A Supplemental Review for Dem by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Army Science and Technology
Dynamic Modeling for Marine Conservation by
Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship by Clancy, Tom, Gresham, John
RETURN OF THE NAMES OF THE OFFICERS IN THE ARMY Who receive PENSIONS for the loss of Limbs, or for wounds etc. by Press, Naval &. Military
Nitrification by Gerardi, Michael H.
Alles über Minischweine: Die Wiesenaver- oder: "wat willste denn mit Minischweine?" by Berger-Lenz, Monika, Schwarz, Peter
The Experience: How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace by Arussy, Lior
Dealing with Consumer Uncertainty: Public Relations in the Food Sector by Bergmann, Karin
Variable Structure Systems: Towards the 21st Century by
An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets by Buckley, James J., Eslami, Esfandiar
Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control by
Polymers for Photonics Applications I by
Thermo-And Fluid-Dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines: Selected Papers from the Thiesel 2000 Conference Held in Valencia, Spain, September 13-15, 2000 by
The Workbook for Successfully Managing Change in Organizations: A User's Guide by Thomas, Stephen
Process Analyzer Sample-Conditioning System Technology by Sherman, Robert E.
The Telecom Handbook: Understanding Telephone Systems and Services by Laino, Jane
Elements of Gas Dynamics by Liepmann, H. W., Roshko, A.
Ein Konzept für den Zielplanungsprozeß einer Fabrikplanung ausgehend von der Unternehmensstrategie und unter Berücksichtigung eines turbulenten Untern by Peschke, Holger
Mathematik Für Bauingenieure: Eine Rechnergestützte Einführung by Biehounek, Josef, Schmidt, Dirk
Grundlagen Der Cmos-Technologie by Giebel, Thomas
Elektronik: Einführung Für Alle Studiengänge by Herberg, Reiner
Supramolecular Organization and Materials Design by
Industrial Mathematics: Case Studies in the Diffusion of Heat and Matter by Fulford, Glenn, Broadbridge, Philip
Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-Urban Communities: Book 2. Additional Notes for Policy Makers and Plan by Deverill, Paul
Water Supply Surveillance: A Reference Manual by Howard, Guy
Konzept für ein Informationssystem zum Grundwasserschutz am Beispiel einer Wassergewinnung in Schwerte by Kaltenhäuser, Gunter
Emergency Sanitation: Assessment and Programme Design by Harvey, Peter
Designing Water Supply and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-Urban Communities: Book 1. Concept, Principles and Practice by Deverill, Paul
Water on the Great Plains: Issues and Policies by
The Quality of the Environment by McCamy
Water Quality Surveillance: A Practical Guide by Howard, Guy
Tragverhalten von Stahl-Glas-Verbundkonstruktionen by Terfloth, Georg
Numerical Calculation of EMC Effects on Printed Circuit Boards by Groth, Holger, Brücker, Markus, Öing, Stefan
County Lieutenancies and the Army 1803-1814 by Fortescue, The J. W.
ROYAL LEICESTERSHIRE REGIMENT, 17TH FOOTA history of the years 1928 to 1956. by Underhill, Ed Brig W. E.
Major-General Sir Frederick S. Roberts by Low, Charles Rathbone
General Lord Wolseley (of Cairo): A Memoir by Low, Charles Rathbone
The Comparative Study of Conscription in the Armed Forces by
Consumers Guide to Cell Phones and Wireless Service Plans by Syngress
MEMS and NEMS: Systems, Devices, and Structures by Lyshevski, Sergey Edward
Evaluation of Alternative Technologies for Disposal of Liquid Wastes from the Explosive Destruction System by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Army Science and Technology
Dendrimers and Other Dendritic Polymers by
Warfare in the Western World, 1882-1975 by Black, Jeremy
Construction Management Practice 2e by Fellows, Richard F., Langford, David, Newcombe, Robert
Regions of War and Peace by Lemke, Douglas
Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors and Superfluids by
Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media by
The Origin of Turbulence in Near-Wall Flows by Boiko, A. V., Grek, Genrih R., Dovgal, A. V.
Piezoelectric Sensorics: Force Strain Pressure Acceleration and Acoustic Emission Sensors Materials and Amplifiers by Gautschi, Gustav
Gradient-Index Optics: Fundamentals and Applications by Bao, C., Gomez-Reino, C., Perez, M. V.
Mechanisches Verhalten Von Fichtenholz: Experimentelle Bestimmung Der Biaxialen Festigkeitseigenschaften by Eberhardsteiner, Josef
Organisation in Der Produktionstechnik 3: Arbeitsvorbereitung by Eversheim, Walter
Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas by Wong, Kin-Lu
Chemistry and the Chemical Industry: A Practical Guide for Non-Chemists by Jackson, Harold L., Smiley, Robert A.
Standard Handbook of Plant Engineering by Rosaler, Robert C.
Lokale Gitteroptimierung für einen objektbasierten Bewegtbildcodec by Hornig, Holger
Verfahrenstechnik Der Grundwasserhaltung by Vahland, Rainer, Schnell, Wolfgang
Electrodynamics of Solids by Dressel, Martin, Grüner, George
Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in Matter by Dressel, Martin, Gruner, George
Industrial Mathematics by Fulford, Glenn R., Broadbridge, Philip
Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology, and Applications by
Capillary Surfaces: Shape -- Stability -- Dynamics, in Particular Under Weightlessness by Langbein, Dieter W.
Software Frameworks and Embedded Control Systems by Pasetti, Alessandro
The Role of Customary Courts by Okany, M.
Statistics for Environmental Engineers by Brown, Linfield C., Berthouex, Paul Mac
Soldiers of the Raj by De Rhe Philipe, George William
Recent Advances in Hydride Chemistry by
New Zealand Medal 1845-47, 1860-66 the Abyssinian War Medal 1867 to the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines by Fevyer, W. H.
A History of Modern Wars of Attrition by Malkasian, Carter
Imaging Spectrometry: Basic Principles and Prospective Applications by
On-Chip Esd Protection for Integrated Circuits: An IC Design Perspective by Wang, Albert Z. H.
Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers by Connelly, Michael J.
Electrochemical Activation of Catalysis: Promotion, Electrochemical Promotion, and Metal-Support Interactions by Pliangos, Costas, Vayenas, Costas G., Bebelis, Symeon
Microwave Superconductivity by
Intelligent Control Systems: An Introduction with Examples by Gerzson, M., Szederkényi, Gábor, Lakner, R.
Analog Circuit Design: Scalable Analog Circuit Design, High Speed D/A Converters, RF Power Amplifiers by
Normal Modes and Localization in Nonlinear Systems by
Hydrological Dimensioning and Operation of Reservoirs: Practical Design Concepts and Principles by Asante-Duah, K., Nagy, I. V., Zsuffa, I.
Design-Oriented Analysis of Structures: A Unified Approach by Kirsch, Uri
Perspectives of Fullerene Nanotechnology by
Nanocrystalline Metals and Oxides: Selected Properties and Applications by
Case Studies in Infrastructure Delivery by Miller, John B.
Microwave Superconductivity by
Feedback Amplifiers: Theory and Design by Pennisi, Salvatore, Palumbo, Gaetano
Unsaturated Soil Concepts and Their Application in Geotechnical Practice by
CMOS Cellular Receiver Front-Ends by Janssens, Johan, Steyaert, Michiel
Synthesis and Control of Discrete Event Systems by
Optical Microscanners and Microspectrometers Using Thermal Bimorph Actuators by Lammel, Gerhard, Schweizer, Sandra, Renaud, Philippe
Mission Geometry; Orbit and Constellation Design and Management: Spacecraft Orbit and Attitude Systems by Wertz, J. R.
Inventing Ourselves Out of Jobs?: America's Debate Over Technological Unemployment 1929-1981 by Bix, Amy Sue
BRL-CAD Tutorial Series: Volume I: Overview and Installation by Butler, Lee A., Edwards, Eric W.
Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink by Dupuis, E. Melanie
Arbitration in Air, Space and Telecommunications Law: Enforcing Regulatory Measures by The Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Bureau of
Advances in Flavours and Fragrances: From the Sensation to the Synthesis by
Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables: Science, Technology, and Market by Lamikanra, Olusola, Lamikanra, Lamikanra
Blueprint Reading: Fundamentals for the Water and Wastewater Maintenance Operator by Drinan, Joanne, Spellman, Frank R.
Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink by Dupuis, E. Melanie
Components of System Safety: Proceedings of the Tenth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Southampton, Uk, 2002 by
Inventing the 19th Century: 100 Inventions That Shaped the Victorian Age, from Aspirin to the Zeppelin by Dulken, Stephen Van
Bluetooth Application Developer's Guide [With CDROM] by Syngress
Aris -- Vom Geschäftsprozess Zum Anwendungssystem by Scheer, August-Wilhelm
A Dream of Wings: Americans and the Airplane, 1875-1905 by Crouch, Tom D.
Kaizen for the Shop Floor: A Zero-Waste Environment with Process Automation by Productivity Press Development Team
Secret Weapons of World War II by Breuer, William B.
The Brilliance of Bioenergy: In Business and in Practice by Sims, Ralph E. H.
Chassis Design by Milliken, William F., Milliken, Douglas L.
The Dynamics of Coercion: American Foreign Policy and the Limits of Military Might by Byman, Daniel
Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling by Bennett, Gordon D., Zheng, Chunmiao
Audio/Video Cabling Guide Pocket Reference by Lampen, Stephen H.
Satellite Personal Communications for Future-Generation Systems: Final Report: Cosy 252 Action by
A Guide to International Competitive Telecommunications by Retske, Gene
Disaster Survival Guide for Business Communications Networks: Strategies for Planning, Response, and Recovery in Date and Telecom Systems by Grigonis, Richard
Mechanics of Random and Multiscale Microstructures by
Human Factors for Highway Engineers by
Deployable Structures by
Swimming Lessons: Keeping Afloat in the Age of Technology by Ehrenfeld, David
Transforming Technology: A Critical Theory Revisited by Feenberg, Andrew
Creating the International Space Station by Catchpole, John E., Harland, David M.
Feast and Famine: A History of Food in Ireland 1500-1920 by Crawford, E. Margaret, Clarkson, Le A.
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis by West, Harry H., Geschwindner, Louis F.
Zusatzstoffe aus rechtlicher, technologischer und ernährungsphysiologischer Perspektive unter Berücksichtigung der neuen Zusatzstoffzulassungsverordnu by Schwarz, Mathias
Iron in Aluminium Alloys: Impurity and Alloying Element by Eskin, Dmitry G., Belov, N. a., Aksenov, A. a.
Protein-Based Films and Coatings by
Hierarchical Operations and Supply Chain Planning by Miller, Tan C.
The Nile Basin: National Determinants of Collective Action by Waterbury, John
The Middle East Water Question: Hydropolitics and the Global Economy by Allan, Tony
The Spike: How Our Lives Are Being Transformed by Rapidly Advancing Technologies by Broderick, Damien
See More